Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 173:35:23
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Every week on the Mom Inspired Show, Amber Sandberg and her guest delve into relevant topics for women including: pursuing passions, overcoming battles, and trouble shooting issues that women face. Amber loves to connect with women especially moms and encourages them in their authenticity because they are already good enough. Be uplifted and inspired. Join the village that seems to be missing in todays age at the Mom Inspired Show. Find out more at


  • How to cope with grief during the holidays: Krista St-Germain: 261

    12/10/2021 Duration: 35min

    Are you nervous about the holidays coming up and grieving your loved one? Today we have grief expert and life coach for widowed moms Krista St-Germain on the show. Krista shares with us how to best support ourselves when grief grenades come up around the holidays. She talks about the challenges that come up when trying to figure out how to spend the holidays, if we should keep the old traditions or try to create new ones.  We also chat about how we can best support our kids with their grief around the holidays. Lastly, I asked Krista how we can best show up for loved ones that have lost someone. One topic that stood out to me is when Krista told us that she always thought the goal was to be happy in life when she was younger and then she realized that wasn't the case. Hear what she says on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out one of the episode's I did on loneliness and grief with Heidi McLaughlin:

  • Is adrenal fatigue making your life harder? Jennifer Wheeler: 260

    05/10/2021 Duration: 49min

    Do you feel tired and have no idea why? Today we have functional medicine practitioner Jennifer Wheeler on the show talking all about our adrenals. Jennifer shares with us 5 Steps to Cure Adrenal Fatigue and Optimize Work Performance. We talk about circadian rhythm reset and some easy steps to do this.  She also shares with us how we need to be careful with what kind of workouts we do and how that impacts our adrenals. She also walks us through the importance of bioindividual nutrition and what that looks like as well as understanding our stress response and the role that plays in our lives. One topic that stood out to me is when she mentioned why it's crucial to ditch toxins and why that's crucial to our adrenals. Hear what she says on this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out one of the episode's I did on perimenopause and how your hormones could be impacting your energy:   Do you want a FREE min

  • How to save your marriage when your spouse doesn’t want to change? Beth Miller: 259

    28/09/2021 Duration: 38min

    Do you feel alone when it comes to fixing your marriage? Today we have Beth Miller on the show talking all about marriage.  With the pandemic it seems like more and more people are having issues with their marriage as they figure out new routines. Beth also shares with us why do our marriage struggles keep persisting even after countless attempts at counseling or reading marriage help books? She also talks about the major misconception that can block love and connection as well as an easy solution to end resentment and petty arguments. One topic that stood out to me is what she wished she had known before getting married. Hear what she says on this topic and more on the podcast.   Do you want a FREE mini coaching session with me? Keep reading... Hey are you sitting there worried that your life is too small for you,  you put yourself last and feel like you are not showing up in your life like you want too.  You're overwhelmed, you haven't lost the baby weight, you doubt yourself all the time and for once you

  • Stop feeling guilty for taking care of yourself: Alissa Harper: 258

    21/09/2021 Duration: 38min

    Are you working on the life you will be proud of in twenty years? Today I have Alissa Harper on the show and we talk all about why it's so important to take care of yourself so you can be the best mom. Alissa has two daughters and she wanted to model something different and be more intentional with her life. She shared with us how its important to invest in yourself so you can show up better for the people in her life. Alissa talks about what made her take the leap to start coaching with me and the impact it has had on her life.  She describes to us how it helps to have someone on the outside to process things and the tools that I have provided her during our one on one coaching has really helped her in her everyday life. One topic that stood out to me is when she told us that she didn't think she needed coaching and now she can't imagine not investing in the time to be coached. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I

  • Creating your dream business: Samie Roberts: 257

    14/09/2021 Duration: 30min

    Have you ever wondered what you are truly passionate about? Today I am talking with entrepreneur Samie Roberts all about figuring out your passion.  She shared with us how she got her feet wet with different careers to really hone in on what she truly loved doing.  Samie also discussed with us how she was able to find balance in regards to having a business and raising her daughter.  She mentioned that having her daughter actually helped with creating more balance because it created more structure.  I had asked her what tips does she have for moms that are working from home with kids and she said it is helpful if you can create a structure in your day and create goals.  Samie also shared with us what she has learned working with her husband and what makes things work.  One topic that stood out to me is when she said just put yourself out there or your product out there before it's even ready, don't wait for it to be perfect. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked thi

  • Losing weight and keeping it off for good: Amber Sandberg: 256

    07/09/2021 Duration: 14min

    Do you feel like you are in a rush to lose weight? Today I am talking about losing weight and keeping it off for good.  Sometimes what that entails is going slower then we would like. I realized that women can panic about getting the weight off and they want it off by a certain event, or vacation, etc. They get overwhelmed because they feel like they need to lose the weight fast.  Which then creates anxiousness and may cause you to make decisions you wouldn't pick for the long term.  What if you took your time to lose weight, would that make you feel more calm? How do you want to show up for this process, because how you show up to lose the weight is how you will keep it off.  How would you want to move your body, what kind of foods would you want to be eating, what kind of activities would you love to incorporate into your life these are the questions you want to be asking yourself.  Lastly, I talk about maintenance and how women get so terrified of gaining all the weight back because they didn't figure out

  • Does your heart feel heavy lately? Jenny Stemmerman: 255

    31/08/2021 Duration: 38min

    Are you feeling like life is super heavy lately? Today I am talking with fellow podcaster and friend Jenny Stemmerman all about being a mom during this challenging time in our world.  If you are looking for a casual conversation about the struggle we have as moms right now then you are in the right place.  We chatted about the kids going back to school and the stress that it is bringing up for moms with all the ups and downs and unknowns for this school year. We talked about what we are doing to keep our sanity when it feels like the world is on our shoulders.  If you are feeling this too or just feel numb to it all and feel alone I hope you find some hope in this episode, if anything I hope you can find some humor and laugh.  Hear what we have  to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did about living a life too small for you, click Do you wan

  • Raising preteen and teenage daughters: Sarah Bragg: 254

    24/08/2021 Duration: 47min

    Are you raising daughters and wondering if you are doing it right? Today I am talking with author Sarah Bragg about raising preteen and teenage daughters.  We jump into the show talking about failure and how that is part of life and why it's important to teach our girls that it's ok to fail. Sarah also shared with us how it's critical to understand our children  developmentally, ideally before they get to that next stage. Make sure to check out the show notes with several website resources for learning about developmental stages. We also talk about body image that pertain to not only our daughters but to us and how to navigate that in the most healthy way. One topic that stood out to me is when Sarah told me about her eating disorder that she had as a child and how it stemmed from a comment regarding her weight from a kid at party. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   If you liked this episode make sure to check out my episode I did with Emily Ley about tween and and tee

  • Navigating perimenopause: Dyna Vink: 253

    17/08/2021 Duration: 48min

    Are you finding that you just don't feel like yourself lately? Today I am talking with Dyna Vink all about navigating hormones especially during perimenopause which can start as early as late 30s. Dyna shares with us her journey of going through perimenopause and how she wished she had known more information back then. She tells us why eating certain foods can help with any physical challenges you might be experiencing with hormonal fluctuations. That quality of sleep plays a huge role in weight loss and why women start having a hard time staying asleep during perimenopause. We chat about why not all exercises are good for perimenopause. That high impact workouts can sometimes be too stressful on the body and this stress can create cortisol which makes it easier to gain weight. One topic that stood out to me is when she told me about sugar and how it can cause inflammation in the brain and how that impacts our memory.  Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this epi

  • Having body positivity while working towards your goals: Amber Sandberg: 252

    10/08/2021 Duration: 21min

    Do you find it impossible to think positive about your body while wanting to lose weight? Today I am talking all about why it's important to work on your thoughts regarding your body at its current size while losing weight. Many of us think that once we get to our goal weight that our thoughts will be what we want and that just isn't the case. It's really easy to think that if we think positively about our bodies at a size that we don't want to be at then we will end up staying there and not losing weight.  But I want to share with you that we don't have to show our body tough love in order to get to our desired goal. I want to encourage you to start working on your thoughts and your actions you take today in order to lose your weight so that when you are at goal weight it is a lot easier to maintain that weight loss. I also talk about how important it is to choose wisely how you want to lose your weight because how you lose it, is how you will maintain it. So if you are on some crazy diet to get the weight

  • Homeschooling: Spending more time as a family :Durenda Wilson: 251

    03/08/2021 Duration: 46min

    Have you wondered what the benefits of homeschooling are? Today I have mom of 8, author, and homeschooling mom Durenda Wilson back on the show. Today we are talking about her new book Four Hour School Day and how homeschooling was such a blessing to her and her family. She talked about working with your child's interest and passions for an enjoyable learning experience.  Also, Durenda shares with us how we can help our kids learn to be more curious and allow them to be more independent when it comes to their learning so that you have more time.  One topic that stood out to me is when Durenda was sharing with us how she is close to all 8 of her kids and she truly believes it's because of the time she spent with them homeschooling. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the 4 part series I did on homeschooling, click HERE   I am now a certified life coach and wanting to help moms beyond the podcast! Are you living a life too small f

  • Would homeschooling be a good option for your family? Durenda Wilson: 250 (REPLAY)

    27/07/2021 Duration: 47min

    Are you wondering if homeschooling would be best for your family? Today I have mom of 8, author, and homeschooling mom Durenda Wilson on the show.  She shared with us how she became an author and how that process looked like for her to write a book. She mentioned that she  was hesitant to write a book but after several people nudging her to do it she realized that her gifting is writing.  Durenda shares with us how homeschooling is different from public school  and that home life is a great representation of the real life.  Also,  how homeschooling allows for kids to move more, get outside and be able to have order the way it fits your family the best. She found that when her boys started to provoke their sisters she knew they needed to blow off physical energy that they wouldn't be able to do in a public school setting.  She also shares with us about going at a slower pace and how that can be beneficial and that we don't learn very well under stress.  Lastly, we talk about curriculum, and how everyone wants

  • How to change the direction of your life: Amber Sandberg: 249

    20/07/2021 Duration: 46min

    Do you feel stuck? Today I will be interviewed on my friend Jenny Stemmerman's podcast where we talk all about changing the direction of your life. I share with her that the one of the reasons I wanted to get certified as a life coach was to help moms beyond the podcast. I know it's so easy to get stuck in a rut or feel like you don't know what your purpose is outside of running a home. Maybe you want to lose weight, or get out of debt, maybe you are struggling with self-confidence since having kids, these are just some of the things that I have been given tools for to help my clients. Here are my 3 tips to help you move forward and create the life you want: 1. Assessing your thoughts:  Understanding where you are and what you are feeling and what is missing.  There are a lot of emotions that can come up with this….it is easier said than done.  Don’t plan on this being a short process.  A journal might help you process and track your thoughts and emotions.  This is also where a coach is so helpful because t

  • How to balance your hormones as you age: Dr. Carolyn Delucia: 248

    13/07/2021 Duration: 47min

    Do you feel like as you age your hormones seem all over the place and you don't know what to do? Today we have Dr. Carolyn Delucia back on the show for the second part of this interview and we talk all about hormones.  Dr. Carolyn shares with us that if she would of known what she knew now she would of starting doing things differently in order to feel more like herself.  That just because our hormones are changing in our late 30's through our early 50's doesn't mean we have to throw our hands up in the air and assume this is how it's suppose to be.  Dr. Carolyn truly believes that we don't have to struggle through this and that there are things we can do to help us feel our best. One topic that stood out to me is when she said that when women start skipping their periods that is when most women start to experience hot flashes and insomnia. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode 247  I did last week with Dr. Carolyn wher

  • Incontinence and pelvic floor prolapse after childbirth: Dr. Carolyn Delucia: 247

    06/07/2021 Duration: 41min

    Do you find yourself peeing a little when running, jumping, sneezing, laughing and coughing? Today we have Dr. Carolyn Delucia on the show for a 2 part episode and we talk all about our bodies after having kids.  Did you guys know that in 2020 there were more adult diapers sold than baby diapers?  Dr. Carolyn shares with us why so many women especially women who have had kids have issues with peeing doing everyday things and how we don't have to live with it anymore!  She also talks to us about women struggling with pelvic floor prolapse after having kids and how it's more common then women realize.  So if you are struggling with incontinence or pelvic floor syndrome you are not alone and there are solutions to address this so that you won't have to live with it for the rest of your life. One topic that stood out to me is when she mentioned that women can get these things fixed for the most part without having surgery! Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episo

  • How can teens prepare for college? Dr. Pamela Ellis: 246

    29/06/2021 Duration: 45min

    Are you wondering how you can plan and pay for child's college? Today we have speaker and author Dr. Pamela Ellis on the show. Dr. Pamela shares with us her journey on how she ended up the founder of Compass College Advisory and the author of What To Know Before They Go.  We talk about how kids can start applying for scholarships at the age of 13 and what that looks like. She also shares with us what to look for in regards to finding summer programs for our kids that are free and what helped her own kids succeed.  Dr. Pamela discusses with how to help our kids transition from high school to college and how to help prepare our kids emotionally. One topic that stood out to me is when she mentioned the number one thing that makes life easier for kids going into middle school as well as going into college.  Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast. If you liked this episode make sure to check out the episode I did Ann Wilson on No Parents are Perfect . Click HERE I am now a certified li

  • Barbados, Grenada, Mexico: Bucket List: Christina Willett: 245 (Replay)

    22/06/2021 Duration: 42min

    What places are on your bucket list for this year and 2022? Today we have mom of 3 Christina Willett from Lush Experience on the show for part 2 of the travel series to share with us some amazing places we can go this year! Just like Heidi in the previous episode, she shares with us 3 different locations and 4 amazing resorts that are perfect during the pandemic. Christina really focuses on these properties that are the perfect places to go to to be able to relax, have fun and not worry about the cleanliness or having to spread out to get space.  Let's jump into where she highly recommends your next vacation to be. Let's start with heading to Barbados, an island that is hilly, beautiful with light pink beaches.  In Barbados everything is at your fingertips, if you want to go shopping,  explore restaurants, and do activities you can leave the resort and feel safe. Sandy Lane hotel is perfect for families.  Sandy Lane has amazing beach side service. As a parent you want to make that experience as easy as poss

  • St. Barth, Turks & Caicos, Dominican Republic: Bucket List: Heidi Larusso : 244 (Replay)

    15/06/2021 Duration: 43min

    The world is opening back up, where do you want to go? Today we have Heidi La Russo from Lush Experience on the show to share with us some amazing places we can go this year!  She shares with us 3 different locations and 4 amazing resorts that are perfect during the pandemic. Eden Roc is not your typical all inclusive Dominican Republic hotel. It's privately gated located in Cap Cana.  Flying into Punta Cana is a 15 minute ride. All cars are being sanitized before and after clients. You can only go to Cap Cana if you are staying on Cap Cana and there is so much to do there. You can go to the marina for dinner, water activities, bike tours, walking tours and equestrian center to mention just a few.  Eden Roc is located directly on the beach, and on a Jack Nicklaus Signature Punta Espada golf course. It has a 30,000 sq foot spa that focuses on wellness.   The way the property is laid out is perfect for families that want to be spread out from other people, it's very spacious! The Poolside accommodation allows

  • Cabo: Bucket List: Amber Sandberg: 243 (Replay)

    08/06/2021 Duration: 51min

    Have you wondered why people love going to Cabo so much? In 2019 I went to Cabo San Lucas and San Jose Mexico and stayed at several luxury properties.  As a travel agent I wanted to go and check out why people flocked to Cabo so often.  I stayed at 5 different resorts so that I could see the difference between each of them in order to help my travel clients.  I had the best time, it felt like a mix of Scottsdale/Palm Springs and Hawaii depending on which resort you were at. If customer service is high on your list for when you travel than you will want to make sure you stay at one of these properties. If you have a big birthday or anniversary coming up and you want to feel spoiled and taken care than make sure Cabo is on your list!  For those of you that are concerned about safety in Mexico make sure to listen to this episode as I share my thoughts on this topic and how I asked locals about their feelings on safety regarding the area as well. If you wonder what fun things you can do in Cabo here are just a f

  • Turks and Caicos: Bucket List: Amber Sandberg: 242

    01/06/2021 Duration: 36min

    Do you want to go to an island with the most turquoise water you will ever see? As the world opens up it is very clear that this is the best time to start using a travel advisor, each country has their own rules and testing requirements.  So do yourself a favor and making your life easier with advisors like myself.  So, let's jump into why Turks and Caicos needs to be on your bucket list.  My stay on the island was amazing in large part because of my amazing accommodations. I stayed at The Palms and its sister property The Shore Club. These resorts were just stunning. I stayed in a one bedroom ocean front suite and it had a fully equipped kitchen that was beautiful, a master bathroom and half bathroom, dining area, living room with a pull out couch and a laundry room that is perfect for families! One of the perks of staying at these resorts is that you can get a shuttle to each resort to eat at their restaurants. Taxi's can get really expensive on the island so the fact that you can use their shuttle for fre

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