Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 235:51:54
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Podcast by Yusuf Circle Sheffield


  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 17 Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 17

    11/04/2023 Duration: 30min

    Surah Maidah, The Table Spread verse 17 Session 17 The Trinity, a blasphemous statement, depsite this the Gate of Repentance is open (Surah 5 v74). A false charge towards Mariam (as) or Ayesha (raa) is a statement of disbelief. He creates whatever He wills, the cycle of creation is complete with Prophet Isa (as).

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 15-16 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 16

    08/04/2023 Duration: 27min

    Surah Maidah, The Table Spread verses 15-16 Session 16 These verses were revealed as The Bani Israel asked The Messenger ﷺ about stoning for adulterers, the Chief, ibn Sooriah states the truth. The supplication of Ibrahim (as), Surah 2 v129, The Glad tidings from Isa (as), Surah 61 v6, The light from The Mother of The Messenger ﷺ (Ahmed). The light refers to The Quran & The Messenger ﷺ (ibn Kathir). 'The Quran The Noor ul Mobeen Wa Dhikira Hakeem Wa Siratul Mustaqeem ' (Bayhaqi).

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 14 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 15

    08/04/2023 Duration: 31min

    Surah Maidah, The Table Spread verse 14 Session 15 The Christians original name was 'Nassara' Surah 3 v52. Saul of Tarsus, Nash'toor and Malik hatch a plot. A young disciple is crucified & Isa (as) is raised to his Lord.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verses 12-13 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 14

    08/04/2023 Duration: 38min

    Ramadan 2023 - Verses 12-13 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 14 by Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verses 8-11 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 13

    04/04/2023 Duration: 26min

    Ramadan 2023 - Verses 8-11 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 13 by Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 6-7 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 12

    04/04/2023 Duration: 26min

    Ramadan 2023 - Verse 6-7 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 12 by Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Surah Hajj Verse 25 - 26 Session 9

    03/04/2023 Duration: 34min

    Surah Hajj Verse 25-26 Session 9 The Sunnah, The Purified Speech The issue of renting properties in The Sanctuary, Al Harram. Isaf & Na'ila are turned to stone when they violated The Harram. The Ancient Yemen Ruler Tubba, was advised to honour Makkah & Al Medina. We gave The Site to Ibrahim (as), referring to the site of the Holy Kaba. The original site of The Kaba was elevated, torrents would flow past.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 6 (part 2 ) Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 11

    02/04/2023 Duration: 24min

    Surah Maidah, The Table Spread verse 6 part 2. Session 11. The Qur'an's choicest words explaining the matter of relieving oneself or being intimate with one's wife. Applying tayyumum after major impurity sickness, jihad, imprisonment. Strike twice to conduct tayyumum. Intermediate state of tayyumum and wudu. Islamic law and differences between the imams for the duration of tayyumum and when water is found during prayer. The curse of Rassulallah is upon those who give fatwa without authority.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 6 Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 10

    02/04/2023 Duration: 24min

    Ramadan 2023 - Verse 6 Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 10 by Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 6 Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 9

    02/04/2023 Duration: 28min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 6 Session 9 The works of The People of The Book are fruitless rendering them losers in the hereafter. The 15 tremendous virtues of Abolution - wudhu. 70 cures in the remaining water of wudhu. Salah is the Key to Paradise & Wudhu is the Key to Salah.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 5 (part2) Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 8

    30/03/2023 Duration: 23min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 5 Part 2 Session 8 The lawful marrying of The People of The Book The sahaba married The People of The Book as Muslims were rare in foreign lands. The insight of The Padlock to The Fitnah, Umar (ra) & The Keeper of Secrets write to each other. The Messenger ﷺ only married believing women & the migrants.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 5 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 7

    28/03/2023 Duration: 24min

    Ramadan 2023 - Verse 5 Surah Maidah, The Table Spread - Session 7 by Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 4 Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 6

    28/03/2023 Duration: 28min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 4 Session 6 The Tayibaht, The Lawful foods. Law on hunting with trained dogs, eagles, falcons... 5 core principles in slaughtering meat... No torturing of the animal Use sharp knife Not to display the knife to the animal No other animals present Animals to come willingly to the slaughter place Blood should flow.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 3 (part 3) Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 5

    28/03/2023 Duration: 30min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 3 part 3 Session 5 The perfection of Tawheed and laws. The infidels give up hope in returning the muslims to paganism. " I have perfected your Deen & Chosen Isalm..." This part of verse 3 was revealed in Arafat on Friday (Tirmidhi).

  • Surah Hajj Verse 23 - 24 Session 8

    27/03/2023 Duration: 21min

    Surah Hajj Verse 23-24 Session 8 The Sunnah, The Purified Speech A hollow pearl dwelling which plants 70 suits daily (verse 23). Bracelets & Crowns for those in The Garden of Eternity. Suraqa ibn Malik (ra) dons the bracelets of The Persian Emperor Kosroe. If you awake during the night, recite the 4th Kalima followed by the 3rd and your dua so that its accepted. Verse 24 defines The Sunnah as The Purified Speech a guide to The Path of The Praised One.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 3 (part 2 ) Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 4

    26/03/2023 Duration: 19min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 3 Part 2 Session 4 The law relating to Forbidden flesh. Verse 3, Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall and that killed by being smitten with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten, except what you slaughter, and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide by the arrows; that is a transgression.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 3 Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 3

    26/03/2023 Duration: 15min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 3 Session 3 Fish & Locusts declared halal as is Liver & Spleen (verse 3). The Conquest of Makka, 'Forbidden are intoxicants, dead meat, swine and idols (their selling too). Abu Omama (ra) (Suday ibn Ajlan ibn Wahb), his tribe and his dream of a crystal glass.

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 1 - 2 Surah Maidah,The Table Spread - Session 2

    26/03/2023 Duration: 21min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 1-2 Session 2 Do not violate the symbols of Hajj (verse 1). The Garb of The Pilgrims. Explaining the Quranic words Birr, Ithim & Udwaan. Surah 2 v177 defines Birr. 'Those who offer Salah, then Birr is sprinkled over them.'

  • Ramadan 2023 - Verse 1 Session 1 - Surah Maidah,The Table Spread

    23/03/2023 Duration: 20min

    Surah Maidah,The Table Spread verse 1 Session 1 The Surah was revealed whilst The Messenger ﷺ was traveling on the she camel, Al Adba. This Surah is the last of the revelation so take from the halal/haram indefinitely. Teach your men Surah Maidah and your women Surah Noor. Amr ibn Hazen (ra) and the letter he delivers to Yemen. 'O You who Believe' is equal to the statement in the Taurah, 'O You who are in need.'

  • The Quran And Preparation For Ramadan

    23/03/2023 Duration: 34min

    The Quran and preparation for Ramadan. The Quran is mentioned before fasting, highlighting that Ramadan is the month of the Quran (Surah 2 v185). Iblees orders the shayateen to gather dust from the earth and identifies a change in Tihama, the place in which Rasulallah ﷺ recited the Holy Quran. Strengthen your relationship with Allah SWT with Dhikir. Your shaytan is what distracts you from Allah SWT. The Gardens of Bliss are the gatherings of Dhikir and teachings. Poetry linking to Surah Takathur teaching us to take little from the world to gain more in hereafter.

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