Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn



Mom at 41 is a Podcast for Moms that feel that being a mom is hard, and think its about time we started talking about it!  Your Host, Dr. Karen Osburn, an Adoptive Mom  to 2 young boys will share her vulnerable, raw, and honest challenges and struggles of becoming and being a mom, and the life lessons along the way.  Each episode will inspire, touch your heart, and remind you that you are not alone.


  • 72: Why are We so Afraid to Feel Pain?

    15/01/2015 Duration: 11min

    In this Episode I’m sharing:  why covering up the painful moments in our life does not work  my story of a painful moment in my life, and the beautiful gift I received from that pain 7 Steps To Help Someone Who is in Pain right now in their life Real Momma Quote “When her pain is fresh and new, let her have it. Don’t try to take it away. Forgive yourself for not having that power. Grief and pain are like joy and peace; they are not things we should try to snatch from each other. They’re sacred. they are part of each person’s journey. All we can do is offer relief from this fear: I am all alone. That’s the one fear you can alleviate.”-Glennon Doyle Melton Momma Action Step Who has been on your mind recently? Who do you know is going thorugh some deep stuff that would love to have a listening compassionate ear? Call them, Text them, or Facebook message them to meet. Follow these 7 steps I talk about in this Episode. And just listen. Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 2: First Time Mom: Tyson’s Story Episode 3

  • 71: Why Balance is a Constantly Moving Target with Tenacious Entrepreneur Mom Caroline Stewart

    12/01/2015 Duration: 23min

    Was Parenthood a surprise or a wake-up call for you? And is it important for us to teach our kids Values or live and BE our Values for them to learn them?  In this Episode Caroline and I discuss: why ‘brain overload’ is one of the only things that tends to ruffle Caroline’s state of calm how being a Mom is all about Adaptation the importance of moving from Balance to Abundance why she loves the Creative Side of Being a Mom how the biggest challenge of being a Mom is remembering that we are simply along for the ride Caroline’s Favourite Quote “You don’t have to make your children wonderful people.  You just have to remind them that they are wonderful people.  If you do this consistently from the day that they are born, they will believe it easily.” -William Martin Tweetables to Share!    Why #Balance is a Constantly Moving Target on the #Momat41 Podcast. @DrKarenOsburn #Mom CLICK TO TWEET     Being a #Mom is all about Adaptation on the #Momat41 Podcast. #workingmom  CLICK TO TWEET   Top Core Values for 

  • 70: Basic Essential Oils: Tips for Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint

    10/01/2015 Duration: 09min

    In this Episode I’m sharing:  3 great tips for using Lavender Essential Oil 3 great tips for using Lemon Essential Oil 3 great tips for using Peppermint Essential Oil  the 3 ways to use Essential Oils Resources doTERRA Lemon Essential Oil Tips 1-2 drops in water in a glass glass, not plastic.  ONLY ingest a pure therapeutic grade Essential Oil like doTERRA-others have fillers, chemicals, and are NOT safe to ingest. Mix with olive oil for wood cleaner-repels dust, cleans beautifully, smells great! (I tbsp. olive oil-4 drops lemon) One Tsp raw honey with 1 drop of lemon for a sore throat or cough (can also add into a mug of hot water for a soothing hot drink version) Lavender EO Tips 1-2 drops on your pillow at night for a restful sleep.  You can also mix a few drops of Lavender with Fractionated Coconut Oil, and rub into feet before bed. (for yourself, or restless kids!) Dry climate/dry skin-mix with Fractionated Coconut Oil to soothe and heal. Diffuse on its own to relax at the end of the day, or if feel

  • 69: Getting Our Mama Bliss on and Simplicity Parenting with Kathy Stowell

    09/01/2015 Duration: 42min

    Do you crave a Life with more ease and Simplicity as a Mom?  Who doesn’t, right?                                                                      In this Episode Kathy and I discuss: why Kathy defines herself as a ‘lazy Mama’ and is a simplicity-seeker how to create more ease in your day by setting up firm boudaries and rhythms why she had to mourn the loss of pre-kids Kathy how establishing set sleep/wake and meal times with her kids has created a great predictability for her to lean on the 4 Pillars of Mama Bliss she teaches her clients  Kathy’s Favourite Quote“Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at anytime and be yourself.”-Herman Hesse  Tweetables to Share!  Learn the 4 Pillars of #Mama Bliss with @Kathy Stowell on the #Momat41 Podcast. @DrKarenOsburn CLICK TO TWEET     Simplicity #Parenting and being a Lazy #Mama on the #Momat41 Podcast. @DrKarenOsburn CLICK TO TWEET   Top Core Values for Kathy 1. Simplicity 2. Family 3. Health Top Core Values for Kathy’s K

  • 68: Meal Planning Mediator and Recovering Perfectionist Ashley Srokosz

    05/01/2015 Duration: 04min

    Are you a Recovering Perfectionist?  Do you want to feed  your family healthy food but wonder how you can find the time to do it?  Do you need a Meal Planning Mediator to help you with it all?   In this Episode Ashley and I discuss: how she healed her body through choleostasis of the liver when she was 27 weeks pregnant the devastating diagnosis when her son Alex was born, his emergency surgery from being a short gut baby, and how great he’s doing today the moment she decided to be as positive as she could with what happened with her son’s birth teaching your kids about food is one of the greatest lessons you can teach your kids how she feels our society (including our kids!) needs more rest and stops glamorizing ‘busy’ Ashley’s Favourite Quote “You can have it all, but you can’t do it all.”-Marie Forleo Kick Ass Tweetables   Ashley’s story of being a recovering #Perfectionist and becoming a #MealPlanning Mediator. #Momat41… CLICK TO TWEET     Listen why #Nutritionist Ashley thinks we need more rest in o

  • 67: Daily Tips for Essential Oils

    03/01/2015 Duration: 11min

    In this Episode I’m sharing:  how my family has gotten incredibly sick recently and what I’m doing to help why I’m so excited about doTERRA Essential Oils the key to working with Essential Oils  the best place to put Essential Oils where your body absorbs them best two super cool stories of how doTERRA has helped my sons Tyson and Kai a great Daily Practice with Essential Oils you can start with TODAY Resources Dr. David Hill’s Daily Routine: Dr. David Hill presented this simple routine using essential oils to improve every day for every one. It is a way to begin to daily experience and receive the immediate benefit of using doTERRA essential oils: Apply Peppermint and Frankincense to the soles of your feet when you awaken. This will get you fully awake, energized, and ready for your day. Diffuse Invigorating Blend or a blend of any of the other citrus oils mixed with Cleansing Blend or Protective Blend ( I love OnGuard).  This will lighten your mood and protect your home from unwanted pathogens. (I love

  • 66: Two Gifts for YOU!

    02/01/2015 Duration: 04min

    In this short Episode I’m sharing:  30 Minutes to help you with something you may be struggling with right now in your life  a life-changing opportunity to help you get centred in your Life with Goals with Soul Resources To book a FREE 30 Minute Skype Coaching Session with me, click here. To Register for The Desire Map Workshop (January or February), and get the FLASH SALE price (only until January 3rd at midnight), click here. Still want more information about The Desire Map Workshops first?  Go here. Check out The Desire Map and the work of Danielle LaPorte here. Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 38: Creating Goals with Soul & the White Hot Truth of Danielle LaPorte Episode 47: Top 7 Reasons To Follow Your Heart Episode 50: Stop Playing it Safe and Go For it, Momma! Mom at 41 Facebook Page Like the Mom at 41 Facebook Page here and read my posts of Inspiration and Support each day, and from all the other Mommas in the Mom at 41 Community! I respond to every single comment, post, and message here, and

  • 65: 5 Simple Steps to Take Better Care of Yourself

    30/12/2014 Duration: 14min

    In this Episode I’m sharing:  my recent health wake-up call and how I’ve realized I can’t do it all the lessons I’m learning from it, and the ones that keep getting repeated  5 Simple Steps I’m hoping that you will join me in doing to take Better Care of Yourself Momma Action Steps Commit to one of the 5 steps to take better care of yourself listed at the bottom of this post Check out The Body Love Journey with upcoming Mom at 41 Guest and Certified Life Coach, Carmen Jubinville.  iTunes Review of the Week  “WOW! Dr. Karen this podcast is amazing!  Thank you so much in sharing your motherhood and adoptive journey. I so resonate with your story! My husband and I applied to become adoptive parents as I couldn’t have any more children after having our first son and getting stage 1 melanoma cancer during my first pregnancy. Always wanted to be a stay at home mom with 3 children. Unfortunately after 1 year (back then) of intense HOME STUDY, assessments, etc., we got th

  • 64: The Greatest Gift You Can Give

    23/12/2014 Duration: 07min

    In this Episode I’m sharing: the greatest gift you can give someone…and it won’t cost you anything. Momma Action Step Write a Letter of Gratitude to someone in your life within the next 12 hours before you change your mind or forget. Write from the heart, don’t censor it. Just feel what you feel about that person and how grateful you are for them in your life. If you feel stuck on how to start, use this: “I am grateful to have you as a friend because…..”  Stitcher Review of the Week “Mom’s You Are In For Some Love, Wisdom, & Support! Karen really delivers an outstanding show on family matters of the heart from parenting to work for mom’s plus what every mom can use, guidance and TLC for them in today’s rapid living. Thank you for such a wonderful show!” -Dean P.  Thanks so much, Dean! Real Momma Quote “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou NEW) Tweetables to Share!     The greatest #Gift you

  • 63: A Healer in Every Home

    22/12/2014 Duration: 15min

    Are you tired of you and your family getting sick all the time?  Are you wondering what you can do to help you family to be more healthy and well…..and STAY healthy and well?  In this Episode I’m sharing:  natural tools to help you family to be healthy and well my personal stories of how Essential Oils have helped my family how you can become the Healer in your Home Momma Action Steps 1. Post in the Comments Section below or email me ( if you would like to connect  about having me come speak and share to your friends or group about Essential Oils for the Entire Family, one-on-one in person or via Skpe, or just simply have questions about doTERRA Essential Oils. 2.Please share this episode with one great Mom you know that would love for her family to be more healthy. BONUS MATERIAL:  Top 5 Things you Need to Know About doTERRA Essential Oils 1. doTERRA Essential Oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade. You are getting the best of the best with these Essential Oils that undergo rigorous

  • 62: How To Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself

    18/12/2014 Duration: 12min

    Do you think you ‘should’ do certain things that you are just not doing?  That there is a way you ‘should’ be as a Mom? In this Episode I’m sharing:  the common Shoulds a lot of us feel as Moms WHY you need to let these go some NEW Shoulds I would encourage you to use instead Momma Action Step Sit down, pen and paper/journal, and create a list of HOW you want to be as a parent, work, and live your life. Create a healthier list of shoulds.  Take just 30 minutes to do this very powerful exercise, and then post it where you can see it a a reminer each day. Love of the Week: Twitter “Just discovered your podcast -love the how to have more energy one!”-Stella at Smart Thinking Mums Thanks so much Stella, and I so appreciate the love!   Stella refers to the BONUS Holiday Episode #1: How to Have More Energy in the Episode Series of the Top 7 Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress for Moms. You can catch up on all 7 of these episodes here! Real Momma Quote “Maybe stories are just data with a soul.”-Brene Brown NEW) Kick A

  • 61: Letting Go of the Image of Being a Perfect Mom with Kelly Covert

    15/12/2014 Duration: 37min

    Are you trying to be a Perfect Mom?  Is this even possible? Do you think it’s your job as a Mom to make your kids happy? In this Episode Kelly and I discuss: how she felt equally devastated and relieved when her son was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome the freeedom she felt when she came to a point of acceptance of who she was a Mom and gave up the image of being a ‘perfect’ Mom that there no such thing as balance, and it’s really more about harmony with being a Mom how she feels it’s important to let her kids’ process the times they feel unhappy, and hold them in that space why she feels deep compassion for other Moms and how she conveys that to them Love of the Week: iTunes Review “While I am not a Parent, I loved the professional, credible and engaging style of Karen’s show.  I really appreciated her show on following your heart.  It was inspiring and helpful.” -Shawn Manaher Thanks so much, Shawn! Kelly’s Favourite Quotes “There was not way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.”-

  • 60: Top 5 Reasons To Never Give Up

    11/12/2014 Duration: 15min

    Do you ever feeling like throwing in the towel?  With a project?  A relationship?  And yes, maybe even your kids some days? In this Episode I’m sharing:  My WHY behind this particular episode and a great reminder for me the one time when you SHOULD give up the Top 5 Reasons why you should NEVER give up! Momma Action Step Forward this podcast to someone in your life who is struggling to possibly be a beacon of hope for them in their life. Love of the Week: Sticher Review “First of all, thank you for always being so real. Listening to you is always a pleasure. As a husband and father hearing your perspective on all of these issues definitely helps me be better!”-Rammer (NEW) Kick Ass Tweetables to Share!     Don’t Give Up. You can’t push the Process. #Momat41 #Podcast #Mom CLICK TO TWEET     Top 5 Reasons to Never Give Up on the #Momat41 Podcast. #greatness  CLICK TO TWEET     Don’t give up. The world needs you to be great. #Momat41 #Podcast #Mom CLICK TO TWEET   Resources Watch the Desire Map Webinar R

  • 59: Christina's Emotional and Brave Story of Miscarriage, Unplanned and Ectopic Pregnancy, and How She Got Through it All

    08/12/2014 Duration: 41min

    Have you experienced a miscarriage?  Unplanned pregnancy?  Ectopic pregnancy?  Grab a box of kleenex and get ready to be moved and inspired by the difficult times that Christina went through and her brave and honest story she shares on this episode. In this Episode Christina and I go deep to discuss: the emotionally difficult experience of miscarriage and how she felt it was all her fault  the shock and stress of an unplanned pregnancy, the guilt she felt,  and how that really rocked her foundation the roller coaster of accepting the pregnancy to learning she had an ectopic pregnancy   what she did to get through the emotional loss and move past all the guilt how she now sees life and her kids differently after this experience NOTE: I am so honoured and humbled to have Christina share this incredibly difficult experience and her story.  In addition, I am so incredibly proud of her being brave enough to be the voice for so many women that have gone through an ectopic pregnancy or loss of a pregnancy in some

  • 58: How Parenting and Work is Like a Seesaw with Tim Paige

    05/12/2014 Duration: 27min

    Do you ever wonder if you’re doing things right as a Parent?  In this Episode Tim and I discuss: the beautiful moment Tim found out he was going to be a Dad the challenges with sleep deprivation and balance  the joys of the new and exciting things that happen with his 13 month old son, Owen his wife’s hilarious Tweet story that Parenting is about following your gut and doing your best Love of the Week: Stitcher Review “MrPodcasts here from “The Best Podcasts Reviewed”. If this show wasn’t one of the best ones out there, it never would have been featured on episode 6 of my show. Glad I found it, happy to feature you and so excited when I got messages in my inbox saying thank you for introducing them to you. You are a Rockstar!” Thanks so much!  You can check out The Best Podcasts Reviewed with MrPodcasts here. Tim’s Favourite Quotes “Parenthood is like an experiment that you don’t know the result of for 21 years.“-Tim’s Friend! “We cannot always buld the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for t

  • 57: The Desire Map + Mom at 41 in 2015!

    04/12/2014 Duration: 20min

    Some cool new happenings with The Desire Map Workshops AND what's happening for Mom at 41 in 2015! In this Episode I'm sharing:  My recent challenges with focus-I want to do it all! Webinars, webinars, and more webinars to Connect with you in 2015 Some new Projects I'm working on (hello, doTERRA!) Registration for The Desire Map Workshops (now open) PLUS The Desire Map Webinar coming soon! Momma Action Steps 1. Register for the Desire Map Workshops in January 2015 (either In-Person or Virtual) to get one of the first 20 spots available, OR you can Register for the Desire Map Webinar  to learn more first (it's free!).  2. Email me!  What do love about Mom at 41 and the podcast? What’s not your cup of tea? What would you like to see or hear? Where do you really need the most help? What are you struggling with the most that I can help you with? How can I serve you best in your Momma journey? ( Love of the Week: iTunes Review "I love the way Dr. Karen Osburn weaves mindfulness into her stori

  • Holiday BONUS #7: How to Take Care of YOU!

    03/12/2014 Duration: 06min

    —It’s so easy to get caught up in caring for our kids, significant other, family, friends.  It’s easy to take the focus off ourselves.  Especially during the Holiday Season, right? In this seventh Bonus Holiday Episode of the Top 7 Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress for Moms, I’m giving you some great tips to help Take Care of YOU! In this Episode I’m sharing:  4 Simple tips to take care of YOU during the busy Holiday Season the link for the recent Webinar Replay (see below) a FREE gift you can get today! Momma Action Step 1. Subscribe to the Mom at 41 Newsletter here to receive the downloadable Tips to Manage Holiday Stress Guide that will be sent out on Dec 4th.   2.Pick one of the four tips I suggest to take care of you, and do that things TODAY! (NEW) Kick Ass Tweetables to Share!     I’m deciding to take care of me this #Holiday Season. Will you join me, #Mom? #Momat41 CLICK TO TWEET     Mom: 4 Tips to Take Care of YOU this #Holiday Season on the #Momat41 Podcast.  CLICK TO TWEET   Resources Watch the

  • Holiday BONUS #6: How To Consume Less/Buy Less

    02/12/2014 Duration: 04min

    How much do we really need, anyways? How many toys do our kids need? Can less be more? If we have too much, do we often not value what we have? In this sixth Bonus Holiday Episode of the Top 7 Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress for Moms, I’m giving you some great tools to help you Consume Less and Buy Less this Year!  In this Episode I’m sharing:  how much we actually spend each year on Holiday gifts, according to recent research how a focus on others and Gratitude can really help us gain perspective for the Holidays the link for the recent Webinar Replay (see below) a FREE gift you can get today! Momma Action Step 1. Subscribe to the Mom at 41 Newsletter here to receive the downloadable Tips to Manage Holiday Stress Guide that will be sent out on Dec 4th.   2. What will you do to Buy and Consume Less this Holiday Season?  Less gifts?  Set a budget…and stick to it?  Tell family yoru wishes and ask that they ‘tone down’ the amount of gifts for your kids?  And then write it down and post it somewhere you can see

  • Holiday BONUS #5: How to Have Fun

    01/12/2014 Duration: 04min

    Do you feel you have to be a certain way as a Mom? Be the adult? Serious? Responsible? Have you forgotten how to have FUN? In this fifth Bonus Holiday Episode of the Top 7 Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress for Moms, I’m giving you some great tools to help you to Have Fun! In this Episode I’m sharing:  2 things you can do TODAY to incorporate more fun into your life! the link for the recent Webinar Replay (see below) a FREE gift you can get today! Momma Action Step 1. Subscribe to the Mom at 41 Newsletter here to receive the downloadable Tips to Manage Holiday Stress Guide that will be sent out on Dec 4th.   2. Break out the tunes, and have a Dance Party today!  Really.  One song, a whole playlist, but take as least 3 minues today to let loose and boogie! (NEW) Kick Ass Tweetables to Share!     #Moms: Have you forgotten how to have Fun? Here’s 2 tips to put more back into your life! #Momat41 CLICK TO TWEET     Be more like Elaine on #Seinfeld! This and more ways to have FUN for the Holidays. #Momat41 CLICK

  • Holiday BONUS #4: How to Save Time

    30/11/2014 Duration: 06min

    Do you wish there were more than 24 hours in the day?  Especially around the Holidays?  Me, too! In this fourth Bonus Holiday Episode of the Top 7 Tips to Decrease Holiday Stress for Moms, I’m giving you some great tools to help you to Save Time! In this Episode I’m sharing:  what you can delegate to someone else and 7 quick and dirty tips to SAVE TIME! the link for the recent Webinar Replay (see below) a FREE gift you can get today! Momma Action Step 1. Subscribe to the Mom at 41 Newsletter here to receive the downloadable Tips to Manage Holiday Stress Guide that will be sent out on Dec 4th.   2. Make a list of 2 things on your overflowing To-Do List that you can delegate to someone else.  And then hire them or ask them to do it! (NEW) Kick Ass Tweetables to Share!     Want more time in your day, #Mom? Here’s how you can save time for the #Holidays! #Momat41 CLICK TO TWEET     7 Quick and Dirty Tips for #Moms to Save Time for the #Holidays on the #Momat41 Podcast! CLICK TO TWEET   Resources Watch the T

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