Karen Swain Atp Radio



Awakening Consciousness and expanding our view of reality. Join KAren Swain, teacher of Deliberate Creation, as she shares stories of LOVE, Transformation, Enlightenment and Making a Difference on Accentuate The Positive Media. Accentuate the Positive is not just a name, it's a way to live your life. We are creating a Positive Impact through media and transforming lives.The world is changing and we are on the transition team making the world better place. Please Rate and Review the show. Thank you so much for your Love and Support.


  • Matt Omo The Gong Guru

    24/04/2019 Duration: 01h12min

    Get Matt's Book and Sound Journey Here https://wp.me/p58EtD-3vf After the sudden death of his Mother by a shooting and a vision of celestial realms which he still can not find words to describe today, Matt found himself on a journey to reconnect to the Love and magic he thought he had lost. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Christina Christou A Healing Journey

    12/04/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-3uB ATP Radio facebook https://www.facebook.com/AccentuateTh... Christina Christou has been studying and practicing the art of healing and meditation since 2000. As a child she suffered a lot of physical pain, by the age of 12 she’d had her 5th surgery, and made a vow never to enter hospital again. But at 22,  the pain became unbearable, so she sought out yet another medical doctor. The doctors only solution was more surgery, or the pain would get worse, they said. In her mind this was NOT an option.... Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Desda Zuckerman

    29/03/2019 Duration: 01h20min

    Get her book and See More here https://wp.me/p58EtD-2c8 Support ATP Media use this link to do Desdas online courses https://shiftnetwork.isrefer.com/go/epKS/a19451/ Born an intuitive with extraordinary clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient abilities, ( which we chatted about in  our other conversation in 2017) Desda Zuckerman has made an in-depth study of the subtle energies she has witnessed around all living things. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Michelle Mahra Healing, Dance and John of God

    22/03/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    See more https://karenswain.com/michellemahrer/ ‎ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AccentuateThePositiveRadio The movie link http://aquesttohealbeyondthephysical.com/ Michelle Mahrer is the director of RADIANCE DANCE 5RHYTHMS Sydney. She is an experienced movement facilitator and filmmaker based in Sydney Australia, passionate about the healing power of dance and how dance can catalyse deep change and transformation. Award winning documentary Dances of Ecstasy. (with Nicole Ma) Her most recent film is a film about healing, which features the work of spiritual healer, know as John of God; A Quest to Heal Beyond the Physical Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Nicole Gruel Non Ordinary Transcendent Experiences

    13/03/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    GET NICOLE'S BOOKS HERE https://wp.me/p58EtD-3s1 Dr. Nicole Gruel is an author, speaker, transformational coach and descendant from a long line of samurai. Nicole has spent over two decades exploring human potential. After a near-death experience and sudden loss of several family members, she was thrust into the complex field of non-ordinary realms, where she learned how to collaborate with their capacity for positive change. She has made it her life mission to help people who experience NOTEs (Non Ordinary Transcendent Experiences,) to make the most of these exceptional events and share their gifts with the world.  (We are very aligned in this intention) Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Dr Jeff O’Driscoll

    06/03/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    GET JEFF"S BOOK HERE https://wp.me/p58EtD-3rR ATP FB Page https://www.facebook.com/AccentuateThePositiveRadio https://www.karenswain-atpmedia.com/ Dr Jeff O’Driscoll experienced many shared-death phenomena and other spiritual encounters during his twenty-five years as an emergency physician in a level-one trauma centre. He welcomed souls arriving into this sphere of existence, and bid farewell to others who were leaving. Sometimes he encountered those who hovered between worlds. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Laurence Brock NDE

    28/02/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    Connect with Laurence and See More here https://wp.me/p58EtD-3rJ ATP Radio facebook https://www.facebook.com/AccentuateThePositiveRadio Laurence Brock had an NDE after a car accident in 1976. He came back to lead a life long spiritual awakening, expanding his abilities to heal and connect with life beyond this world, in ever present ways of being. Listen to his fascinating journey. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Grant Cameron: ET's Messages in Music

    23/02/2019 Duration: 01h57min

    GET GRANT'S BOOKS here... https://wp.me/p58EtD-3r6 Listen to my FASCINATING 2 hour conversation with Grant Cameron, who is the recipient of the Leeds Conference International Researcher of the Year, and the UFO Congress. Researcher of the Year. He became involved in Ufology as the Vietnam War ended in May 1975, with a personal sightings of an UFO object, which locally became known as Charlie Red Star. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Bobbie Richardson

    14/02/2019 Duration: 01h47min

    See more here https://karenswain.com/bobbie-richardson/ Visit our fb ATP Media Page for updates & Inspiriation https://www.facebook.com/AccentuateThePositiveRadio/ Listen to my fascinating conversation with Artist and Consciousness teacher Bobbie Richardson, we really get into how we create our reality after the first hour and towards the end. Enjoy! Bobbie Richardson a New Zealand Artist, Author, Singer Songwriter,  Speaker, was gifted from birth, to see into and visit other dimensions, allowing beings in these frequencies to visit her and give messages to her. After a few years of many visitations and visual messages, she slowly pieced together these messages by asking big questions like... What is humanity’s true history? What is Human Potential? and What is reality? Get her book and See more here https://wp.me/p58EtD-3qs Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Courtney Beck Conversations with Krishna & The Event

    08/02/2019 Duration: 01h27min

    GET THE BOOK HERE https://karenswain.com/courtney-beck/ Courtney had it all, after years climbing the corporate ladder, Courtney finally attained her dream position. She had a wonderful family, close circle of friends and lived in a beautiful dream home. But it didn't mean anything when she experienced her "Dark Night of the Soul,” and a divine voice called out to her asking her to pursue a path she never imagined, Channeling Spirit and Teacher Beings such as Krishna. See more here ... https://wp.me/p58EtD-3q3 Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Karina Machado Spirit Sisters

    30/01/2019 Duration: 01h24min

    Get the books here https://karenswain.com/karina-machado/ Karina Machado, born in Uruguay, was 2 when her parents emigrated to Sydney Australia. She grew up hearing stories of her mum’s psychic gift, which ignited a life-long curiosity about life after death and other mysteries. Passionate about books and writing since she taught herself to read with Little Golden Books, Karina always knew she had to “work with words," and after majoring in English at the University of NSW, she began her career in journalism as editorial assistant at TIME magazine in 1994, and is a former senior editor at Who magazine. Karina is the author of; Spirit Sisters, 2009 Where Spirits Dwell, 2011 Love Never Dies, 2014 Awaken, 2016 To Support ATP Media, Please purchase Karina's book on our Affiliate Links on our webpage. https://karenswain.com/karina-machado/ THANK YOU

  • Heidi Craig NDE

    18/01/2019 Duration: 01h26min

    See more and get Heidi's Book on this link Heidi Craig’s Near-Death Experience (NDE) occurred on May 29, 2004, after giving birth to her youngest son. While she was in the O R her heart stopped and “woke up” in heaven…. or what she likes to call “home”. Heidi says there are no words to truly express the feelings of Love, Joy, Peace, Warmth and Contentment she experienced in this place. While she was there, she received three powerful messages.

  • Barbara Jean Lindsey ET NDE

    27/12/2018 Duration: 01h41min

    https://karenswain.com/barbara-jean-lindsey/ Barbara Jean Lindsey NDE and Meeting the ET Lion being Sekhmet. In 1989, Barbara Jean had an extraordinary Near-Death-Experience; after full-body channeling an ancient Egyptian being, her lungs collapsed, killing her in front of a live audience. Over the next few days she fought for her life. Barbara Jean’s story, journey and transformation are chronicled in her autobiography, “Dying for the Light.” Her latest book, “Seized by Sekhmet, An Egyptian Goddess Revolution,” was published on Amazon in August 2018. Her next book “Ambassador of the Light,” an innovative guide in the search for truth and knowledge of our ancestral galactic connections coming in the fall of 2019. GET Barbara's BOOKS and See More Here https://karenswain.com/barbara-jean-lindsey/(opens in a new tab)

  • Michael Tamura Bliss Bomb

    14/12/2018 Duration: 01min

    A short ah haarr! moment from my conversation with Michael Tamura Get his book and see more here https://karenswain.com/michael-tamura/

  • Raphaelle Tamura Animal Reincarnation

    14/12/2018 Duration: 01h44min

    See More here ... https://karenswain.com/raphaelle-tamura/ Renowned Spiritual Teacher, Healer and Clairvoyant who lovingly tends to the physical, psychic, and spiritual needs of everyone she encounters. As a renowned clairvoyant, spiritual healer, and teacher, she has guided seekers throughout the world for over 34 years with the wisdom she has culled from a lifetime of applying spiritual principles to daily living. She offers students and clients an array of spiritual tools and a focused path of empowerment through her Seminars, Retreat Workshops, Writing, Counselling and Media Appearances. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Dr Leo Galland Lessons From Beyond Death.

    29/11/2018 Duration: 01h45min

    What is it like in heaven? Dr Leo Galland; How the Death of My Son Taught Me To Live. Get the book here https://karenswain.com/dr-leo-galland/ What is it like in Heaven? Was a question Leo asked his son, Christopher, in spirit when he came to him a few years after his death. This conversation would result in a life transformative book about Christophers life and death, and the profound wisdom that would channel through Leo from the master soul of Christopher. Lessons From Beyond Death. How My Son Taught Me To Live. Listen to our wonderful conversation, about how Doctor Leo discovers the truth about Life & Death, writing it down for all to read, in his wonderful book ‘Already Here.’ (Pls. Get the Book on our Amazon link below and support ATP Media) THANK YOU. Get the book here https://karenswain.com/dr-leo-galland/ Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. .. THANKS for all your support

  • Michael Tamura AH HA Moments!

    23/11/2018 Duration: 02h13min

    See More Get Michael's Book Here.. https://karenswain.com/michael-tamura ATP Radio facebook https://www.facebook.com/AccentuateTh... This is a MUST Listen! Michael is one of the MOST incredible people I have spoken with on the show. So many Ah Ha Moments in this podcast. ENJOY. Michael J Tamura is a Celebrated Spiritual Teacher, Clairvoyant Visionary & Award-Winning Author of You Are The Answer: Discovering and fulfilling your soul's purpose Michael Tamura lives the miracle. Spiritually aware from childhood, he sees everyone the way they are — as immortal souls. To guide thousands to their healing, awakening, and true life purpose, he draws from years of intensive training, profound past-life recall, nightly out-of-body sojourns, four decades of teaching and giving clairvoyant counseling, and a lifetime of extraordinary experiences, including having physically died three times in full consciousness. Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love

  • Karen Seltz Transformation of Addiction

    20/11/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    See more here https://karenswain.com/karen-seltz/ Karen fearlessly shares her darkest moments of depression, addiction, and spiritual confusion with openness, humour and vulnerability. She speaks about her transformation to a self help coach.. Enjoy Appreciate KAren's work on ATP Media Awakening Consciousness? Please support us, you can share your love on this link https://www.paypal.me/KArenASwain. THANK YOU

  • Bill Bennett InTuition

    03/11/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    GET THE BOOK HERE https://karenswain.com/bill-bennett/ Listen to my fascinating discussion with Bill about intuition, psychic awareness, channeling and his journey making the film. Years ago something happened to Bill which would change his life forever. He was in the US driving to the airport early one morning, when he heard a voice which asked him to slow down. In a hurry to catch his flight he wanted to ignore it so he would get through the green light ahead, but the voice insisted and again asked him to slow down. As he entered the intersection, a large truck cascaded through at high speed almost hitting Bills car. Had Bill not slowed, as the voice asked him to do, the truck would have killed him. The voice Bill heard from nowhere saved his life. Determined to find out what that voice was, and where it came from, he went on a global search, speaking with some of the world’s leading experts on intuition, spanning science, religion and spirituality. The result is a highly acclaimed film called PGS – Intu

  • Paul Daley Transformational Forests Expeditions

    12/10/2018 Duration: 01h04min

    See MORE here https://karenswain.com/paul-daley/ Transformational Forests Expeditions; The Rise of the Eco Spiritual Light Weaver. Paul says ... “I believe in a synthesis of a head, heart and hands approach to living my purpose, awakening our innate human potential as stewards, gardeners and protectors of our living planet. I believe in authenticity and integrity. I believe in living a life that is purposeful and infused with passion and drive. I choose to collaborate with people and networks who are working towards creating a better future.” A lush forest is his creative offering & online hub for transformational forest expeditions, videography, photography and transmedia storytelling.

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