The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe



The time to make your life epic is right now. Stop waiting and start learning how to create the life you want. On this show I’ll teach you how to create a happier, more fulfilling life. I focus on four main areas: Confidence; Love & Relationships; Mindset & Heart-Centered Living. You’ll meet everyday people doing incredible things. Like a sex therapist. A sports performance coach. A relationship guru and many more. You’ll also learn from icons like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tupac, Stevie Wonder, etc. You’ll also see what superstars like Tom Brady, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan all have in common and how you can apply it in your life. I’m Jim Simcoe the author of Hero Up: Unleash Your Inner Hero and Make Life Epic. I’m a father, husband, fish taco fanatic and unabashed tank-top wearer. Check out the show and get in touch with questions or comments. Instagram: @iamjimsimcoe, Twitter: @JimSimcoe


  • Advice for Couples - 11 Ways to Make your Relationship Fantastic

    14/01/2016 Duration: 23min

    Make your relationship better with these 11 tips for couples. See how to painlessly resolve typical relationship problems, communicate correctly & improve your love life.  Relationships can be easy and awesome if you’re willing to do the work and you have the right tools. Check out the podcast and see how to turn your relationship around and make it awesome again.

  • 39 Unconventional Ways to Make 2016 Epic

    04/01/2016 Duration: 50min

    Happy New Year!  As it is the 3rd of January you've probably heard a lot of podcasts talking about how to make this year "the best year ever!" or "how to keep your new years resolutions".  Well this isn't one of them. This podcast gives you 39 very conventional ways to make this year epic, no resolutions required. Everything from swearing more to choosing success over perfection to the books to read to make laugh, cry and be better at life, love & business.  You'll see why the Spark Planner rocks, Hydro Flask is the best/only water bottle you need and why Dollar Shave Club razors are the best in the world. You'll learn about 30-day awesome person challenges on Facebook, why dogs are so important and why finding a twenty in your jeans is the key to life. For the complete list and links mentioned in the show check out:

  • CrossFit Awesomeness with Blake Bender & Eric DePaula of CrossFit Society

    16/12/2015 Duration: 54min

    In the podcast today I interview two gods of crossfit, Blake Bender & Eric DePaula, owners of Crossfit Society in Solana Beach, CA.  If you’ve listened to any other of my podcasts you probably already know that I love crossfit (and not just because it’s another excuse to wear tank-tops).  In fact, one of the single greatest changes in my life this past past year has been crossfit. I love it so I asked Eric and Blake to come on the show and tell you all about it.   In this episode you’ll learn about the biggest benefits of crossfit (probably not what you think). Blake & Eric also dispel some common myths of crossfit and talk about their unique approach to crossfit coaching.  I’ve been going for over a year and I can honestly say I’ve never been stronger and have never gotten injured, largely due to their coaching.    Eric & Blake have been friends since they were 5 years old so interviewing them was a lot of fun.  They’re genuinely good guys and they even helped me pronounce “militaristic” during the show sinc

  • Epic Soul Shifts - The Heather Lindemenn Interview

    10/12/2015 Duration: 47min

    You know when you think of a particular friend and you just can't stop smiling?  The one who inspires you and makes you feel awesome? Heather Lindemenn is that person for me.  She can't help but be inspiring and empowering even as she's swearing like a drunken sailor. Check out my interview with her to learn more about: Empowering yourself by coming home to your soul How she quit high school and just went straight to college and kicked ass (still not sure how she pulled this off) How to be comfortable in your own skin and love yourself This was one of my most enjoyable interviews. Heather and I plan on bringing you some fun stuff together in the future as well so stay tuned. For more about Heather, check out (      

  • 5 Keys to an Epic Life

    12/11/2015 Duration: 33min

    In writing a book about creating an Epic Life I've found that there are 5 key components to making your life epic: Vision, Confidence, Balance, Relationships & Legacy. In today's podcast I go through each briefly and give you some insights on how to put these concepts into use in your own life.  

  • Connecting Passion to Purpose - The Eliel Cycling story

    07/10/2015 Duration: 41min

    In today's podcast I interview my friend, Derek Wiback about his experience running a start-up cycling company.  Derek epitomizes the phase "Do what you love" and he serves as a great example of someone connecting their passion to their purpose. Listen in to hear how to connect your passion to your life's purpose and how to make a career out of it. You'll learn how to develop a team, have a healthy business partnership and how to connect your values with your career. Derek Wiback is one of the founders of Eliel Cycling. He lives in Encinitas, Ca with his wife and two daughters (sound familiar?).  For more about his company, check out:

  • Creating healthy relationships

    26/09/2015 Duration: 48min

    In this podcast I interview two of my good friends, Cookie and Daveed about how they created and maintain their healthy relationship.  I have always been struck by how vibrant and positive they both are and how happy they always seem in their relationship. So I got them on the show and asked them a ton of questions about their relationship, including: What do you love most about the other person? How do they support you? What advice would you give to someone in a new relationship? What advice would you give to someone dating? What are the 3 keys to a strong relationship? I also had them do a rapid-fire quiz about each other that turned out to be pretty funny and insightful. And much love to La Croix seltzer water which I drink every day and what we all drank during the recording.  Love that stuff...

  • Spend money on experiences, not things

    22/09/2015 Duration: 13min

    A big part of creating an Epic life is knowing how to spend your money.  I am a firm believer in spending money on experiences and not things. On this podcast I talk about why spending money on experiences is so important.  I also talk about the Red Hot Chili Peppers, why they are my favorite band and why I'm dropping $1000 to see them this Sunday.

  • How to Crush your 20's

    28/08/2015 Duration: 28min

    If you really want to crush your 20s then check out this podcast. Today I let Ryan Simcoe and Jeremy Bare (two twenty year olds) take over the show and interview me. I went through my 20s a long time ago so it's pretty interesting to answer their questions about life, career, purpose, dating/relationships, etc.  This is a completely unscripted Q&A as I didn't know any of the questions they were going to ask. Some of their questions included: 1. How do you find life's purpose and fullfilment if you don't know what career you want to pursue? 2. How do you have an awesome relationship?  What mistakes did you make in your 20s? What's the most important thing to learn in college? (Hint: it has nothing to do with school).  Ryan is my brother from Boston and it was a pleasure having him and Jeremy on the show.  

  • How to apply Arnold Schwarzenegger's 6 rules of success

    26/08/2015 Duration: 19min

    Check out Ahhhhnold's wisdom (really) on life and 6 rules to live by.  We take a look at each rule and apply it to life even if you're not professional bodybuilder/governor/ action movie actor.  The Terminator's rules: Trust yourself Break some rules Don't be afriad to fail Ignore the naysayers Work your ass off Give something back Listen in to hear how to apply these rules to your life and see why cauliflower is surprisingly like failure. Check it out..  

  • Be the underdog

    28/07/2015 Duration: 22min

    If you've ever been the underdog then this podcast for you. You'll learn why being the underdog is actually an advantage and how to leverage it. You'll see what a 45 year old average hoopster, Luke Skywalker and Julian Edelman (from the New England Patriots) all have in common. You'll hear 4 key steps to embracing your role as the underdgo and how to use it to use it to your advantage in any situation.  

  • Love your Crazy

    25/07/2015 Duration: 06min

    Is your life overwhelming?  Too much to do and too  little time?  Do you feel totally out of whack compared to the people who look so cool, calm and collected? If so, than you are totally normal and just like the rest of us.  Here's the thing, though, instead of freaking out about the overwhelm, how about embracing it? Check out this very short podcast on embracing your crazy life.  Enjoy!

  • F*ck Fear

    18/07/2015 Duration: 25min

    Fear sucks.  If you're anything like me you have fears in your life.  Some are realistic and some are silly.  I recently overcame a major fear in my life (afraid of going anywhere at altitude) and it was fantastic. For years I've been afraid to travel anyhere above 1000 feet above sea level.  A silly fear a realize, but it was a fear nontheless. In this podcast I talk about my fear and what I did to overcome it.  In fact, I recorded this at alitude which for me, was an amazing feat in and of itself. We are have fears and we all need tools to manage them and 'dial back the crazy' as I call it.  This podcast will give you the tools to help manage your fears.  Because at the end of the day, fear blows.  So check it out and f*ck fear.  

  • How to build trust in your relationship

    23/06/2015 Duration: 33min

    Creating a trusting relationship isn't easy.  It takes hard work, commitment and mutual respect.  Listen in to learn more about the common relationship trust pitfalls and how to avoid them. See how to increase the trust in your relationship and why opening a 'trust bank' is a good idea.  

  • Win Big by Taking Risks and Being Bold

    16/06/2015 Duration: 18min

      If you want to win big, you have to take chances and be bold. You can't be on the sidelines, you have to be in the game and be willing to risk it all. This is a very personal story about how being being bold one time (at 5:30am) led to having the best family I could have ever imagined.

  • How to Be a Rock Star in Life

    09/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    You can be a rockstar in life if you're willing to work at it and follow these 5 key steps.  Tune in and learn about the power of the 'grind', how to obsess about success (in a healthy way) and see why Nickelback and Kid Rock inspired this podcast*.  *Wow, it hurts just typing that...  

  • 6 Ways to Build Stronger Friendships

    25/05/2015 Duration: 30min

    See how great friendships are based on 6 key areas including: shared experiences, loyalty, showing up, etc.  You'll see what to do when you face a fork in the road with a friend and how to give incredible actionable advice (even if you're not a therapist).  Better still, you'll learn how to judge real friends from fake friends and why your best friends will always back you up no matter what.  

  • How to Build Mental Toughness

    14/05/2015 Duration: 22min

    Are you mentally tough?  Would you like to be cool, calm and collected in any situation?  Check out this podcast to learn about the five keys to mental toughness. You'll learn why mental toughness is a skill that anyone can build regardless of intelligence or education.  Tune in and get on the path to mental toughness right away.  

  • What women want (advice for clueless guys everywhere)

    08/05/2015 Duration: 50min

    This one is awesome. Today we welcome Jen Copyak, Superwoman extraordinaire to the podcast. She's a strong independent woman, wife and mom who's here to help us (men) understand the female brain. She'll explain what women want from their relationships, why confidence is sexy and how blueberries are better than jewelry. Personally, I learned a ton from this podcast so I think you'll dig it.  

  • How to believe in yourself

    06/05/2015 Duration: 37min

    If you've ever doubted yourself than this podcast is for you.  See  why believing in yourself is a core component of an epic life. Learn the 8 simple steps to believing in yourself more and learn why you are stronger than you think.  You'll hear why 'being comfortable with being uncomfortable' and ignoring other people's highlight reels are crucial to your success in this area.  Tune in and improve your self-belief today.  

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