George Digianni Health And Wellness

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 71:41:19
  • More information



Former trainer to Dennis Rodman, Mark Cuban and Michael Dell, George DiGianni is no ordinary fitness professional. George founded 21 Day Body Makeover ( and Genetic Direction (, a leading provider of genetics-based personal health management programs. Both companies currently operate to help customers with unique goals.With over 25 years of experience as a leader in the health and wellness industry, George DiGianni is passionate about helping others transform their lives and achieve profound positive change through personal and professional development. Author, talk show host, and behavior modification and wellness coach, George is a widely sought after speaker who empowers international audiences to redefine who they are and what they can accomplish.


  • Managing fitness expectations

    18/03/2017 Duration: 39min

    Some times we put too much pressure on ourselves to succeed and when we don't receive what we want when we want, we often lose motivation. In this episode we discuss the downfalls of expecting too much too soon from exercise, whether with a personal trainer or on your own. The Lancet published a study that said the best way to counter the serious health risks of sitting throughout the day was to exercise at least one hour per day. This does not take into account eating habits. Coach mo, Dr Webster and myself, doing our best to info the world one person at a a time

  • Food, Mood, Outcome

    15/03/2017 Duration: 37min

    Comfort food from mom does not have to be a bad thing if you know how to compensate Learn the tricks to eating without guilt and the dangers of certain macro nutrients we are consuming in abundance.   Is being aware enough to make a change? Or do we first have to care before awareness can affect us? Are emotions ruling your decision making connection to certain foods?   Listen to us have fun while sharing stories and scenarios that adversely affect our mood

  • Diet Exercise and Heart Attack

    11/03/2017 Duration: 42min

    We discuss how a seemingly healthy person, Bob Harper, 51, as star trainer turned host on The Biggest Loser suffered from a heart attack while working out in a New York City gym. Harper says genetics are to blame. Some questions Dr. Tim Church answers in this episode: Why does a 51 year old trainer have a heart attack? Did his diet and exercise habits help him? Factors to consider and not focus on one: Anxiety, chronic inflammation, hormones, genetics The most important risk factor will surprise you Not all signs are obvious Can too much exercise cause heart attack?

  • Shirtless Cold=Health

    06/03/2017 Duration: 41min

    In this episode we discuss investigative reporter Scott Carney's What Doesn't Kill Us: How Freezing Water, Extreme Altitude, and Environmental Conditioning WilL Renew Our Lost Evolutionary Strength And how our body adapts to a new stress and why doing the same workout is somewhat a waste of time and effortIn addition, constantly "stressing" our brains with different types of stimulation such as movement, cognition (logic/reasoning, creativity, etc.), smell, visual, touch, taste, sound, balance

  • Matching Your Food Fitness To Female Physiology Selene Yeager

    28/02/2017 Duration: 31min

    Matching Your Food Fitness To Female Physiology Selene Yeager

  • Fitbit Fails

    25/02/2017 Duration: 39min

    In this episode famous nutrition and exercise doctor, Dr Tim Church Tina Bernet and I discuss how modern technology has provided convenient and efficient tools for us to use to measure exercise and motivate us. Millions of people buy infomercial exercise equipment and eating programs because they believe they're going to look like the person on T.V. They also feel entitled to have their desired body while disregarding all of the consistent hard work that goes into transforming thoughts and behaviors to realize the outcome they desire.   A new norm isn't created because you purchased an exercise device, or diet program. A new norm is created through repetition and use of tools designed to move you in the direction you want to go…in any facet of your life.   How does a company like Fitbit motivate owners of the device to actually use it, and to do so with consistency?   What changes did they make to motivate people?   A UK, Australian and  U.S. survey shows an estimated 30% of Fitbit owners do not use them. Th

  • Training Ecosystem

    18/02/2017 Duration: 25min

    In this episode,we discuss Training Ecosystems with former NFL great Dave Vobora and his Adaptive Training Foundation Are you currently in the “alike”ecosystem? This is where you align with those akin to your personality, goals and competition level. i.e. Alpha/Alpha or Yogi/Yogi (Psychology of natural habitat)   Are you in the “unalike” ecosystem? Integrating your training with those who have very different physical tools and focusing on championing each other (Psycho-Social effect/affect of diverse habitat   Or a combination of ecosystems to achieve your best self? We help you identify current impediments to progress and help you see other perspectives that can motivate you beyond your current state.  

  • Exercise Can Make You Smarter

    15/02/2017 Duration: 41min

    Exercise Can Make You Smarter

  • Selective Mating

    11/02/2017 Duration: 40min

    In this episode we discuss the innate and intentional desire when it comes to attracting your Valentine (mate).    As study of 24K married couples marry educated people because actively seek them out.   Chances are, you’re going to marry someone a lot like you.    Similar intelligence, similar height, similar body weight.    And these preferences are shaping our genomes.  I saw this as interesting and factual, but a bit misleading.  Why? I discuss an important variable not discussed in the study about how we can change our gene pool As always, if you find this show beneficial to others please go to itunes "store" then enter "George DiGianni" click "subscribe" and "rank" to help others who may benefit as well.

  • MCT Oil Profound Effects

    04/02/2017 Duration: 44min

    My guest is Dr. Alvin Berger is an expert in lipid signaling molecular biology.       He ​has 30 years of research experience in nutritional and pharmaceutical sciences in both academic and commercial settings.  He holds a MS degree and a Ph. D in Lipid- and Nutritional Biochemistry, and Post-doctoral experience at Georgetown University/Lombardi Cancer Center in lipid signaling molecular biology. ​In this episode he discusses​ the huge health and fat loss benefits of MCToil​. Including its effects on sustainable energy during exercise, brain function, blood sugar balance for diabetics. 

  • Increase Metabolism

    02/02/2017 Duration: 42min

    In this episode, Jill Lane, Tina and myself tackle the issues that keep your metabolism slow or slow it down.  How does alcohol affect it?  Zero calories  soda and alcohol is not the answer. We give exercise routine suggestions as well as eating suggestions to get you back on track.

  • Balance Strength and Support

    02/02/2017 Duration: 40min

    In this episode we discuss the importance of balance, why it's vital to be and stay strong, especially as we age. We reveal  how the lack of resistance training shows up in unwanted ways.   Did you know your posture needs proper brain function to keep you upright? How do we accomplish that? Listen to these fitness suggestions

  • Pokemen GO Trouble or Beneficial

    02/02/2017 Duration: 42min

    Pokemen GO Trouble or Beneficial

  • Sugar, IQ and Hormone Disrupter

    02/02/2017 Duration: 37min

    In this episode Dr Webster, Tina and myself tackle the truth about sugar  and how it affects your IQ, hormones and chronic inflammation and hidden sugar in your food.

  • Sports nutrition with Jill Lane

    02/02/2017 Duration: 34min

    Jill Lane is a sport nutritionist who focuses on athletes and optimal nutrition to help them perform at a high level. Her clients are pro athletes, high school and anyone who wants to perform at a high level

  • Burst and HIIT Training differences

    28/01/2017 Duration: 26min

    In this episode, Dr. Tim church Medical Director at ACAP Health Consulting and former Director of Preventive Medicine Research Pennington Biomedical Research Center discusses the importance of exercise intensity, the difference between Burst and HIIT, why your current exercise may be a wast of time if you desire optimal health. And which is more important, lifting weights or aerobic training?  You may be surprised at the answer.

  • Responsibilities of Being Healthy

    21/01/2017 Duration: 40min

    Have you ever taken the time to identify what it takes to become successful for anything you desire?   This is a powerful, authentic show that applies to everyone who has a desire to be, or have something.    Most of us only care about the outcome of our desire and hope it matches our expectations, but rarely look at the responsibilities that come with each desire.   In this episode my guests Tina Bernet Allen and Linda Mayfield and I discuss the responsibilities and choices of a desire to have a dog, own a car, have a child, to become healthy as well as the responsibilities of being a parent who has a new desire to be healthy and how that affects the rest of the family.     Can you identify the common denominators in all of these desires?

  • NFL's Dave Vobora Training

    18/01/2017 Duration: 41min

    Feeling is equally as powerful as seeing the outcome. We also discuss a growth mind-set vs a fixed mind-set. How can some people who lack use of some or all of their limbs achieve more than people with a fixed mind-set and all of their limbs. jjjFormer NFL player Dave Vobora training wounded warriors, reawakening the champion in them. How to move beyond limitations. Feeling is equally as powerful as seeing the outcome. We also discuss a growth mind-set vs a fixed mind-set. How can some peoplewho lack use of some or all of their limbs achieve more than people with a fixed mind-set and all of their limbs - See more at:

  • Kimyla 140lb Loss Don't Diet Decide

    18/01/2017 Duration: 41min

    Kimyla has kept the weight off for more than five years now and advocating her Don't Diet, Decide message to everyone.She discusses how she stopped drinking soda. Cold Turkey? Or ween off the food and drinks you love? Find out what worked for Kimyla and the substitutes that keep her from feeling deprived.

  • Men & Women Exercise Differences

    17/01/2017 Duration: 44min

    Former NFL great David Vobora has a real talent for personal training. In this episode we discuss whether or not one type of exercise and/or exercise routine can be used for both sexes. If not, how do women differ from men? We also discuss how to translate gym workouts into a specific sport. How does cortisol affect exercise effort? What type of assessment is needed to create a personalized program? Former NFL great David Vobora has a real talent for personal training. In this episode we discuss whether or not one type of exercise and/or exercise routine can be used for both sexes. If not, how do women differ from men? We also discuss how to translate gym workouts into a specific sport. How does cortisol affect exercise effort? What type of assessment is needed to create a personalized program?  - See more at: Former NFL great David Vobora has a real talent for personal training. In this episode we discuss whethe

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