Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler



Being a women entrepreneur comes with some unique struggles, the many roles we juggle in our business and our family can create challenges to our time, our well-being and how good we feel about ourselves. Have you ever struggled with feeling guilty when youre working on your business because you aren't with your family, only to then feel guilty when youre with your family because of everything demanding your attention in your business? Do you struggle to serve clients working 60 to 80 hours a week, but dont have any money in the bank? If you've ever felt chained to your business, with a burning desire for your freedom. Then join me as I interview guests and share my insights from business coaching other women entrepreneurs. You'll be inspired, as well as receive actionable nuggets to create the business you want, no matter what business you have.I believe that through a healthy and vibrant businesses, we can create and enjoy healthy and vibrant families. I count myself among the few who can build businesses without sacrificing my family. Through this show I will show and prove to other women entrepreneurs that they can as well.Topics of the show include: Time Management and Productivity; Marketing & Sales; Work/Life Balance; Business Building Skills, Business Experts, and Women Entrepreneurs sharing their journeys. Our shows will launch weekly on Tuesdays. If you love our show, please SUBSCRIBE and feel free to leave an honest REVIEW. About Leslie: Leslie is the president at Your Biz Rules business coaching in Dallas, Texas. Leslies mission as a business coach and strategist is to help you and other women entrepreneurs revive and reinvent your business to move past too much to do, make great money and have more time to spend with your family. She combines her proven 7 Numbers strategies with innovative ways to leverage time putting you back in control of your business and solidly into a profitable business.Leslie received the Business Excellence Forums International Business Award in 2011 for growing her business 150% percent in six months, is a best-selling author and appears on stages across the nation. She is a serial entrepreneur who has the proven ability to produce profitable multi-six figure businesses for herself and for her clients.To find out more about Leslie, or to contact her to for speaking or interview engagements, email her at


  • How To Find Your Ideal Client

    19/06/2015 Duration: 19min

    Join Dallas based Business Coach, Leslie Hassler on today’s episode all about finding your ideal client.  In today’s business coaching moment, Leslie shares the frustrations that you may be experience on the quest for your ideal client, the 3 characteristics of your ideal client, and how to know when you are close. LISTEN HERE:   Time Stamp [4:05] Leslie share the 3 most important characteristics of every businesses ideal client. These 3 points can save you time, money and frustrations if you use them to pre-qualify ever potential client in your business. Time Stamp [13:30] Leslie shares the ideal client matrix and how you can use it to fine tune how you attract your ideal client.  She shares how using the learnings from today in your marketing will help attract more of the right clients to you business.

  • How To Motivate Your Children To Be Successful

    17/06/2015 Duration: 37min

    Do you struggle with keeping your kids motivated and focused on reading and other school activities? Then join us this week as Dr. Nicoline Ambe shares great tips on instilling children with motivation that will last a lifetime. Dr. Ambe joins Dallas-based business coach, Leslie Hassler on today’s episode and shares great insight on building the right environment at home for children to thrive and succeed. Dr. Ambe also shares inspiring personal stories of both children and parents she has been able to benefit. Dr. Nicoline Ambe – Above & Beyond and A Teacher’s Note BIO: Dr. Nicoline Ambe has taught in several elementary schools, colleges, and universities across Canada and the United States for the past 18 years. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree, two Master’s Degrees, a Ph.D. in Law, and a California Teaching Credential. She is an Amazon #1 Bestselling Author of two books – Above & Beyond and A Teacher’s Notes. She has been featured in the Miami Herald and Boston Globe. Dr. Ambe is also an International

  • How To Turn Minutes Into Moments

    15/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    Most everyone struggles to find more minutes in the day. If you’ve ever gotten to the end of the day with more to dos on your list and feeling a little defeated you can understand.  In this months focus on using time in our business and life to work for us, Dallas, Tx based business coach, Leslie Hassler shares her philosophy of managing and leveraging time by forgetting the minutes and creating moments.

  • How To Use Journaling To Succeed in Business

    10/06/2015 Duration: 37min

    Have you ever came across a road block in life, thinking there is no option to get around it? Then check out my conversation with Kim Ades as she discusses the art of journaling, and how it can improve your focus on mindset and mental toughness. Listen as Kim gives great exclusive insight on journaling for all types of lifestyles, whether you are a CEO of your own company, a busy parent, or a student trying to make it in the real world. Kim Ades – Business Coaching. Frame of Mind Coaching   BIO: Kim Ades Kim Ades, MBA is president and founder of frame of Mind Coaching and Journalengine TM  software. Author, speaker,entrepreneur, coach, and mother of 5, Kim is one of North America’s foremost experts on performance through thought mastery and mental focus. By using her unique process of integrating online journaling in her coaching, she works with clients who are intelligent, driven and ambitious and helps them examine and shift their thinking in order to yield extraordinary results. Kim has been a special gu

  • Why You Can't Control Time

    08/06/2015 Duration: 12min

    Join Leslie on today’s motivational moments in business as she shares why you can feel so frustrated around managing your time.  June marks the half-way point in our year and has many people taking stock in how far they’ve come in reaching their goals for 2015.  It also marks the beginning of summer, the time when you should be spending more time with the family, taking vacations and enjoying life. If you’re struggling to see how to make that possible, then listen here.    

  • How To Grow Your Social Wealth

    03/06/2015 Duration: 49min

    Do you struggle to make meaningful and profitable relationships in your business? Then check out my discussion with Jason Treu for insightful secrets to easily connecting, and having your conversations stand out at the end of the day! Jason Treu, BeExtraordinary.TV BIO: Jason is a top business coach, speaker and author. He’s a leading expert on social engineering, influence, persuasion, networking and leadership. At the heart of his strategy is the understanding that people and your relationships are your true “wealth.” Everything we accomplish in life is with or through other people. He works with experts, entrepreneurs and executives to help them get known and stand out by building key skill sets and right relationships, creating their brand platform and purpose, and improving their business results. He also helps them take the next step in their career and business. His bestselling book, Social Wealth, the how-to-guide on building personal and professional relationships, has sold more than 30,000 copies an

  • The Power of Serenity

    01/06/2015 Duration: 15min

    The first thought that pops into my mind when I hear the word serenity is the episode from Jerry Seinfield where Kramer comes screeching into the apartment screaming, “Serenity Now!”  But what is serenity really all about?  Join us on this week’s motivational moment as we look at the power of serenity in your business… Listen Here: via MyFabFaith  

  • Practice Active Waiting In Your Business

    18/05/2015 Duration: 12min

    Do you have those moments of wishing for things to work faster in your business? I know that I sure do.  I’ve never been the most patient of a person in almost any aspect of my life.  I always feel like things should happen faster and quicker. A couple weeks ago in my morning meditations, I came across this concept of “active waiting”.  That is, being a participant in the waiting for results to roll in.  After, it does take a little bit for the right things to line up in the right way.  Actively waiting in your business is key to being ready when the result you are looking for is finally here. It is about tidying up loose ends, clearing the way and being prepare for what is coming next. Listen to this week’s motivational moment for business owners. Listen Here: Via   Via Designs By Caley Via Brainy Quote via Hey Quotes via MyHeartBelongsToChrist |

  • The Rules to Solving Problems in Your Business

    15/05/2015 Duration: 29min

    Being a proactive problem solver in your business is key to having a business that can innovate and grow at crazy rates.  If you are tired of the problems in your business, tired of putting out fires all day long, then listen to Leslie Hassler’s Business Coaching Moment. Show Notes Here BE RELENTLESS VIGILANT Adopt a Zero-Tolerance to habits and practices that create problems.  If you tolerate the processes, habits and practices that create problems, you tolerate the problems.  If you are tired of putting out fires, stop giving them the opportunity to start.  The easiest way to solve a problem is not to allow it a chance to happen first. UNDERSTAND THE FINANCIAL 360 When it comes to problems, we let the perceived past investment or future cost of the solution stop us from tackling the problem. But that is only part of the financial impact in your business.  What else is the problem costing you?  What opportunities are you missing by dealing and being distracted by the problem?  If the problem is only costin

  • Why You Need Profitable Problem Solutions

    13/05/2015 Duration: 49min

    Why You Need Profitable Problem Solving MAY 12, 2015 BY LESLIE LEAVE A COMMENT(EDIT) Bridgette Chambers, Growth & Turn Around Strategist, Speaker & Author BIO Bridgette Chambers, ABA Award winning turn around and growth strategist, is the author of Profitable Problem Solving™, the highly acclaimed book that teaches entrepreneurs and business leaders how to CHANGE, GROW & SAVE their company with strategies designed to ensure profit or personal gain. In Profitable Problem Solving™, Chambers introduces exciting new concepts such as Factor 10 Results™, an innovative proxy for non-financial managers to utilize when communicating future value of organizational initiatives. Chambers has won six American Business Awards including Maverick of the Year, Turnaround Executive of the Year, and Female Executive of the Year. Chambers is a celebrated keynote speaker that has shared the stage with Colin Powell, Lisa Leslie, Seth Godin, Michael Eisner, and other notable personal brands. EmpoweredW – Cofounder ,

  • Be The Client You Wish You Had

    11/05/2015 Duration: 12min

    If you have ever taken a look at the clients you have and wonder why you have problems and challenges with them, then you might want to pay attention.  There is a two-step process to getting to your ideal client  – 1. Have immense clarity on who your ideal client is (need help there?  Click here) 2. Be the Client You Wish You Had Why? Listen Here: via pinterest via Facebook Soul Speaking via Pinterest via Quotes Love via

  • The Power Of Your Words

    04/05/2015 Duration: 12min

    The power of one word has always amazed me.  I’ll be honest, I love words, I am one of those people who can get wrapped up in the lyrical quality of words.  Words can be whispered, words can be shouted, song and performed.  They can bring us down or lift us up. Our Easy 6-Figure Business Club members are busy finding the right words to engage and invite their ideal clients into their business, so perhaps that is part of the inspiration for today’s motivational moments. But it is also a daily practice I wanted to share with you. Via Berkshire Dream Center via via The Daily Quote Via Pinterest Via Inspired Travel

  • How I Turned My Business Upside Down For My Family

    29/04/2015 Duration: 01h21s

    Tracy Repchuk, Online Business Strategist | Digital Marketing BIO:Tracy works with executives and business owners to build and manage their own successful digital marketing and online strategies so you can catapult your sales and reach millions with your product or service. She can act as a turnkey delivery, or training so that you can leverage your in-house reps more effectively. Tracy Repchuk is North America’s leading women speaker after speaking in over 35 countries, a 5-Time #1 International Bestselling Author including 31 Days to Millionaire Marketing Miracles, and consultant for fully branded online marketing solutions and as an award-winning entrepreneur since 1985 is a trusted choice for thousands of clients worldwide, who want current digital and business intelligence transferred to their teams to produce massive results fast. She helps you see that ….“If Your Websites Aren’t Working FOR You – They’re Working AGAINST You!”   LISTEN HERE   SHOW NOTES [Time Stamp 4:45] Tracy shares why she is excited

  • Take Advantage of Every Opportunity

    27/04/2015 Duration: 09min

    Motivational Moments: Take Advantage of Every Opportunity APRIL 27, 2015 BY LESLIE LEAVE A COMMENT(EDIT) There are smart ways to grow your business and hard ways to grow your business.   One of the smartest ways to grow your business is to take advantage of every opportunity, and not just in a small way, but in a big way.  For every opportunity that you have to market and sell your business continuously ask yourself, how can I apply the 10x rule to what I am doing. How can you milk each oppotunity for everything it is worth?   Listen here:   via Grant Cardone Quotes via via via Pinterest Via via

  • Unlock the Power of Your Story

    22/04/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    Sandra Miller Younger, Strategic Story Solutions BIO: Sandra Millers Younger grew up in the South where people still swap stories over fried chicken, apple pie and sweet tea. At the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and Syracuse University, where she earned degrees in English and journalism, Sandra studied stories—what makes the great ones great, how to find them, and how to share them in powerful ways that make a difference in the world. She’s since told thousands of stories as a journalist, culminating in her 2013 book, The Fire Outside My Window: A Survivor Tells the True Story of California’s Epic Cedar Fire, featured in the March 2015 NBC Dateline special, “Escape.” Now, as founder and chief story strategist at Strategic Story Solutions, Sandra helps change makers on the journey from survival to significance find the meaning, message and mission hiding in their own stories.   LISTEN HERE   SHOW NOTES [Time Stamp 5:02] Sandra introduces us to storytelling and how it can drive the marketing in a b

  • Through Mercy Comes Grace

    20/04/2015 Duration: 15min

    Isn’t it glorious that we are all human?  The fact that we aren’t perfect, means that everyday we are give the opportunity to learn and to grow.  It can be wonderful. But each day we can also do wrong, make poor choices and a face the consequences of the poor choices of other people. The last four days, I have muttered a quote from Mice and Men, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” Not sure if that quote is accurate, but it is the way I remember it.  And I think in our lives and our business, we all start out with good and even great intentions.  It’s just that often our plans can go astray. It is how we handle those moments of opportunity that define us.  It is how we frame the moments of anger, disappointment and frustration that allow us to move forward and not get stuck in the goop. Listen for more here:   via   via via Etsy via via

  • Stay Faithful In Your Walk

    13/04/2015 Duration: 14min

    This morning’s Motivational Moment was inspired by two completely unrelated moments this weekend.  Find out what they are and how you can weather the storms in your business. In truth, the reality is, it is not whether or not you will have storms in your business and your life.  It is about what you do during those moments and how you handle them, and emerge from them on the other side.  For show notes, head to LISTEN HERE   Via Via via Via via

  • What To Do When Life Takes Over Your Business

    10/04/2015 Duration: 38min

    My life has taken over.  So much so, that there are no show notes for this.  Want to know my secret to managing these moments in my business?   Listen Here

  • Why Your Life Purpose Is Important

    09/04/2015 Duration: 45min

    Angie Swartz, Life Purpose Advisor BIO: Angie Swartz, Founder of Life Purpose Advisor, is a Life Coach and an Executive Business Coach.  Angie’s mission is to empower people to find their life purpose and to improve personal mastery through knowing themselves, incorporating daily practices and transforming their bodies.  She believes that we all know our life purpose but can’t recognize it until the time is right in our lives.  It is only when people align with their life purpose, that they live truly happy, more fulfilled lives and contribute to the greater good.Angie coaches businesses and individuals on finding life purpose, improving personal mastery and creating conscious businesses.  The foundation of this coaching is the Life Purpose Advisor methods®.  She helps people step into their full potential with one-on-one courses, group courses and topic specific coaching.  She also collaborates with leaders in their fields to offer supporting services to clients.  Angie holds a Masters in Business Administra

  • Release The Power of Your Imagination

    06/04/2015 Duration: 16min

    Do you remember the days you were encouraged to imagine?  The days when you were asked to create a story or draw a picture of a sunset?  Some where along the way, we were expected to let go of imagination and be practical, logical in our choices. Where does that leave us?  Stuck in the no man’s land of complacency.  We actually live in a time when imagination in business is well rewarded.  When imagination is creating ways, new products and new connections never thought of before. If you have struggled with a situation, problem, malaise in your business, perhaps you need a little imagination.     via Xanthipa Tumblr   Via   Via   via   via   via

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