Ham Radio 360



Exploring the Hobby in Every Direction


  • Ham Radio 360: Your 2nd HT. Choices, Options, Reasons…

    20/10/2015 Duration: 01h21min

    Almost Every New Ham in the US, it seems, begins their jump into the hobby with the Low-Cost Chinese handi-talkie (HT).  In many cases they soon find themselves looking for a more user-friendly option.  What features do they look for? What's important-what's not? Ed Bradshaw, W4EDF, has some well thought out opinions on the subject and shares them with us in Episode 37. You may remember mentions of Ed throughout our programs over the first season.  Well, it's Season 2 and here he is.  Like most of us new guys, Ed's working it all out for his specific end goals-with the obligatory stumbling blocks provided by the Game of Life. This show was not an attempt to disregard the intro-level HT, but a means to help those along looking for an Upgrade.  We all like new toys, right?  After listening to Episode 36, Ed determined it was time to delve into DStar and purchased himself the ICOM I-51a Plus (shown above). From battery chemistry and charging circuits, to display size and memory banks-we discuss the ins and o

  • Ham Radio 360: DStar and Digital Radio

    06/10/2015 Duration: 01h49min

    Ham Radio: Digital Radio-DStar and more! Jeremy (KF7IJZ) and George (KJ6VU) hold down the fort while Cale is away.  This DStar-Digital Radio program is something we've been discussing for what seems like forever.  It took me handing over the reigns to finally make it happen! The guys spend some time breaking it all down for all to understand.  If you are interested or know someone who is interested in DStar, this is the show you need to hear! It's a longer show than we normally do, but stick around-there's a lot to learn! DStar The Four Call Signs; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSYJ3T3g10w DStar Info: http://www.dstarinfo.com/ DStar Registration Information: http://www.dstargateway.org/D-Star_Registration.html DStar Reflectors: http://www.dstarinfo.com/reflectors.aspx D-Rats Software: http://www.d-rats.com/ Raspberry PI DStar Node/HotSpot/DVAP Image Download Links: http://www.westerndstar.co.uk/html/downloads.html DVMega Boards; http://www.dvmega.auria.nl/ DVAP Information: http://www.dvapdongle.

  • Ham Radio 360: Int’l Podcast Day Special Edition!

    30/09/2015 Duration: 38min

    Happy International Podcast Day from the Other Ham Radio Podcast! Wow, talk about lemons to lemonade!  My Grandiose Plan was brought to nil when the PC crashed the day before we celebrate International #Podcastday . So, I did what any good host would do....I pressed Record anyways! In this Special Edition show we chat with Richard Lenoir of Main Trading Company!  Richard gives us the history of Main Trading Company as well as some KILLER DEALS on 3 Big Sale items! With my PC dead the Skype audio was a no-go, so please forgive the phone bridge feed!  in spite of the hiccups I hope you enjoy the show and have a Happy International Podcast day! Thanks for listening and sharing! 73 y'all! K4CDN

  • Ham Radio360: QSL’ing & Logging Contacts

    22/09/2015 Duration: 01h20min

    Episode 35, Ham Radio QSL'ing and Logging.  George (KJ6VU) and Nick (N3WG) join me as we continue our series of "Making DX Work".   In this installment we discuss all things QSL'ing and Logging your contacts. Do you need QSL cards?  What Software should you use?  Is there an App for that?   We answer those questions and more in Episode 35! Electronic QSL'ing and Logging?  Yep, folks are there.  Here are some show links: Pignology Sierra Radio Systems N3FJP HRD Log4OM N1MM eQSL   Thanks for Listening!  Remember to Share with your friends and review where you listen/subscribe!   73, Cale/K4CDN

  • Ham Radio 360: DX-peditions with N6VI

    08/09/2015 Duration: 01h14min

    Episode 34: DX-peditions with Marty Woll, N6VI (Vice-Director, ARRL Southwestern Division) featuring guest host Jeremy, KF7IJZ!  Marty joins Jeremy to share with us the experiences of his many DX-peditions! Marty, N6VI, has been a traveling ambassador for Ham Radio for years!  Give a listen to learn the tricks and tips for anyone thinking of trying their hand with a DX-pedition! Jeremy, KF7IJZ, takes the hosting duties in Episode 34, with Outstanding Results!  Don't miss this show, Tons of Information and Education packed in here! A Big Thank-You to Marty and Jeremy for bringing us this program! NG3K DX-pedition Listings DXpeditions.org DX News.com Thanks for Listening, Sharing, Reviewing and Liking our program! Don't forget the Voicemail button on the right sidebar if you have a comment or question! Cale on Prepper Recon Podcast 73 y'all K4CDN

  • Ham Radio 360: Contesting with W1GQ

    25/08/2015 Duration: 01h00s

    Ham Radio Contesting!  Building on our last conversation with Bruce Jewett, W1GQ, we delve into Contesting in the Amateur Radio bands! Contesting is a Viable aspect of the Hobby, and it's Bruce's favorite part of Ham Radio!  Sit back and enjoy the ride as W1GQ schools us on the tips and tricks of successful Contesting on HF! ARRL Contesting found here "Nothing but Fun!"  Contesting is open to everyone, and not something you should pass off.  No matter the size of your station, give contesting a try!as mentioned: K3LR W3LPL Morse Runner N1NM Software    

  • Ham Radio 360: All About DX with Bruce, W1GQ

    11/08/2015 Duration: 55min

    DX, what is it? ....Working the Distant Station (DX).  DX Tips, Tricks, Tools, Awards and more are discussed in this installment.  If you've ever wanted to know more about chasing and working DX, this is your chance to learn from one of the best! We all start somewhere; the bug bites-and it's on!  Bruce Jewett got the bug as a kid when he was invited in to see his neighbors shack, Don Wallace, W6AM (sk).  He's never been the same. From his humble beginnings as a teen with a low-slung wire and a key, Bruce has been in love with DX'ing and CW.  Join us as Bruce shares the in's and out's of DX'ing and how this Award-Winning Contester get's it done! Mentioned in the show: ARRL DXCC Award DX Summit Cluster DX Watch Cluster Learn Morse Code SKCC W6AM Don Wallace Documentary Thanks for listening,  downloading, commenting,  and sharing! 73 Y'all K4CDN

  • Ham Radio 360: Scouting-Rick Deweese KJ4WHO

    28/07/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    Episode 31: Ham Radio & Scouting Rick DeWeese (KJ4WHO) is more than a Scout Master .  He's also an Amateur Radio Operator and a Podcaster from Upstate South Carolina.  Rick and I 'met' on Facebook not long after Fo Time went live.  We've kicked the idea of getting together for a show for almost a year now...and here it is. His Troop, known as the "Amateur Radio Troop" is led by Rick and his assistant, who is also a Ham.  Join us as we discuss how He compliments his Scouting with the Magic of Ham Radio. In many of the past shows we've tried to nail down ways to bring today's youth into Ham Radio.  In Episode 31 Rick shares his insight and methods  for involving kids with the hobby. JOTA Rick's BrushnSoapnBlade Podcast Find a Local Troop Royal Rangers Trail Life Radio Merit Badge Electricity Merit Badge Electronics Merit Badge Thanks for Listening, Cale, K4CDN     KB1HQS in Print! Click for more info

  • Ham Radio 360: Portable Solar Power

    15/07/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Season 2 is in full swing with the addition of Episode 30! Jeremy, KF7IJZ is back to educate us on Portable Solar Power for Ham Radio Operators!  Stop scratching your head, trying to figure out what it'll take to get you on Portable Solar Power.  Spend an hour with us and get your questions answered!   Jeremy host his KF7IJZ YouTube Channel and it's chock full of Portable Solar Power information.  Make sure to give it a visit! A Portable  Solar Power Primer   RenogyⓇ Foldable Solar Suitcase Battery Charger 100W Genasun Solar PowerFilm   the USB adapter as mentioned in the show   Thanks for Listening! K4CDN Power Pole the World KB1HQS in Print! Click for more info

  • Ham Radio 360: MPD Digital– Coax Cable

    30/06/2015 Duration: 01h02min

    Happy 1 Year Anniversary Fo Time Listeners!  Episode 29: MPD Digital is a US Manufacturer of US Made Coax Cable Assemblies.  Veteran Owned and Operated, the Nelsons take great pride in their products and offer stellar customer service! From a humble start in the spare bedroom to a modern 5,000sq/ft assembly house.  Kim and Ray Nelson offer some of the finest Coax Cable products available. They can add your call sign too!   From standard lengths and connectors to custom, one-off orders MPD Digital can fill your Coax Cable needs! Make sure to visit the custom assembly site mentioned in the show! USACoax.com   A Special Thank You to the Nelsons for coming on the show to help us better understand one our hobby's necessities: Coax! MPD Digital ebay store MPD Digital on Facebook MPD Digital on Twitter   Stick around for a Field Day Packtenna Report!  Thanks Bret-N9LPT  MPD Digital Coax Assemblies now on Amazon!   Did you hear Cale on the School of Podcasting? Remember to Share the show with your Frie

  • Ham Radio 360: 2015 Field Day Special Edition

    16/06/2015 Duration: 01h50min

    Ham Radio, Field Day 2015 June 27-28! Local Field Day Finder George, Jeremy and Gerald join me this time to discuss all things Field Day!  A Roundtable chat with some of your favorite Fo Time guests. KF7IJZ You Tube Channel YoYo Antenna Video Ed Video-Painter Pole Fan Dipole Packtenna Heil Headsets (MTC Radio)  Array Solutions-Band Pass Filter ARRL Field Day Rules (PDF) Wolf RIver Coils ALM-12v7 Battery (Amazon) K2Energy Watt Meter/Hobby King QuickSilver Radio The RF Connection Antenna Launchers Hamlog from Pignology     Wanna Help?     KB1HQS in Print! Click for more info    

  • Ham Radio 360: Nepal Earthquake, Radio Mala

    02/06/2015 Duration: 01h16min

    It's known that the country of Nepal experiences a Major Earthquake approximately every 75 years.  In a preemptive move, Radio Mala was founded to ensure the Nepali amateurs could communicate during the anticipated quake and the monsoon season.  Radio Mala is a disaster communication infrastructure to connect Kathmandu and the surrounding region in a ring of protective amateur radio communication. The April 2015 Nepal earthquake (also known as the Gorkha earthquake)killed more than 8,800 people and injured more than 23,000. It occurred at 11:56 NST on 25 April, with a magnitude of 7.8Mw or 8.1Msand a maximum Mercalli Intensity of IX (Violent). Its epicenter was east of the district of Lamjung, and its hypocenter was at a depth of approximately 15 km (9.3 mi). It was the worst natural disaster to strike Nepal since the 1934 Nepal–Bihar earthquake. Just a few years ago Suresh and David, former classmates, began working together to build the Amateur Radio Network in Nepal.  This is their story. Have some spare

  • Ham Radio 360: Radio Heaven-Dayton Hamvention

    19/05/2015 Duration: 01h23min

      Welcome into Episode #26!  This time, Jeremy-KF7IJZ takes us on a 3 day tour of Ham Radio Heaven: the 2015 Dayton Hamvention! Jeremy catches up with Amateurs, Vendors and Manufactures across the spectrum.  Drop by the Elecraft booth to learn all about the new K3S!   Links to ALL Vendors, Manufacturers and Guest are below! Links in order as they appeared in the show: Packtenna  Sierra Radio Systems Yaesu HamSource.com Wolf River Coils AmSat TAPR Solar 24 Pignology Elecraft (K3S) QRPWorks (sidecar) MTCRadio HackRF GNU Radio iPortable Byonics FIRST Power Stackers robotics DRSS Enterprise robotics Whitebox  

  • Ham Radio 360: ‘A Hams Life’ Fritz Nitsch, W4NTO

    05/05/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Episode 25: W4NTO (No Time to Operate) was one of  my first ever Amateur Radio Contacts.  Fritz, as he's known, is one of the most interesting individuals I know;  He's also the Oldest!  95+ years old, a WWII vet and Amateur Radio Operator/Elmer for many more years than I've lived! Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with Fritz in his very spartan kitchen to discuss his Hams Life.  Fritz is a very humble man, and I wasn't quite sure I'd convince him to share his story. During our very candid conversation, Fritz goes way back to tell about growing up in a home with a Father interested in Electronics, teaching new recruits CW, and life after the War. Unfortunately the audio isn't the 'best' during this interview...but I think the content will far outweigh the fridge running or the faucet dripping.  I hope you enjoy getting to know Fritz!   Spartanburg Ham radio pioneer wins national thank-you.     Thanks for Listening, Downloading, Subscribing, Sharing and Reviewing the show. Cale/K4CDN   Wann

  • Ham Radio 360: Hurricane Katrina with KB5WMY

    22/04/2015 Duration: 01h01min

    this show was produced before the re-brand to HamRadio 360. August 2005 brought destruction upon the Gulf Coast of the US that none will forget.  Her name was Katrina, and she's known as the costliest natural disaster, as well as one of the five deadliest hurricanes, in the history of the United States. (*wiki*) I recently spent some time with Carl, KB5WMY, chatting about Ham Radio and the part it played in the Storm Recovery.  Carl volunteered in the Bossier Parish 911 center following Katrina. Carl and Retta This is one mans view of the job that was handled by many Amateur Radio Operators from all over the US and the World. **KB5WMY Carl David McNair, 61, of Bossier City, LA, passed away on Monday, March 11, 2019 in Minden, LA after a long struggle with cancer.** Many Thanks to all who participated in the rescue and recovery lending a hand to your fellow man! EchoLink NVIS Listen to More from the Katrina Recovery-download this link!73, Cale/K4CDN    

  • Ham Radio 360: the “Packtenna” N3WG/KJ6VU

    07/04/2015 Duration: 58min

    Episode 23 is here and I'm finally able to share with you the PACKTENNA from Nick and George. Packtenna is the Exciting New Packable/Portable antenna from N3WG and KJ6VU that I've been dying to share with you! Over the years, we have tried many different antennas.  We found that most commercial antennas are either too bulky and heavy to be easily hauled around or are two small to be efficient. So idea of the PackTenna was born. The challenges for coming up with the design for PackTenna included the following, somewhat conflicting goals: 1.  Full size, no compromise performance, especially given the limitations of a quick portable setup. 2.  Small enough when packed up for trail use (think SOTA) and air travel. 3.  Quick to setup and take down. 4.  A modular design that can evolve over time as your needs change. 5.  An open design that makes it easy to make modifications and add your own options. With these goals in mind, we decided to base the design on using wire elements and fiberglass telescoping p

  • Ham Radio 360: Mobile Installations, K0BG

    24/03/2015 Duration: 47min

    Ham Radio Mobile Installations Episode 22, Ham Radio Mobile Installations with Alan Applegate K0BG.  If you've ever had questions about Maximizing your Mobile Operations-Alan has probably already answered it! Jeremy, KF7IJZ, chats with Alan, K0BG about Ham Radio Mobile Installations and Operations. Most anyone familiar with Amateur Radio has probably visited Alan's site to learn more about taking our gear with us on the road. Listen in as Alan describes his journey in Amateur Radio; from behind the wheel traveling for work, to hosting one of the most popular Ham Radio websites on the net!  Episode 22 is a must listen if you are wanting to get on the air while on the road! Thanks Jeremy and Alan for a Great Trip! Thanks for Listening, Downloading, Sharing, Subscribing, & Reviewing!    

  • Ham Radio 360: Shopping List (the accidental episode)

    10/03/2015 Duration: 01h05min

    Welcome into Episode 21!  In Podcasting, not every program happens like you plan!  Sometimes what begins as a discussion between friends becomes a pretty good program (especially if you leave your recorder going). Episode 21 is the 2nd part of a late night (on the East Coast) chat following the completion of Episode 17 between George (KJ6VU),  Jeremy (KF7IJZ) and Cale (K4CDN).  Maybe not the typical 'Interview' show that we usually offer-but a great opportunity to highlight some differing opinions on how to complete a Gear Shopping List for the newer amateur.   The venerable TMv-71a discussed in the program I trust you enjoyed this episode.  We have a slew of great shows in the Queue, so stay tuned, this Spring is going to be a Blast! Thanks for listening, subscribing, reviewing and sharing the Podcast!  

  • Ham Radio 360: Michael Colton, KE7HIA; the Portable SDR

    25/02/2015 Duration: 51min

    Michael, KE7HIA, is poised to set the Hamisphere on Fire.  A maker by nature and self described as a Self-taught Engineer & Designer - More Electronic than Human; Michael has recently finished up a Huge Kickstarter for his Up-coming Portable SDR (Software Defined Radio) http://portablesdr.net/ In this episode we get to know Michael and all that's gone down since he first hatched his Idea on the Hackaday website.  If you're looking for some Innovation in Ham Radio-You Just found it!   What is the PSDR? The Portable Software Defined Radio, or PSDR, is an Open Source, Fully stand-alone HF/Shortwave Software Defined Transceiver. It includes a Vector Network Analyzer and Antenna Analyzer as well as GPS. It's built for rugged portable use. It is designed to be a flexible platform for development, a learning aid, and and a useful instrument for electronics enthusiasts. Visit Michaels YouTube Channel to view all of his candid production videos We appreciate Michael coming on and filling in the blanks about the PS

  • Ham Radio 360: KB6NU… No-Nonsense Study Guides and CW

    11/02/2015 Duration: 46min

     Welcome in to the next installment of the Other Ham Radio Podcast.  Dan, Kb6NU, calls in to educate us on his No-Nonsense Study Guides, Ham Radio Blogging, CW and more! Dan shares about his Ham Radio Blog, known to some as the most popular Ham Radio Blog on the net.  There you'll find all sorts of practical and helpful Amateur Radio writings; like his Very Popular No Nonsense Study Guides!   In addition to the study guides, the self-professed CW Geek has written a primer for those interested in learning 'the Code'   and 21 Things to do....If you're a New Ham, or thinking about it...this is a Great read to help you take the 'next' steps...   Remember, You can find Dan's blog at http://www.kb6nu.com   All of his study guides and books are available in Kindle, Nook and PDF! He's also active on Twitter @kb6nu Ready to get going? Inspired to Study?  Dan's books are avail from the links above! A big Thank You to Dan Romanchik, KB6NU for visiting with us on the Show!    

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