Total Party Kill



TPK - Total Party Kill. Our little Pathfinder group has decided to pick up the Giantslayer Adventure Path, and we're sharing our shenanigoats with the rest of the world.


  • Episode 209: Roy Panic at the Temple

    29/06/2017 Duration: 54min

    How many of these claymen are there? And who even knows what they are?! At least our heroes know that they are gross; that has to count for something. There's something inside! Tootsie Pop Oozes, or something! Erm, should Gurn be turned on if they come onto him? Wait... Gurn? Why so quiet? STRUGGLE!

  • Episode 208: Seeing Things is Dumb

    27/06/2017 Duration: 37min

    The temple is in sight! But... no one can seem to open the door to get inside. Calling this a temple seems to be a bit much, though. It's definitely more akin to a brick factory. Or at least our heroes could consider it in that light, if they could see inside all this darkness. Surely there's nothing creeping around in here waiting to pounce on them.

  • Episode 207: The Story of Drowning and Grabbing

    22/06/2017 Duration: 47min

    There's no ambushing coming up here any time soon! Or, at least the group can hope, until a dragon burns their boat or house down. Thankfully, they find a river! Will this lead them the correct way to the last piece of the forge puzzle? Roy's heritage comes into question, again! Definitely something wrong with that guy...