Global Truths With Dr Keith Suter



One issue in global politics explained each week, so you understand whats really going on, why its happening and whats likely to happen next.Dr Keith Suter is Australia's leading media commentator on global affairs and geo-politics. This series gives you the global truths in straightforward and short episodes.


  • The perpetual nuclear arms race

    03/08/2023 Duration: 19min

    The world is talking about the film, Oppenheimer. What does it tell us about the perpetual nuclear arms race. It's easy to take for granted that the US dropped an atom bomb on Japan in August 1945.  It shifted forever, the global weapons landscape - and still does today. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter compares the weapons of 1945 to weapons of today, and what it means for the future of water - and the future of mankind.See for privacy information.

  • Business and the Metaverse

    27/07/2023 Duration: 17min

    How should business approach the metaverse? The metaverse is going to be a world in which we will live, but live differently from what we are doing today.  Meta means beyond and verse is a play on universe. So it's a world beyond the current world. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter considers what the world will look like when the Metaverse becomes part of our daily lives - and what the business community will need to do to prepare for the new tomorrow.  See for privacy information.

  • The scourge of child labour

    20/07/2023 Duration: 18min

    In what seems like an extraordinary development in the 21st century, child labour is back on the global agenda.  The pendulum is swinging back to the 19th century. Some states in the US are winding back child labour regulations so that children can be employed.  Indeed, the number of kids at work in the US increased by 37% between 2015 and 2022. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter talks about the rise in child labour - and how and why countries like America can have a blindspot when it comes to working children.See for privacy information.

  • Growth: good or bad?

    13/07/2023 Duration: 18min

    Could growth be damaging economies?  It seems a ridiculous question, but it's well worth considering. Growth is not about bigger or better, it's about more.  The drive for growth is a cancer in the fabric of how capital is deployed in modern business.  What does the future look like when growth is being fuelled by massive companies like Google, Meta and Microsoft?  The big three have unquestionably missed an opportunity to innovate because they've focused only on growth.   In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter introduces us to what he calls 'the rot economy', where big business ebbs and flows through punishing cycles of binging and purging human capital in a drive for one thing: growth.See for privacy information.

  • What is a coup?

    06/07/2023 Duration: 17min

    Russia was rocked last month by an attempted coup when hired-gun militia began a march toward the Kremlin.  The world watched on as the first major challenge to Russian President Vladimir Putin's leadership played out live around the world. In this episode of Global Truths, Dr Keith Suter explains what a coup is, and why the Wagner troops decided now was a good time to march toward Moscow.  Where is Yevgeny Prigozhin now and what does the failed coup mean for the future of Russia's war in Ukraine.  See for privacy information.

  • Sub-Imperial Power

    29/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    Australia's standing on the international scene appears stable, but is this true? This week's programme centres on a new book by Clinton Fernandes, a former intelligence analyst for the Australian Army. In it, the author questions our country's autonomy in relation to the rest of the world.See for privacy information.

  • Life of Daniel Ellsberg

    22/06/2023 Duration: 19min

    Daniel Ellsberg passed away last week at the age of 92. He was credited with ending the Vietnam War, but why was he once dubbed the most dangerous man in America? Dr Keith Suter explains.See for privacy information.

  • US gun law

    15/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    Why is it so hard to enforce gun restrictions in the US? Dr. Keith Suter explains the second amendment discusses why it has been so difficult for presidents past and present to enact new legislation.See for privacy information.

  • Kissinger's career

    08/06/2023 Duration: 19min

    Henry Kissinger, a former US secretary of state, is revered by some and accused of war crimes by others. Today, Dr. Keith Suter investigates the reasons behind this.See for privacy information.

  • Modernising global trade

    01/06/2023 Duration: 18min

    There are calls for the way the world does business to be modernised. For this, it will be necessary to move beyond the WTO's consensus framework. Today, Dr. Keith Suter discusses our 21st century trading system and the need to revitalise this global architecture.See for privacy information.

  • G-3 alliance and Ukraine

    25/05/2023 Duration: 16min

    While there is presently no end in sight to the conflict in Ukraine, some experts believe that three nations will have a significant impact on how it is resolved. Today, Dr. Keith Suter explains the concept of a G-3 Alliance.See for privacy information.

  • US dollar losing favour

    18/05/2023 Duration: 18min

    For many years, the greenback has been the predominant currency in international trade. However, numerous nations now wish to abandon the US dollar. Dr. Keith Suter explores why this might be happening and whether it could signal the demise of America as a global power.See for privacy information.

  • A new intelligence

    11/05/2023 Duration: 18min

    Artificial Intelligence is being referred to as a "new type of intelligence" by one of the world's top AI researchers. He's also signed an open letter calling for a worldwide pause to the development of advanced AI. Does AI have the potential to surpass human intelligence? If true, how will this affect humanity? Dr. Keith Suter elaborates.See for privacy information.

  • An Atlantic-Pacific trilateral

    04/05/2023 Duration: 19min

    Systemic challenges from non-democratic countries trying to overthrow the current international order are a concern for the US and its democratic allies. Dr. Keith Suter explains how these global democracies could join forces in order to maintain a favourable balance of power.See for privacy information.

  • China's Saudi-Iran Deal

    27/04/2023 Duration: 19min

    What will China's diplomatic agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran signify for the US? Today, Dr Keith Suter discusses the history of this Middle Eastern conflict and how China's efforts to broker a settlement could alter the world's view of the US as a leader of global peace.See for privacy information.

  • AUKUS - NPT compatibility

    20/04/2023 Duration: 18min

    What are Australia's obligations under the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and are they compatible with AUKUS? Dr Keith Suter shares his insights into the future of this agreement while discussing an article by Lauren Sanders, "If AUKUS is all about nuclear submarines, how can it comply with nuclear non-proliferation treaties? A law scholar explains".See for privacy information.

  • Reducing inequality

    13/04/2023 Duration: 18min

    How can we reduce inequality in communities? Today, Dr Keith Suter examines the cycle of poverty, while discussing a book by Matthew Desmond, "Poverty, by America".See for privacy information.

  • Australia's rental crisis

    06/04/2023 Duration: 19min

    What are some solutions to the rental crisis? As prices continue to skyrocket, more and more renters face budgetary pressures. Today, Dr Keith Suter discusses rental controls and protections for renters.See for privacy information.

  • Global population predictions

    30/03/2023 Duration: 18min

    What will happen with the Earth's population over the next 50-100 years? Dr Keith Suter discusses global population predictions, as communicated in an article by the Global Challenges Foundation, "Global population could peak below 9 billion in 2050s".See for privacy information.

  • Post-Brexit woes

    23/03/2023 Duration: 21min

    Is there a silver lining to Britain's bleak economic future? Dr Keith Suter discusses UK affairs while examining an article by Denis MacShane, "Britain’s Domestic Raw Deal and Its Consequences".See for privacy information.

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