Yusuf Circle Sheffield

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 238:36:17
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Podcast by Yusuf Circle Sheffield


  • S36 FINAL SESSION - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) departs the world & is buried in Baqee.

    30/09/2024 Duration: 47min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Final Session 36 The Scribe of The Quran Zayd (ra) departs the world & is buried in Baqee. Zayd (ra) passed away at Fajr and the funeral prayer was delayed till noon so that people could gather. Zayd (ra) was washed first with water, then water with lotus leaves, then water mixed with camphor, he was then shrouded with 3 cloths. Marwan (rah) led the funeral prayer and fed the people. A Brief Bio The majestic son of Sayyidaa al- Nawaar ibn Malik (raa), The brother of the elite Badri Yazid (ra), The son-in law of the elite martyr of Uhud Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra), The Neighbour of The Messenger ﷺ, The child prodigy, The excellent youngster, The multi linguist in Hebrew, Farsee, Latin, Coptic and the Ethiopian languages, The Scribe, The Compiler of The Quran, The first from the Ansaar to pledge to Abu Bakr (ra).

  • S35 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - The 12 Mile Sanctuary of Al Medina.

    30/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 35 The Scribe of The Quran The 12 Mile Sanctuary of Al Medina. The Haram of Al Medina. Zayd (ra) reminds of the sanctity of Al Medina to those who set a trap to catch a bird. Verily, the soil of Al Medina cures every disease (Razeen).

  • S34 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd's (ra) son passes away

    28/09/2024 Duration: 29min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 34   The Scribe of The Quran Zayd's (ra) son passes away, the ones who intended to build a masjid over the grave were rebuked (Ibn Abee Sahibah). The most evil of mankind are those who will be alive when the Last Day arrives and those who take graves as Masjid (Ahmad). It is permissible however to build a Masjid next to the graves.

  • S33 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) educated Marwaan (rah).

    28/09/2024 Duration: 30min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 33 The Scribe of The Quran The Ring of Marwaan ibn Al Hakam (rah). Zayd (ra) educated Marwaan (rah). Reciting short Surahs in the Maghrib prayer was started by Marwaan (rah), namely Surah Ikhlaas & Surah Kawthar. Zayd (ra)... The Messenger ﷺ would recite the shorter of the 2 Surahs in Maghrib.. Surah Al A'araaf whilst the second of them is Surah Al An'aam (Fathul Baree). The believer is occupied with 3 things till he enters The Garden of Eternity... Sincerity in his deeds Giving honest admonition to those in authority  Adhering to the main body of Muslims (Darimee).

  • S32 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd's (ra) pledge of allegiance to Mu'aawiyah (ra).

    26/09/2024 Duration: 27min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 32   The Scribe of The Quran The Reign of Hadrat Mu'aawiyah (ra). Zayd's (ra) pledge of allegiance to Mu'aawiyah (ra). Zayd's (ra) advice on inheritance and marriage.

  • S31 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) never took part in the campaigns during the fitnah

    26/09/2024 Duration: 25min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 31 The Scribe of The Quran The Reign of Alee (ra) When the sword is placed in my Ummah it will not be withdrawn till the Last Hour (Tirmidhi). A rebellious group (Khwaarij) will emerge at a time of dissent amongst the Muslims, and it will be destroyed by the close of the two groups to the Truth (Muslim). The group nearer to the Truth, which means both were following the Truth be it so, one more than the other. When the fitnah arose the Companions numbered in the tens of thousands , yet less than a mere hundred got involved, their number was barely thirty (Ahmad). Zayd (ra) never took part in the campaigns during the fitnah (Al Istee'aab).

  • S30 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) defends Uthmaan (ra) from the Rebels.

    24/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 30 The Scribe of The Quran Seek to read the Quran from four, Ibn Masood, Saalim Mawlaa Abu Huzahayfa, Ubayy ibn Kaab and Mu'aazh ibn Jabal (raa) (Muslim). Saalim Mawlaa (ra) was martyred at Yamaamah Mu'aazh (ra) died from the Plague of Amwaas Ubayy & Ibn Masood (raa) died during the reign of Uthmaan (ra). Zayd (ra) lived much longer. Zayd (ra) defends Uthmaan (ra) from the Rebels. When the house of Uthmaan (ra) was being besieged by the rebels Zayd would weep (Ibn Sa'd).

  • S29 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - The Quran is Compiled

    24/09/2024 Duration: 23min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 29 The Scribe of The Quran The Quran is Compiled The Master Jurist - Ibn Ummi Abd (ra) Ibn Masood (ra) wasn't pleased that he was not associated with the transcription of the Quran and why were the other manuscripts burnt ? Ibn Masood (ra) had a longer record of The Messenger ﷺ companionship than Zayd (ra). Ibn Masood (ra) had learnt 70s Surah directly from The Messenger ﷺ. The task was done in Al Medina whilst Ibn Masood (ra) was in Koofah. Abu Bakr (ra) entrusted Zayd with the task whilst Ibn Masood (ra) was in Al Medina.

  • S28 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - The 7 recitals

    22/09/2024 Duration: 32min

    adrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 28 The Scribe of The Quran The Concession - 'The Water is from The Water' (Muslim). During the reign of Uthmaan (ra) Zayd (ra) was 35. Uthmaan (ra) would leave Zayd (ra) in charge of Al Medina whenever he went for Hajj (Al Bidaya). Zayd's (ra) second pivotal role in the preservation of The Holy Book. The 7 recitals. Uthmaan (ra) orders copies of The Quran in the Quraysh recital, whilst returning the original to Hafsah (raa).

  • S27 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - The Sermon of Umar (ra)

    20/09/2024 Duration: 27min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 27  The Scribe of The Quran Ubaadha ibn As-Saamit (ra), The Badari at Baytul Maqdis, Al Quds. Zayd accompanies Umar (raa) at The opening of The Glorious City of Jerusalem. The Sermon of Umar (ra) If you want to know about the Quran & the recital then ask Ubayy ibn Ka'ab (ra). If you want to know about inheritance then ask Zayd (ra) For Fiqh ask Mu'aazh ibn Jabal (ra) For wealth then come to me for Allah SWT has made me a guardian and distributor (Tabarani). Naafi (rah), 'Umar (ra) appointed Zayd (ra) as a judge and also allocated a stipend for him' (Siyar). Zayd (ra) is appointed to resolve a dispute between Umar & Ubayy (raa).

  • S26 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra)- Zayd (ra) was appointed as deputy in Al Medina.

    20/09/2024 Duration: 32min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 26 The Scribe of The Quran Verily we have sent down to you The Remembrance and verily we will guard it from corruption, Surah 15 v9. The elect amongst you are those who learn the Quran & teach it (Bukhari). Alee (ra), May Allah SWT have mercy on Abu Bakr (ra) he was the first to gather what is between the 2 tablets of The Quran (Ibn Abee Shahbah). Abu Bakr (ra) has the greatest reward for he was the first to compile The Quran (Abu Ya'laa). Look for sweetness in 3  In Salaah, the recitation of the Quran & the Zikir of Allah SWT. If you find it, rejoice, if not the door of goodness is locked and strive earnestly to open it (Ibn Al Jawzee rah). Zayd (ra) was 24 when Umar (ra) reigned as Caliph. When Umar (ra) travelled, Zayd (ra) was appointed as deputy in Al Medina. Zayd (ra) passed verdicts in Al Medina and for matters outside of the Holy City (Ibn Sa'ad).

  • S25 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) gathered those who memorised the Quran.

    19/09/2024 Duration: 34min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 25 The Scribe of The Quran Umar & Zayd (raa) compile the Quran. I started searching for the Quarn, collecting it from the date palms, white stones and breasts of men till I found out the last portion of Surah Tawbah which Khazaymah al Ansaree (ra) had, I did not find this verse in written form with anyone besides him. The last 2 verses of Surah Tawbah were the last verses of the Quran to be revealed (Ahmad). Zayd (ra) began collecting the written form of the Quran. Zayd (ra) gathered those who memorised the Quran. He then compared what was memorised and written. If all agreed Zayd (ra) would write it on leather. Khazaymah (ra) Al Ansaree worth the testimony of 2 & Surah Al Ahzaab v 23.

  • S24 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) Compiles The Quran

    19/09/2024 Duration: 24min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 24 The Scribe of The Quran Zayd (ra) Compiles The Quran This is a Book of Exalted power, Surah Fussilat v41. Abu Bakr (ra) during his reign would seek to consult with the Mohajirron & Zayd (ra) (Ibn Sa'ad). During The Battle of Yamaamah, Zayd (ra) was pierced by an arrow but suffered no permanent injuries (Ibn Katheer). Many hafiz lay married at Yamamah, Umar (ra) advises, Complete the entire Quran into a Mushaf (Bukhari). Zayd (ra) is chosen to collect the entire Quran. * He was trusted by The Messenger ﷺ as a scribe. * He's an excellent reiter of the Quran. * Hafiz during the lifetime of the Messenger ﷺ. * He is the Chief Scribe. * He was present when The Messenger ﷺ recited the whole Quran during the last Ramadhan.

  • S23 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Abu Bakr (ra) takes the high post.

    19/09/2024 Duration: 21min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 23 The Scribe of The Quran Abu Bakr (ra) takes the high post. The Quraysh are the Successors & The Ansaar are the advisors. Alee (ra) The Messenger ﷺ instructed Abu Bakr (ra) to lead the prayer whilst I was available and healthy. Alee (ra), None should say that I am more deserving of the rule than Abu Bakr (ra).

  • S22 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) was 21 when The Messenger ﷺ departed the world.

    16/09/2024 Duration: 25min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 22 The Scribe of The Quran The First to Pledge The companions with the most students who preserved the teachings... Zayd, Ibn Masood & Ibn Abbas (raa). Umar (ra) pays a visit to The Sacred Knowledge in the form of Zayd (ra) (Baihaqi). Zayd (ra) was 21 when The Messenger ﷺ departed the world. The First to Pledge Zayd (ra), Abu Bakr (ra) is your man pledge allegiance to him (Ahmad).

  • S05 - Surah Al Furqaan (25) Verse 17 - 20

    16/09/2024 Duration: 27min

    Quran class Session 5 Surah 25 v17-20 Allah SWT will test us by means of others, even if we hide in a lizard's hole. How did you end up worshipping those who walked around the markets and who ate food ? Verse 17, 'Did you lead astray my servants' this refers to Prophet Isa (as), Uzair (as) & The Angels. The Quraysh ask The Messenger ﷺ about the personalities that have been worshipped. It's is not appropriate, meaning here forbidden... It's not appropriate for the most merciful that He should have offspring, Surah 19 v92, Surah 36 v69, Surah 26 v210 & Surah 25 v18. A verse that people do not ask about, Ibn Abbas (ra), Surah 21 v 98. The complete discernment of Shirik. Those who worshipped their own desires, their own skin will testify against themselves, Surah 41 v20. Those who worshipped false deities, the sun or the moon, Surah 46 v5-6 Those who worshipped Prophet Isa (as) will be dismantled, Surah 5 v111. Those who worshipped the Angels will be dismantled, Surah 34 v40.

  • S21 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Ibn Abbas honours Zayd (ra)

    15/09/2024 Duration: 21min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 21 The Scribe of The Quran Zayd (ra) The Learned. Ibn Abbas honours Zayd (ra) as the former has been commanded to honour the learned. We have been commanded to hold on to the stirrup of our teachers and seniors (Ibn An-Najjaar). It's not part of the Believers character that he flatters anyone except in seeking knowledge (Ibn Adee). Blessings are found amongst your 'akaa birikum' great ones [the ones with knowledge] (Haakim).

  • S20 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra) participates at Uhud

    15/09/2024 Duration: 30min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 20 The Scribe of The Quran The Hour of Distress, Surah 9 v117. Zayd (ra) participates at Uhud and is given an Egyptian garment, at the time he was 15 and The Messenger ﷺ said, what an excellent youngster. The standard is given to Zayd (ra) as he has knowledge of The Quran. The jurits are 4, Umar, Alee, Zayd ibn Thabit And ibn Masood (raa). 6 give verdicts Umar, Alee, ibn Masood, Zayd, Ubayy & Abu Moosa (raa).  Zayd (ra) surpassed the people in 2 areas, The laws of Inheritance and in The Quran.

  • S19 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - The daughters of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra)

    15/09/2024 Duration: 31min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 19 The Scribe of The Quran The Prodigy Abu Bakr (ra), 'This is the daughter of such a man who was better than I. He was one of the Chiefs on the Day of Aqabah and had attended both Badr then fell as a martyr on The Day of Uhud' (Haakim). The daughters of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra) inherit from their father as Surah Nisa v 11 is revealed. Anas ibn Nadhr (ra) gains a spiritual opening [Kashf] at Uhud, Surah 33 v23.

  • S18 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Saad ibn Rabee (ra)

    13/09/2024 Duration: 28min

    Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 18  The Scribe of The Quran The unmarried Zayd (ra) is sent to look for his future father in-law at Uhud. During the Battle of Uhud, The Messenger ﷺ sends Zayd (ra) [the future son in-law of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra)] to look for Sa'ad (ra), 'If you see him convey ny Salaam to him and inform him that The Messenger ﷺ asks how is he keeping'... May Allah SWT have mercy upon Saad ibn Rabee (ra), he has been sincere to both Allah SWT & His Messenger ﷺ (Haakim). During his reign, Abu Bakr (ra) honours the daughter of Sa'ad ibn Rabee (ra). Later on, Zayd (ra) married Jameela (raa), her father Sa'ad (ra) was martyred at Uhud whilst her mother was pregnant with her (Ibn Sa'd).

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