Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs



Are you a purpose driven woman entrepreneur? Do you want to create your dream business while helping to make the world a better place at the same time? Tune in to The Business Mindset Podcast for interviews with change-makers like you. The Business Mindset Podcast is a collection of interviews with successful women entrepreneurs, released every Monday. Subscribe now.


  • 50: Julia Lera, How to Plan a Digital Marketing Strategy

    07/07/2014 Duration: 32min

    Today’s Guest I'm so excited to share with you the 50th episode of the Socially Holistic Podcast! And I'm so happy to have my friend Julia Lera as today's special guest. I originally met Julia back in...2008 at a digital marketing expo called SMX, back when I was living in Buenos Aires. We have many mutual friends, and we've managed to stay in touch over the years, after Julia moved to San Francisco and I moved to the UK. Julia has years of experience in online marketing, having worked at Mercado Libre (which is an eBay-type site for Latin America), MySpace, and finally Facebook for several years. She's an expert in search marketing, SEO, and Facebook advertising, and I'm so happy to finally have her as a guest on this show. Julia Lera is a Digital Marketing Consultant based in San Francisco, California. She specializes in Search Engine Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Online Advertising, Email Marketing and Web Analytics. You can find her online at What You’ll Learn How Julia balances

  • 49: Holly Worton, How to Stop Wasting Time on Social Media

    30/06/2014 Duration: 35min

    Today’s Guest It’s me, once again! Today I’m here to talk to you about how to you can stop wasting time on social media. Why? Because I see so many people online who are either totally overwhelmed with managing their social media presence or they're so confused about what to do that they're paralyzed from taking action. Do you feel like social media is a total time suck? Do you suspect that you’re wasting your time online, and not getting any results in your business? Are you feeling like you simply don’t know how to make social media work for you? I’m going to share with you exactly how much time you need to spend on social media each day, so you can plan your time accordingly and not waste a minute more. Most importantly, I’ll be sharing clear tips on how to maximize your time online, so you can make the most of your social media marketing and networking. This week's episode is for you if: You’ve signed up to every social network in existence and are totally overwhelmed You spend more time on social media

  • 48: Samjhana Moon, How to Let Your Soul Shine Through in Your Photographs

    23/06/2014 Duration: 57min

    Today’s Guest I originally met today's guest at my spiritual coaching course in 2011, with Jayne Morris. Samjhana did the photographs on the day that we made our vision boards, and she gave us each a portrait photo we could use for our business. Ever since then, I've wanted to have new portraits done with her. This year, I finally did a studio session with Samjhana, and I've had such amazing feedback on my new photos. I love them so much! I really feel like she captured my soul in them, and I wanted to get her on the podcast to share her expert tips. Samjhana Moon is a photographic artist. She is also a visionary. Samjhana has taken her innate ability to capture the essence of people and places using the medium of photography, into another dimension. Through her business, Goddess Portraiture, she is redefining our cultural ideas of beauty and femininity by revealing the beauty inside every woman, irrespective of age, size or culture. Her portrait gallery reveals not only her ability to make people feel at ea

  • 47: Lisa McLoughlin, How to Get the Website of Your Dreams

    16/06/2014 Duration: 36min

    Today’s Guest I originally met today's guest at one of Corrina Gordon-Barnes' You Inspire Me meetups. We sat right across from each other, started, talking, and I realized I already knew some of her work! You see, when Jac McNeil launched her Solopreneurs Sojourn earlier this year, I absolutely loved the artwork she used to promote the digital retreat kit. I was so excited to finally meet the artist, Lisa! Lisa McLoughlin is a visual narrator  and website creator for heart-centred women entrepreneurs. Combining her experience as a healer and coach, her skills in technology with her soul as an artist, she has developed a process and programme to connect with the essence of who you are in business and express it in beautiful ways. Art connects with your audience in a powerful and grounding way; a healing and restorative way. This gives women an opportunity to communicate powerfully through expressive, one-of-a-kind artwork. She will extend her natural curiosity, skills for reflective listening, and gentle coac

  • 46: Julie Gray, How to Improve Time Management and Reduce Stress

    09/06/2014 Duration: 32min

    Today’s Guest I originally met today's guest via Twitter. She sent me a message suggesting that we "meet up" on Skype and get to know each other. I was intrigued. I do often have one-to-one "networking" meetings via Skype, but I wasn't familiar with her work. I checked out her website and immediately set up an appointment to speak. I love what she does, and instantly invited her to be a guest here. I hope you enjoy this episode! Julie Gray is a Holistic Time Coach and author of the True For You Time Management Workbook. Julie works with passionate business owners who love what they do so much they have a hard time shutting off and are craving more balance. Together you will identify the time and organizing systems you need - at work and home - to feel more confident stepping away from your business for a day, a week, or even a month at a time. Julie’s specialty is uncovering your unique system that fits your life and natural work style so that it actually lasts. Using mindfulness, neuroscience, and behaviora

  • 45: Mary White, How to Build Self Awareness in Your Business

    02/06/2014 Duration: 31min

    Today’s Guest I originally met today's guest back in 2011 when I trained as a coach at Animas Coaching, formerly known as The Smart School. We went through much of our coaching journey together, and graduated just a week apart. From there, I've been following Mary closely, because I absolutely love what she does and how she works with people. I've been trying to get her on the podcast since it launched last year, and I'm so happy to have her as a guest this week. Mary White blends international multi-sector experience in leadership and HR to create transformational leaders in SME businesses by unravelling the mystery of leadership creating great development, learning and results for her clients. As a professional Leadership Coach, Mary is GoPresent providing coaching, training and mentoring that makes a difference for SME business owners and also for those senior executives looking for their next leadership role. A business graduate, she is passionate about the role of SMEs in the current and future business

  • 44: Holly Worton, How to Build the Right Social Media Tribe for You, So You Can Help the People You Were Meant to Help

    26/05/2014 Duration: 31min

    Today’s Guest It's me, once again! Today I'm here to talk to you about how to build the right social media tribe for you, so you can help the people you were meant to help. Why? Because I see so many people online who are really fearful of using social media. Do you consider yourself to be a private person? Does the whole idea of social media feel wrong to you? Do you wish you could just ignore it...yet at the same time you understand how powerful it could be for your business? Maybe you're already on social media, and you've added a bunch of people who just don't feel right. You're afraid to promote your business online because of criticism. Maybe someone already made fun of you for being too “woo-woo.” Let me clarify something: the problem isn't social media, and the problem most certainly isn't you. It's the tribe of people you've connected with, and it's probably time for some decluttering. Imagine this: you get online each day, eager to connect with your peeps. You've got an amazing tribe of people who

  • 43: Louise Cardon, How to Get From Frazzled to Serene

    19/05/2014 Duration: 35min

    Today’s Guest Catherine Watkin originally recommended today's guest to me. I was looking for some help with personal issues, both physical and emotional, and she recommended Louise Cardon as a flower essences practitioner. I had used essences before, for many years, but it wasn't until I worked with Louise that I felt confident that I was taking the exact essences that I needed to make the changes I wanted in my life. Louise Cardon is 'The Queen of Calm'. Following a career as a geophysicist in the oil and gas industry, which was high pressured and stressful, she now helps others learn how to go from 'frazzled' to feeling serene. She works with women business owners who need to find their flow and be more in tune with what they offer. This may mean that they need help with confidence or dealing with negative emotions that hold them back from showing up as the best they can be. It can also be that they are not practising what they preach or ‘walking their talk’ which makes it difficult to present a credible i

  • 42: Judy Heminsley, How to Be More Effective When Working from Home

    12/05/2014 Duration: 33min

    Today’s Guest I think I originally discovered today's guest via Francesca Geens. I am a HUGE fan of working from home, so I instantly fell in love with her website. She's got a wealth of resources for people who are looking to work from home, or who already work from home. Do check it out. Judy Heminsley is the founder of Work from Home Wisdom, the blog that provides advice for and by home and mobile workers. She publishes many stories of people working from home, and photos of their home offices, wherever they are in the house or garden She is the author of Work from Home (How To Books), a practical guide to living and working in the same place. Judy was a pioneer of Jelly co-working in the UK, and her How to Start Your Own Jelly guide is available free on the blog, and has been used by groups all over the world. In her Success Reviews she works one-to-one with stuck home workers to help them see the wood from the trees. Judy also organises workshops for organisations wanting to help staff adjust to working

  • 41: Jac McNeil, How to Step Into Your Personal Power in Business

    05/05/2014 Duration: 32min

    Today’s Guest I think I discovered today's guest, Jac McNeil, through Corrina Gordon-Barnes, a previous guest here. I absolutely love the work that she does, and I love the concept of her digital business retreat kit (more about that on the podcast). Jac McNeil is a thought partner and strategic ally for women entrepreneurs. Her work has helped hundreds of women leaders and entrepreneurs connect with their personal power, reveal their zone of genius, and express their strengths and gifts in a meaningful way. Through the lens of self-leadership, she helps women sharpen their confidence and get down to the work they really want to do in the world. She provides 1:1 support as well as experiential learning with her popular digital business retreat kit - The Solopreneur Sojourn. If you want thoughtful and refreshing strategies on how to thrive as a woman entrepreneur, sign up here for insider updates and receive a free copy of Jac’s primer on The 5 Principles of Personal Power. What You’ll Learn How to do the i

  • 40: Alex Beadon, How to Make Killer Impressions Online

    28/04/2014 Duration: 36min

    Today’s Guest To be honest, I'm not sure how I first found out about today's guest, Alex Beadon. It may have been when she was selected as one of ProBlogger's 15 Bloggers to Watch in 2013 (I'm a huge fan of ProBlogger), or it may have been elsewhere. In any case, I was thrilled to see her total rebranding and business transformation that took place a couple of months ago, and I'm so excited to have her as a guest today. She's got some amazing tips on how to really shine online. Alex Beadon is  an entrepreneur who teaches passionate business owners how to create Killer Impressions so that they can attract the right kind of people who will turn into customers and raving fans. What You’ll Learn How to have your ideal clients fall in love with you What to do if you suffer from web shame How Alex makes her amazing videos and the secret to getting them done How she became one of ProBlogger's 15 Bloggers to Watch in 2013 Alex's top tips for creating killer impressions online...and what that means Inspiring Women

  • 39: Holly Worton, How to Know Which Social Media Sites to Use

    21/04/2014 Duration: 29min

    Today’s Guest It’s me! Last time you heard me, I shared a bit about my seven step system to using social media the heart-centered way. Today we're going to talk a bit about how to know exactly which social media sites you need to be on, so you can ignore the rest. Yes, you have my permission to not be on every single social network that's out there. In fact, I'd rather have you just focus on a couple of sites and really build your network there. So, about me: in case you haven’t yet read my About page, here’s a little bit about me (in the third person, in the spirit of a typical bio): Holly Worton helps coaches, holistic practitioners, and women in heart-centered businesses go from confusion to confidence with social media, so they can use it to build relationships online and get more clients. As a heart-centered business owner, you do amazing work, and Holly wants to help you help more people. The way to do that is through Connection, and social media is one of the best ways to connect with others and build

  • 38: Catherine Watkin, How to Get More Clients Saying Yes

    14/04/2014 Duration: 38min

    Today’s Guest I originally met today's guest, Catherine Watkin, back in 2011 at a business mastermind group that we both belonged to as part of the coaching school that we attended. My own business was completely different at the time, and Cath had not yet clicked with her true calling. Because we've known each other from the start of our businesses, it's been such a pleasure to see her step into her power over the past couple of years, and watch her business grow. Cath was on my list of women I wanted on this podcast from the very beginning, and I'm so excited to be sharing this episode with you now. Sales is something that so many women in heart-centered businesses struggle with, and Cath has the perfect solution to selling from the heart, in a way that feels good and serves your ideal clients. Catherine Watkin, founder of Selling from the Heart, is a sales expert who works with heart-centred business owners who are gifted and passionate about what they do but struggle in business because they feel awkward

  • 37: Alison Green of Ask a Manager, How to Effectively Manage Your Team

    07/04/2014 Duration: 34min

    Today’s Guest I have been a longtime reader of Alison Green's blog . To say I love it is a massive understatement. It's one of those few blogs that I really get sad about when I don't see updates in my feed...which is rare, since she's got a very active blog. I truly look forward to her posts, which are packed with management wisdom, and I recommend her every chance I get. Alison has amazing common sense, something that seems to be so rare, and I've learned so much from her. I only wish that I had discovered her blog when I had my previous company, as it would have really helped me become a better manager. The reason I was especially excited to get her on this podcast is because I know a lot of our listeners are solopreneurs, and often they have little prior experience in management. As we discuss on this episode, making the move to a management role is really challenging. And once you start bringing people onto your team, you'll need to manage them: whether they're a bookkeeper/accountant, graphic designer,

  • 23: Sara Stafford-Williams, How to Stay Fit as a Busy Woman

    30/12/2013 Duration: 35min

    Today’s Guest I originally met today’s guest, Sara Stafford-Williams, over a year ago at the London Coaches Group. I loved her holistic approach to staying fit and living a healthy lifestyle, and I couldn't wait to have her as a guest so she can share her tips with you. Sara Stafford-Williams is the creator of The Female Warrior Fitness System for Busy Business Women, helping female business owners and solopreneurs to avoid burnout and keep doing what they love by prioritising their health and fitness. If you're a female entrepreneur, Sara's mission is to help you to put yourself back at the top of your "To-Do" list and make the time for those things that give you the physical energy and mental focus to empower you and your business to thrive. You can find out more and nab some fab freebies at What You’ll Learn Sara's top tips for staying fit as a busy woman How your business benefits from a healthy lifestyle Why it's all about mindset Inspiring Women in Business Yvette Nevrk

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