Generous Change



Dream of quitting your day job to become an entrepreneur? Get real, down-and-dirty advice from two real (awesome) women on how (and how not) to start your own business. Jenna Goodman and Nancy Jackson took the leap and quit their jobs as successful fundraisers to go all-in on Generous Change, their nonprofit fundraising consulting company. Follow their entrepreneurial journey. Get tips on how to pitch your business to an investor, build your website, learn social media marketing and video on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Get inspiration to be more productive*, get organized, stop procrastinating and be generous - to yourself, your business and the people you love. *Hint: wine...lots of wine.


  • What's In a Name? Part Two

    11/08/2022 Duration: 52min

    On day 1656, it’s part two of “What’s in a name?” We dig into the “Generous” in Generous Change. It’s amazing how many things one little word can mean. For us, generosity lies in time, attention and opinion. What does “generous” mean to you? When do you feel most generous? When have other people been generous to you? For bonus points, what’s the opposite of generosity for you?

  • What's In a Name? Part One

    11/07/2022 Duration: 46min

    More than 1627 days ago, we chose to name our business (and our podcast!) Generous Change. Coming up with a name was crazy hard! So, we're reflecting on its meaning, how much Generous Change represents not only our business, but who we are and who we want to be for the amazing people we serve. In this episode, we're tackling the "Change" in Generous Change. Turns out, there's a whole lot in a name!

  • Leadership Is...

    15/06/2022 Duration: 40min

    Leaders eat last. Lead from every seat. Leaders are made not born. When it comes to leadership, you can find plenty of corporate jargon and coffee mug slogans. What we forget is a leader is someone people follow - for good or for bad. On day 1607 of entrepreneurship, we're digging into what leadership really means to us and the kind of leadership we hope for you (hint...the good kind).

  • It's Been A Minute - 048

    23/05/2022 Duration: 53min

    We're still here! But it's been a minute...or six months...since our last podcast. On day 1593 of entrepreneurship we're going behind-the-scenes on where we've been, lessons we've learned, painful personal growth 2022 has forced us into, and where we're goin' if the universe allows it. There's some expletives, hard topics and a few tears, so buckle up.

  • S2E3: Greetings from Santa Fe

    10/11/2021 Duration: 45min

    How do you recenter? Refocus? Recharge? For us, it’s a RETREAT!  What better way to reaffirm your purpose, restate your core values and reignite your excitement than a beautiful getaway? This year, we headed to Santa Fe for great food, a tough hike, a spa experience and 4 days of focused, creative time together . Whether you’re a business-owner, team-leader or just need some time away, we’ll share tips on making your retreat memorable and magical.

  • S2 E2: You're Hired!

    29/10/2021 Duration: 54min

    WE’VE HIRED! As we eek ever-closer to 4 years of entrepreneurship, we’ve hired our very first Chief Growth Officer for Generous Change. We were blown away by the awesome applicants who responded to our job posting. If you’re experiencing any part of The Great Resignation - whether you’re on your own job search or you’re trying to hire someone amazing - we’ll walk step-by-step through each element of our simple, one-page job description and share some tips on how to authentically connect with the person or the company that’s right for you.

  • S2E1: Why We Closed For a Month

    19/10/2021 Duration: 28min

    We closed for one whole month?! If you’ve ever dreamed of a little sabbatical or at least more than the standard 2-weeks of vacation per year, we’re right there with you! In our high hopes to prioritize vacation, we’re exploring how closing the business for 30 days worked…and didn’t. On day 1415 of entrepreneurship, we’re still learning big lessons about how we work, how we play and what balance really looks like.

  • Focus - 044

    21/06/2021 Duration: 50min

    On day 1275 of entrepreneurship, we're at the very edge of launching our brand new major gifts course for small nonprofits called Raise Money. Check it out and register here! Warning: there's a bit of rambling in the first 8 minutes of this long-delayed podcast because we just needed a dang break! After brainstorming, writing, rewriting, filming and full-on creating a new, wildly comprehensive course, we're analyzing the value of FOCUS - where & when & what to focus on, how & why to set boundaries if you really want to accomplish something big and how to avoid the pitfalls of multitasking.

  • Breakthroughs - 043

    05/05/2021 Duration: 52min

    You know that feeling when you've been thinking on something so hard your brain actually hurts? You've just been chewing on it and churning it over and over in your mind and then...wham! have a breakthrough

  • Renewal - 042

    23/03/2021 Duration: 32min

    This winter has been brutal! If you're feeling like a starving, sleepy bear coming out of hibernation, you're not alone. On day 1191 of entrepreneurship, we're overly excited about spring and exploring 4 ways we're experiencing renewal - physically in our diet and exercise

  • The New Better - 041

    05/03/2021 Duration: 41min

    If the phrase "the new normal" makes you puke a little

  • Planning - 040

    01/02/2021 Duration: 41min

    Planning?! 2020 blew up so many of our best-laid plans. So far, 2021 isn't exactly easy breezy, either. When so much feels out of control, what's the point of planning? What if your plans are less about improving yourself and checking the boxes and more about how you want to feel? On day 1142 of entrepreneurship, we're exploring a different kind of planning that's all about resilience, the ability to change your mind, the capacity to truly know, say and do what you want and the awareness of creating daily meaningful memories. We're obsessed with this planner for planning 

  • Reflection - 039

    07/01/2021 Duration: 56min

    2020 may have been the most tumultuous year on record. Generous Change crashed, burned and was reborn. This year shaped us in ways we never expected and, on day 1115 of entrepreneurship, we're reflecting on the good and the terrible. With insane gratitude, a new-found humility and dogged determination, we're asking big questions to make the most of this insane year. What will you take with you from 2020? What do you want to leave behind? What are you most proud of? What do you NEVER want to do again? When did you have the most fun? What made you feel unapologetically YOU? *4-letter words exist in this episode.

  • Selling - 038

    04/12/2020 Duration: 44min

    SLIMY, SMARMY, AGGRESSIVE: When author, Dan Pink, asked 5000 people for the first word that came to their minds when they thought of sales, these were the top three. But, the truth is we are ALL selling EVERY DAY. You sell project ideas to your boss, restaurant choices to your partner and picking up toys to your kids. On day 1087 of entrepreneurship, we're exploring the bright side of selling, its closely maligned cousin - fundraising! - and 4 critical keys to more successful, less slimy & smarmy selling.

  • Winterproofing - 037

    18/11/2020 Duration: 49min

    WINTER IS COMING. On day 1077 of entrepreneurship, it's getting cold here in Kansas. Which means it's dark way too early and there's less time outside. Which just plain sucks. But we're not letting winter bring us down! This episode is all about winterproofing. What are the little things you can do to protect yourself from the winter blues? Can you redefine what cold really means? Will you stock up on soft, warm things and candles? Listen for some tips and tricks we're planning to keep us winterproof during this tough time.

  • First Things First - 036

    09/11/2020 Duration: 47min

    On day 1058, just a few days after our 3-year business-iversary, we're still experiencing firsts. Nancy just bought and moved into her very own beautiful home! Jenna just bought her very first set of wireless headphones (which don't sound as good on the ol' podcast, but sure are comfy on Zoom). The older we get, the less we experience firsts. When's the last time you were a beginner? How can you exercise your courage muscles and try something for the first time? In a year when time is both moving faster than ever and has completely stopped, how can you try something new and make some sweet memories?

  • Trick or Treat Yo Self?!? - 035

    22/10/2020 Duration: 46min

    In the Halloween spirit, we're digging deep into tricks: What tricks do you play on yourself to get through the day, the week or just plain old tough times? What good and bad things have you tricked yourself into believing? And treats: What are your favorite Treat Yo Self moments? Where were you? Who were you with? What can you do now, during this weird time, to treat yourself? On day 1049 of entrepreneurship, we're at different places on the trick or treat yo self spectrum. Nancy's in the middle of 2 monumental changes and Jenna is...well...not. Listen for a few insights into tricks that are no longer serving us, what's working now and little teeny things that feel like big treats. P.S. A huge treat would be YOUR REVIEW of this podcast! It's more fun when we know you're listening, so give us a shout?

  • Rethinking Reviews - 034

    24/09/2020 Duration: 45min

    On day 1037, our 3-person start-up is just 2 months away from being three years old. We're doing grown-up business things like an 8-month review for our fabulous COO, Kelsey. Despite Kelsey's dislike of reviews, we all recognized the power of this one for our company. After many of the scariest months in our lives and the life of this business, we spent hours discussing where we've been, where we are now and where we're going. If you despise reviews - giving them or getting them - try using any of these thought-provoking questions to make your next review motivating, fulfilling and energizing. Proudest success so far?  Up to 3 ways you've grown? How? When?  Where do you most want to grow in the next 6 months? How? Why?  Biggest surprise (other than the obvious pandemic)?  Toughest challenge? Why? How you will/want to overcome it?  One thing you just plain dislike? Why? How could it be better?  Biggest fear? When does it most often pop up? What helps to allay that fear?  Your most favorite-ist thing/moment i

  • Do Less - 033

    10/09/2020 Duration: 43min

    Why is September always so busy? Is it the start of school? Is it because it's the end of summer, so we all feel like we're supposed to get down to business? We’ve heard from so many amazing ladies that they're feeling stretched thin right now. And honestly, always. This feeling of never-enough, has Nancy and me obsessing over this tough question:  Why do we believe our value is measured by how hard we work or how much we do?   To dig into this question and more, we are exploring takeaways from Do Less by Kate Northrup. This simple, straightforward (kinda woo) book stuck with us and and reminds us our value is in who we are not how much we do.

  • Wild & Free - 032

    12/08/2020 Duration: 56min

    On day 1009, Generous Change has gone wild! After a magical time in the mountains, we're feeling recharged, calm and oddly free. Listen for the birds in the background as we explore what makes us feel wild and free. When have you felt most free? What does nature mean to you? When's the last time you did something hard and scary? When, where and with whom do you feel the most you?

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