Go Green Radio

You Make It, You Take It (Back) – Requiring Product Producers to Bear the Cost of Waste Management



For as long as anyone can remember, waste management in U.S. neighborhoods has been paid for by residents and commercial ratepayers. What would happen if we turned that system upside down, and required the companies that produce things that end up in our waste stream to deal with it? What do you think would happen to products and packaging if the producers had to take it back, disassemble it, recycle it, turn it into something new, or as a last resort, pay for it to be landfilled? It might result in less packaging, fewer disposable goods, more sustainable products. This concept is called “Extended Producer Responsibility,” and there are state and local governments already passing laws requiring EPR for certain industries. Tune in today as we talk with the Executive Director of the California Product Stewardship Council, Heidi Sanborn.