Go Green Radio



According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the world population is expanding at a mind-boggling rate. The world reached 1 billion people in 1800; 2 billion by 1922; and over 6 billion by 2000. It is estimated that the population will swell to over 9 billion by 2050. That means that if the worlds natural resources were evenly distributed, people in 2050 will only have 25% of the resources per capita that people in 1950 had. If we intend to leave our children and grandchildren with the same standard of living we have enjoyed, we must preserve the foundation of that standard of living. Go Green Radio is the beginning of an important new shift in the way we treat our world. This grassroots program promotes the very best character traits in children and adults: caring for yourself and caring for others. Through simple, responsible behavior shifts, together we can protect human health through environmental stewardship. Go Green Radio airs live every Friday at 9 AM Pacific Time on VoiceAmerica.


  • On the Road Again…how California is “Greening” the State’s Transportation

    16/11/2012 Duration: 55min

    Forty percent of the greenhouse gas emissions in the state of California come from transportation. In an effort to both reduce emissions and air pollution, the California Energy Commission (CEC) has developed the Alternative and Renewable Fuel & Vehicle Technology Program. This program funds a variety of fuel technologies and the infrastructure needed to make those fuels available to California drivers. The program also funds manufacturing capacity, enabling the state to create more jobs in the alternative energy sector. Tune in as we talk with CEC Commissioner Carla Peterman about this landmark investment in 21st century transportation in the Golden State

  • When the Lights Go Down in the City…the Energy Infrastructure Lessons from Super Storm Sandy

    09/11/2012 Duration: 57min

    Power failure on the scale we recently saw with Super Storm Sandy does NOT have to happen. But it will happen, over and over again, unless antiquated energy infrastructure is updated. Today we are joined by Dr. Massoud Amin, a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and member of the IEEE Computer Society's Task Force on Security and Privacy. In the aftermath of the tragic events of 9/11, he directed all security-related research and development at the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, California, including the Infrastructure Security Initiative (ISI) and the Enterprise Information Security (EIS). We will discuss the implications of the power outages along the East Coast; what U.S. utilities need to do to improve their power grid infrastructure; and how green energy alternatives or the smart grid help to prevent/limit future outages.

  • You Make It, You Take It (Back) – Requiring Product Producers to Bear the Cost of Waste Management

    02/11/2012 Duration: 55min

    For as long as anyone can remember, waste management in U.S. neighborhoods has been paid for by residents and commercial ratepayers. What would happen if we turned that system upside down, and required the companies that produce things that end up in our waste stream to deal with it? What do you think would happen to products and packaging if the producers had to take it back, disassemble it, recycle it, turn it into something new, or as a last resort, pay for it to be landfilled? It might result in less packaging, fewer disposable goods, more sustainable products. This concept is called “Extended Producer Responsibility,” and there are state and local governments already passing laws requiring EPR for certain industries. Tune in today as we talk with the Executive Director of the California Product Stewardship Council, Heidi Sanborn.

  • Special Encore Presentation: Eat Your Values. Vote with Your Fork

    26/10/2012 Duration: 57min

    Food is one of the most basic things that all human beings have in common. We don’t all eat the same types of food, but we are all linked to one another in our need for nourishment. Modern agriculture has increased the amount of food that is produced, yet even in America, there are hungry, malnourished children. Additionally, the environmental footprint of modern agriculture places it in direct competition with other industries and consumers for limited resources like oil, water, and minerals. On top of that, the way we as consumers handle our food compounds the environmental impact of our food supply. What we purchase and what we waste can have very negative effects on our air, water and soil quality. Tune in today as we talk with Jonathan Kaplan, the Director of Food and Agriculture and Senior Policy Specialist at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), and Andrea Northup

  • Special Encore Presentation: America’s Military Knows the True Price of Oil and They Are Working on Alternatives

    19/10/2012 Duration: 58min

    Today we’ll be joined by Major General Anthony Jackson, USMC (ret.), Lt. General John Castellaw, USMC (ret.), and retired Republican Senator John Warner, who also served in the Marine Corps and as the Secretary of the Navy from 1972-74. Each will discuss his views on America’s energy future and the need for advanced biofuels in the military. Tune in to hear what our armed forces are doing to conserve energy in every facet of their operations, and how military bases are generating impressive amounts of clean, green energy. Most importantly, listen in to learn why today’s military leaders are so driven to help our nation become self-sufficient in meeting our energy needs, and in the words of Maj. General Jackson, why we need to decide as a nation that we will no longer be content to shed American blood for oil.

  • Ensuring “Green” Jobs Are Good Jobs – AFL-CIO’s Position on the Green Economy and Climate Change

    12/10/2012 Duration: 56min

    Our nation, and our world, is transitioning to a green economy. But what about those people whose livelihoods are intertwined with carbon emissions: coal miners, oil rig operators, etc.? What happens to their families as the economy transitions to one that is less carbon intense? If they are retrained for a “green” job, will it pay as well, or will their family have to relocate? AFL-CIO, the umbrella federation for U.S. unions, with 56 unions representing more than 12 million working men and women, is working on these issues. Today we’re joined by Bob Baugh, Director of the AFL-CIO Working for America Institute (WAI). The institute is a union think tank/technical assistance organization for worker training/education, technology and economic development and is home to the Center for Green Jobs

  • Veducated – Changing the World One Bite at a Time

    05/10/2012 Duration: 58min

    Today we’re joined by Marisa Miller Wolfson, director of the award-winning documentary, Veducated. Part sociological experiment and part adventure comedy, the documentary, Veducated, follows three meat- and cheese-loving New Yorkers who agree to adopt a vegan diet for six weeks. Lured by tales of weight lost and health regained, they begin to uncover the hidden sides of animal agriculture that make them wonder whether solutions offered in films like Food, Inc. go far enough. This entertaining documentary showcases the rapid and at times comedic evolution of three people who discover they can change the world one bite at a time.

  • Zero Waste: A Goal and A Challenge for Businesses, Communities, and Venues

    28/09/2012 Duration: 58min

    Imagine a world where nothing is discarded into the land, air or water that could harm humans, animals or the planet. That is the goal of a “zero waste” philosophy. Today we are joined by Leslie Lukacs, who has presented at the Zero Waste International Association (www.zwia.org) conference for the past 3 years, and is a founder and principal of L2 Environmental (www.L2environmental.com). Leslie will help us understand how businesses, communities, and venues can implement zero waste principles, and what everyday people can do to make strides toward a zero waste lifestyle.

  • Drought Resilience and Climate-related Water Management

    21/09/2012 Duration: 57min

    In this episode we’ll take a look at what causes drought, how climate change may impact the intensity and frequency of droughts in the U.S., and what we can do to make our communities more resilient during extremely dry periods. We are joined by Steve Fleischli, Director of Water & Climate for the Natural Resources Defense Council, who will discuss a new report that rate each of the 50 U.S. states according to their disaster preparedness plans as they relate to water issues that are expected to be exacerbated by climate change. We’ll discuss strategies that drought-likely states can employ to optimally manage water resources under a variety of extreme weather scenarios.

  • Submerged Society - The Plight of Islanders as Rising Oceans Engulf Their Homeland

    14/09/2012 Duration: 57min

    Suppose someone told you your entire country would likely be submerged in a few short decades. How would you plan for future generations of your family? These are some of the many issues facing millions of people from Fiji, Grenada, the Marshall Islands, the Maldives and hundreds of islands off Panama. As the Arctic rapidly melts, rising sea levels are forcing entire countries to consider relocation and other drastic measures. One of the greatest uncertainties is their legal status if their countries disappear. Will they be able to have a sovereign government if they are displaced, and will other countries make space for the island peoples to form new boundaries on the mainlands? Tune in as we discuss these issues with young attorney and activist, Brook Meakins, www.drowningislands.com

  • Part II: Adapting to Climate Change – California’s Scientific Approach

    07/09/2012 Duration: 59min

    “We are not helpless,” was the message from Ken Alex, Senior Policy Advisor to Governor Brown and Director of the Office of Planning and Research, at the recent press conference announcing the release of California’s historic body of research assessing the state’s vulnerabilities to the effects of climate change. Over 120 scientists organized into 26 research teams have completed over 30 studies that demonstrate the likelihood of certain climate changes in California over the next several decades; what regions, systems, and communities are most vulnerable to the changes; and steps that communities and individuals can take to increase their resilience and ability to adapt to these changes. Our guests today are Dr. Robert Weisenmiller, Chairperson of the California Energy Commission, which is the organization that commissioned the studies; and Dr. Susanne Moser, one of the leading scientists involved in the research.

  • Special Encore Presentation: Just Label It! We Have a Right To Know What’s In Our Food

    31/08/2012 Duration: 56min

    Studies show that more than 90% of Americans support mandatory labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods. Yet for twenty years we have been denied that right. While our reasons for wanting to know what’s in our food may vary, what unifies us is the belief that it’s our right. Without labeling of GE foods, we cannot make informed choices about our food. The Just Label It campaign was created to advocate for the labeling of GE foods (www.justlabelit.org). Today our guest is Robyn O’Brien, founder of Allergy Kids Foundation and author of The Unhealthy Truth. A former food industry analyst, Fulbright grant recipient, author and mother of four, Robyn O’Brien brings insight and detailed analysis to her research into the impact that the global food system is having on our health. She is regarded as an expert on children’s health policy, hailed as “food’s Erin Brockovich” by The New York Times and has been named by SHAPE Magazine as a “Women To Shape the World”

  • Adapting to Climate Change – California’s Scientific Approach

    24/08/2012 Duration: 58min

    “We are not helpless,” was the message from Ken Alex, Senior Policy Advisor to Governor Brown and Director of the Office of Planning and Research, at the recent press conference announcing the release of California’s historic body of research assessing the state’s vulnerabilities to the effects of climate change. Over 120 scientists organized into 26 research teams have completed over 30 studies that demonstrate the likelihood of certain climate changes in California over the next several decades; what regions, systems, and communities are most vulnerable to the changes; and steps that communities and individuals can take to increase their resilience and ability to adapt to these changes. Our guests today are Dr. Robert Weisenmiller, Chairperson of the California Energy Commission, which is the organization that commissioned the studies; and Dr. Susanne Moser, one of the leading scientists involved in the research. We will discuss the findings of the research teams, and ways that other states can replicate th

  • Sustainable Design and the Ethical Responsibility of Today’s Architects

    17/08/2012 Duration: 57min

    My guest is author and leading green architect, David Bergman. An architect, ecodesigner and LEED Accredited Professional with more than 25 years of experience, Bergman has recently completed his first book, Sustainable Design: A Critical Guide, to rave reviews. Written for students and professionals as well as anyone looking to get an overall understanding of the general concepts of sustainable design, this book presents a concise and well-illustrated text of not just actionable advice for design implementation, but also a discourse on the discipline’s ethical responsibility in the field. Each chapter takes on specific considerations such as rainwater harvesting, gray-water recycling, passive heating techniques, green roofs, wind energy, day-lighting, indoor air quality, material evaluation, and green building certification programs. During this show, David will discuss how we can come out the other side of our concurrent ECOlogical and ECOnomic crises in a better place than we started.

  • America’s Military Knows the True Price of Oil and They Are Working on Alternatives

    10/08/2012 Duration: 58min

    Today we’ll be joined by Major General Anthony Jackson, USMC (ret.), Lt. General John Castellaw, USMC (ret.), and retired Republican Senator John Warner, who also served in the Marine Corps and as the Secretary of the Navy from 1972-74. Each will discuss his views on America’s energy future and the need for advanced biofuels in the military. Tune in to hear what our armed forces are doing to conserve energy in every facet of their operations, and how military bases are generating impressive amounts of clean, green energy. Most importantly, listen in to learn why today’s military leaders are so driven to help our nation become self-sufficient in meeting our energy needs, and in the words of Maj. General Jackson, why we need to decide as a nation that we will no longer be content to shed American blood for oil.

  • Special Encore Presentation: The Big Fix – the Untold Story of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    03/08/2012 Duration: 56min

    On Earth Day, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig sank creating the worst oil spill in history. According to the global media, the story ended when the well was capped – but that’s when the real story began. By exposing the root causes of the oil spill and what really happened after the news cameras left the Gulf states, filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell uncover a vast network of corruption. With help from executive producers, Tim Robbins, Peter Fonda, and Maggie Wachsberger, the film takes the audience into places no other camera crews dared go, and into the lives of everyday Americans whose lives will be forever altered by this disaster. The New Orleans Times Picayune says THE BIG FIX is “a full-on, no-holds-barred bit of investigative journalism” into the dark secrets surrounding one of the largest manmade environmental catastrophes in American history. Tune in as we talk with Josh and Rebecca about their perilous journey to capture the truth on film.

  • Why Antibiotics Given to Food Animals Can Make You Sick

    27/07/2012 Duration: 56min

    Since the 1950s, it has become routine practice in many countries to add low levels of antibiotics to the feed or water of healthy poultry, cattle, and swine to promote faster growth and prevent infections that tend to occur when animals are housed in crowded, unsanitary conditions. The unnecessary use of antibiotics on farms is a key culprit in the rise of drug-resistant bacteria that pose a growing public health risk. By overusing antibiotics on farms and feeding them to healthy animals we’re making the drugs doctors rely on to treat illnesses like pneumonia, strep throat, and childhood ear infections less effective. Tune in to learn how drug-resistant bacteria are released into the environment, how they impact human health, and what you can do to protect your family.

  • The Big Fix – the Untold Story of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    20/07/2012 Duration: 56min

    On Earth Day, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon offshore drilling rig sank creating the worst oil spill in history. According to the global media, the story ended when the well was capped – but that’s when the real story began. By exposing the root causes of the oil spill and what really happened after the news cameras left the Gulf states, filmmakers Josh and Rebecca Tickell uncover a vast network of corruption. With help from executive producers, Tim Robbins, Peter Fonda, and Maggie Wachsberger, the film takes the audience into places no other camera crews dared go, and into the lives of everyday Americans whose lives will be forever altered by this disaster. The New Orleans Times Picayune says THE BIG FIX is “a full-on, no-holds-barred bit of investigative journalism” into the dark secrets surrounding one of the largest manmade environmental catastrophes in American history. Tune in as we talk with Josh and Rebecca about their perilous journey to capture the truth on film.

  • The Keystone XL Pipeline – Is it Smart to Move Tar Sand Through the Heartland?

    13/07/2012 Duration: 57min

    A foreign oil company wants to build a tar sand oil pipeline that will cut through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. The tar sands would flow across an aquifer that provides drinking water and crop irrigation to eight states. Is this good for America? Tune in as we discuss this issue with Chicago-based, Josh Mogerman, deputy director of the NRDC’s national media program.

  • Special Encore Presentation: The Wildness Within: Remembering David Brower

    06/07/2012 Duration: 57min

    It would be hard to overestimate David Brower's influence on the environmental movement. As its first director, Brower built the Sierra Club into the flagship conservation organization that it remains today. He went on to found the League of Conservation Voters, Friends of the Earth, and Earth Island Institute, all of which have been instrumental in saving countless natural wonders. An outspoken and tireless defender of the environment long before it was a popular to be so, Brower fought to protect iconic places like the Grand Canyon and the California redwood forests. His passion, eloquence, and conviction roused the conscience and spirit of young activists and shifted environmental concerns into public awareness and on to the popular agenda. Now, David Brower's son Kenneth, an acclaimed nature writer, has brought together the testimonials of twenty environmental leaders whose lives and careers were transformed by his father.

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