Emmanuel Baptist Church



Weekly sermon audio from Emmanuel Baptist Church in Mora, Minnesota


  • 1 Samuel 22 | How To Build a Kingdom


    If you want to build an amazing sports franchise, you will try to sign the biggest, best, and most talented athletes. If you run a company, you'll want to hire the brightest and most competent candidates. If you want to build a government, you would want the wisest and. the most strategic people around you. But God builds his kingdom in a much different way than the world. In this message, we find out how David built his kingdom. And it is a foreshadowing of how Christ would build his kingdom. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Date: May 19, 2024

  • 1 Samuel 21 | The Proper Response to Fear


    We all have different fears; most are harmless, and you just learn how to deal with them. But how are we supposed to respond to those big, legitimate fears that happen in life? How do we respond when waiting for the test results to come back from the doctor? What do we do when we know that our children are spiraling into ruin? How do we compose ourselves when the storms of life threaten to change everything? Where do we go when our physical safety is in jeopardy, when our livelihood is on the brink of collapse when we are lonely and desperately afraid of our thoughts? It is those types of fears that we encounter in 1 Samuel 21. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Date: May 12, 2024

  • 1 Samuel 20 | Covenant Loyalty


    Where do we turn when the life goes off of the rails? Who do we run to when things are uncontrollably difficult? In 1 Samuel 20, we find a picture of what we are to do and who we are to run to – the covenant faithfulness of God. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Date: May 5, 2024

  • 1 Samuel 19 | 1 Samuel 19 | God's Protection in Dark Days


    How do you respond when things don’t go as planned? What do you do when unexpected suffering shows up? When the doctor calls you in after a normal physical and hits you with the news you never thought you’d hear. When your teenager has been out with friends and the sheriff shows up at your door and asks you to sit down. When your spouse, seemingly out of the blue, tells you they are no longer in love with you and that they are leaving you for someone else that they’ve been with for some time now. How do you handle life when your smoke alarm goes off at 2AM and you are forced out of your home? What do you do when your reputation is unjustifiably tarnished because of a toxic conflict with a neighbor, co-worker, or parent? What do you do when suffering shows up? Who do you call? Where do you run to and take refuge? Where is God? How do we view this in terms of being a follower of Jesus Christ?

  • 1 Samuel 18:17-30 | When Kingdoms Collide


    Every one of us is living in one of two kingdoms: either we are living in the kingdom of self, where we set the rules and expect everyone else to follow them, or we are living in the Kingdom of Christ, where there is grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Date: April 21, 2024

  • 1 Samuel 18:1-16 | Two Loves


    It is possible to love both chocolate chip ice cream and cookie dough ice cream. It's okay like classical and pop music. It isn't okay, or possible, to love Jesus and anything else at the same time. In this message, Pastor Mike walks us through our tendencies to love ourselves above all, and how to get out of that rut and love Jesus fully and finally. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Date: April 14, 2024

  • Resurrection Hope (Easter Sunday, 2024)


    Is the resurrection of Jesus true? And if so, what does it mean for us? In this Easter message, Pastor Mike gives us reasons why we can not only trust the resurrection but find new life in it. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Date: March 31, 2014

  • Good Friday 2024


    Some of Jesus' last words were quotes from Psalm 22. But how does this cry and this Psalm fit into our lives? That's what we look at in this message on Good Friday. Speaker: Mike Rue Date: Friday, March 29, 2024

  • 1 Samuel 17 | Holding Out for a Hero


    It's one of the most famous biblical stories, but have been reading it all wrong? Are we meant to think of ourselves as Davids who need to run at our giants? In this message, we take a deeper look at the story of David and Goliath and find that we aren't supposed to think of ourselves as Davids, but rather as the ones who are holding out for a hero to take care of our giants for us. Praise the Lord, that we have that hero in Jesus.

  • 1 Samuel 16:14-23 | Transfer of Power


    1 Samuel 16:14-23 is all about the beginning of the transition of power from Saul to David. However, in this short vignette, we find out that this transition of power is vital for us today. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Date: March 17, 2024 For more information, visit us online at www.emmanuelmora.com

  • 1 Samuel 16:1-13 | Seeing As God Sees


    1 Samuel 16 puts us smack dab in the middle of Israel’s illusion, or maybe a better word for it is delusion. Israel had rejected God as their King and had instead opted to anoint a king of their own choosing - one that was like the other nations - impressive in stature, powerful in battle, and efficient in leadership. And he certainly delivered, to a certain extent. He was able to score some victories on the battlefield, provide national stability, and so on. But he was nothing but an illusion of strength. He was disobedient to the Lord. He was leading God’s people but was leading from a position of self-reliance and self-sufficiency. His leadership quickly became a disaster; unless the Lord intervened, God’s people would follow. Saul’s leadership is a perfect example of what happens when God’s people see things through their own eyes, rather than God’s. 1 Samuel 16 is all about putting on new lenses. Lenses that will never deceive, will never trick, and will never lead you into disaster. 1 Samuel 16 is all

  • Ephesians 6:21-24 | Closing Arguments


    The end of the letter of Paul; to the Ephesians is packed with practical help to live lives that are pleasing to the Lord. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Series: The Great Remodel Date: March 3, 2024

  • Ephesians 6:10-20 | Putting on the Full Armor of God


    The gospel is meant to shape every aspect of our lives. Sometimes, however, bad things get in the way. How can we daily work towards the gospel's influence in our lives? Ephesians 6:10-20 tells us that we must put on God's armor. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Series: The Great Remodel February 25, 2024

  • Ephesians 6:1-4 | Children, Parents, and the Gospel


    To be truly redemptive, the gospel must apply to all areas of life. Ephesians 6:1-4 applies to all of us because we are all either parents or children ourselves. In this message, Pastor Mike walks us through how to glorify God in both. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Series: The Great Remodel: Placing the Roof Date February 11, 2024

  • Marriage, Christ, and. the Church (Ephesians 5:22-33) | The Great Remodel


    In order to be the church that Jesus wants us to be, we need to be the individuals God wants us to be. For most of us, in order to be the individuals that Jesus wants us to be, we need to have the marriages that God wants us to have. What does that mean and what does that look like? Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Series: The Great Remodel February 4, 2024

  • Living Wisely | Ephesians 5:15-21


    In order to be the church Jesus wants us to be, we first have to be the individuals that Jesus wants us to be. Therefore, in Ephesians 5:15-21, Paul encourages us to live wisely and live by the Spirit. It's easier said than done, however. Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Series: The Great Renovation Date: January 28, 2024

  • Living As Light | Ephesians 5:3-14


    As we move toward who we are as a church, we need to once again take a look at our individual lives and see how the gospel shapes every part of us. Text: Ephesians 5:3-14 Speaker: Pastor Mike Rue Series: The Great Remodel - Placing the Rafter January 21, 2024

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