Go Green Radio

Special Encore Presentation: America’s Military Knows the True Price of Oil and They Are Working on Alternatives



Today we’ll be joined by Major General Anthony Jackson, USMC (ret.), Lt. General John Castellaw, USMC (ret.), and retired Republican Senator John Warner, who also served in the Marine Corps and as the Secretary of the Navy from 1972-74. Each will discuss his views on America’s energy future and the need for advanced biofuels in the military. Tune in to hear what our armed forces are doing to conserve energy in every facet of their operations, and how military bases are generating impressive amounts of clean, green energy. Most importantly, listen in to learn why today’s military leaders are so driven to help our nation become self-sufficient in meeting our energy needs, and in the words of Maj. General Jackson, why we need to decide as a nation that we will no longer be content to shed American blood for oil.