Manifestation Babe



The Manifestation Babe Podcast is your weekly dose for all things related to manifesting your best life, cultivating a positive mindset & attracting more money than you could ever dream of. Your host, Kathrin Zenkina, is the CEO & Founder of Manifestation Babe, a multi-million dollar personal development brand, #1 Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Manifestation Expert. Featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Goalcast, CNET, and Bustle.


  • (#97) Life AFTER Breast Implant Illness. Is Explanting Just A Trend?

    07/06/2019 Duration: 01h19min

    Over the last 6 weeks I have been in major recovery after having my breast implants removed. I have been healing my body from the inside out and doing research and tests to understand exactly what I need to do to fully come back to my health. The journey has been UNBELIEVABLE and the changes I have experienced after having my breast implants removed have left me speechless. I recently shared an episode (#88) talking about all the symptoms I had BEFORE my surgery. I highly recommend listening to that one first if you haven’t already! This episode I’m sharing with you today is my journey AFTER surgery and how my life has been post-op. I think you will be just as shocked as I was when you hear how much has changed. I also answer a very frequently asked question, “Can you MANIFEST your symptoms away?” In this episode I share my true perspective on it. These episodes are not meant to scare you! I’m simply sharing my story and I have made a promise to always remain authentic and transparent with you. This is my st

  • (#96) The BEST advice I’ve ever been given

    28/05/2019 Duration: 06min

    How many times have you been given advice and then felt discouraged? I have seen so many people, including myself, take advice from someone who never walked the walk and it ended up leading them down the wrong path. In today’s episode I want to share with you the BEST advice I have ever been given and the questions I ask myself before I ever take someone else’s opinion to heart.   Links/Resources Manifestation Babes Facebook Group Manifestation Babe Instagram Website: To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#95) The SMOOTHEST & STRESS FREE Launch I've Ever Had

    17/05/2019 Duration: 50min

    If you’ve ever been curious about launching a product or your someone who gets stressed the EFF out every-time it comes around, this episode is going to serve you in so many ways. I have had 15 launches in the 3 years that Manifestation Babe has been running and let me tell you, I know a thing or two about stressful launches. This year in 2019, I have experienced two big launches where I felt the most stress free I have ever felt. Being an entrepreneur involved in social media, it is easy to get influenced by everyone else’s strategies. When I first started out, I followed influencers doing exactly what I wanted to do, but one thing always left me feeling overwhelmed. They were constantly exhausted and stressed during launches which left me with the story of “Launching is stressful and exhausting.” In this episode I talk about 4 strategies that have changed the launch game for me and how I doubled my revenue goal with a completely stress free launch.   What you will learn in this episode: My exciting new bus

  • (#94) #ThatOneTime I invested $170k into myself in 48 hours & how it PAID OFF.

    01/05/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    “Kathrin, you will let go of your team when you get home. It’s also time for you to seek other ways to grow your business. Trust the process, but don’t expect it to be easy.” These were the words my intuition spoke to me in December of 2017, as I walked through the doors of Tony Robbins event, Date With Destiny. Those words led me to investing $170K in a 48 hour period and working through one of the hardest years of my life. I have never been so terrified and challenged at the same time, but it led me to the most groundbreaking success I could have ever dreamed of in Manifestation Babe. This is one VERY important story I have yet to share ANYWHERE in the Manifestation Babe community. If you’re in the process of making a BIG investment or taking a huge risk, this story was made for you. Trust the process, but don’t expect it to be easy. Normalize taking risks because a limitless bank account, comes from a limitless mind. There are only a few days left before the cart officially closes for the 2019 Manifestati

  • (#93) My FAVE Manifestation Hack -- "5 Minutes Before You Sleep"

    26/04/2019 Duration: 08min

    Over the ten magical years I’ve studied manifestation, I’ve picked up quite a few tricks and hacks that I use on a DAILY basis. These hacks have not only been the reason I’ve manifested all my success up until now, but they make the practice unbelievably easy. Today, I am sharing with you my FAVORITE manifestation hack that I use every single night. This specific hack is one I picked up from Dr. Wayne Dyer --- It’s called 5 Minutes Before You Sleep. The fastest way to get aligned with the Universe is by visualizing and deeply believing your greatest desires have already come true. But the effect it has on your subconscious mind is crucial right before you fall asleep. The last image you play in your head right before you fall asleep is what your powerful subconscious mind will play over and over through the night. Why not give your subconscious mind a beautiful desire to play on repeat as you drift away? If lying in bed and visualizing your dream life for 5 minutes sounds amazing to you, you’ll want to liste

  • (#92) How I Manifested My Husband

    20/04/2019 Duration: 55min

    QUOTES “You have to recognize that you actually ended up getting something better than what you asked for.” (5:42) “Women who attract their soulmates are the ones who are excited about being single and loving themselves on a deeper level and are okay with being alone.” (26:55)   SHOWNOTES Romance isn’t dead and I want to give all of you babes some hope. It’s entirely possible to manifest your soulmate, and I’m going to tell you how. I’ve told the story of how Brennan and I met a thousand times, but today I’m going a little bit deeper. I made a lot of big changes before I manifested my soulmate, and now as I look back and share my story with all of you, I’ve realized that I was capable of manifesting true love all along. I’ve been meaning to sit down and record this for awhile because I get this question a lot. How did I find Brennan? How did I know he was The One? But that’s the trick with soulmates, it’s all intuitive. The only way you’re going to manifest your soulmate is if you can tune in and listen to y

  • (#91) Dealing with Discomfort? Unsure What's Next? Stuck In LIMBO? Listen To This.

    16/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    No matter how successful you are, you’re still going to have doubts. I have doubts all the time, babe, so I completely understand the frustration! How can I sometimes still be afraid of change and growth? How can we be so unsure when all of these amazing things are manifesting in our lives? Easy! We’re uncomfortable. And nobody likes to be uncomfortable. Success is a process, and sometimes we’re going to have to try new things and take a leap of faith. The trick is to trust your process and embrace your discomfort. My advice for you today is to accept that you’re not always going to know what to do. More importantly, you need to accept that THIS IS COMPLETELY NORMAL. You’re not a failure just because you don’t know what to do next. You’re an even better success story because you’re taking the time to sit in your discomfort, learn about yourself, and create something brand new! If you need a little push, I’m here for you. Sign up for my Manifestation Babe Challenge on Instagram, because next week and I’m star

  • (#90) Staying High Vibe While SICK AF (Or Some Other Unfortunate Life Event)

    12/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    Today, I’m sharing with you the real truth behind one of manifestations BIGGEST misconceptions. Many people discover manifestation and become infatuated by the idea of being HIGH VIBE. They learn the incredible Universal Laws and learn the concepts to manifest their dream life and start living as their higher self. It’s literally like a cloud nine high, feeling so damn good that nothing can stop them. Then all of a sudden, life happens. We get sick, we experience trauma, a low energy enters our world and our entire view of manifestation and the Universe gets flipped upside down. On today’s episode, I want to set things straight and share my experience with staying high vibe no matter what uncontrollable life event happens for me. I recently came down with a cold that kept me bed-ridden for an ENTIRE week and I had to pull out my manifestation toolkit and get to work. I’ll share with you my current life circumstance, how exactly I stay high vibe when I’m feeling low, all the lessons I’ve learned from this exp

  • (#89) Is Wealth In YOUR Identity? This May Be Holding You Back.

    15/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    In today's episode, I want to talk to you about identifying yourself and specifically identifying yourself with wealth. What I mention might be the very thing that is holding you back from manifesting the life of your dreams!   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @manifestationbabe Learn more about me: Join The Manifestation Babes Facebook Group: The MB Group Manifestation Babe Academy To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#88) Got Breast Implants? WHY I’m REMOVING Mine & How They’ve Been Negatively Affecting My Mindset and Health

    11/03/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    Good morning healthy babes! Today’s episode is going to be just a little bit different. I’m going through something right now. It’s having a huge negative affect on my health and my mindset. I can feel it draining all of my energies and really distracting from my business, so I have to talk about it. Today’s shift is about breast implant illness. I want to talk about it because I’m starting to connect my story with other women who are going through the same thing. It’s all over Insta and Facebook, and there are so many women out there experiencing these symptoms - some without even realizing it! The symptoms of breast implant illness can manifest like adrenal fatigue or autoimmune disorders but are actually a sign of something more severe. I was one of those women who spent months denying the possibility that my breast implants could be poisoning me. But this episode is not meant to scare you! I’m here talking about my experience today to remind all of you that you’re not alone. Many of our personal experien

  • (#87) Listen Babe, Are You Stressing About Your Life Purpose?

    08/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    If you've been stressing over your life purpose, wondering if you're on the right path, and just confused on where you want to be, give this episode a listen.  I promise this will ease your mind!   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @manifestationbabe Learn more about me: Join The Manifestation Babes Facebook Group: The MB Group Manifestation Babe Academy To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#86) Become A LITERAL Desire Magnet Using This Important Tip

    06/03/2019 Duration: 23min

    Today I want to share with you an epiphany I recently had. Warning: This freeing, awesome, liberating epiphany will turn you into a literal desire magnet if you decide to implement this important tip. It has been so amazing to witness how fast things have been manifesting into my life. How fast I’ve been making friendships that are in alignment with me. How fast opportunities that I had on my vision board are manifesting. The things that have come into my life lately have made me think, wow, this isn’t just a maybe, this isn’t just a yes, this is an eff yes. I’m going to be honest, this tip has taken me a long time to totally implement into my life. But at least by listening to this podcast episode you can begin to open yourself up to understanding it. However, it’s going to take practice in order to implement it into an energetic, emotional, subconscious level and into your life.   In today’s episode, I talk about how I’ve been able to attract the people and experiences I desire in my life just by being mys

  • (#85) Wealthy Now or Wealthy Later? The TRUTH About Why I Left Platinum Partnership

    02/03/2019 Duration: 39min

    Today I’m sharing a big, big secret. And no, it’s not whether I want to be wealthy now or wealthy later (spoiler alert: you can be both!), but it has a lot to do with how I answer that question. This year I said “no” to a pretty big investment because I’m focused on asking myself whether I want to be wealthy now, or wealthy later. This is a question we ask ourselves a lot as business owners. Should we spend the money now and invest in this mastermind or that coach? Or should we set it aside and save it for the future of our business? That’s a pretty loaded question. Today’s episode is all about finding the answer to that question by looking to your higher self. Too many times our ego gets in the way. Sometimes it blocks our view without us even knowing! And that’s a dangerous spot to be in. Because all our ego cares about is RIGHT NOW. Our higher self, on the other hand, is better at seeing the big picture and more willing to make the sacrifices to realize that vision. If you’ve had a hard time checking your

  • (#84) If You Woke Up Today, You Still Have A PURPOSE

    15/02/2019 Duration: 04min

    Happy Friday! Trying something new today. Tag me on Instagram (@manifestationbabe) & let me know what you think. Should I continue the "Listen Babe" series? Did it pump you up? Should it be a weekly thing? Dying to know ;)   Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @manifestationbabe Learn more about me: Join The Manifestation Babes Facebook Group: The MB Group Manifestation Babe Academy To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#83) WTF Is Up With All These NUMBERS?!?! (111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888,999,1111)

    13/02/2019 Duration: 35min

    Wanna know what it MEANS when you notice repeating numbers like 111? 222? 333? 444? 555? Etc? I finally sat down to dish on what these numbers mean to ME and what they might mean to YOU if you've recently started to notice them too. Maybe you've been noticing them for a while now or maybe have no idea what I'm talking about. Either way, push play to find out if the Universe is trying to tell you something ;) Angel Numbers Cheat Sheet mentioned inside of the episode is available in my Freebie Library here. Episode #39 is the episode I reference in this podcast called "How To Get Your Sign From The Universe." Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @manifestationbabe Learn more about me: Join The Manifestation Babes Facebook Group: The MB Group Manifestation Babe Academy Waitlist To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#82) The Disneyland Experiment (100k In 1 Day)

    11/02/2019 Duration: 43min

    I went to Disneyland during the BUSIEST day of my launch. Why exactly did I do such a thing?  Because I wanted to prove to you AND myself... that surrendering the outcome of what you desire... will ALWAYS trump control. The results? A 6-Figure DAY in my business while out in the park riding rides, scraping my knees, eating caramel apples, and laughing to the point of almost peeing my pants.  Tune into this episode to hear how I came up with this idea & how you, too, can create your own surrender experiment. Don't forget! In order to qualify for the FREE manifestation hypnosis, leave a review on iTunes, screenshot it BEFORE you hit submit, then email proof to my team at and we will send you the ultra-powerful manifestation hypnosis that I recorded for you! Also, if you loved this episode, I'd love to find out what your biggest takeaway was! Take a screenshot of you listening to the episode on your device, post it to Instagram stories and tag me (@manifestationbabe)! Other Impor

  • (#81) 5 Unconventional Wealth Tips That Will Bring Your More Money in 2019

    04/02/2019 Duration: 29min

    2019 is the year you attract more money into your life than you can ever imagine. Claim it. OWN IT. Today I'm sharing with you 5 of my most unconventional (pretty woo, actually) wealth tips that will bring you more money in 2019.  If this episode inspired you in any way, share your favorite tip(s) with me by taking a screenshot of you listening to this podcast on your device & post it to Instagram Stories. Tag me @manifestationbabe so I can see it. I LOVE hearing from you! Other Important Links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @manifestationbabe Learn more about me: Join The Manifestation Babes Facebook Group: The MB Group To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#80) Overcoming Mental Health Struggles To Manifest A More Fulfilling Life

    04/01/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    THIS is the episode so many of you have been waiting for!!! Brennan (my husband) and I finally sat down to record an episode highlighting his journey getting diagnosed with bipolar disorder 10 years ago & how that label impacted the way he showed up in his life.  If you are someone (or you know someone) who strongly believes that your diagnosis is going to be your downfall and prevent you from being wildly successful, hit the play button immediately. Listen to the very end (like, literally last second) because the advice that Brennan gives is invaluable to your mental health journey.  You can find out more about Brennan by following him on Instagram at @brennankingokeefe.  Important links: Follow me on the 'Gram: @manifestationbabe Learn more about me: Join The Manifestation Babes Facebook Group: The MB Group To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#79) My HONEST Opinion on Manifesting A Lottery Win

    28/12/2018 Duration: 18min

    It's time for another pop-up Q&A! This time I am answering a question I see A LOT: Can you manifest a lottery win? Is it possible? Should we be focusing on manifesting money in this way? If you've ever been curious about this topic, push play to get my honest answer! Important Links: The Rich Babe Academy WAITLIST  Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook Group: Manifestation Babe Website:  To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

  • (#78) Top 8 Lessons I Learned in 2018 - The Good, The Great & The Kinda Sucky

    28/12/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    While I was hosting my Epically Aligned goal-setting bootcamp last week, I had a chance to really reflect on the last 12 months and what they taught me. In this podcast episode, I share with you where I was at in my life & business THIS time last year and all of the big lessons I learned since then. I may be helping you avoid making some of the same mistakes in 2019, so listen up :) Important Links: Instagram: @manifestationbabe Facebook group: Manifestation Babes Website:   To see my current offers, please visit Download Podcast Transcript

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