Global Truths With Dr Keith Suter

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 94:16:20
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One issue in global politics explained each week, so you understand whats really going on, why its happening and whats likely to happen next.Dr Keith Suter is Australia's leading media commentator on global affairs and geo-politics. This series gives you the global truths in straightforward and short episodes.


  • 9/11 Twenty years on

    09/09/2021 Duration: 15min

    Two decades after the tragic attack on the World Trade Center and the world looks drastically different today. How much of that change is defined by the aftermath of 9/11? Dr Keith Suter explains how we're still seeing the shockwaves from the attack globally, and yet how much about it we still don't know. See for privacy information.

  • Why don't governments learn from their mistakes?

    02/09/2021 Duration: 14min

    History is constantly repeating itself...but why? Shouldn't governments learn from their mistakes? Why can't democratic nations seem to make the right decisions when it comes to warfare? Dr Keith Suter explains why we see the same mistakes happen over again, and how leads to a rise in movements agains democracy. See for privacy information.

  • What does the Pentagon know about UFOs?

    26/08/2021 Duration: 15min

    A new report from the Pentagon has changed the conversation around UFOs from conspiracy, to conceivable. Dr Keith Suter explains why the US has started to acknowledge that there are some aerial objects we can't explain, and what this new research means for the future. See for privacy information.

  • Afghanistan explained

    19/08/2021 Duration: 23min

    The Taliban have retaken control of Afghanistan after the longest US war in history. But why did the war start in the first place? How did it get to this point? And what impact will the new power have? Dr Keith Suter explains the history of the conflict, and why this is not only the closing of a chapter in US history, but the opening of a new one in global control of the country. See for privacy information.

  • Can America still win wars?

    12/08/2021 Duration: 20min

    With the US retreating from Afghanistan after twenty years, America's status as a military superpower is being brought into question. Dr Keith Suter explores whether the US can still win at war, and if not, who takes it's place?See for privacy information.

  • Should garbage collectors earn more than bankers?

    05/08/2021 Duration: 16min

    Now more than ever, we're asking which jobs are really essential. But are our essential workers being paid fairly? Dr Keith Suter unpacks why there's such a big pay disparity between some of our most necessary occupations, and some that we might need less than we think.See for privacy information.

  • Killer robots in a new era of warfare

    29/07/2021 Duration: 15min

    Intelligent robots hunting down humans is no longer just a thing of sci-fi movies. Dr Keith Suter explains how drones and AI have pushed us into a new era of warfare, and the practical and ethical complications that come along with them.See for privacy information.

  • How to brighten our economic future

    22/07/2021 Duration: 20min

    Why is Australia's economy predicted to get poorer, older, and smaller? Dr Keith Suter breaks down predictions from the country's latest Intergenerational Report, and explains some tactics we could use to boost the economy back up.See for privacy information.

  • The ripple effects of heatwaves

    15/07/2021 Duration: 13min

    Why do we see increased violence during heatwaves? Dr Keith Suter explains the reasons behind this link, and the further psychological impact climate change is having on society.See for privacy information.

  • An American tragedy

    08/07/2021 Duration: 16min

    What is it about the Watergate scandal that keeps us coming back? Five decades on, Dr Keith Suter revisits the infamous impeachment, explains how Nixon’s image shifted during and after the event, and reflects on the public perception of political misconduct.See for privacy information.

  • The global struggles of Indigenous peoples

    01/07/2021 Duration: 15min

    How has the treatment of Indigenous peoples changed over the years, and how can we mend our relationship? Dr Keith Suter examines the disadvantages facing Indigenous communities both across the globe, and here in Australia and discusses what these will look like in the future.See for privacy information.

  • The art of strategic lying

    24/06/2021 Duration: 16min

    Honesty isn’t always the best policy for politicians, sometimes it’s more effective to lie. Dr Keith Suter explains how lying is used as a political tactic, the ethical issues this strategy raises, and why so many of us are susceptible to believing lies.See for privacy information.

  • A shift away from the left

    17/06/2021 Duration: 16min

    Events like Brexit and the election of Trump are showing us that traditional Conservative Parties are becoming more appealing to the blue collar worker. Dr. Keith Suter shares why the working class are now voting against Labor Parties, and if the political landscape will ever shift back to the way it was before.See for privacy information.

  • How to change the world

    10/06/2021 Duration: 16min

    Why do some political campaigns make history, while others fail? Dr. Keith Suter explains the two factors that drive real political change throughout history and how they're shaping the way our world is today.See for privacy information.

  • China growing old before growing rich

    03/06/2021 Duration: 18min

    The idea in global politics is that by the year 2049 China will be the number one power in the world, but what happens if China's population problem doesn't get resolved? Dr. Keith Suter explains 10 possible reason why China may not achieve this and discusses the effects of their one child policy.See for privacy information.

  • The influence of the KGB

    27/05/2021 Duration: 17min

    The rumours about Trump's relationship with Russia spread like wildfire, but was Trump an agent, or simply just an asset? Dr. Keith Suter brings up the influence that Russia and the KGB has had over Western politics and high profile Americans and how the real scandal isn't what illegal, but what is legal.See for privacy information.

  • Israel and Hamas 101

    20/05/2021 Duration: 20min

    With a conflict that spans decades it can be difficult to understand why the cease fires come and go. Dr. Keith Suter explains the history of the the conflict between Israel and Palestine, what started this ongoing war and why the division continues to grow.See for privacy information.

  • Do we need a democracy summit?

    13/05/2021 Duration: 16min

    Joe Biden has stated that Americans are emphasising the importance of democracy, but after a bad track record dating back to the 90's, do they deserve to be the hosts? Dr. Keith Suter discusses the a new foreign policy such as America intending to make peace rather than war, building more international collaboration and who would actually be invited to the summit.See for privacy information.

  • A new border crisis

    06/05/2021 Duration: 17min

    The US wall was made famous by Trump, but it's story began much earlier than there. Dr. Keith Suter explains how this is all linked to profiting off the exploitation of fear, Australia's own border issues and the meaning of disaster capitalism.See for privacy information.

  • England and the Indo-Pacific

    29/04/2021 Duration: 19min

    A "Global Britain" was the term used when marketing Brexit - but other than a slogan what does that actually mean? Dr. Keith Suter discusses what Britains new role will be after joining the rising power of the Indo-Pacific region and whether they need to treat China as an enemy or an investment partner.See for privacy information.

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