Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler



Being a women entrepreneur comes with some unique struggles, the many roles we juggle in our business and our family can create challenges to our time, our well-being and how good we feel about ourselves. Have you ever struggled with feeling guilty when youre working on your business because you aren't with your family, only to then feel guilty when youre with your family because of everything demanding your attention in your business? Do you struggle to serve clients working 60 to 80 hours a week, but dont have any money in the bank? If you've ever felt chained to your business, with a burning desire for your freedom. Then join me as I interview guests and share my insights from business coaching other women entrepreneurs. You'll be inspired, as well as receive actionable nuggets to create the business you want, no matter what business you have.I believe that through a healthy and vibrant businesses, we can create and enjoy healthy and vibrant families. I count myself among the few who can build businesses without sacrificing my family. Through this show I will show and prove to other women entrepreneurs that they can as well.Topics of the show include: Time Management and Productivity; Marketing & Sales; Work/Life Balance; Business Building Skills, Business Experts, and Women Entrepreneurs sharing their journeys. Our shows will launch weekly on Tuesdays. If you love our show, please SUBSCRIBE and feel free to leave an honest REVIEW. About Leslie: Leslie is the president at Your Biz Rules business coaching in Dallas, Texas. Leslies mission as a business coach and strategist is to help you and other women entrepreneurs revive and reinvent your business to move past too much to do, make great money and have more time to spend with your family. She combines her proven 7 Numbers strategies with innovative ways to leverage time putting you back in control of your business and solidly into a profitable business.Leslie received the Business Excellence Forums International Business Award in 2011 for growing her business 150% percent in six months, is a best-selling author and appears on stages across the nation. She is a serial entrepreneur who has the proven ability to produce profitable multi-six figure businesses for herself and for her clients.To find out more about Leslie, or to contact her to for speaking or interview engagements, email her at


  • Are You Determined or Disciplined?

    01/04/2015 Duration: 44min

    Rod Zilla, Crossfit Alpha 1 Athlete Join us as I talk with Rod Zilla, personal trainer and co-owner of Crossfit Alpha 1 Athlete.  We talk about the similarities between working on your business and working on your fitness, the traits of success and the differences between determination, discipline and motivation. BIO: Rod Zilla ☑ 6 years Army (11B / 19K)☑ 6 years Former Personal Protection Officer / Counter Intelligence Advance Team☑ 7 years Former Professional Fighter (Boxing & MMA)☑ 5 years Former Police OfficerInstructor Role - Less Lethal S.W.A.T. / Firearms / Defensive Tactics / Self Defense / Field Training Officer✔Been Active in CrossFit for over 11 years. ✔ Coaching CrossFit for 10 years✔Certified Personal Trainer / CrossFit Instructor ✔ 3 years in a Management Capacity ✔ 3 years as the Europa CrossFit Director of Competition ✔ 1 year as an the Owner and creator of CrossFit Alpha 1 Athlete   LISTEN HERE   SHOW NOTES [Time Stamp 3:00] Rod Zilla talks about his path from law enforcement and personal

  • Be Fearless In Asking

    30/03/2015 Duration: 13min

    This weekend, while on a cub scout camping trip, I found that my oldest son was able to get exactly what he needed when he needed.  Mind you, he didn’t always get it from me, but from other kids and parents around the camp.  And in joking with another parent, talking about how capable he was able to fulfill his needs and desires, I simply said, “It’s because he is not afraid to ask.” Simply put, it is a great lesson for us as business owners to take from our children and the world around us… Be Fearless in Asking via   via   via   via   via

  • How To Take The Reigns In Your Business - Updated

    27/03/2015 Duration: 30min

    We all have had the moments when we feel out of control in our business.  The moment when we feel that we are not allowed or able to take vacations, to say no to client requests, to not work nights and weekends. But the truth is, you could change that tomorrow, by making the choice today.  Join me today on our weekly business coaching moments where I show you How To Take The Reigns In Your Business. Listen Here   Show Notes: 1. Responsibility – You have to assume responsibility for what got your where you are and for what you want to change.   2. yoU! You are the most important part of your business.  If you don’t take care of you know, there won’t be anything left to take care of.   3. Leverage the 7 Figures in your business to make it happen.   4. Expect It To Happen.  Expectation = Reality.     5. Step Up Every Day To Protect & Maintain Your Reign.

  • How To Use Assessments for College Success

    24/03/2015 Duration: 48min

    How To Use Assessments For College Success MARCH 24, 2015 BY LESLIE LEAVE A COMMENT(EDIT) Mike McCormack, People Right Careers I love examples of businesses leveraging the one thing they do best by finding out how they can serve another target market.  If you are a business owner, or even just the parent of high school age children – you’ll want to hear today’s episode. Join me today, as our guest, Mike McCormack of People Right shares with how Mike’s assessment tool helps identify the potential careers and interest that would best suit your high school student. BIO: Mike spent the first 20 years or his career working for major corporations, focusing primarily on large IT system implementations. He worked for 5 different companies, including some of the most prominent consulting companies in the world, and held 10 different job titles. He learned that when projects fail, they don’t usually fail because of technology, they fail because we put the wrong people in the wrong places, or we don’t do a good job o

  • What is Success?

    23/03/2015 Duration: 18min

    In the conversations I have had over the last few months, defining success and what it means to you is one skill that most people struggle with.  To be successful is what most everyone wants.  To know what it looks like, feels like, how your will define it, how you will know that it is coming…well that is entirely different. Why is it important?  Why is it crucial to you actually being successful? Listen to today’s Motivational Moments Listen Here:     via   via   via     via Via   Via

  • 3 Awesome Strategies To Simplify Your Online Marketing

    18/03/2015 Duration: 52min

    3 Awesome Strategies to Simplify Your Online Marketing MARCH 17, 2015 BY LESLIE LEAVE A COMMENT(EDIT) Suzanne Tregenza Moore, Online Marketing Strategist Join us on this week’s Healthy Business Healthy Family Podcast as I interview online marketing strategist, Suzanne Moore.  Suzanne shares with us the simple strategies your need for your online marketing; plus shares great tips on where you need to be, what your website absolutely needs and how to maximize your content and still build a community. BIO: Suzanne Tregenza Moore is an online marketing strategist committed to the success of fellow heart-centered entrepreneurs seeking to make a difference. Using her MBA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship along with her years of online marketing experience, Suzanne helps her clients get beyond the frustration, confusion and overwhelm of trying to leverage the Internet to build their business. Guiding clients through the steps of her Simplify Online Marketing™ system, she is fulfilling her mission to enable other

  • The Power of Routine

    16/03/2015 Duration: 11min

    Every entrepreneur needs a little motivation, especially on Mondays – the hardest day of the week. Be sure to join us every week and get your dose! For today’s shownotes, go to   Routine…it sounds so boring.  In fact, it can be just that boring.  Through our lives, routine is either something we cling onto like a safety blanket, or run away from like the plague. But what if our success in life and our businesses lies somewhere in between. This week’s motivation is all about the beauty of using routine to your advantage.               Join us on Wednesday as we talk with Susan Moore of The implementation Station.  We’re chatting about determining your internet marketing strategy and why you don’t have to do it all. That’s all for today, this is your host, Leslie Hassler and my dog bailey saying. Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure  

  • The RULES of Marketing Your Business

    13/03/2015 Duration: 20min

        Realize That You Are The Expert via Tumblr   Use the Marketing Matrix Via Imminent Crash     Learn To Talk About Them Via Optimize My Brand   Express the Emotions Via Your Digital Story   Seal The Deal via

  • Why Positioning Your Business is Hard

    11/03/2015 Duration: 45min

    Nancy Marmolejo, Founder of T.A.G. The Intersection of Talent and Genius Join us this week as we speak with marketing expert, Nancy Marmolejo of Talent and Genius.  Nancy shares why so many people exhaust themselves trying find the ‘right way’ to market their business. Find out how your talents and genius create an irresistible way to attract your perfect clients. BIO: Nancy Marmolejo can see your genius and show you how to position it in the marketplace. Her proven methods not only dig deeply into who you are as a person, but connect to the very success of your business. That’s the intersection of Talent and Genius (T.A.G.). She ignites the light inside you, and from there you’re unstoppable. Your competition dissolves, you’re crystal clear on the importance of your work, and all of your marketing falls into place. That’s why top coaches, consultants, and service professionals work with Nancy: because they know she’s the best person around to connect you to your unique Talent and Genius. In business since 20

  • Og Magdino - The Greatest Salesman in the World

    09/03/2015 Duration: 24min

    Motivation in your business can be found in everyday life, a song, the song of a bird or even a book. Og Mandino’s book The Greatest Salesman in the World is perhaps one of the most quintessential business books.  Join Leslie for today’s motivational moments and how the 10 scrolls of Mandino’s book could be taken for the woman entrepreneurs 10 commandments.  The book recommends reading one scroll everyday for 30 days, but I offer the secondary recommendation of reading one scroll per day for 3 days. The beauty of this book is in the repetition, of  committing them to memory and then on the days when it is challenging, to be able to pull the words out of our memories like we might look at a photo of a beloved family member and bringing back the possibility, light and happiness to the day. LISTEN TO TODAY’S MOTIVATIONAL MOMENT HERE:                      

  • The Rules To Hiring A Rock Star Team

    06/03/2015 Duration: 23min

    The Rules To Hiring A Rock Star Team MARCH 6, 2015 BY LESLIE LEAVE A COMMENT(EDIT) Join Leslie on today’s business coaching moment about the rules to hiring your rock star team. Leslie shares the excuses and bad habits that we partake in as women entrepreneurs that sabotage our businesses and the ability to have a rock star team behind us. LISTEN HERE      Respond vs. React   via Proctor Gallager Institute      Understand the Long Term Benefits   via Billy Cox       Let the Superwoman Complex Go   Via Jules 1224 WordPress      Expect & Encourage Results   via Meetville      Seed for Employee Superheroes via Active Happiness

  • Why You Make Mistakes Hiring Employees

    04/03/2015 Duration: 50min

    Why You Make Mistakes Hiring Employees MARCH 4, 2015 BY LESLIE LEAVE A COMMENT(EDIT) Mike McCormick, People Right If you’ve ever hired the wrong person for the wrong position, you understand the cost and consequences it can have on your emotions and your business. Join me today, as our guest, Mike McCormick of People Right shares with us the mistakes we make in hiring, what it costs the business and how to stop making hiring mistakes. BIO: Mike spent the first 20 years or his career working for major corporations, focusing primarily on large IT system implementations. He worked for 5 different companies, including some of the most prominent consulting companies in the world, and held 10 different job titles. He learned that when projects fail, they don’t usually fail because of technology, they fail because we put the wrong people in the wrong places, or we don’t do a good job of matching their skills to the types of work we ask them to do. It’s not because they are ‘bad people’, but usually because they a

  • Are You Lucky in Business?

    02/03/2015 Duration: 10min

    Every entrepreneur needs a little motivation, especially on Mondays – the hardest day of the week.  Leslie shares these brief motivational moments designed to motivate and inspire you by drawing such business greats such as Jim Collins, John Maxwell, Miguel Ruiz, to sharing the simple and funny.  Be sure to join us every week and get your dose! Have you ever looked at someone else’s success and thought, “Wow, look how lucky they are.” Have you ever wondered why you don’t have more luck? Luck is such a concept of fortune, of something perfect just falling into our laps.  It’s why we buy lottery tickets to win millions. But what I’ve never understood is why we put all of our wishes into luck. Listen to Today’s Motivational Moment:   via via           Join us on Wednesday as we talk with Mike McCormick of People Right.  If you have ever hired the wrong person in your business, you know how valuable the right person in the right position is key. Mike is going to be shari

  • The RULES of Work/Life Balance

    27/02/2015 Duration: 21min

    Thanks for joining for this business coaching moment.  In conjunction with the episode with Matt Maszczak of Balance is Bunk, today’s business coaching moment is about that ever elusive work / life balance that we as women entrepreneurs are consistently searching for. Listen to today’s episode:     Refocus on Your Purpose With Tenacity The first aspect of balance is about refocusing yourself.  If you are out of kilter somewhere in the relationship of your business or your personal life, it takes this moment of refocusing to break the pattern you are in.  The best guiding point to check in with is your big why, or your purpose.  What is the purpose of your business?  How is it meant to support your personal life, your family, your children?  Are you doing what you need in your business to give you the results that you need to support your family?  Balance can be needed in order for your business to grow to the level it needs to support your life goals.    Understand the Power of Presence Perhaps the greatest

  • Why Balance is Bunk

    25/02/2015 Duration: 46min

    Matt Maszczak, Social Beast & Host of Balance is Bunk BIO:  I generally describe myself as, ‘Husband to one, father and friend to many. A writer, speaker, blogger, podcaster and social beast. A lover of pizza, Doctor Who, and Back to the Future.” While that is all true, I doubt it’s what you’re really wondering. I am a writer that loves to create engaging content that converts. There is nothing more satisfying than watching my words spark action in someone. I get giddy every time someone clicks through on a post I wrote, or adds their name to an email list I suggested. Every retweet, repost, and share is cause for celebration in my world. That’s why I do what I do. I am also a seasoned audio professional with years of experience on the road and in the studio. If writing is my first love then audio is my mistress. I have been a musician and sound engineer much longer than I have been a writer and I take great pride in making my clients sound great. I’ve been working in digital audio editing since 1997. How

  • Encouragement Changes Everything by John Maxwell

    23/02/2015 Duration: 18min

    I’m inspired to bring to you today’s motivational moment after reading a book entitled, Encouragement Changes Everything by John Maxwell.  You may know John Maxwell as a leadership coach, appearing in Success Magazine, author of numerous books, and now with his own coaching empire.  I love John’s messages because in all truth, they can be applies whether you are an entreprenuer in your own business, or a high-level executive in someone else’s business. Today’s book still has that leadership undertone, but centers all around the concept of encouragement.   This is all about paying it forward in your business.  The success you obtain can be done – so share it with another business owner.  Be significant. The highest value of of being an encourager is to provide the right words to the right person at the right time, to give them strength, to build them up.   How can you encourage everyone you meet today?  One kind word, one message of hope can make all of the difference in a persons journey.  Add value to it

  • The RULES to Bouncing Back

    20/02/2015 Duration: 28min

    The ability or skill of bouncing back is important for any entrepreneur in any business.  Today’s business coaching moment is all about the RULES of Bouncing Back in your business. Join Leslie Hassler with Your Biz Rules as she helps you become more resilient in your business.   1. What is resiliency in business?   Being resilient in your business is the art of picking yourself up after a defeat, disappointment, failure in your business.  To be in business means that you will take some risks; some will work, some will not work.  If you are new in business, it may feel like you experience more than your fair share.  It isn’t that you are unlucky, it’s that you are learning.  Remember over 80% of businesses struggle in the early years.  If you have some experience under your belt, you may experience fewer; but you may also take bigger risks and there for instead of a lot of small ones, you may experience fewer, but they are wee bangers. The disappointment you experience can make you want to throw the hat in, g

  • Defining Your Internet Marketing Strategy

    18/02/2015 Duration: 50min

    Oswald Peters, Internet Marketing Expert, WSI Prime Internet Solutions   BIO: Oswald Peters holds a master in computer science with over 18 years in the computer science field.  But like most entrepreneurs, Oswald became an entrepreneur after a layoff in the 90s.  Since then, Oswald and his family has partnered with businesses and internet solution providers to be able to bring the best solution to his client’s businesses.  SHOW NOTES [Time Stamp 5:07] Oswald talks about internet marketing and how the internet looks similar to a grid, or a subway map, with pathways and hubs.  Oswald talks about how this strategy helps simplify the strategies use in order to meet your potential client in their pathways.  We discuss the mistake that entrepreneurs make when they use the internet and the many hubs to market to their potential clients   Internet #Marketing TIP: Focus on the pathways, not the hubs. Hear more here! CLICK TO TWEET   [Time Stamp 8:14] Oswald talks about his recommendation to getting super clear on w

  • Love Your Business

    16/02/2015 Duration: 13min

    Motivational Moments: #28Days Gratitude: Love Your Business Welcome to week 3 of the #28Days of Gratitude.  How is it going for you? If you’ve been participating, you might notice a little warmth in your belly every morning.  The expectation of something great growing inside of you. That is one of the beauties of recognizing all the good that surrounds you. This week’s gratitude is all about you business. Everyone starts off excited about their business, but overwhelmingly, 75% of entrepreneurs can slip into discontent. Once the illusion is gone, and we have suffered disappointments, defeat, delays…it can be REAL hard to look for the silver lining. But the truth is, that your business will do exactly what you allow and expect it to do. If you expect crummy clients, you get crummy clients. If you expect no business, you get no business. Yes there are some actions you need to take in order to change the tide.  But all action starts with belief. To hear more, listen here. Your Gratitude Challenge For The Week

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