Outrage Factory



We're the world's leading only internet outrage-related podcast, taking a good hard look at the things that made social media mad this week, and explaining why you're dumb for caring.


  • The Teflon Dong

    11/12/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    #What made the internet angry this week? PETA is in the news for humiliating themselves again. Derek fondly remembers a seagull murder. We discuss what it takes to be a successful parent. People have awfully strong opinions about a song they hear three to four times a year as ambient music in department stores. We eat spotted dick, and this time it's the food! Teflon is making your genitals smaller. We settle the eternal debate: is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Carly Rae Jepsen is a pop goddess. All this and more on a special holiday edition of the world's dumbest podcast. Talking points: PETA has lost it I honestly cannot imagine caring about this any less British people have wacky names for things! You should only own cast iron frying pans Die Hard is definitely a Christmas movie, unless you don't think it is The best Christmas movies that your idiot friends will argue about Songs: 'Mary's Boy Child' by Boney M (Derek's pick) 'Little Drummer Boy' by Reel Big Fish (Dale's pick)

  • NICE

    03/12/2018 Duration: 59min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Hey, it's the episode number that is also a sex act! Speaking of sex acts, the most pretentious man alive has been #MeTooed! Speaking of #MeToo, a bizarrely popular Christmas song about date rape has been removed from the radio! Speaking of bizarrely popular, ordering kiosks at McDonalds are covered with feces! Speaking of feces, a bunch of kids in Hawaii were 'accidentally' fed Pine-Sol instead of apple juice! Speaking of all of that, it's time to get FIRED UP for your favorite dumb podcast! Talking points: God, this man is such an asshole I mean seriously, look at that hat Dale actually used this movie to seduce a woman Baby, it's weird that this song is as popular as it is An honest performance of 'Baby It's Cold Outside' Spoiler alert: there's poop on everything ...especially this daycare

  • Missionary Position

    26/11/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    #What made the internet angry this week? In a very sexy episode of your favorite podcast, we discover the dangers of trying to spread Christianity to an isolated tribe of people armed with instruments of murder. We play 'monkeys or cousins?' and answer the eternal debate 'which breed of monkey is the sexiest?'. A murderous otter is on the loose in Vancouver and has somehow managed to outsmart numerous city employees. Also outsmarting the city employees: the koi fish the otter is murdering! Why don't straight people use animal codewords to describe their sexual preferences? Incels are reporting cam models for tax evasion with all the free time they have from never having sex. If there's anything grosser than a sex doll brothel, we don't want to hear about it. Derek officially accepts his status as a sugar baby. All this plus a bunch of extra talk about having sex with monkeys! Talking points: Lol Seriously, lol Humans outsmarted by otter and koi fish What gay animal are you? Incels doing incel stuff RIP sex d

  • An Immodest Proposal

    13/11/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    #What made the internet angry this week? The midterm elections have come and gone, and the #BlueWave was more of a light splash. Donald Trump, noted troop-respecter, fails to commemorate World War I. People should only be allowed to vote between the ages of 30 and 50. Electoral reform is a hot-button topic in BC, but nobody really understands what it means! Young white males in Wisconsin are unsurprisingly racist! The 'OK' sign has been co-opted by racists. People are HEATED about one dude's innocuous proposal! Dale tells us about his dream wedding! Trumpy Bear is the most genius thing we've ever seen, until we release the Freedom Holster™! Stan Lee, creator of a bunch of shit near and dear to our nerdy-ass hearts, has died while still looking younger than Bernie Sanders. Talking points: The Midterm Elections, explained Voter turnout hits a historic high, kind of The world's dumbest president BC's electoral reform What the fuck, Wisconsin The internet is pissed about this NYC Marathon Proposal Coming soon to

  • Rememberists vs Decemberists

    06/11/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    #What made the internet angry this week? People have strong opinions about when it's appropriate to get excited about Christmas, and whatever you feel, you're probably wrong! We also discuss the folly of war, Dale drops some World War I facts, were Nazis fashionable?, even the seals in Scotland are terrifying, white people invent another persecution complex, boobs: no thanks. Talking points: The Facebook status that launched a dozen angry responses Is it ever 'too early' to get excited about Christmas? The Indian Army during World War I Watch this Read this The Hugo Boss/Nazi connection (aside: Russell Brand fucking rules) A podcast worth listening to Seals: cute, but terrifying! But is it really? Turns out there is such thing as 'too big'

  • Paradigm Grift

    30/10/2018 Duration: 01h06min

    #What made the internet angry this week? The Midterm elections are coming up and the Democratic party is destined to fail forever! Who could have guessed that letting a bunch of shitty opportunists prey on mentally ill peoples' paranoia would yield tragic results?! It was a big week for insane rightwingers with an axe to grind! Several thousand people are hiking thousands of miles for an inevitable showdown with US border guards! The internet has permanently fucked up our brains and nobody seems to care! Dale is a big fan of Goop! It's still too soon to dress your kid up as Hitler for Halloween! Adult Halloween is depressing as hell, but the fake muscles are cool! Reason number 10000 we're happy cell phones didn't exist when we grew up. Yes, conservative commentators, blackface is bad. Talking points: Midterm elections, for dummies The Democratic party is full of shit Gab, the social network for murderous white supremacists A guy with a Trump collage over the windows of his van is an insane person? Say it ai

  • Weed The People

    22/10/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Smoke 'em if you got 'em! And by 'em', we mean weed, which is now totally legal in Canada, unless you ever want to cross a border into the United States again! We discuss provincial weed sales, why smoking some things is good for you and smoking other things is bad for you, your online weed purchases are almost DEFINITELY being shared with US border agents, this vape that perfectly replicates smoking is remarkably effective at replacing smoking—especially with kids, a non-problematic all-male reboot of The Golden Girls, how people got pregnant in the 50s, cellophane underwear, voter turnout sucks but democracy is still the best for whatever reason, why Dale carries an old Amazon box wherever he goes. Talking points: Nerdy legal shit you probably don't care about (Cannabis laws in B.C.) Weed sales by province on the first day of legalization How Derek is quitting smoking for real I can relate to the teens Dale quit smoking by reading a book because because he's a giant

  • Proud Boyz II Men

    15/10/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Hiding bodies in the woods. Dale invents a jingle for Derek's single life. The far-right and far-left surprisingly do not get along very well! Join The Lost Boys today. Why do people live in Australia? SPF = spider paste (cures) face (cancer)! Why Derek didn't drink milk for two years. We are ruining our children. We explain the UK to Dale. RIP Big Dick Energy. Yep, it's a podcast alright. Talking points: Look at these goddamn idiots Gavin McInnes is a giant angry dipshit Sleep all day, party all night, never grow old, never die It's only a matter of time before you find spider paste next to the healing crystals in health stores Does this look like milk to you? We are ruining our children, part 1 We are ruining our children, part 2 These butthole eyes are crying Songs: 'Randy, I Am The Liquor' by Free Throw (Derek's pick) 'Streetlight' by Dutch Uncles (Dale's pick)

  • The Poo-preme Court

    01/10/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Sexualized Mario characters! Anime body pillows! Supreme Court nominees! All men are trash! Believing women when they say they've been sexually harassed or assaulted is the baseline for basic human decency and you don't deserve a goddamn award for it! The world's best professional sports league welcomes a terrifying new mascot! All this, plus a four-year-old really has to poop, on this week's Outrage Factory! Talking points: Dale should not be allowed to contribute to the agenda Please shower before having sex with your body pillow The Ford/Kavanaugh sexual assault hearings, explained, by people who aren't idiots 'He is absolutely freaking horrifying.' You can't measure grit Songs: 'Phoenix' by Scandroid (Dale's pick) 'For What It's Worth' by Anti-Flag (Derek's pick)

  • Me-sles

    26/09/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Dale loves clickbait. Communicable diseases are making a comeback in a BIG way. Want to feel old? 9/11 would be graduating highschool this year. We learn why Dale hates books. Why do people eat chestnuts? Ticketmaster is evil, but capitalism is great! A comedian expresses distasteful opinions conveniently at the same time they have a new show coming out! Jimmy Fallon will always suck. The Beatles had some weird masturbatory habits. Bert and Ernie - the degayte continues. Talking points: How Nike lost Steph Curry Measles case confirmed in Vancouver To dogs, humans are elves FUCK TICKETMASTER Norm Macdonald has some bad opinions Oh, THAT'S why they call it 'The White Album' Classic he said/he said Songs: 'Family Reunion' by Graduating Life (Derek's pick) 'Canoe Song' by Mounties (Dale's pick)

  • I'm Just a Boycott, Not Yet a Mancott

    12/09/2018 Duration: 01h22s

    #What made the internet angry this week? Apartment hunting in the Lower Mainland is a circle of hell, spite is the most powerful motivator on earth, conservatives hate black people so much they're lighting their shoes on fire, boycotts are making the world a worse place, CEOs love the GOP, Vancouverites complain about everything again, Dale and Derek share their outdoor pooping experiences. I can't believe this podcast is free! Talking points: Are your dreams crazy enough? The dumb boycott for conservatives The dumb boycott for liberals Why we should be boycotting boycotts Vancouverites gonna Vancouverite We didn't talk about this, but lol Songs: 'How to Kill' by Marc Baker (Dale's pick) Are You High? by FIDLAR (Derek's pick)

  • Dissterine

    03/09/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Energy drinks are bad for you, but great for podcasts! Instagram is probably not an accurate representation of people's lives! 'Influencer marketing' is widely misunderstood and poorly executed! Dale walks back his love of Jordan Peterson! Louis CK is probably not ready for a redemption tour! Is there such thing as an accidental boob grab? Let's find out! All this and more, on an extra-special episode of your favorite dumb podcast. Talking points: Sign me up for a warehouse full of Listerine This guy literally just figured this out Follow Derek on Instagram Follow Dale on Instagram Jordan Peterson is the world's dumbest smart guy Louis CK: #MeTooSoon The boob grab heard around the world Church: kinda creepy! Songs: 'Daisies' by White Reaper (Derek's pick) 'Rip Cord' by Sweet Valley (Dale's pick)

  • Yippie Ki-Yay, Mr. McCain

    28/08/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Derek and Dale get personal. Vancouver, the only city in the world where it's possible to get seasonal depression during summer. John McCain died, and people have opinions. Trump and Mexico team up against evil Canada. Dale teaches us about dairy farming. We share our love of Chinese culture and bizarre Oreo flavors. Alcohol keeps making people do dumb things. Is this landlord racist? And more! Talking points: The mental health effects of the world being on fire John McCain: a decent guy, now that he's dead Trump + Mexico = BFFs 4EVER Chinese people don't have tastebuds Who could have ever guessed that filling people with booze before putting them on a plane would be a bad idea Songs: 'She Swallowed Burning Coals' by El Tigr3 (Dale's choice) 'Island' by Living With Lions (Derek's choice)

  • The 'A' Stands For 'A Really Bad Guy'

    21/08/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Statues get removed! Racism gets excused! Dale does research! Another celebrity gets chased off of social media by people who care too much about works of fiction! Grownups play Pokemon! All this and more in this totally free podcast! Talking points: John A. Macdonald statue removed Is John A. Macdonald guilty of war crimes? Ruby Rose quits Twitter Songs: 'Berkley's On Fire' by SWMRS (Derek's choice) 'When You Grow Up, Your Heart Dies' by Gunship (Dale's choice)

  • Suicide Squad Goals

    12/08/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    #What made the internet angry this week? The first casualty of the INFO WARS is the truth. Alex Jones gets scrubbed from the internet, the SeaTac plane theft, the perfect candidate to play James Bond, and we spend 30 minutes discussing Will Smith movies. Talking points: Alex Jones gets banned SeaTac suicide Will Smith should be James Bond

  • Does a Grifter Jizz in the Woods?

    06/08/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    #What made the internet angry this week? We do our best to explain the batshit insanity that is the QAnon conspiracy theory, an argument in favor of regulating misinformation, a bunch of dumb internet challenges are hurting people with hilarious and tragic consequences, why you don't find porno mags in the woods anymore, Big Condom strikes again, and with Steven Seagal's new diplomatic post we officially cannot get any dumber. Talking points: QAnon, explained QAnon, explained even better The kids are badly burned Stop reusing your condoms Steven Seagal will save U.S./Russia relations Russian trolls are targeting Canada Songs: 'Master' by Gost (Dale's pick) 'Outrage' by The Interrupters (Derek's pick)

  • Harmin' Horses

    01/08/2018 Duration: 55min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Another famous guy got chased off the internet for doing something offensive! You can't call your partner your partner, unless you're gay! Cartoons aren't as sexy as they used to be! People are drawing on horses for heartwarming and/or nefarious reasons! Mayonnaise ice cream! Plastic straw bans are ableist AND sexist! All this and more! Talking points: Dan Harmon made a video that was too offensive for Dan Harmon When is a partner not a partner? She-Ra's redesign is not popular with the kind of people who would care a lot about a She-Ra redesign Painted horses, part 1 Painted horses, part 2 It ISN'T just frozen mayonnaise, that would be weird Something about plastic straw bans, for the hell of it Songs: 'Million Dollars to Kill Me' by Joyce Manor (Derek's pick) 'We've Got It Wrong' by Fashionism (Dale's pick)

  • Nothing More Dangerous Than a Fired Gunn

    22/07/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Facebook takes the brave and totally comprehensible step of defending Holocaust deniers' feelings, we start a new survivalist cult, and the inevitable downside of cultivating a world where roving mobs of angry people can get anyone fired from their job. Also: Dale and Derek share their problematic tweets! Talking points: Facebook thinks holocaust denying is 'not their problem' Mike Cernovich is an unhinged piece of shit James Gunn fired over offensive tweets Anthony Jeselnik is a national treasure Why We Should All Fear the Righteous Online Mob Song: 'You Can Do Better' by Death Cab for Cutie

  • Some Of My Friends Sell Subs

    17/07/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    #What made the internet angry this week? We decide which book is the ultimate 'white dude owns this but has never read it' book of all time, Elon Musk makes a hard left turn to Bond villain after his advances are rebuffed by a bunch of Thai boys, Dale turns on his hero Jordan Peterson, we sell out to the alt-right, Amazon fails to keep up with demand on the shopping holiday they invented, why retail sucks, a fond farewell to Greyhound, Things That Gave Dale Gout. Talking points: The ultimate 'white dude owns this but has never read it' book Jordan Peterson is a dangerous cult leader Elon Musk is not used to hearing 'no thanks' Elon Musk is a messianic huckster Subprime Day Nothing sadder than a dead Greyhound Songs: 'You Can Count on Me' by Trophy Eyes (Derek's pick) 'Dark Saturday' by Metric (Dale's pick)

  • Love In The Time Of Choleric

    09/07/2018 Duration: 54min

    #What made the internet angry this week? Extra-special guest host and friend of the pod Julie Robertson joins us to discuss gender reveal parties, the perfect shitstorm of internet outrage that was the #PlaneBae fiasco, share some Jordan Peterson takes, and explain when it's okay to drown a 16 year old in a vat of fast food soda. Also: all the sensitivity training in the world can't cure Philadelphia. Talking points: 'Plane Bae' and the slow death of whimsy The internet ruins everything, part 2 The internet, redeemed Jordan Peterson, world's smartest man MAGABurger More like Stutterbucks, am I right? Songs: 'The Best' by Tina Turner (Julie's pick) 'Tidal Wave' by Living With Lions (Derek's pick)

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