Soultalk With Kute Blackson

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 283:53:54
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SoulTalk is a thought-provoking podcast about what really matters in life. It is a deep exploration into life's biggest questions: who we are, why we are here, and where we are going? Kute Blackson will get personal, sharing practical wisdom on how to live your most authentic life, as well as deep dialogues on purpose, health, love, money, sex, spirituality and success with special guests like Barbara De Angelis, Dr. Shefali, Mike Dooley, Geneen Roth and more.


  • 50: How To Forgive Yourself and Let The Past Go

    12/03/2019 Duration: 23min

    "Holding yourself a prisoner to your past only robs you of your present and limits your ability to create your future." Episode Summary:  Making mistakes is a part of life. Sometimes past mistakes haunt us in the present. However, wallowing in judgment is a waste of time that only robs us of the joy of the moment. Listen to this episode and learn 5 keys to letting the past go and forgiving yourself. Some Questions I Ask: Is the past blocking you from being the best version of yourself? What are you still judging yourself for? What is the impact this judging is having on your life? What if you looked at everything that you went through in your life as school? What are you grateful for? In This Episode You Will Learn: Why there is no such thing as a mistake, Why God doesn’t forgive, How to measure success, How to begin the path of self-forgiveness, 5 keys to free yourself of the past,

  • 49: Dr. Sue Morter - Change Your Energy, Change Your Life

    05/03/2019 Duration: 01h23s

    "Our physical body is the Earth version of us, and if we are not living in it, we are not living fully.” Episode Summary: Quantum science shows there is a connection between our thoughts and beliefs and our reality. In this special episode, Dr. Sue Morter, master of bioenergetic medicine and quantum field visionary, explains how to tap into this amazing connection to become one whole being, capable of manifesting extraordinary things.  Some Questions I Ask: What is the first step that someone needs to take to transform and shift out of a pattern? How do I make the connection between my mind and my body? How do you breathe through your central channel? Is there a map to the different areas of the body that represent different levels of consciousness? Is the use of plant medicine-psychedelics- as ways to elevate consciousness helpful or harmful? Why? In This Episode You Will Learn: 4 Exercises to connect your mind to your body. How to tap into your high-level creative genius. The connection between love and

  • 48: How To Bounce Back From A Breakup [5 Keys]

    26/02/2019 Duration: 22min

    “A breakup isn’t the end, it’s just an opportunity to love that person differently.” Episode Summary: At some point we have all been through a breakup. They can be deeply painful and challenging, particularly when you feel you gave everything. When this happens, it is easy to see yourself as a failure and judge yourself harshly because things did not work out. Listen to this episode and learn 5 simple keys to bounce back from the end of a relationship. Some Questions I Ask How do you deal with a failed relationship? Do you deep desire to find your special someone? What if your breakup was actually the graduation of your soul to the next level? What if the universe was getting ready to bring you someone even more amazing? In This Episode You Will Learn The quickest way to let go of a relationship. Why you shouldn’t rush into another relationship after a breakup. How to find your special someone. The importance of acknowledging your pain. The role of friends in bouncing back from a breakup. How a breakup doe

  • 47: JJ Virgin - Supercharge Your Health

    19/02/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    "Having a weight problem is just a symptom of something not working well in your body." Episode Summary: It is widely known that fitness and nutrition are tightly linked. However, there is a huge amount of contradictory information floating around, making it really difficult to distinguish fact from myth. In this episode, best-selling author and celebrity fitness expert, JJ Virgin talks about the common myths in the weight loss field and explains the key to losing weight and keeping it off. Some Questions I Ask: How did you find your path to becoming a fitness expert? What are some of the foods that we should avoid? Are there any specific foods that you would recommend? What is the importance of timing for eating? Why is the hour at which you go to sleep important? In This Episode You Will Learn: 4 keys to healthier eating. How to have a healthy relationship with sugar. 4 myths about dieting and exercise. What water can do for your metabolism. The reasons we crave sugar and how to get off of it. 3 lessons

  • 46: The Secret To Speaking In Public

    12/02/2019 Duration: 15min

    “It’s not simply the words that you speak that have an impact, but how you make people feel." Episode Summary: Speaking in public is probably one of the greatest fears for the majority of people. Some say it is scarier than dying. Listen to this episode to learn where that fear comes from and find out three simple, yet powerful keys to speaking effectively in public.   Some Questions I Ask  What does it really take to be a powerful, effective speaker?  Why do we get so nervous before speaking in public?  Do you want to provide information, or have an impact?  What are you focusing on when you speak in public?  Do you need to be particularly gifted to be a good speaker?    In This Episode You Will Learn  3 keys to speaking effectively in public.  Why speaking in public is so scary.  What to focus on before giving a speech.  The importance of engaging the audience’s feelings.  How to shift your focus away from you before a speech.   

  • 45: Bruce Lipton - Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

    05/02/2019 Duration: 01h07min

    “The negative things that are happening in your life are not by accident. They are the result of your programming.”  Episode Summary:  The widespread idea that we are at the mercy of our genetic programming can be terrifying, particularly in relation to our health. In this episode, Bruce Lipton explains why some people get sick and how little our genes have to do with our reality. He also shares 3 different methods to re-program your mind and create the life you really want.  Some Questions I Ask  To what degree are we affected by our genes? How does someone shift thoughts from a negative attitude? How does one start to influence the subconscious? Is it possible to heal any kind of illness by shifting beliefs? Why do some people heal, and others don’t? What is the effect of suppressing or bypassing negative feelings? In This Episode You Will Learn  The importance of the first 7 years of life in creating habits. Why our unconscious mind determines most of our behavior. How to use humor to improve

  • 44: What To Do When Your Dreams Aren't Manifesting

    29/01/2019 Duration: 18min

    "Nothing great was ever achieved without some level of sacrifice, persistence and perseverance." Summary: We often get discouraged from our dreams or vision when we have worked hard to achieve them and success eludes us. In those moments it seems easier to give up than to continue pursuing our goals, particularly when we don’t understand the cause of our failure. Listen to this insightful episode to learn 5 key reasons why your dreams are not manifesting and how to overcome them.   Some Questions I Ask:  What is your authentic truth?  Is this dream meaningful to you? Is it your dream or someone else’s?  Is your dream something that you would do for free? What is authentically trying to manifest through you?   In This Episode You Will Learn:  What to do while you wait for the right timing for your vision.  How to manifest the next level of your vision.  Why sometimes getting what you thought you wanted does not make you happy.  How to find out if your dream is authentic.  How to decide if you are imple

  • 43: Tucker Max - The Keys To Success

    22/01/2019 Duration: 01h33s

    "Success is at the intersection of what you want to spend your time doing and what actually produces value for the world."   Episode Summary: Selling, whether a service or a book can be complicated when we are not very clear on what it’s real value is. In this episode, Tucker Max, best-selling author of “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell”, shares the secret to writing a best-selling book, finding the value and becoming successful in what you do. Some Questions I Ask What is success to you? What is the first step to achieve success? What are some common mistakes people make when trying to achieve success? What was the key to your success creating your book? How much of your life do allow to flow spontaneously? When you look at the world, what are you most excited about? Where do you see the great opportunities?   In This Episode You Will Learn Why your job should not be your passion. 3 questions you need to ask before you start writing a book. How to understand the value of what you do. 2 keys to help you writ

  • 42: How To Let Go of A Relationship

    15/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    “It’s not just how long you stay together that determines the success of a relationship, but the depth at which you love.” Episode Summary:  Letting go of a relationship can by scary and painful. Particularly if we still love the other person. It is easy to stay out of fear or familiarity, even when things are no longer working out. However, it often takes more love to let go than to stay in a stagnant relationship. Listen to this insightful episode to learn why ending a relationship is not a failure, but a sign of growth. Some Questions I Ask What are you settling for in your relationship? How do you know if your relationship is over? When is it time to let go of a relationship? Have you ever held on to a relationship that deep down you knew was not working? What if breaking up with your romantic partner was done with as much love and respect as falling in love?  In This Episode You Will Learn Top reasons we stay in relationships way longer than is healthy. The reason you should not get attached to the pe

  • 41: Robin Sharma - How To Make Your Life A Masterpiece

    08/01/2019 Duration: 48min

    “Great people take the stones people throw at them and build them into monuments of mastery and heroism.” Episode Summary:  Making a career change, particularly when you are successful in your chosen field, can be terrifying. In this episode, Robin Sharma, best-selling author of “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari”, talks about some of the reasons that led him to give up law and go from successful litigator to writer and inspirational speaker. He also shares insights into the habits and traits that lead to staying creative, being super productive and achieving success. Some Questions I Ask: What was the inspiration to change your career? What is real success to you? How can someone deal with the fear of making the change they know they need to make? How do you deal with other people’s opinion and move beyond needing external approval? How do you stay grounded in the face of success? In This Episode You Will Learn: The importance of getting up at 5:00am. 4 common traits for all great leaders. Interior mindsets t

  • 40: What To Do When Life Seems To Fall Apart

    02/01/2019 Duration: 14min

    “If your life is falling apart, it must mean that something more amazing is getting ready to happen." Episode Summary: Going through a crisis can be scary. It is easy to give in to fear and see it as a bad thing. This resistance to life only creates suffering. Listen to this episode to learn how to survive when life as you know it is falling apart and find the gift in every breakdown. Some Questions I Ask: What is seeking to happen through you? Are you willing to trust bigger than you can see? What is actually working in your life? What is really important to you right now? In This Episode You Will Learn: Why a crisis is not necessarily a bad thing. 4 keys to surviving a crisis. How to use a crisis to Feng Shui your life. Why you should be grateful when life as you know it falls apart.

  • 39: Adam Ian - 3 Keys To Health For The Next Generation

    26/12/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    "True organic food is not “certified organic”, but the one who follows the laws of nature." Episode Summary: Health is a popular word in our day. With so many theories about the right diet and the perfect supplement, it is often difficult to decide how to best take care of yourself. Listen to this profound episode as Adam Ian, founder of Elemental Wizdom, explains the connections between diet, feelings and health, while debunking some popular myths regarding how to be healthy. Some Questions I Ask: Where can someone start in terms of dealing with their emotions on being healthy? What are some of the blocks to being healthy? What is the best diet? What is biodynamic? How much of our food is genetically modified? What is a microzyma, and what is it’s impact on us? How can we make it healthier? What are your thoughts on being vegan? What water should people drink? In This Episode You Will Learn: What being healthy really means. 3 misconceptions that we have about health. The negative effect of consuming GMOs.

  • 38: How To Raise Conscious and Happy Kids

    18/12/2018 Duration: 14min

    “One of the greatest gifts you can give a child is to really see them.” Episode Summary: Even though parents always want what is best for their children, their own conditioning can make it difficult to get the message across. Trying to make children do something that is good for them can often be a challenging task.  In this special episode, you will learn the importance of your actions on your children’s behavior as well as why some of the best gifts you can give to your child cannot be bought in any store. Some Questions I Ask: How can I help transform a kid as a teacher? How can I get my kids to do something that is good for them? How can I make an impact on the life of an 8-year-old child? Why do children sometimes act out? In This Episode You Will Learn: How your own evolution impacts your child. The best way you can teach a child. How what you say to your children is not as important as who you are being. Why resolving your own issues is important for your children. How the best gifts for your child

  • 37: Trent Shelton - The Power of Authenticity

    12/12/2018 Duration: 50min

    “It all starts with you. Until you take responsibility of your life, it doesn’t change.” Episode Summary: Trent Shelton was living his dream as a NFL player when he felt the need for something more. After the birth of his son, he decided to take responsibility for his life and started a non-profit organization called Rehab Time. In this insightful episode, he shares the key to his success as an inspirational speaker and offers a few powerful questions to help anyone find their purpose. Some Questions I Ask: How did you deal with disappointment? What kept you going? What can someone do to begin connecting with their purpose and discovering their reason for being alive? How did you go beyond needing outside validation? What are the greatest lessons you have learned as a father? How are you measuring your life? In This Episode You Will Learn: 3 questions to ask yourself to find your life’s purpose. Important life lessons to pass on to your children. The formula to achieve change in your life. The key to succe

  • 36: How To Deal With Betrayal

    05/12/2018 Duration: 12min

    “Those that challenge you the most are your angels in disguise, forcing your growth and accelerating your evolution.” Betrayal can be a painful experience. It is something most us have experienced on some level. Whether it’s a broken agreement, a cheating partner or a gossiping best friend, it is easy to react by closing off our hearts and lashing out in pain and anger, even though it only leads to more suffering. Listen to this episode and learn some powerful keys to deal with the feelings of betrayal, taking back your power and setting yourself free. Some Questions I Ask: What’s your part in creating this situation? What is the other person mirroring about you? In what ways have you been betraying yourself? What is the lesson are you supposed to learn from this situation or person? Do you want to be right or do you want to be free? In This Episode You Will Learn: Why you should give up any sense of victimhood. How to take your power back after being betrayed. How to use the betrayal as a catalyst for you

  • 35: Jim Kwik - How To Unleash Your Brain’s Superpowers and Live Your Genius

    27/11/2018 Duration: 59min

    "There is no such thing as a good or bad memory, it’s just a trained and untrained memory." Episode Summary: Two of the most costly words in any language are “I forgot”. A better memory can mean a better life, but we often think that a good memory is a genetic trait. Listen to this episode as Jim Kwik, learning and memory expert, explains how your brain can be trained and shares 10 simple keys to unleash your genius. Some Questions I Ask: How did you go from being a child with learning difficulties to a learning expert? Is everyone capable of demonstrating the same power you do? What can people do to train their brain? What can someone do to increase their success? What 3 keys to life would you pass on to the next generation? In This Episode You Will Learn: The importance of training yourself to do the uncomfortable things. Why making your bed every morning is good for your brain. 10 keys to improving your brain performance. Different kinds of intelligence that are not measured by standard tests. The impor

  • 34: The 4 Keys To Asking For What You Want

    20/11/2018 Duration: 12min

    "When you refuse help, you rob others the blessing of opening their hearts in giving to you." Episode Summary: In order to receive in life, we must first ask. However, asking for help can be challenging. It takes a strong person to acknowledge that they need help. Listen to this episode to learn about the art of asking for help and the 4 keys that will allow you to ask big and receive big. Some Questions I Ask: What kind of help would you need to manifest your dream or vision? Where do I need help in my life right now? How much love are you willing to open your heart and allow yourself to receive? What do I really need that I’m not admitting that I need? In This Episode You Will Learn: Why you should be focused on what you want when you ask for it. The importance of being clear on your motivations before asking for help. How help does not always come from the person we thought it would. Why giving is easier than receiving.

  • 33: Yanik Silver - How To Be Successful Doing What You Love

    14/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    “Vulnerability is not a sign of weakness it is a way of bringing people together." It takes a lot of courage to let go of what is working and simply surrender to a higher calling. In this episode, Yanik Silver reflects on the steps he took to follow his heart and create Maverick 1000, a private, invitation-only global network of top entrepreneurs and industry leaders. He also shares his vision for an evolved enterprise and some simple, but powerful practices to being successful while connecting to your purpose and living a life filled with joy. Some Questions I Ask: How did the idea of Evolved Enterprise come about? How did you find a deeper sense of purpose? How have you re-defined your goals in life? Are there any specific questions someone can ask to connect with their purpose? How do you define success? In This Episode You Will Learn: How joy can be used as a GPS for your purpose. What the traits are of a great leader. Two mistakes people make when trying to find their purpose and how to avoid them. So

  • 32: How To Deal With Your Temptations and Be Free

    07/11/2018 Duration: 18min

    “Real freedom is to truly be able to choose rather than being controlled by your addictions.”     Episode Summary: A temptation is whatever highjacks your attention. It can be anything that robs you of your freedom. Whether it’s food, drugs, sex or chocolate, chasing the cheap high is tempting, but once it wears off you are usually left with feelings of shame and emptiness. Listen to this episode to learn how to shift your relationship with your urges, deal with your temptations and earn the right for the next level of your life. Some Questions I Ask What are your bigger temptations in life? How free do you really want to be? What impact are your temptations having on your life right now? What are you really seeking? What temptations do you need to transcend?   In This Episode You Will Learn Why your temptations are a wonderful gift. How to shift your relationship with your urges. What to do if you end up indulging in your temptation. How to explore what is actually underneath your impulse.

  • Bonus 06: Wim Hof ‘The Iceman’ - Go Beyond Your Limits and Unleash Your Full Potential

    30/10/2018 Duration: 58min

    "If you have a better control over your energy management, over your hormonal system, and your immune system, the world becomes positively different." Episode Summary: Wim Hof shows us we’re only tapping into a small percentage of our full capacity as human beings. He lives his life being the example and testing our capacity as humans. Twenty five years of challenging himself to do things seemingly humanly impossible, Wim Hof has completed an incredible 21 Guinness Book of World Records, and says Nature is his school. Connect to your body’s systems intelligence within, and you will find your true potential. Now there is scientific proof that you really can be and do so much more than you know to be true. Listen to this episode to learn how to become a happier, healthier, stronger human, by activating your body’s full potential. Some Questions I Ask How did you get started running in the ice? What kept you going when you suffered mockery? Are you afraid of dying? How do you deal with it? How do you find convi

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