Sunday Service



CityChurch exists to nurture a welcoming and joyful community where everyone can experience life-changing spirituality as they follow the way of Christ.


  • 7.10.22 Who Is My Neighbor?

    17/07/2022 Duration: 30min

    "Who is my Neighbor?"

  • 7.10.22 Who Is My Neighbor?

    17/07/2022 Duration: 30min

    7.10.22 Who Is My Neighbor? by CityChurch

  • 6.26.22 Free To Walk By The Spirit

    01/07/2022 Duration: 36min

    Contrary to popular belief, Christian freedom has nothing to do with constitutional rights (free speech, the right to bear arms, freedom to practice religion). Christian freedom, on the contrary, comes through a relationship with the Holy Spirit, who enables believers to live a life characterized by love, peace, joy and self-control (among other things). Free in the spirit, a Christian no longer needs to be enslaved to jealousy, anger, rage, sexual immorality and the like, but is free to choose something higher, something better--for the sake of God and our neighbor. Do all Christians use their freedom for noble purposes? Nope. But that's why we pondered Paul's letter to the Galatians last Sunday.

  • 06.19.22 The Law Guides, But Jesus Saves

    24/06/2022 Duration: 34min

    Some of us are all-in rule followers by nature. Others of us swing the opposite direction. The Apostle Paul says that in the end, the Law of Moses is a great teacher, but following it religiously is not what brings us into true closeness with God.

  • 06.19.22 The Holy Spirit Is For Everyone

    16/06/2022 Duration: 32min

    Jesus never intended to leave his disciples (or us) on their own. Instead he sends the Holy Spirit to you, to me, to all believers, for the benefit of everyone--even those who don't know the Lord. Listen in to discern how the Holy Spirit might give you words of encouragement and hope for those around you.