Soultalk With Kute Blackson



SoulTalk is a thought-provoking podcast about what really matters in life. It is a deep exploration into life's biggest questions: who we are, why we are here, and where we are going? Kute Blackson will get personal, sharing practical wisdom on how to live your most authentic life, as well as deep dialogues on purpose, health, love, money, sex, spirituality and success with special guests like Barbara De Angelis, Dr. Shefali, Mike Dooley, Geneen Roth and more.


  • 17: Denis Waitley - Self-Mastery: How To Set Yourself Up To Win

    11/07/2018 Duration: 56min

    "A true winner believes in their dream when they have nothing else to hang on to." A child of a dysfunctional family, divorced, unemployed with the custody of four children, Denis Waitley started writing his all-time best-selling program on self-mastery called “The Psychology Of Winning”, when he felt he was 'losing' in life. In this inspiring episode, the successful author, international speaker, and advisor to both athletes and astronauts explains what sets the winners apart. He also shares his views on success, giving your gifts to the world and the challenges humanity is facing. Some Questions I Ask: What spurred you in your quest? When you were losing, what kept you going? How can someone access and connect with the worthiness inside of them? What are some of the most powerful questions that you have asked yourself? What are you most excited about when you look at the world today and where do you see the most opportunities for humanity? In This Episode You Will Learn: What success means and how to set

  • 16: How To Deal With Difficult Parents

    04/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    "To take back your freedom, you must be willing to take full responsibility for who you are today." Episode Summary: Our parents, whether they were wonderful or awful or anything in between, they have been a great influence in our lives, often more than we realize or give credit for. Listen to this powerful episode about how to deal with difficult parents, learning how to shift your relationship with them to an empowering one, breaking the family cycle of behavior, and setting yourself free. Some Questions I Ask: How do you deal with parents that are challenging? What is your relationship like with your parents? What impact did your parents have on your life? What are the lessons your soul is seeking to learn from your parents? Why did your soul choose your parents? In This Episode You Will Learn: Why you have the perfect parents for your soul's evolution. How to break the family cycle and take your power back. The difference between forgiving and condoning your parents' behavior and actions. The consequen

  • 15: Katherine Woodward Thomas - The 4 Obstacles To Finding Love and How To Overcome Them

    27/06/2018 Duration: 59min

    "It is a mistake to think that the obstacles to finding love are outside of ourselves." Episode Summary: Katherine Woodward Thomas is a coach trainer, licensed marriage therapist and best-selling author of Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life. In this episode, she shares with us her profound wisdom on how our core beliefs can get in the way of finding love in our life. She explains where these core beliefs come from, how they affect our interactions with ourselves and others, and how to shift them to create happy, healthy relationships. Some Questions I Ask: Is there just one person, one soulmate? What are some of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to finding love? What are the steps for someone to move away from old dynamics in relationships? Where are you carrying resentment in your life? What was your part in it? What are the stories we tell ourselves? Things You Will Learn: How to learn to love yourself before you can love another. How to become aware of codependen

  • 14: How To Stop Being Over Responsible For People

    20/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    “Sometimes it takes a bigger love to allow someone to fall down and stand up on their own.” Episode Summary: It is sometimes tempting to do things for the people we love. It can be a way to express our love. But is it really helping them? We can often end up doing too much for the people we love. Listen to this episode to find out how much is too much help, and if your actions are truly helpful and empowering or a hindrance for your loved ones’ growth and evolution. Some Questions I Ask: Do you want to help people in your life or serve them in their highest? Are you truly empowering people you love or are you enabling them? Is there something you are seeking by being overly responsible for people? How do you need to show up to serve the highest evolution of the people you love? In This Episode You Will Learn: What you are really communicating when you are being over responsible for someone. How helping someone too much can be disempowering for you both. The difference between helping someone and serving th

  • 13: Andrew Harvey - How To Overcome Crisis and Become Truly Powerful

    13/06/2018 Duration: 57min

    “We need to put sacred consciousness, sacred love, sacred compassion into urgent, focused action, what I call sacred activism, in a worldwide movement of love and wisdom in action.” Episode Summary: Religious scholar, author of over 30 books and world renowned teacher of mystic traditions, Andrew Harvey talks about the state of humanity today, who God is, and the path to spirituality and divinity. Andrew shares his thoughts on where humanity is headed, and how we can move through our individual as well as collective “dark night of the soul”. Some Questions I Ask: What do you make of what’s happening in the world today? When you were experiencing your 'dark night', how did you move through it to the other side? Do you have hope for humanity? From your perspective and experience, how does one surrender? If someone doesn’t have a connection with God, what do you tell them? What do you say about those who commit violence and say it is in the name of God? What would you say to someone who is losing faith, feeling

  • 12: What To Do If Your Partner Cheats

    06/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    “You attract a partner that reflects to you the aspects of yourself that you most need to heal, love, integrate, and make peace with.” Episode Summary: If your partner cheats on you, it is undoubtedly deeply painful. To feel your heart and trust betrayed is a difficult thing to recover from. So does that automatically mean the end of your relationship? Listen to this powerful episode that can help heal your heart, deepen your relationships and empower you to indeed trust and love again. Some Questions I Ask: If someone cheats, does this mean the end of your relationship? Is this a reoccurring pattern in your relationships?  What is your partner reflecting to you about yourself? What are the lessons to be learned? In This Episode You Will Learn: The important things to consider before making the decision on whether to end your relationship or not. How to move from being a victim to empowering yourself. A way of deepening your relationship with yourself to then transcend your future relationships out of this

  • Bonus 03: Don Miguel Ruiz - How To Love Yourself Unconditionally

    30/05/2018 Duration: 57min

    “Live your life like this is the last day of your life. Your future is right now, it’s not in the future. Detach from the past. There is only now.” Episode Summary: You are whole, perfect and complete. Yet, society, parents, media might tell you otherwise. Believing this lie is a suffering that causes us to forget who we are. And it's forgetting who we are that causes us to love ourselves conditionally. With humility and an open heart, Toltec master and New York Times best-selling author of The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz, shows us how the journey of life is to remember your innate perfection and love yourself unconditionally.  Some Questions I Ask: How do you find the courage to take a different path? Why do humans suffer all the time and why are we so addicted to perpetuating our suffering? What's the first step to healing ourselves and to loving ourselves unconditionally? What is the mind and how do we manage it and not let it control our lives? What practices can you take to move beyond conditional

  • 11: How To Have A Difficult Conversation (The 4 Vital Keys)

    23/05/2018 Duration: 19min

    “A difficult conversation is simply a beautiful opportunity for a breakthrough to more love.” Episode Summary: There are certain moments in life when you know that you need to have a difficult conversation and share a deeper truth. Difficult conversations require more of you. They require that you dig within yourself and access a part of you that might have been dormant. It’s not always easy sharing the truth of how you really feel with another. But it’s essential if you are to grow, be fulfilled and have real relationships. In this short but powerful episode, I share 4 vital keys that will help you navigate a difficult conversation and serve your soul. Some Questions I Ask: What difficult conversations do you need to have? With whom do you need to have a difficult conversation with in your life? Is there an even deeper truth that you still need to communicate? Have you withheld anything as you shared your deepest truth? In This Episode You Will Learn: The 4 vital keys to navigate having a difficult conver

  • 10: Arielle Ford - Happiness, Love and Embracing the Human Experience

    17/05/2018 Duration: 47min

    “Who you are right now in this moment is enough. Striving for perfection is what trips everybody up. The truth is perfection doesn’t exist. We’re perfectly imperfect. Once we can accept that, we can have a life of great joy.”   Episode Summary:    The "bottom of the pit" and suicidal in her early 20's, Arielle Ford, international best-selling author, relationship expert, and successful former PR guru, takes us through her own experience on how she became an expert on relationships, love, happiness, living a life of joy and abundance, and how to keep love alive!    Some Questions I Ask:  How do you connect with your soul? How do you feel about the belief that suffering equals spirituality? Was there anything about yourself that you didn’t feel was perfect but you came to love? Looking back on your life, what do you wish you would have known? What advice would you give someone getting started in the personal growth field? Is there a book you wish you had written?   In This Episode You Will Learn: How to deal

  • 09: How To Deal With Failure, Grow and Find The Gift

    09/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    “It’s often right before a big breakthrough that many times you face a breakdown.” Episode Summary: When you invest so much of your time and energy into a relationship or project or vision, and it doesn’t work out, it can be a huge disappointment, even heartbreaking. In this episode, I share some key insights to help you re-define this so-called 'failure', and help you grow through all the feelings that come with it to then find the gift of wisdom needed to recommit to your truth and forge ahead with a renewed sense of inspiration. Some Questions I Ask: Why do dreams not manifest? How do you deal when things don’t go according to plan? Is what you think you want, what you really want? What if there wasn’t such thing as failure? In This Episode You Will Learn: A new, more enlightened, definition of ‘failure’. Important Keys to working through ‘failure’ and re-aligning with your true calling. Questions to ask yourself that will support you in recommitting to your vision in the most challenging times. Why get

  • 08: Mike Dooley - How To Manifest The Life of Your Dreams

    02/05/2018 Duration: 01h45s

    “As the winds of divinity are blown through your heart, the melody is unlike any other.” Episode Summary: ‘Prepare to be astounded’ after listening to this powerful episode with New York Times best-selling author, Mike Dooley, where he talks about moving out of ‘tribal consciousness’ and stepping into your own authentic truth. How focusing on your bigger purpose and opening all the doors of possibilities with no attachments will help you face your fears and ultimately surrender to what unfolds. Be inspired to speak your truth and trust the Universe, knowing you are exactly where you are meant to be. The foundation to a blissful life. Some Questions I Ask: How do you define success? What is the difference between preferences and judgments? How do you navigate sensitivity to other people while maintaining strength and power? How do you connect with your purpose in life? What helps bring you back to your center? In This Episode You Will Learn: How to create an authentic life. The one thing that robs you of yo

  • 07: How To Choose The Right Relationship For You

    25/04/2018 Duration: 27min

    “The person you attract to you into a relationship ultimately is the mirror manifestation of yourself. Do you like what you see?” Episode Summary: Relationships can be wonderful and extremely challenging. Asking yourself how to choose the right person to enter a relationship with can be daunting. In this episode, I review a few key questions to help discern the right relationship for you. Some Questions I Ask: What do your relationships reflect about yourself? How do you choose the right relationship for you? How do you know if the person you like is someone you should really commit to? Why do you attract certain partners into your life? In This Episode You Will Learn: 4 key questions to ask yourself before committing into a relationship. How the person you choose to be in relationships with is a mirror manifestation of you. Why relationships are a great vehicle for growth and evolution. The biggest mistake you can make when choosing a partner. What to look for in a potential partner for a relationship.

  • 06: Geneen Roth - Food, Feelings and Beliefs

    18/04/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    “Our relationship to food, money, love is a reflection about the deepest held beliefs about ourselves.” Episode Summary: Suicidal, at the bottom of her suffering after 17 years of perpetual dieting, Geneen Roth found the key to overcome compulsive eating. She shares with us the steps she took to establish a healthy relationship with food after gaining and losing over 1000 pounds. Her experience over many years has led her to become a national best-selling author, linking body image and perpetual dieting with deeply spiritual issues. Some Questions I Ask: Is there a first step towards breaking a dieting pattern? How can you distance yourself from the voice in your head? Why does someone binge? How does someone shift a binging pattern within themselves? What are the eating guidelines? In This Episode You Will Learn: How your beliefs affect your relationship with food. Why your relationship with food is a reflection of your life. 4 steps to shift your binging pattern. How awareness in your body can help you p

  • Bonus 02: Jack Canfield - The Power of Dreaming Big

    13/04/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    “Success is fulfilling your soul’s purpose.” Summary about this episode: We all have dreams. Sometimes we don't dream big enough. In this session, let America's #1 success coach, Jack Canfield, teach you how to dream bigger than you could ever imagine. In order to fulfill your soul's purpose and succeed in life involves training your mind, embracing the unknown and following your joy.  Some Questions I Ask: How does someone actually find, or tap into their purpose? What is the balance between having an intention and surrendering? How do you start cultivating your self-esteem? What are some of the myths about success that you found out for yourself? In This Episode You Will Learn: 3 spiritual practices to help you be more authentic and successful in your life. How to get started on following your dream How to reframe your relationship with rejection 3 keys to asking for what you want What are the 2 things that bring ultimate happiness.

  • 05: 7 Keys To Staying Strong & Surfing the Waves of Crisis

    11/04/2018 Duration: 27min

    “Sometimes your blessings come gift wrapped in the form of a crisis. Make sure you actually open the gift.” Summary about this episode: It is easy to panic and fall into a disempowered state when faced with a challenging situation. Or you can choose to look at the crisis as an opportunity. In this episode, I talk about the 7 keys that will help you thrive, grow and evolve during a crisis. Some Questions I Ask: Why is every crisis also an opportunity? What is the importance of being grateful during a crisis? How can you stay focused in the midst of a challenging situation? What really creates suffering during a crisis? What does acceptance really mean?   In This Episode You Will Learn: 7 Keys to focus on and remember when facing a crisis. The importance of paying attention to your attention and to stay in the moment. The difference between acceptance and giving up. How resistance sounds when facing a crisis and what to do to move through it.

  • 04: Dr. Shefali - The Profound Challenges of Parenting

    04/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    “Unconsciously we pass on legacies of our own childhood onto our children. Blessed are those rebellious and outlier children, because they wake the parent up." Summary of this episode: Dr. Shefali is a clinical psychologist and author of The Awakened Family, The Conscious Parent, and Out Of Control. In this episode, we discuss the meaning of ‘life’, the complexities of parenting, and how things like ego, co-dependency and our own childhood come into play when parenting our children. If you are a parent, parent-to-be or anyone who wants to know more about the psychology of parenting, you will not want to miss this powerful conversation! Some Questions I Ask: What does “The Conscious Parent” mean? What can someone who isn’t yet a parent do to prepare themselves for having children? What are some of the main mistakes you’ve seen parents make with their kids? How can a parent say "no" to their child without crushing their spirit or being too controlling? Are there specific ways a parent can develop a connection

  • Bonus 01: Marianne Williamson - Surrender Is The Key To Success

    25/03/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    "The way to be most powerful on earth and in the world is to know that you’re not of the world." Summary About This Episode: Marianne Williamson shares her powerful words of wisdom, authenticity and love straight from her heart. An amazing interview exploring a wide range of topics around spirituality, relationships, purpose, forgiveness, the world and yes, even politics!  Some Questions I Ask: What is spirituality and how does it play a part in your own success? Do we have to suffer? Explore some practices that help alleviate suffering in our lives. In This Episode You Will Learn: How to see the intelligence of the Universe as a creative possibility in your life. The steps to surrender and find your power in this world. How to embrace failure as a part of your soul's evolution and journey to success. How to embrace money as part of your spiritual life.

  • 03: The 4 Questions to Find Your Life Purpose

    24/03/2018 Duration: 17min

    “There are people around the world who need to hear your message in the way only you can share it.”  Summary about this episode: There’s often a myth that your life purpose is something that you need to figure out and find up front. That unless you are crystal clear, you can’t live it. But what if you didn’t need to know everything about your life’s purpose in order to begin? In this short episode, I talk about if you want to live your purpose, then stop waiting! You may not be able to see all the steps on the journey from where you are today. But you do need to start. Learn the powerful 4 questions to ask yourself when you need help going in the direction of your life purpose. Some Questions I Ask: How do I find my life purpose? What kind of career should I pursue to make money? What happens when you wait and don’t listen to your calling? How do I attract success using my gifts? In This Episode You Will Learn: The key action to take in order to begin living your purpose. What to do when you feel a calling

  • 02: Barbara de Angelis - Live Your Soul's Truth

    23/03/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    “If someone followed you around with your thoughts on a loudspeaker, would they still want you as their teacher?” Summary about this episode: In this incredibly powerful episode, I get to interview one of my first and most influential mentors. I read her book at 15 years old, and have been deeply moved by her work and teachings since then. We get into some very juicy questions and Barbara really dives deep on many hot topics. She talks about her spiritual awakening and the journey that took her to be the incredible successful woman she is today. Barbara shares what she thinks it takes to be an authentic personal coach in today’s changing self-help market. She talks about the driving force in her life, how it differs from others, and how this path-less-traveled has shaped her work. We talk about what her many years of experience has taught her, and Barbara explains what spirituality means to her. Some questions I might ask: What’s your secret to staying relevant after 30 years? What are the signs that someone

  • 01: The Power of Telling The Truth [5 Questions]

    25/01/2018 Duration: 26min

    “The degree of happiness that you feel in your life is in direct proportion to your willingness to speak and tell the truth.” Summary about this episode: Learn the five questions you must ask yourself in order to be happy and live an authentic life. Deep down, all we really want is to love and be loved for who we really are. But you cannot be happy living a lie. Explore the five questions to ask yourself that will help you acknowledge the truth and start living a fulfilled, soulful life. Some Questions I Ask: What lies have you been telling yourself? What are you pretending to not know? What are the lies that you are telling yourself costing you? What is it that you are afraid will happen if you tell the truth?  In this episode you will learn: The reasons you are lying to yourself. The cost of living someone else’s life. The importance of listening to your inner sense. Overcoming your fear of speaking the truth. The importance of telling the truth in your life and everyone else’s.

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