Relationships 2.0 With Dr. Michelle Skeen



Relationships 2.0 airs live on Thursday mornings 8:00amPT/11:00amET. I interview guests who present their unique perspectives and expertise on topics that cover all aspects of relationships. The authors and experts I chat with offer advice and tips for understanding ourselves and others better. To find out more go to


  • Guest: Carol Krucoff, author of Yoga Sparks: 108 Easy Practices for Stress Relief in an Minute or Less

    14/11/2013 Duration: 48min

    About the book: Given the popularity of yoga in this day and age, you probably know about the benefits it can have on both the mind and body. An increase in positive mood, a decrease in stress, better sleep, and fewer aches and pains are just a few. Maybe you’ve been busy, and have been meaning to try it—or maybe you have tried it but still find it difficult to fit into your schedule. The most common excuse people give for not exercising is that they have no time. Between work, family, school, and social obligations, many of us are overbooked and scrambling to get things done in our daily lives. But what if there were quick, easy yoga exercises that could be integrated into your daily routine? Yoga Sparks offers 108 quick, practical, and accessible yoga exercises that you can practice anytime, anywhere—no matter how busy or stressful your schedule. In this book, you will learn how yoga in “bite-size” pieces can become a healthy habit that can relieve emotional stress, increase your physical strength and flexi

  • Guest: Gabrielle Glaser, author of Her Best Kept Secret: Why Women Drink and How They Can Regain Control

    06/11/2013 Duration: 48min

    About the book: What’s the first thing many women do when they go home? Make a dash for the white wine in the refrigerator. In Her Best-Kept Secret, journalist Gabrielle Glaser uncovers this hidden-in-plain-sight drinking epidemic—but doesn’t cause you to recoil in alarm. She is the first to document that American women are drinking more often than ever and in ever larger quantities. And she is the first to show that contrary to the impression fostered by reality shows and Gossip Girl,young women alone are not driving these statistics—their moms and grandmothers are, too. But Glaser doesn’t wag a finger. Instead, in a funny and tender voice, Glaser looks at the roots of the problem, explores the strange history of women and alcohol in America, drills into the emerging and counterintuitive science about that relationship, and asks: Are women really getting the help they need? Is it possible to come back from beyond the sipping point and develop a healthy relationship with the bottle? Glaser reveals that, for m

  • Guest: Steven Stosny, PhD author of Living and Loving After Betrayal: How to Heal from Emotional Abuse, Deceit, Infidelity, and Chronic Resentment

    31/10/2013 Duration: 51min

    Betrayal has many faces, including anger, abuse, deceit, and infidelity. These feel like betrayal because they violate the implicit promise of emotional bonds, that your loved one will care about your well being and never intentionally hurt you. If you’ve recently left a relationship where you felt betrayed by your partner—or if you want to repair one—it can seem impossible to view the world without the shadow of past betrayal hovering over you. As a result, you may struggle to create meaning in your life, find the strength to forgive, or build new, loving relationships.   In Living and Loving after Betrayal, therapist and relationship expert Steven Stosny offers effective tools for healing, based on his highly successful CompassionPower program. He founded the CompassionPower agency on the belief that we are more powerful when compassionate than when angry or aggressive, and that true strength comes from relating compassionately to others and remaining true to your deeper values. In this book, you’ll learn p

  • Guest: Micki Fine, author of The Need to Please: Mindfulness Skills to Gain Freedom from People Pleasing and Approval Seeking

    24/10/2013 Duration: 49min

    Do you have a hard time saying no to others, no matter how outrageous their requests? If so, you might be a chronic people-pleaser. Unfortunately, because we live in a society that praises putting the needs of others before ourselves, it can be difficult to break this bad habit. And while thinking of others is always commendable, there is a fine line between sacrifice and senseless approval seeking. In The Need to Please, a leading mindfulness expert and psychotherapist provides compassionate, mindfulness-based techniques that will help chronic people-pleasers like you address and overcome your fears of failure, inappropriate self-sacrificing, loss of personal identity, and voracious need of approval. In addition, you will learn to put an end to the codependent behaviors that lie at the heart of being a people-pleaser.   Change is hard—especially when it means going against years of social conditioning. But if you’re ready to “Just Say No,” to others’ demands and start saying, “Yes” to your own needs, this bo

  • Guest: Michael A. Tompkins PhD, author of Anxiety and Avoidance: A Universal Treatment for Anxiety, Panic and Fear

    17/10/2013 Duration: 46min

    Do you suffer from panic, anxiety, and fear in your day-to-day life? Do you often avoid social situations, activities like driving, or even going to the store because of a fear of being overwhelmed or triggering a panic attack? You might be interested to know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the United States. In Anxiety and Avoidance, psychologist and anxiety disorder expert Michael Tompkins presents a universal protocol to help you cope with anxiety, panic, and fear, regardless of your particular mental health diagnosis. This universal protocol is based on David H. Barlow’s “unified protocol,” and is a cognitive behavioral approach. Tompkins also draws on mindfulness-based therapies such as acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) that have been used successfully in the treatment of anxiety disorders for years. The book includes present-moment awareness (mindfulness) techniques, motivational tools for overcoming experiential avoidance, and cognitive tools for reframin

  • Guest: Stephanie Moulton Sarkis, PhD author of Making the Grade with ADD: A Student’s Guide to Succeeding in College with Attention Deficit Disorder.

    09/10/2013 Duration: 48min

    In college, independence, fun activities, and new friendships abound. But if you have attention deficit disorder (ADD), these new opportunities also present new challenges. To adjust to college life, you’ll need to learn to harness your disorder in new ways in order to plan your time effectively, become a successful student, make friends, and take advantage of everything campus life has to offer. This easy-to-use guide will help you create study habits that work with your ADD in productive and positive ways. You’ll learn how to: • Set up a class schedule with your ADD in mind • Get along with roommates and establish a comfortable living situation • Stay focused, take notes, and study when surrounded by distractions • Get help at your campus health center when you need it • Make time for socializing and extracurricular activities Written by a licensed mental health counselor who has ADD herself, this guide will be a valuable resource through your college years and beyond. Visit the author at her w

  • Guest: Jason B. Fischer, MA, LPC author of The Two Truths About Love: The Art & Wisdom of Extraordinary Relationships.

    02/10/2013 Duration: 48min

    Some relationships last, others fall apart, and still others seem to thrive and grow as the years go on. The Two Truths About Love is a guide to creating this third type of relationship—an extraordinary partnership wherein each partner feels fully accepted and loved as they are. Designed over the course of thousands of hours conducting face-to-face counseling sessions with clients, psychotherapist and former Buddhist monk Jason B. Fischer’s unique approach has already improved the lives of countless individuals and couples. The two secrets to creating extraordinary relationships are simple: partners must 1. Give permission for the other person to be who they truly are while also 2. Taking responsibility for their own reactions, behaviors, assumptions, and expectations of their partner and the relationship. This book gives readers the tools to start giving permission and taking responsibility in their own relationships and offers strategies for letting go of dissatisfaction and habitual conflicts. In short,

  • Guest: Deesha Philyaw, co-author of Co-Parenting 101: Helping Your Kids Thrive in Two Households After Divorce.

    25/09/2013 Duration: 48min

    A successful co-parenting relationship is as vital to your child’s well-being and health as nutritious food or proper exercise. Research, anecdotal evidence, and plain common sense all point to the fact that children are happier, healthier, and better adjusted when both of their parents play an active role in their lives. Studies also show that the trauma children experience in the wake of a divorce or separation can be lessened when they see their parents getting along. Kids whose parents successfully co-parent feel more secure than those who have limited or no connection to one of their parents post divorce. Co-Parenting 101 is based on the premise that co-parenting is a must, not an option. The involvement of both parents—not just the primary guardian—is the cornerstone of successful co-parenting. This is the first book written by a formerly married couple for whom co parenting is central to their day to day lives, and it offers a comprehensive, personal, and upfront look at how to effectively raise kids

  • Guest: Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of The Art of Healing: Uncovering Your Inner Wisdom and Potential for Self-Healing

    19/09/2013 Duration: 49min

    In these pages, renowned medical doctor and spiritual teacher Bernie Siegel demonstrates how science and spirituality interact — and how you can tap your body’s potential to heal. After studying the use of crayon drawings by patients facing life-threatening disease, Bernie founded Exceptional Cancer Patients to facilitate self-induced healings, which were often called miraculous. Bernie realized our bodies actually want to heal, and we can aid this innate propensity through what are currently seen as unconventional practices, including drawing, visualization, dreams, love, and laughter. You’ll learn how to use these practices to help with everything from diagnosing and understanding your illness to making the correct treatment decisions to sharing your experience with loved ones and caregivers. Filled with inspiring true stories and suggestions for traveling your own healing journey, this book offers hands-on, patient-proven techniques that can create miracles.

  • Guest: Dr. Ricki Pollycove, OB-GYN and an expert on women’s health. Dr. Pollycove will talk about the latest research and news on women’s health and sexual well-being–information that will assist you in improving your relationship with your body.

    13/09/2013 Duration: 48min

    About my guest, in her words: My career is focused on healthy aging in women, including hormone replacement therapy using primarily bio-identical hormones, and reducing risks for functional loss and dependency. I specialize in the endocrinology of menopause and disease risk reduction as reflected in individual patient care options and clinical management decision-making, with an emphasis on breast cancer early detection, diagnosis, treatment options and ongoing cancer survivor care. Further insight into the depth of our need to nurture ourselves throughout a woman’s life is fueled by having delivered over 1,500 babies in addition to being a mother myself. From babyhood to adulthood, we all deserve compassionate, kind and patient attention to our individual needs. I have committed to becoming more active in the politics of medicine, hoping to preserve the very special nature of the physician patient relationship as well as promoting greater collegiality through all sectors of health care. I am a member of th

  • Guest: Margaret Floyd, author of Eat Naked and co-author of The Naked Foods Cookbook.

    07/09/2013 Duration: 48min

    This will be her fourth time on my show. I love having Margaret on regularly to keep us on track (or get us back on track) with making healthy food choices. Our relationship with our body is one of our most important relationships and Margaret is an invaluable resource. Eat Naked is the genesis of years of learning, reading, seeking, and teaching about nutrition, cooking, and health. No matter your dietary preference—vegetarian or omnivore, raw or cooked, macrobiotic, traditional, or modern—eating naked will only enhance the health benefits, simplify the process, and help you look great, even without your clothes on! It’s time to enjoy “naked” foods—whole foods that are fresh and organically grown, prepared in ways that allow each food’s naturally delicious flavors to shine through. Margaret Floyd shows you how to choose the nutrient-dense foods that will make you look and feel so gorgeous, you’ll want to take it all off. Why go out to eat? Cooking at home is easy, healthy, delicious, and affordable—an

  • Guest: Scott Barry Kaufman author of Ungifted: Intelligence Redefined (The Truth About Talent, Practice, Creativity, and the Many Paths to Greatness).

    29/08/2013 Duration: 48min

    Child prodigies. Gifted and Talented Programs. Perfect 2400s on the SAT. Sometimes it feels like the world is conspiring to make the rest of us feel inadequate. Those children tapped as possessing special abilities will go on to achieve great things, while the rest of us have little chance of realizing our dreams. Right? In Ungifted, cognitive psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman—who was relegated to special education as a child—sets out to show that the way we interpret traditional metrics of intelligence is misguided. Kaufman explores the latest research in genetics and neuroscience, as well as evolutionary, developmental, social, positive, and cognitive psychology, to challenge the conventional wisdom about the childhood predictors of adult success. He reveals that there are many paths to greatness, and argues for a more holistic approach to achievement that takes into account each young person’s personal goals, individual psychology, and developmental trajectory. In so doing, he increases our appreciation f

  • Guest: Matt McKay, PhD co-author of Why?: What Your Life Is Telling You About Who You Are and Why You’re Here.

    21/08/2013 Duration: 41min

    Do you wonder what your true path in life is? We each have a purpose and a mission. However, uncovering this purpose can be challenging, and often daunting. If you are like most, you have probably asked yourself, “Why am I here?” But where do you turn for answers? Religion? Psychology? Spirituality? Written by psychologist and bestselling author Matthew McKay, charismatic Silicon Valley spiritual leader Seán ÓLaoire, and bestselling author Ralph Metzner, Why? will help you see what your past and present experiences are telling you about the spiritual theme in your life; one that is visible when you know how to read the signs. Your experiences may be that of a Healer/Peacemaker, an Explorer/Scientist, a Warrior/Guardian, an Artist/Designer, a Teacher/Communicator, or a Builder/Organizer. By showing you how to uncover your unique path, this book will help you discover your life’s true meaning. This book will help you dismantle tired, old traditions that tell us that we should avoid pain and seek pleasure or

  • Guest: Keith Armstrong, co-author of Courage After Fire for Parents of Service Members: Strategies for Coping When Your Son or Daughter Returns from Deployment

    15/08/2013 Duration: 49min

    Parents of returning service members may sometimes feel that their voices are not heard. The media is saturated with stories about troops returning from deployment with mental health problems like post-traumatic stress, depression, and substance abuse. Some also return home with physical problems including traumatic brain injury, physical pain or more severe injuries like amputations. Almost all returning service members experience reintegration challenges such as readjusting to family and community, finding employment or attending school. But rarely do we hear how parents are taking on the role of supporting their sons and daughters who have served our country. In countless ways these parents provide help—and when their military child suffers significant physical or psychological injuries, they may once again become their primary caretaker. For mothers and fathers and others in a parenting role, it can be overwhelming at times, and resources are limited. Courage after Fire for Parents of Service Members

  • Guests: Michelle Skeen (yes, I will be host and guest) and Avigail Lev discussing our book The Interpersonal Problems Workbook: ACT to End Painful Relationships Patterns (co-authored with Matt McKay and Patrick Fanning).

    08/08/2013 Duration: 47min

    Do you often lash out at people? Do you let your emotions rule your interactions with others? Do you find it difficult to see things from others’ point of view? You are not alone. Despite the fact that we all have to deal with other people our daily lives, many of us have difficulties with interpersonal relationships. Written by psychologist and bestselling author Matthew McKay, The Interpersonal Problems Workbook combines research and evidence-based techniques for strengthening relationships in all areas in life—whether it’s at home, at work, with a significant other, a parent, or a child. The skills in this workbook are based in both schema therapy and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and are designed to help you connect and communicate effectively with those around them. ACT has been proven effective in helping people improve their relationships with others. The ACT skills detailed in this book include present moment awareness, diffusion, and flexibility—all of which will help you to improve yo

  • Guest: Randi Kreger author of The Essential Family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder: New Tools and Techniques to Stop Walking on Eggshells.

    31/07/2013 Duration: 49min

    For family members of people with borderline personality disorder (BPD), home life is routinely unpredictable and frequently unbearable. Extreme mood swings, impulsive behaviors, and suicidal tendencies—common conduct among those who suffer from the disorder—leave family members feeling confused, hurt, and helpless. In her pioneering first book Stop Walking on Eggshells, co-authored with Paul T. Mason, Randi Kreger outlined the fundamental differences in the way that people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) relate to the world. Now, with The Essential Family Guide to Borderline Personality Disorder, she takes readers to the next level, giving them straightforward tools to get off the emotional roller coaster and repair relationships with loved ones with BPD. Kreger answers the questions family members most want to ask about: the symptoms and treatment of BPD, including why BPD is so misdiagnosed; how symptoms can differ by age and gender; and how addiction and other disorders complicate BPD. She t

  • Guest: Sheri Van Dijk author of Don’t Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens

    25/07/2013 Duration: 49min

    Let’s face it: life gives you plenty of reasons to get angry, sad, scared, and frustrated-and those feelings are okay. But sometimes it can feel like your emotions are taking over, spinning out of control with a mind of their own. To make matters worse, these overwhelming emotions might be interfering with school, causing trouble in your relationships, and preventing you from living a happier life. Don’t Let Your Emotions Run Your Life for Teens is a workbook that can help. In this book, you’ll find new ways of managing your feelings so that you’ll be ready to handle anything life sends your way. Based in dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), a type of therapy designed to help people who have a hard time handling their intense emotions, this workbook helps you learn the skills you need to ride the ups and downs of life with grace and confidence.

  • Guest: Wendy Behary author of Disarming the Narcissist: Surviving and Thriving with the Self-Absorbed.

    18/07/2013 Duration: 47min

    Do you know someone who is overly arrogant, shows an extreme lack of empathy, or exhibits an inflated sense of entitlement? Do they exploit others, or engage in magical thinking? These are all traits of narcissistic personality disorder, and when it comes to dealing with narcissists, it can be difficult to get your point across. So how do you handle the narcissistic people in your life? You might interact with them in social or professional settings, and you might even love one—so ignoring them isn’t really a practical solution. They’re frustrating, and maybe even intimidating, but ultimately, you need to find a way of communicating effectively with them. Disarming the Narcissist, Second Edition, will show you how to move past the narcissist’s defenses using compassionate, empathetic communication. You’ll learn how narcissists view the world, how to navigate their coping styles, and why, oftentimes, it’s sad and lonely being a narcissist. By learning to anticipate and avoid certain hot-button issues, you’ll

  • Guest: Betsy Prioleau, author of Seductress: Women Who Ravished the World and Their Lost Art of Love.

    11/07/2013 Duration: 49min

    In this road map to restoring feminine sexual power, Betsy Prioleau introduces and analyzes the stories and stratagems of history’s greatest seductresses. These are the women who ravished the world, from such classic figures as Cleopatra and Mae West to such lesser-known women as the infamous Violet Gordon Woodhouse, who lived in a ménage with four men. Smarts, imagination, courage, and killer charm helped these love maestras claim the men of their choice and keep them fascinated for life. Through an exposé of their secrets, Seductress provides an authoritative, empowering guide to erotic sovereignty

  • Guest: Marta Williams, author of My Animal, My Self: A Breakthrough Way to Understand How You and Your Animal Reflect Each Other.

    03/07/2013 Duration: 48min

    In this groundbreaking book, animal communicator Marta Williams brings into focus an unexamined dynamic in our relationships with our animals: the idea that our animals are often our mirrors. Deeply and inextricably connected to us on the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, they can pick up and reflect back to us the issues and events of our lives. Through stories, exercises, and an extensive questionnaire, you will gain unique insight into the healing and teaching roles of your companion animals, both past and current, and the profound gifts they offer.

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