Soultalk With Kute Blackson

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 283:53:54
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SoulTalk is a thought-provoking podcast about what really matters in life. It is a deep exploration into life's biggest questions: who we are, why we are here, and where we are going? Kute Blackson will get personal, sharing practical wisdom on how to live your most authentic life, as well as deep dialogues on purpose, health, love, money, sex, spirituality and success with special guests like Barbara De Angelis, Dr. Shefali, Mike Dooley, Geneen Roth and more.


  • 68: The 4 Keys To Letting Go of Your Limiting Story

    16/07/2019 Duration: 16min

    "The way you look at life will often determine the way life looks back at you. If you want to change your life, you can begin by changing how you look at life." Episode Summary: You aren’t born with a limiting story. You are born free. You are NOT your story. The story that you tell yourself isn’t who you really are. It is simply the story that you made up at some point. As young children, we all experience challenging things, whether it be pain, trauma, neglect, abuse, divorce, etc. As a result, we end up trying our best to make the events of our lives make some kind of sense, so we make up meaning as a way to survive, function and cope. Listen to this episode to learn how to let go of these limiting stories and be free! Some Questions I Ask: What are the limiting stories that you’ve been telling yourself? How are those stories limiting you? What story is it time to let go of and release that is no longer serving you? What is the payoff that you get from holding on to your story? Are you willing to let go o

  • 67: Mark Gober - How to Change Your View of Reality and Awaken Your Intuition

    16/07/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    "When we are born we don’t bring anything that is physical into the world but when we leave the body we also don’t bring anything with us. The only thing that is brought is our consciousness and the way in which it has evolved." Episode Summary: Most of us were brought up under the theory that consciousness is created by our brains. Under this premise, all consciousness ceases to exist upon death. In this fascinating episode, Mark Gober, author of The End of Upside Down Thinking, tells the story of how he came across hard evidence that challenged this paradigm, how his viewpoint changed radically and the implications that this new mindset has for humanity.  Some Questions I Ask How did you become interested in consciousness? What was your old world paradigm? How did you shift it to a new paradigm? Did you see any specific abilities in yourself open up as a result of this shift in paradigm? Can anyone be trained to develop the ability for psychic abilities? Were you afraid to let go, what gave you the courage

  • 66: Dr Josh Axe - How To Heal Your Gut And Improve Your Health

    09/07/2019 Duration: 56min

    “Health is being in harmony in body, mind and spirit. It’s having good physical, mental and spiritual health.”  Episode Summary: Health is a very popular topic these days. Everyone has a different opinion on what you need to do or eat to be healthy. In this episode, Dr Josh Axe author of  Eat Dirt: Why Leaky Gut May Be the Root Cause of Your Health Problems and 5 Surprising Steps to Cure It  and founder of what many consider the #1 natural health website in the world today, shares some amazing insights on what it really means to be healthy and the intricate connection between your health, your faith and your emotions.  Some Questions I Ask What inspired you to begin your journey into natural medicine? What was your motivation? Where would someone start to get healthy? Is there a right diet? How do you find the best diet? Are there any foods that we think are healthy, but you have found are actually detrimental? Can anyone heal or are there situations where it’s just not happening? What is prayer to you? How

  • 65: 7 Ways To Overcome Feeling Insecure In A Relationship and Be Free

    02/07/2019 Duration: 23min

    "Your relationship with yourself is the real foundation for your relationship with others. "  Episode Summary: The partner you attract in a relationship is a mirror manifestation of yourself. When you don’t have a good relationship with yourself, you look to your partner to give you a sense of validation. This leads to feelings of insecurity and suffering. Listen to this episode to learn 7 simple, yet powerful keys to improve your relationship with yourself and overcome feelings of insecurity. Some Questions I Ask: How often do you really connect with who you are? Have you ever felt insecure in your relationship? Do you like the partners you are attracting into your sphere? How do you deal with the fear of losing your identity in your relationship? How often do you look in the mirror? Do you like what you see? Have you noticed the voice in your head that criticizes you?  In This Episode You Will Learn: The importance of speaking to your inner child every day. The importance of choosing the people you assoc

  • 64: Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way) - Activating The Artist Within You

    25/06/2019 Duration: 57min

    "Everyone has a spark of creativity within them, some people were just lucky enough to have it nurtured as they were growing up." Episode Summary: There is a widespread belief that creativity is a gift bestowed upon just a select few. That you are either born being creative or not. Listen to this episode as Julia Cameron, award-winning poet and writer of the best-selling book, “The Artist’s Way”, talks about nurturing your creative spark and shares some powerful tools to help you unleash your creative genius, quiet your inner critic and move beyond your blocks.  Some Questions I Ask: What was your journey in terms of accessing your creativity and turning it into a career? Is creativity something you are born with - is it a gift? How do you find inspiration? Was there ever a moment in your life where you felt like giving up? What did you do and what kept you going? How do you define success in the creative world? What has been your relationship around money? In This Episode You Will Learn: 3 tools to develo

  • 63: Lessons About Living I Learned From The Dying

    17/06/2019 Duration: 19min

    "You don’t get to control much of what happens to you in life. But you get to choose how you respond. The most powerful response is always how much you love." Episode Summary: The only certainty we have from the day we are born is that we are all going to die. Life is frail, we know it, and yet we often choose to ignore it and waste precious time in meaningless quarrels or pursuits that don’t make us happy. In this touching episode, you will learn 6 powerful lessons about life and what really matters most from those who are dying. Some Questions I Ask Why don’t we live as though we are dying? Why do we wait until someone is dead to throw a big party, get flowers? How have you expressed your love for those you care about? Whose life are you living? How do you need to live so you have no regrets when you die?   In This Episode You Will Learn 6 key lessons to be learned about life from those who are dying. The importance of forgiveness The only thing that matters in the face of death. The key reason not to ho

  • 62: Sheri Salata - How To Live Your Dreams On Your Own Terms

    11/06/2019 Duration: 52min

    "I will dream my life as if I will live to be one hundred. I will live my life as if this day—the day I wake up in—is the only one I get."  Episode Summary:  Sheri Salata, author of her new memoir, “The Beautiful No”, an evolution of her 20-year career at The Oprah Winfrey Show, Harpo Studios and OWN, where she said goodbye to her dream career and hello to her dream life. In this honest, heart-warming interview, she shares the story of how she realized that being a successful professional does not necessarily mean success in all areas of your life, and how that discovery took her on an ongoing path to become a trustworthy steward of her life, on her terms. Some Questions I Ask: What was the motivation to write this book? What do you mean by “The Beautiful No”, and how did the title come about? You started as a freelancer, what was the secret to going from a promo producer to being the executive producer of the Oprah Winfrey Show? When you received some no’s that weren’t so beautiful what kept you going and w

  • 61: How to Overcome Procrastination and Own Your Power

    04/06/2019 Duration: 24min

    "The more you handle the small steps impeccably, the more the Universe will entrust you with the big rewards." Episode Summary: Putting things off for later is something we have all done. We often postpone unpleasant or challenging tasks until we have no choice, or worse yet, we never start. Procrastination can cost us years of our lives and endless regrets down the line. Listen to this episode to learn why we procrastinate and how to get over it, today.  Some Questions I Ask What have you been putting off and what is it costing you? If you can’t handle the small stuff, how will you handle the big stuff? What is it time for you to do? What is life calling you to express? What have you been avoiding?   In This Episode You Will Learn 3 reasons we procrastinate and how to overcome them. The correlation between consistency and success. How getting clarity on your motives for doing what you do will help you stay focused on the task at hand. Why drama is not a sustainable way of achieving success. 5 keys to avoi

  • 60: Ken Honda - How To Achieve Financial Independence Doing What You Love

    28/05/2019 Duration: 54min

    "You don’t have to be courageous to start doing what you love. Just begin." Episode Summary: Money is a constant worry in most of our minds. Whether we have it or we don’t have it, it occupies a big portion of our energy. Listen to this episode as Ken Honda, best-selling author who has sold over 7 million books in Japan, explains the difference between happy and unhappy money. Learn how a simple shift in your approach to paying the bills can free the flow of abundance in your life. Some Questions I Ask: How did you get into the field of writing about money? Did you have a sense that you were going to be this successful? What would you say to someone who is in a job they hate? Is there something people can do to cultivate a deeper trust in life? Are there any beliefs or misconceptions that block money? How can someone find their purpose? Did you ever feel like giving up? What kept you going through the challenging moments in your life?  In This Episode You Will Learn: Two steps to translate your passion int

  • 59: How To Stop Judging Yourself Once and For All!

    21/05/2019 Duration: 19min

    “Self-compassion is a courageous gift that you choose to give yourself regardless of what you achieved.” Episode Summary: Judging stems from the idea that our persona should be perfect. This idea of perfection, however, is vague and ever-changing. In order to achieve this so-called perfection, we sometimes judge ourselves very harshly for our perceived faults and mistakes. This only leads to more suffering. Listen to this episode to learn 3 keys to stop the judging for good. Some Questions I Ask What if you didn’t have to stop judging yourself in order to stop judging yourself? Where are you seeking perfection? What if trying to stop judging yourself is actually keeping you stuck? What would happen if you stopped judging yourself? How do you stop the cycle of judging yourself?   In This Episode You Will Learn Why judging yourself is not an issue. How being free of judgement is about shifting your relationship with yourself. Why you need to embrace your “imperfect” humanity and how to do it. Where all judgi

  • 58: Ken Druck - How To Cultivate Resilience and Overcome Loss

    14/05/2019 Duration: 54min

    "Resilience in its deepest, truest form begins with self-compassion." Episode Summary: Grief is an unavoidable part of life. Whether we mourn the loss of a loved one or the passing of time, that loss leaves a void inside. In this episode, Dr. Ken Druck, best-selling author and visionary leader, talks about resilience. Listen to this touching conversation on how to get through the brokenness that loss leaves, honoring your feelings in a meaningful way and finding a better version of yourself on the other side. Some Questions I Ask What are some of the things that block people from transforming? What are some of the first steps someone can take to shift any area of their lives? How does someone start to move through fear? How to deal with loss? How can someone gracefully navigate the process of aging?  In This Episode You Will Learn How to summon a better version of ourselves. The true meaning of resilience. The importance of self-compassion and how to practice it. The road map to dealing with grief. The des

  • 57: Overcoming The Feeling of Jealousy

    07/05/2019 Duration: 19min

    “The more you can celebrate and bless the success of those around you, the more you open yourself to receive blessings in your life.” Episode Summary: Jealousy is that tight feeling that arises when you focus on what you aren’t rather that who you are. As human beings, we have all felt jealous at some point in our lives. It makes your energy contract and only leads to suffering. Listen to this episode and learn 3 keys to move past your jealousy and focus on your amazingness. Some Questions I Ask: Do you often compare yourself to others? How does it make you feel? What is unique about you? What are your gifts? What are you willing to celebrate about you today? In This Episode You Will Learn: 3 keys to overcome the feeling of jealousy. Why we sometimes feel jealous of others. How comparing yourself to others changes your energy. Why scarcity is an illusion. Why celebrating the success of others is good for you.  

  • Bonus Episode 08: How To Stop Sabotaging Your Success and Step Into Your Greatness

    02/05/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    Episode Summary:  Imagine for a moment that you were truly free from your past conditioning, stories or limitations.... Discover powerful keys to stop sabotaging your success and step into your greatness so that you can create the life of your dreams and share your gifts with the world! Some Questions I Ask: If you were truly free from your past conditioning and stories, what would you create? What would you really do? What stops you from living your full potential?  How do you truly get unstuck? How does playing small impact my destiny? How can I move through the fear and the pain of not sharing my gifts? How can I stop sabotaging my success and live the life of my dreams? In This Episode You Will Learn: How to uncover the hidden blocks that keep you from creating the success you desire. Why you sabotage yourself and a proven method to stop. The step by step process to transforming yourself and overcome any limiting patterns once and for all. Why most people stay stuck and play small. (And how to let go o

  • Bonus 07: Michael Bernard Beckwith - Living A Spiritual and Authentic Life

    30/04/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    "The universe does not do do-overs, make mistakes or repeat itself, and it does not do meaningless acts. So who we are has meaning, value and is one-of-a-kind." Episode Summary:  Success is an elusive concept. It is easy to feel unworthy or unsuccessful when comparing yourself to the rich and famous. However, celebrity and success are not necessarily synonymous. Listen to this insightful interview with Michael Beckwith, founder and spiritual director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, and learn how unlock the beauty, creativity and success in all areas of your life. Some Questions I Ask: Why are we afraid of our greatness? What would be the first steps to take on the path to surrender to a bigger vision? How can someone shift from the feeling of unworthiness to feeling enough? How much of our path is destined? How much can we control? What is the difference between being a success and being a celebrity? What does it take to be a good leader? In This Episode You Will Learn: Two things that stop pe

  • 56: The 5 keys For When You Are Feeling Lost and Confused In Life

    23/04/2019 Duration: 18min

    "You don’t get to control the circumstances in life, but you do get to control how you respond to them." Episode Summary: Life doesn’t always go the way you want it to. During those dark moments and challenging times, it can be easy to lose faith and give up on your dreams, to feel alone, panic and give into fear. Listen to my latest episode to learn what to do during those difficult moments. Some Questions I Ask: Have you ever felt a little lost in life? What if when you were feeling lost you were closer than you thought to your destination? Do you feel like a victim when you face a difficult time? What is the lesson in your challenging situation? Is your current situation really in alignment with who you are? Does it make you happy? In This Episode You Will Learn: The importance of gratitude during challenging times. Why you should not worry during a time of crisis. How a challenging time can be used to reevaluate your life. What you should focus on during a dark time. Why acting out of fear is not a goo

  • 55: Tom Chi - How To Awaken Your Creative Genius

    16/04/2019 Duration: 01h13min

    "Perfection gives you the sensibility that there is an end point. Mastery is the deep understanding that there is no end point." Episode Summary:  Children learn very fast, but adulthood seems to steal humanity’s ability to think as creatively and learn quickly. As adults, it is easy to get caught up in endless mental loops that ultimately lead to paralysis. Listen to this insightful episode as Tom Chi, coach to corporate executives and top innovators around the world, shares some of the secrets of thinking creatively, achieving mastery in your craft and finding your devotion. Some Questions I Ask How does one train or prepare to do some of the things you do? Is it possible for just anyone to become tech savvy? Why is it that as we get older it seems like we lose the capacity to learn? What does dropping down all systems mean? What do you see as some of the biggest challenges we are facing as humanity? What can we do about them?  In This Episode You Will Learn Some of the things that someone who doesn’t fe

  • 54: What To Do If Your Partner Wants An OPEN Relationship?

    09/04/2019 Duration: 32min

    "Real love gives freedom, and in freedom there is always choice. The choice to do or not to do." Episode Summary: A relationship can be a blessing. But relationships are often challenging because they bring out our unresolved issues like fears and insecurities. Matters of the heart are seldom logical, and they can leave you feeling vulnerable and raw. In this insightful episode, we explore the real meaning of freedom, unconditional love and what to do when confronted with the choice of an open relationship. Some Questions I Ask What to do if you are in love with someone, but they want to have an open relationship? Is acting out all of your desires really freedom? What is real freedom? If you can’t have a relationship with one person, how are you going to have a relationship with 2 people? How being spiritually evolved is monogamy? What does loving unconditionally really mean? In This Episode You Will Learn How to know if you are in the right relationship. How to deal with a momentary attraction for another

  • 53: Ben Greenfield - Upgrade Your Body, Brain and Life

    02/04/2019 Duration: 01h06s

    “If you really want to optimize yourself as a complete human, you must focus on the body, the mind, and the spirit, not just one of those variables.” Episode Summary:  Taking care of yourself is not easy, particularly if you do not have healthy habits. In this episode, Ben Greenfield, one of the world’s top 100 most influential people in health and fitness, shares some of the first steps anyone looking for healthier lifestyle can take. From the best workouts to supplements, these are the secrets to becoming an optimized human being. Some Questions I Ask: Is there a first place to start taking care of yourself? What is the first thing you can do in the beginning? Are there any core habits that you consider fundamental for individuals to cultivate health? Are there any specific things that you find particularly helpful in cultivating the spirit? Are there important supplements we can take to optimize our brain and mental awareness? What are some of the worst and best things we can eat? What are the most import

  • 52: The 5 Causes of Suffering and How To Stop

    26/03/2019 Duration: 25min

    “It’s not what happens to you but how you interpret and what you make things mean that causes you suffering.”  Episode Summary: In life we all go through challenging moments and difficult situations that cause pain; the death of a loved one or the end of a relationship can be painful and unavoidable. Suffering, however, is an optional experience. Listen to this episode to learn about 5 causes of suffering and how to overcome them. Some Questions I Ask What are the stories that you are making up about yourself and those around you? What is the impact of these stories in your life? What roles and personas did you develop as a way of getting love and validation? Is who you are who you really are or simply who you’ve been conditioned to be? What are you resisting in your life and how is that creating suffering? Are you stuck in the past? Where is your attention right now?  In This Episode You Will Learn How your perception of reality can be a source of suffering. The importance of having your attention in the

  • 51: Dr. John Demartini - Living An Inspired Life

    19/03/2019 Duration: 57min

    “Nobody is worth putting on a pedestal or in a pit, but everyone is worth putting in your heart.” Episode Summary:  A school dropout at age 13, Dr. John Demartini was homeless and living under a bridge in Hawaii at 17. Since then, he has studied over 30,000 academic disciplines and become one of the most renowned specialists in human behavior. In this insightful episode, he talks about the meaning of success, finding your purpose and living an empowered life aligned with your highest values. Some Questions I Ask What stops people from breaking through? How do you find your values? Where do you start? What is success to you? Was there ever a time when you felt like giving up? And how did you get past it? How have you overcome the fear you have felt at times in your life?  In This Episode You Will Learn How your values determine your life. How to get unstuck from a negative moment. How to give up living in delusion. How to embrace parts of you that you hate. How to keep your energy level up.  

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