Transform Our World Nor Cal Intercessors Thursday Prayer Call



This week we celebrated a history Resurrection weekend. We prayed for transformation in LinkedIn and peace in Sacramento. We prayed for miracles in relationships and physical healings.


  • Prayer Call - The Holy Spirit is the X-Factor

    07/03/2019 Duration: 01h08min

    Today we prayed for the pain in Sacramento. We prayed for God's peace to rest on that city, for the body of Christ to be united. We prayed for Godly voices to speak and be heard. We prayed that the tensions would not escalate into violence and riots and we prayed that the underlying issues of systemic injustice to be addressed and healed. What is impossible with man is possible with God. We also prayed for victims of drug addiction to be healed. We heard an encouraging report of how God answered our prayers for one young lady!

  • In this short episode, Ted Hahs and Jeff Taylor pray for Dick Renard for his back to be healed

    07/03/2019 Duration: 08min

    If you read the biblical account of the early believers, it is very clear that 1) The Holy Spirit was very real to them, he was a player in the story as real as Peter, Paul, Steven, Jesus. He was a person and an independent actor. 2) He was the x-factor. Like having Labron James on your pick up basketball team, he was the game changer. Christianity without the HS is really nothing, it is like an empty coke bottle, there's nothing there. In the words of Paul "its a form of godliness but devoid of power." Every one says they have the holy spirit, so what is the biblical test that the Holy Spirit is with you? By your fruits you will know them. What did Jesus submit as the proof that he was who he said he was? Believe because of my works, that's what differentiated him and he challenged us and promised us 'Whoever believed in me will do the works I have done and even greater works than these they will do." The Holy Spirit is the X factor, the proof that he is with us is that he does what no human can do. This is

  • It Is God's Time for You - He Will Show His Power Through Your Weakness

    01/03/2019 Duration: 06min

    God is a God of miracles and He has not forgotten about you!  In this episode I give an update of how God came through for us when our backs where up against a wall most recently, then I exhort you to get some of the same. He is a God of abundance, What you feel is your greatest liability, that thing the enemy tells you will destroy you, that very thing is what God wants to use to catapult you into your destiny. This is what the apostle Paul meant when he wrote ““My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness’.” Trust Him. Ask for a miracle and expect His power to manifest through your weakness! If you don't have enough strength to ask for the miracle you need, contact me go to my facebook page or linked in and send me a message. Or send a message through the anchor podcast app. If you leave you phone number I will call you back and pray for you. God is a God of miracles, he has come through for us and he will come through for you if you reach out and trust him. We are filled w

  • Prayer Call: Ask For Your Inheritance, The Nations!

    01/03/2019 Duration: 01h25min

    I am learning the power of listening, surrender and trust. This means listening to the Holy Spirit both what he is say to me AND what he is saying through others. On this prayer call we just got the ball rolling and then the Holy Spirit directed it.  On today's call we began by receiving direction from the Lord to learn his word better so we can have our minds renewed and can stand firm on who he sees us as, not whatever else we may thing. We then prayed Psalm 2:8 "Ask of Me and I will give you the nations as your inheritance." We heard a wonderful report from Johnny Clark about a social entrepreneurial project to provide community, employment & housing to the re-entry population in the Bay Area. We prayed for this project and for systemic poverty to be completely broken. Albert Wright led us in prayers for under privileged ethnic youth and shared about the wonderful open doors his CUBU (See You, Be You) program is receiving. It was a wonderful call today. Listen to the recording to join with us and

  • Forgiveness - The Key to Receiving Grace

    26/02/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    This is a message I shared at a Vietnamese house church in San Jose. It is translated into Vietnamese. In Matthew 28, Jesus shares the parable of the evil servant who would not show mercy after he had been forgiven. We are very often like this because of our pride. Nothing is more blinding than the pride of a victim whose pain holds them captive from seeing what they can and must do to move forward and break the cycle. It is a horrible cycle to be caught in, but that is what Jesus died for. His cross is the great equalizer, we are all equally guilty, equally condemned and equal recipients of his grace to transform our live and break us out of the downward cycle of receiving and giving pain and hurt. I also share out of my own personal experience of how powerful forgiveness is to transform our lives and to allow us to share the light of Jesus with others. This is an important message for everyone to hear. Transform Our World now has an mobile app for iPhone and android. Look for it in app store and in google p

  • Healing the Land - Dr. Jay Swallow

    23/02/2019 Duration: 01h28min

    In this episode I introduce you to a dear mentor of mine, Chief Jay Swallow (Dr. Jay Swallow). Jay had an incredible authority to pray for the land and unique practical insights into the spiritual realm. In this message he shares the amazing story of how the spirit of suicide was broken off of a South Dakota reservation through prayer and spiritual warfare. He uses that story as an model to teach on the biblical principles of intercession and spiritual warfare to break defilement off of the land and off of our communities.  --- Send in a voice message:

  • Spiritual Protocol - A Right Thing Done The Right Way At The Right Time

    22/02/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    This is a message I taught a few years back.  "Even with a passion and sincere desire to see spiritual awakening, we still miss the mark in our efforts at reconciliation because we are ignorant of God’s spiritual protocol. In this insightful teaching Ted lays out biblical principles that will show you how to do the right thing, the right way at the right time."

  • The Holy Spirit Is Being Poured Out In A Historic Way

    22/02/2019 Duration: 01h30min

    On today's prayer call, I explain my perspective on the historic nature of what is happening right now in California. The gospel is designed to transform culture and to bring a demonstration of the Holy Spirit with signs and wonders, just like what Jesus did and the early apostles. This is beginning to happen right now in a way that has never fully been realized in this region, and even around the globe. 40% of homeless population in San Jose are minors, we prayed for the orphans. It was a powerful time of prayer.

  • Prayer of Blessings For Mother Nancy & Dorothy Daniels

    21/02/2019 Duration: 10min

    Ben Medel & Ted Hahs pray blessings for Mother Nancy who has been selflessly serving others as u to the Lord. Man looks at the outward action and values somethings over others, ie. Being in the spotlight preaching, being the out front prayer leader, etc. But God does see things that way, all that matters to him is obedience, whether in “small” or “big” things - all that matters is that you do it unto him with ur whole heart. Nancy & Dorothy - your on the frontline exactly where God wants you & your acts of service are powerful prophetic acts of intercession to change the course of this region & beyond. --- Send in a voice message:

  • God Loves Romance

    15/02/2019 Duration: 14min

    God loves romance & marriage. Sandra and I have been married 22 years, and it just gets better. So this Valentine’s Day, I’ve been talking with my friend Eli Brill. We shared a few stories about romance, and then we got real about challenges in marriage and how we need God’s grace because every marriage between a man and woman is cross-cultural. If you are going through a hard time in your marriage, receive God’s grace for reconciliation as you watch this video and Eli and I pray for you. If your marriage is thriving, you will be encouraged as you rejoice in His grace at work. Because as I share in the video, a good marriage is not the absence of conflict, it’s understanding how to resolve it.

  • Surrender - Ted Hahs

    15/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    This is my presentation at the San Francisco NCS chapter meeting. I share my story and how the Lord has taught me how to surrender to him over and over. Surrender is the pathway to freedom, power and fulfillment, before every breakthrough in my life there was first a total surrender to His will and death to my own desires, dreams and ambitions. I also share about my fervent expectancy that God is dramatically pouring out his spirit upon on flesh here in the Bay Area. It was such an honor to present to such an influential network of believers right in the heart fo the financial district of SF. I hope my story inspires you as well.

  • To the Jew first and also to the Greek

    15/02/2019 Duration: 01h21min

    "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." This was a radical statement. Jesus came not only for the upright and conservative but also for the hardcore immoral pagans. His power is available for everyone, including us. As we prayed into this, the Lord revealed his heart and surprised us with a new depth of understanding of this truth.

  • If You Don't Need a Miracle, Then You Don't Need God

    08/02/2019 Duration: 01h33min

    We each shared how God had revealed his glory to us in some small way recently, then we prayed for California. Pastor Ben Medel shared a very moving tribute to his uncle who was promoted to glory earlier this week.

  • The Way Up Is Down

    01/02/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    Even though I am the leader, sometimes even I get ambushed. We heard a wonderful report of how Jesus breaking out and reaching kids right in the public school system, including a baptism in a public school swimming pool. We to pray for the gospel to shine to all the outcasts and disenfranchised groups particularly the indigenous nations and youth of those nations. That is when the Lord ambushed me took over the call and  challenged us to humble ourselves further. How low are you willing to go for the gospel? Jesus was willing to go all the way.

  • Why We Love the Inmates at San Quentin

    01/02/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    The answer to that question is simple - they are our friends! This episode is a raw conversation between myself (Ted Hahs) and my friend Mike Barker, about our long time involvement in the sports ministry at San Quentin Prison, about the change we've seen in the inmates, the change that has happened in us, and how much FUN it is! This ministry has also been the catalyst to getting the Golden State Warriors involved. Mike also shares about how sports was the escape for him from his own childhood trauma, his story is very moving and inspiring! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Let the Buck Stop Here - Stop Waiting for Some Super Christian to Save the Day

    24/01/2019 Duration: 01h16min

    On today's prayer call we heard wonderful reports from the Transform Our World Leadership summit that just concluded such as how God restored a businessman, how he is helping the homeless in Bakersfield. We also received a word from Joan Swallow challenging us to take ownership for our state, stop waiting for others to come and pray for us, to humble ourselves and repent and lay hold of God promises as his people, both for ourselves, our families and our state. The buck need to stop here with each of us. We concluded by praying for miracles. This call exemplified more than any other all the aspects of what this digital house of intercession is all about!

  • Prayer Call - Fight for Every Inch!

    18/01/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Moses had to go before Pharaoh 10 times, with 10 progressive power encounters win victory after victory, before Pharaoh finally relented and then they had to still face their biggest challenge yet when he sent his army after them. The application for us, if you want to see transformation, be willing to FIGHT for every inch and never give up. We also heard a word from Ps. Michael-John Toste from the life of Joseph. We put these words into practice through intercession. It was a powerful prayer call. We prayed for cancer, mental health, foster care youth, homeless, and marriages. Powerful prayer call!

  • Prayers for Healing of Our Land

    12/01/2019 Duration: 51min

    When Jesus was crucified, the first blood that was drawn was the crown of thorns pressed into his brow. The crown of thorns and the sweat of his brow, symbols of the curse that came onto the land when Adam sinned, mixed with his blood and then fell to the ground. What a powerful image died to reclaim all that was lost in the garden. In this prayer time we prayed for Jesus to heal us and to heal out land.

  • 5 Paradigms Necessary to Transform Nations

    11/01/2019 Duration: 01h36min

    This is session 3 of my class on Transforming Culture. If we want to transform culture, we need to change our way of thinking. These are 5 biblically based pivotal paradigm shifts that will empower you to see the problem differently and be equipped to disciple nations as Jesus instructed us in the great commission.

  • Lord Give us a Deeper Revelation of the Cross in 2019

    10/01/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    On today's prayer call we prayer for the Lord to give us a deeper understanding of the cross. To see his glory and to see in a deeper way our brokenness before him. We heard of a tumor that disappeared after we prayed. We prayed for marriages and families for physical healings & economic miracles. It was powerful!

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