The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe



The time to make your life epic is right now. Stop waiting and start learning how to create the life you want. On this show I’ll teach you how to create a happier, more fulfilling life. I focus on four main areas: Confidence; Love & Relationships; Mindset & Heart-Centered Living. You’ll meet everyday people doing incredible things. Like a sex therapist. A sports performance coach. A relationship guru and many more. You’ll also learn from icons like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tupac, Stevie Wonder, etc. You’ll also see what superstars like Tom Brady, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan all have in common and how you can apply it in your life. I’m Jim Simcoe the author of Hero Up: Unleash Your Inner Hero and Make Life Epic. I’m a father, husband, fish taco fanatic and unabashed tank-top wearer. Check out the show and get in touch with questions or comments. Instagram: @iamjimsimcoe, Twitter: @JimSimcoe


  • The Beauty of Starting Over - How to Get Your Life Back on Track

    27/06/2017 Duration: 57min

    Have you ever wanted to start over and hit the reset button in your life? Maybe your career/relationship/health/friendships are not going the way you want and you’re ready to get back on track. If so, then this podcast is for you.  Starting over and getting back on track can be easier than you think.  In this episode we discuss 27 simple ways to start over and get your life back on track.  We’ll cover everything from writing a personal manifesto to getting your morning right to ‘theme’ living. Look, no matter your age the time to start over and get back on track is right now. check out the episode and learn how.   Links: (Personal Manifesto podcast) (Bullet Journal Method) Rhodia Notebook (Medium) (Me on Medium)

  • How to Write a Book (even if you suck at writing)

    01/06/2017 Duration: 39min

    If you’ve ever wondered how to write a book then today’s podcast is for you. The truth is we are all writers with a story to tell. Yes, even you (I see you shaking your head). Writing a book is pretty cool. Publishing that book is even cooler. On the show today I’m going to give you all the tips & tools to go from ‘person’ to ‘published author’. I wrote & published a book in 6 months and so can you. In this podcast I cover the 7 steps to write a book, the tools I used, what methods worked well and which didn’t. You’ll also hear about my love affair with index cards, how to do a book outline and why it’s easier than ever to self-publish.  Writing a book can be a fantastically empowering experience. Check out the podcast and learn how to write a book (even if you failed high school English:)

  • How to Run a Half Marathon (and why you should do it)

    09/04/2017 Duration: 51min

    You can train and run a half-marathon. You may think you can’t but I believe you can.  On today’s podcast you’ll hear how I was able to train and run a half marathon successfully despite a multitude of injuries (past & present) and despite utilizing a training program that was largely devoid of running.     You’ll learn from Tricia Moore, my coach, on how you can train and run a half marathon successfully no matter what physical shape you’re in, past injuries you have, etc. She lays out the foundation for training as well as her beliefs on why running a race can be so empowering for anyone.   I’m living proof of someone who’s not designed to run: I’m slow & have messed up knees & back from sports; 47 years old; a few extra lbs and a general dislike of running:) Yet I run races for the insane sense of accomplishment at the end. I run for the runner’s high, I run for the freedom and I run to feel better about myself.  You can too.   So if you have any interest in building self-confidence & creating a life where

  • 34 Life Lessons to Make Your Life Epic Right Now

    23/02/2017 Duration: 53min

      Check out the podcast today to hear about 34 unconventional ways to make this the best year of your life.  These aren’t the typical life lessons like ‘work hard’ or ‘be positive’ either.  Those are great but today we dig into ideas to make you happier, have a better relationship, make more money, be more appreciated & effective at work. You’ll learn how to build confidence, choose success over perfection and why being opportunistic can be a bad idea (and what to do instead).   Check it out and get the tools to make your life even better, even more epic right away.    The lessons in short:   Ask the two best relationship questions ever (“What do you need most in our relationship? What do you want least in our relationship?”) Know your partners Love Language. Read The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman Schedule weekly sex dates Be loyal to your partner and your word Choose being happy over being right Focus on your strengths Build confidence through small wins Create a personal highlight reel Build

  • How to Live a Happier Life by Writing a Personal Manifesto

    19/01/2017 Duration: 26min

    If you want to live a happier life and learn how to be happy then you should to write a personal manifesto.  A personal manifesto is something that you can use to self-regulate your life, guide your actions and bring clarity to the craziness of every day.  A personal manifesto helps you determine what you want, what you don’t want and how you choose to direct your own life.  It gives you the power whether you’re a recent grad or starting over in life.   In this podcast we talk about how to write a personal manifesto and what to include.  I also go through my personal manifesto and the different sections that you should include.   Check out the images to see each page of my personal manifesto and feel free to steal some ideas/copy it  

  • How To Feel Better About Yourself Almost Immediately

    05/01/2017 Duration: 24min

    (*This podcast was recorded during the 2016 holiday season but released in January 2017 due to a technical snafu.  That said, the lessons we talk about apply even after the holidays.) We are all filled with self-doubt. Sometimes it’s an occasional thing and sometimes it’s a constant in our lives. And that sucks. Today’s episode deals with self-doubt and the penchant we have as human beings to be critical of ourselves and how to combat it. It’s clear that confidence is one of the single biggest predicators of happiness and success in our lives. The more confident we are, the more successful & happier we usually are. And if you want to learn how to build confidence you have to get self-doubt out of your life. In this episode I talk about a fascinating thing that happened to me at crossfit and how one person was able to change my perspective and stop my negative self-talk in it’s tracks. You’ll also hear some tips about surviving the holidays which can be applied any time of the year. Links from the show:

  • How to Build Confidence: Interview with David de las Morenas, Founder of

    07/10/2016 Duration: 48min

    On the podcast today learn how to build confidence & get fit with David de las Morenas, Founder of David is is an awesome guy doing great work helping people build confidence & get fit in the process. On the show he talks about his background and how he built his own confidence by packing on 40+ lbs of muscle in 2 years.  One of the coolest things about interviewing David is that he was so willing to be honest and transparent about his own struggles. He’s not the perfect guy who was both totally confident with 6 pack abs. He’s had the same struggles we’ve all had and he’s refreshingly open and honest about them.  Listen in and you’ll learn: How getting fit (he calls it ‘getting jacked’) is one of the easiest ways to build confidnece His transformation from a bored software engineer to successful online entrepreneur The most common fitness myths he sees and what to do about them Why he’s passionate about helping others increase their confidence and lead happier lives His keys to an ep

  • Advice for Men: Interview with Ryan Michler, Founder of Order Of Man

    30/09/2016 Duration: 43min

    Blown away. That’s exactly how I felt after having Ryan Michler as a guest on the podcast today. He’s the Founder of and his perspective on manhood and being a real man is both refreshing and inspiring. Ryan is a husband, father, entrepreneur & war hero who lives in Utah with is family. On the podcast we talk about what it’s like to be a man today and how men can both improve and enjoy their lives.  We talk about his journey from being a disillusioned financial planner to launching (, a site that’s creating a brotherhood of men everywhere. Talking to Ryan was incredibly inspiring and I think you’ll really dig what he had to say. You’ll learn about The Uprising, a fantastic new men’s retreat that Ryan just launched this year.  It sounds like a blast, like Boy Scouts meets military training with fireside talks every night. Ryan also talks about his core beliefs about being a man including: being a protector, being a provider and presiding (being a good l

  • Heart-Centered Lifestyle Design with Amber Zuckswert

    01/09/2016 Duration: 47min

      To put it plainly, Amber Zuckswert is dope as f*ck.* She’s one of the most inspiring people I’ve ever had the pleasure to have on the show. She’s the embodiment of someone who’s created a heart-centered life of purpose and fullfullment while living in the jungles and beautiful beaches of Costa Rica. Amber is the Founder of Epic Living Retreats ( a wellness retreat center in Costa Rica. She is a pilates & yoag instructor, holistic plant-based nutritionist, modern/ballet dancer and all-around very cool person. In the show today Amber talks about her life starting out in Santa Cruz, California to currently running a retreat center in Costa Rica. We get to hear about her lifelong passion for dancing and how she purposefully built a lifestyle around her passions and her commitment to service. Amber is a great example of someone who’s designed her life around her purpose. She’s consciously chosen to live a heart-centered life where her work and the way she lives has purpose and intention beh

  • 11 Essential Life Lessons

    31/07/2016 Duration: 46min

    There are 11 not-so-common, yet very essential life lessons that are the key to a happy and successful life. In this episode of the Make Life Epic Podcast I talk about the lessons, their application and give you some examples from my own life. My examples are either awesome (Success, I heeded the lesson!) or massive failures (I completely disregarded the lesson).  Either way I hope you learn from my examples or at least get a laugh out of them.  Trust me, my failures have been pretty amusing including dating a lesbian for 2 years when I lived in LA, convinced I could make her become attracted to me (embarrassing exercise in futility). That's just one of many, so enjoy..  

  • Coaching Entrepreneurs and Being a Sexy Boss

    26/07/2016 Duration: 55min

    Episode 43 of the Make Life Epic Podcast features Heather Havenwood – Marketing & Sales coach, and Author of the best-selling book ‘Sexy Boss ™’ Heather was a blast to interview, tons of energy and shared some great insights for entreprenuers everywhere. You’ll hear Heather’s insightful take on entrepreneurship and her journey from bankruptcy to business hero. You’ll see how she became the Sexy Boss in her own life and why mature-selfishness is so important. I really enjoyed interviewing Heather and I think you’ll like what she had to say!

  • Achieve Optimal Health & Performance - Interview with Mike Cahill, CSCS

    20/07/2016 Duration: 01h32min

    Episode 42 of the Make Life Epic Podcast features Mike Cahill –Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, United States Weightlifting Sport Performance Coach and coach at CrossFit Society On today’s show we talk about Mike’s transformation from an overweight kid to Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. You’ll hear why sleep is so important and why you should stick to foods that don’t have an ingredient list (apple anyone?). We also talk about why ‘dieting’ doesn’t work and why eating fat is actually really good for you. Personally I learned a ton from Mike and think you’ll really dig his insights on health, nutrition and athletic performance. Mike’s Certifications: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist United States Weightlifting Sports Performance Coach Crossfit Level 1 Crossfit Olympic Weightlifting

  • Living Purposefully with Steve Rodgers

    15/07/2016 Duration: 33min

    Episode 41 of the Make Life Epic Podcast features Steve Rodgers - Author, Business & Life Coach Steve talks about his transformational journey from being a seasoned Real Estate professional (former CEO of Prudential California Realty) to starting his own venture to help people make the most of their lives. You will get to hear about filling your ‘Hole in the Soul’ and being committed to making a change in your life and of others. He is one of the few coaches I’ve ever spoken with that truly walks his talk. I really enjoyed speaking with him and learned a ton. I think you’ll dig this episode.

  • How to deal with social anxiety

    18/06/2016 Duration: 53min

    Dealing with social anxiety is something many of us face on a regular basis.  Hell, I'm a pretty extroverted guy and I deal with it often as well.   Today we talk about social anxiety and how best to deal with it with my friend Jen Copyak.  She shares some great insights into how to combat social anxiety and how as a naturally introverted person she's been able to deal with social anxiety. Very cool interview and I'm really grateful she was as open and honest about her challenges in this area as she was.

  • Sex Talk: Interview with Sexologist Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus

    11/04/2016 Duration: 45min

    Let’s talk about sex! Today on our show I talk to nationally recognized sociologist and sexologist, Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus. She  is a frequent speaker about sexual empowerment, healthy relationships, body image, erotic play, sexual health, and mindful sex. She has presented two TEDx Talks, is a writer on sex and relationships, and a recurring intimacy expert on the San Diego morning news. Dr. Jenn is also an active philanthropist and leader within the Women Give San Diego donor’s circle. She has over a million hits on her In the Den with Dr. Jenn YouTube video series. Dr. Jenn was a blast to interview and I think you’ll really like this episode. You’ll see how a self-professed “good Catholic Girl” from Pennsylvania became the foremost expert in mindful sex.    See below for a few of the questions I asked her.  Luckily, she talks as fast as I do so we we able to go off on several tangents without making the show run too long. Questions: What’s your background? Where did you grow up/who was your favorite h

  • Lead with your heart

    05/04/2016 Duration: 20min

    An epic life of righteous awesomeness starts by leading with your heart. In this unplanned, totally unscripted podcast I cover the 5 key steps to lead with your heart. I recorded this just as I was about to leave my office one night a few days after I was in a hit & run car accident (which taught me a lot). I wasn't hurt but the woman who hit me still took off and it left me with these lessons. The lessons: Understanding your true best self Recognizing if you’re in your head or your heart Be willing to buck convention Start every decision from your heart Be cool with failure if your motivation is pure Check it out and let me know what you think…

  • Do what you love

    05/04/2016 Duration: 29min

    Today's podcast features an interview with Jennifer Taylor, author of Love, Incorporated. Jennifer talks about her unique story and how she's been able to help people really connect to their true life's purpose.  She's really cool and I think you'll dig what she had to say so check it out. [apologize for the tiny echo during the recording, my mic was acting funky]

  • 15 Ways to Create a Life Plan

    25/03/2016 Duration: 28min

    If you're wondering what the heck to do with your life and want to figure out your pose than this episode is for you. You'll learn the 15 most effective ways to figure out that Rubik's Cube of a problem we call "life". We cover everything from how to do a future self-design to determining your 'Why' to the benefits of a walk-about. You'll see the difference between your talents and skills and which one to focus on.  So check it out and start figuring out how to create a life plan.

  • How to Become a Better Man

    20/03/2016 Duration: 41min

    Learn how to overcome the unique challenges of being a guy in 2016 and see how to become a better version of yourself.  Being a 'man' today isn't easy- you need to be strong (yet able to share your feelings); be successful (yet have meaning & purpose in your career); look like Brad Pitt & be ripped like Jesus. See how to cut through all the BS and focus on the six keys of true manhood: Confidence, Loyalty, Honesty, Strength, Relationship Mastery, Assessment. Check out the podcast and get actionable advice that you can put into practice today. It's time to be a real man...

  • Life as a Bestselling Author: The Mark Haskell Smith Interview

    29/01/2016 Duration: 44min

    Today’s podcast is with the greatest author since Ernest Hemingway, Mark Haskell Smith.  A bold statement I know but he is that good. His latest book "Naked At Lunch: A Reluctant Nudist’s Adventures In The Clothing-Optional World” is a fantastic and enlightening treatment of the hidden (metaphorically) world of nudists. What makes Mark so unique and his books so incredible is his approach and outlook on life.  He is the epitome of someone living an epic life.   In this revealing podcast we cover: the dangers of hiking in the Swiss alps nude; why no one is ever offended by cottage cheese (and why that's a bad); why replacing envy with gratitude leads to happiness; the beauty of pickles & Twitter and  why simple pleasures are underrated.  A successful playwright and author, Mark gives advice about doing your own thing and how to become a unique artist, no matter what you do.    Mark’s been a hero of mine for a while so interviewing him was the 1st time I’ve ever been nervous on the podcast.  Luckily, Mark is as

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