Business Is Chess Not Checkers



Practical everyday business advice for those looking to start a new business or small business owners and solopreneurs. Including tools & tips from expert guests and advice on resources covering everything from social media to networking for new business.


  • 026 Six Month Round Up & Final Show

    02/12/2015 Duration: 18min

    In this final episode we summarise the topics we have covered over the last six months - our experiences both good and bad. If you want to find out more about us, here are some links:   TRISH http://www.trishtaylorcoaching   JAY @authenticspeak

  • 025 Scheduling Posts - Buffer or SocialOomph ?

    25/11/2015 Duration: 13min

    We revisit an earlier discussion topic - scheduling posts on social media, and compare our experiences of using Buffer and SoicalOomph.   LINKS

  • 024 Virtual Assistants

    18/11/2015 Duration: 18min

    Trish & Jay discuss the merits and options of working with virtual assistants. LINKS   BOOK 4 Hour Work Week, Tim Ferriss

  • 023 Movies That Inspire Us In Business

    11/11/2015 Duration: 23min

    This week we talk about movies we found inspiring because of the messages we can apply to our own lives and approach to business.   MOVIES Pusruit Of Happyness Steve Jobs Jerry McGuire Field Of Dreams

  • 022 Do You Really Need Office Space?

    04/11/2015 Duration: 13min

    This week we discuss whether in this day and age, we really need to incur the costs of renting office space. Both Trish & Jay have different ways in which they approach this.

  • 021 Spectre World Premiere - 007 & Business

    28/10/2015 Duration: 11min

    This episode was recorded on the day of the new James Bond movie World Premiere - just before Jay is about to leave to get on the red carpet and have a look at that Aston Martin...! Trish & Jay talk about the brand that is 007 and how we can get inspiration from something that has endured over half a century.

  • 020 How Public Speaking Can Benefit Your Business Part II

    21/10/2015 Duration: 16min

    In Part II of how speaking can benefit your business, we give a real life Dragons Den/Shark Tank case study that Trish experienced when pitching for funding - to demonstrate the pitfalls of not being well prepared. Some other talking points covered: - Enhancing audience experience - Back-up plans and kit bag to cover all bases - Slides as your support act - Keyboard shortcuts for your slides - Why stories/metaphors/case studies work & how to use them LINK TO BOOK:

  • 019 How Public Speaking Can Benefit Your Business

    14/10/2015 Duration: 12min

    In this episode Trish interviews Jay about how public speaking can benefit your business. Topics covered: - The most important thing: your audience - How to increase your confidence - Using notes the right way - Adding value for the audience   LINK TO JAY'S BOOK:

  • 018 Rapport For Business Part II

    07/10/2015 Duration: 18min

    In this second episode on rapport we discuss how to gain it quickly. We look at matching and mirroring of body language and gestures, level and tone of voice, as well as finding similarities in the subjects we choose to discuss. We consider why it may be important to get into rapport with strangers and how it can be a benefit to our business. We question how can we find similarities even when we may have little in common with the other person and Trish shares her top tips on gaining instant rapport. 

  • 017 Rapport For Business Part I

    30/09/2015 Duration: 14min

    In the first of 2 podcasts on rapport we talk about what rapport is and why we may sometimes want to break rapport; we also discover that Jay and Trish have very different ways of dealing with strangers on trains and planes!   In simple terms rapport is the art of getting to know and get along with people. Wouldn’t it be great to have that feeling when you instantly feel comfortable with someone who you have just met? In NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) we learn tools and techniques to shortcut the process of rapport building.

  • 016 Benefits & Pitfalls Of Technology

    23/09/2015 Duration: 05min

    This week we were unable to record our normal show with both of us over Skype due to tech failure! This happens from time to time and so Trish recorded this episode to talk about the implications of tech failure. LINK Here is an article which talks about Skype & alternatives:

  • 015 Sticking With Your Dream - Interview With Darren Dutson-Bromley

    16/09/2015 Duration: 10min

    This week we have a another special guest - Darren Dutson-Bromley. Trish interviewed him whilst over in the UK recently. Darren is a jazz guitarist and entrepreneur - in this interview you'll get to hear about how he made a living out of something he loves: playing and teaching guitar. We hope you'll be inspired to stick with your dream, be encouraged to think outside the box and be inspired by this short yet insightful glimpse into's Darren's world. LINK

  • 014 Marketing Perspective - June Dennis

    11/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    This week Trish was over in the UK and recorded this interview with June Dennis - Head of University of Wolverhampton Business School and international speaker. Some valuable insights on: - What marketing really means - Getting the right product, price and target customer at the right time - Common mistakes people make - How to leverage/scale your efforts

  • 013 Business Books We Recommend

    02/09/2015 Duration: 12min

    Between us we own and have read so many valuable books that help us with our business - from new ideas to useful techniques. Here are a few we picked out to discuss in this podcast: BOOKS Never Eat Alone, Keith Ferrazzi The Start Up of You, Ried Hoffman & Ben Casnocha Contagious Why Things Catch On, Jonah Berger   The power of starting something stupid, Richie Norton    The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz LINKS  

  • 012 Mailing Lists & Tools

    26/08/2015 Duration: 13min

    In this episode we talk about how to manage your database of contacts using free or paid options and how we encourage people to join our list of contacts. Here is a breakdown of topics: - Why keeping in touch is important - Newsletters and adding value - Professional templates versus personal email account - Mailchimp versus Aweber - Finding balance between regular contact and being annoying!   LINKS

  • 011 Saying No

    19/08/2015 Duration: 10min

    Sometimes, especially in the early days of starting a business, it can be hard to turn away business and say no. However, not everyone is our client - they may not be a good fit for us or vice versa.  In this episode, we both share experiences when we have turned down clients and explain why. We talk about setting boundaries and having a policy in place to know when to say no in a business situation. READ Here is a link to the book we mention: "No Excuses" Brain Tracy:

  • 010 Finding Balance

    12/08/2015 Duration: 08min

    When we work for ourselves we often think that we don't have time to take a break or we feel guilty. In this episode we share about how beneficial we've both found breaks to be and how balance is important. Turn not working 9-5 to your advantage! Here is the Brian Tracy book Trish mentioned: READ

  • 009 Advanced Twitter Strategies

    05/08/2015 Duration: 13min

    There are many more ways in which we can use Twitter for tracking, organising and engaging - and in this episode we talk about: - Quote Tweets - Sharing links on Facebook, Email, Texts - Using analytics to find out how engaged your audience is - Scheduling Tweets in advance and how to do it   LINKS

  • 008 Free Images For Social Media & Blogs

    29/07/2015 Duration: 15min

    Adding images to social media posts and blogs make them much more appealing and more likely to be read & shared. Finding the right image that is of high quality can be a challenge though.  In this episode we talk about finding cost effective images to suit your budget and suggest sites where you can obtain images that don't cost anything. Another important point to be aware of is that in many cases permission is required to use images obtained from other sites. We explain the relevance of "Royalty Free" images. Finally, we share our experiences of creating our own images when we can't find the right image to match our message. Canva is a user friendly site that lets you create all sorts of images and social media banners at no cost or low cost. Here are the links to the sites we talk about:

  • 007 Twitter Basics

    22/07/2015 Duration: 19min

    If you are fairly new to twitter it can be confusing and seem like a huge time commitment. In this episode we talk about how Twitter differs from Facebook and the advantages of using Twitter.  Here are some tips we cover: - Who to follow and how find followers - Twitter rules about balancing who you follow with your followers - When and how to unfollow people - When and what to post - Strategies for finding time to post - Scheduling posts in batches - Interacting the right way - What are trending hashtags   Links we mentioned:

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