The Epic All Day Podcast With Jim Simcoe



The time to make your life epic is right now. Stop waiting and start learning how to create the life you want. On this show I’ll teach you how to create a happier, more fulfilling life. I focus on four main areas: Confidence; Love & Relationships; Mindset & Heart-Centered Living. You’ll meet everyday people doing incredible things. Like a sex therapist. A sports performance coach. A relationship guru and many more. You’ll also learn from icons like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tupac, Stevie Wonder, etc. You’ll also see what superstars like Tom Brady, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan all have in common and how you can apply it in your life. I’m Jim Simcoe the author of Hero Up: Unleash Your Inner Hero and Make Life Epic. I’m a father, husband, fish taco fanatic and unabashed tank-top wearer. Check out the show and get in touch with questions or comments. Instagram: @iamjimsimcoe, Twitter: @JimSimcoe


  • Keys to A Fantastic Relationship

    11/10/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Two married guys (me and Blake) sit on a sidewalk outside a gym and talk about how to make relationships fantastic. We talk about mistakes we made, what we’ve learned and how to improve your relationship in every area. This is by far the funniest, most laughter-filled podcast we’ve recorded so hope you dig it. You’ll learn about Blake breaking microwaves and whether his wife thinks Matthew McConaughey or Lance Armstrong is fitter:). You’ll also learn the importance of choosing values over interests, enjoying mutual quality time and the concept of seeking to understand not necessarily agree. You’ll also learn the two most important questions to ask to improve your relationship. We also do a rapid-fire Q&A at the end covering important topics like: Who’s your celebrity crush? Who would play you in a movie about your life? What super-power would you give your wife if you could? It’s pretty awesome…

  • Overcoming Adversity & Surviving Sexual Abuse

    11/10/2018 Duration: 53min

    Today Blake and I share very personal experiences of adversity in our lives and how we overcame them. Blake relates his story of struggling in school and the challenges of getting cut from the soccer team and having to figure out how to re-define himself. I talk about being sexually abused for several years by my uncle as a teenager. We talk about how I didn’t care if I got hit by a bus at the time (and almost wished I would) and how I made it through everything*.  That experience shaped my life in so many negative ways until I had the strength to deal with it. The adversity that Blake and I went through was completely different but had many commonalities (loss of identity, shame, fear of the unknown, etc).  We talk though these and came up with 10 ways to overcome adversity. This may be the best podcast I’ve recorded. It’s definitely the only one where I’ve cried or gotten so personal. It’s also the one I’m most proud of so I hope you enjoy it. *If you’ve ever been sexually or emotionally abused I hope t

  • Five Keys To Build Confidence and Raise Your Self-Esteem

    11/10/2018 Duration: 48min

    Confidence and self-esteem is the fuel of our lives. When you’re low on it, bad things happen. You feel crappy, anxious and miss great opportunities and often paralyzed by fear. Conversely, when you’re confident and believe in yourself, life is simply easier and more enjoyable. You’re able to live the life you want without judging yourself or beating yourself up constantly. So consider confidence as fuel for living. Today on the show Blake and I talk about the keys to confidence and self-esteem. How to get it, keep it and recover it when you lose it.  You’ll learn the power of writing a personal manifesto, choosing success over perfection and how to power through tough times.

  • How To Make Every Day F*cking Awesome

    15/09/2018 Duration: 43min

    Welcome to another totally unscripted, unplanned and unfiltered podcast featuring dance maniac/gym owner/fitness expert, Blake Bender*.    Today the question is simple:  How you make every day f*cking awesome?   Blake and I discuss: - The five things to make every day awesome - The power of "More Of/Less Of" lists - How to start your morning off right (him- podcasts, me- 80s music) - Finding purpose, fulfillment and compassion daily.   We recorded this on the sidewalk outside the gym today so please excuse any minor background noise.   *Blake will also be joining me as a co-host for a series of upcoming episodes that I think you'll dig.   More on that soon, until then check it out & please leave a comment or rating on iTunes if you feel  so moved. 

  • Find Purpose, Take Action and Run Your Own Damn Life

    08/07/2018 Duration: 24min

    The Hero Up Podcast is Back!  On today's show we talk about how to find your purpose in life and the important difference between taking action (good) and being reactive (bad).   You'll learn why its better to build your own solution instead of waiting for someone else/something else to solve your problem. Check out the show and stop searching for answers and start creating them yourself.

  • How To Start Your Morning So You Can Win Your Day

    13/04/2018 Duration: 15min

    In this podcast we cover the best things to do to get your day off to great start.   Stop being rushed, skipping breakfast and running out the house with your hair on fire- learn the easy ways to get your day off to a great start. See the tools and things I use every day to get my day off to a strong start. Recorded on a Tuesday morning at the beach in Cardiff, CA.

  • UNSCRIPTED- Finding My Soul In The Process of Buying Gum

    04/02/2018 Duration: 22min

    A funny thing happened on the way to buying gum before crossfit: I found my soul. This podcast is about that moment and the moments we have as human beings when we realize who we are and what we're capable of.   In this episode I talk about how to get through tough times, how to recognize the unintentional support all around you and how you are uniquely qualified to handle your sh*t. This episode is all about turning hopelessness and stress into power, peace and love. This is an unscripted episode so I hope you dig it.   

  • How To Crush it in 2018

    02/01/2018 Duration: 37min

    If you're anything like me you're probably glad 2017 is over:) That was a hard year all-around, right? I hope 2018 is the best year of your life and way better than 2017.  With that in mind I recorded this podcast for you with 10 keys to make this year totally epic. Yes, people still say 'epic'. Everything is in here: how to set goals, why you should say 'no' more often and the beauty of writing a personal manifesto.  I also talk about how to come up with a mantra for the year (and why that's so important) and how to take advantage of the concept of 'Sprint or Sleep'. Also covered: - Be Opportunistic but not stupid - Focus on success, not perfection - How getting your love life on track makes everything easier - Some books to check out like Daily Rituals (you're not as crazy as these guys); It takes a Tribe (how to start a business the right way); etc.  

  • How to Start a Business You Love

    23/11/2017 Duration: 56min

    How did two childhood best friends start a successful business with little money, no experience, no customers in the notoriously competitive industry? Check out the show today for an enlightening interview with Blake Bender and Eric DePaula of Stratum Fitness. You’ll learn how being clear on your vision and purpose dramatically increases your chance of success in any endeavor. Blake and Eric are a real-world example of figuring out what you love and building a successful business around it. What struck me most about talking to Eric and Blake is that they’ve grown their business tremendously by being hyper-focused on the needs of their clients and have been unafraid to take action- even when they didn’t know exactly what to do. If you’ve ever wondered how to start a business, this podcast is for you. And if you currently have a business that you want to expand then this podcast is for you too. Check out the show and you’ll learn: * How these two childhood best friends created a successful business by stay

  • How to Live Fearlessly in All Aspects of Your Life

    18/11/2017 Duration: 45min

    Peter Scott IV is a master of fearless living. He joins us on the show today to talk about how to understand your fears and how to deal with them. Peter shares his story of being an investment banker in Chicago (overweight and overworked) and how one simple moment transformed his life forever. Most self-help B.S. tells you to ignore your fears or figure out a way to beat them down. Personally, I’ve never believed in that and Peter is one of the few people I’ve ever met who share a similar philosophy on fear. Fear can be really good for you and often a pathway to major growth. What I enjoyed most about interviewing Peter is his perspective that we all have a relationship with fear and it’s something we can learn from. Check out the show and you’ll learn: * Why fear can be so good for you * The steps to confront and combat your fears * How to understand your relationship with fear * How to channel your fears into positive action   Links: * The Fearless Mindset Book * * Instagram:

  • How to Live Mindfully- Real World Solutions for Busy People

    16/11/2017 Duration: 47min

    Tom Kelly is a spiritual badass, plain and simple. His story of going from a partying surfer in Santa Barbera to a 26 years living in an ashram as a monk is a true love story. He is that rare person who is 100% dedicated to his life’s purpose and makes no apologies of chasing a life of mindfulness, happiness and love. Tom’s life of mindful living as a monk, as a surfer and a yogini is truly inspiring. Tom was also one of the most popular speakers at the Hero Up Summit this past November in San Diego as well. His infectious personality and straight forward approach to happiness (without the ‘woo-woo’) locks you in as soon as you hear him talk. Check it out and you’ll learn: * How to live mindfully every day * How one book changed his life (even when he wasn’t ready) * How to recognize and appreciate the ‘divine conspiracies’ in your life right now * The power of the red stickers…  

  • How to Get Your Groove Back and Empower Yourself through Yoga

    31/10/2017 Duration: 53min

    The time to get your groove back and get life back on track is right now. No more waiting, no more wondering what to do. Today on the show you’ll meet Bronwyn Ison, a woman who’s risen from multiple challenges to create a thriving life/business for her and her daughters. Her story is truly inspirational and her common sense approach to success is one that we can all easily adopt. She’s also one of the featured speakers at the Hero Up Summit coming up this November in San Diego. Check it out and you’ll learn: - How “staying on the mat” played a crucial part in her achieving her goals - How to avoid seemingly harmless excuses to keep you from going after what you want - How to live with fear and take action anyway - How to recover from setbacks Bronwyn is a woman who walks her talk and it was a pleasure to interview her. She is one the most empowered and confident women I’ve ever met and her story is both inspiring and empowering. Regardless of where you are in life, I think you’ll appreciate the interview w

  • The Gen X Guide to Optimal Health - Three Keys to Healthy Living

    29/09/2017 Duration: 01h34s

    Description If you’re over 35 and interested in optimizing your health, this podcast is for you. Today I talk to Tricia Moore about the keys to health if you’re over 35. Face it, once you’re in your 30s the rules change in terms of health. Sleep, recovery, pliability, and mobility all become paramount. On the show you’ll learn: - The biggest health mistakes most people make and how to avoid them - How to make sugar cravings go away - Why you may need to eat more to lose body fat - The difference between mobility, pliability and activation and why you need all three - How to avoid over-training, boredom, and burnout - The easiest way to start working out - Why what you do away from the gym is 10x more important than what you do in it Recording Behind the Scenes - Tricia showed up in a cupcake shirt for a podcast about health:) When I asked her why she said her husband did the laundry in their house and he was gone so she didn’t have much to wear. - Ozzie (her dog) sat in her lap the entire show and didn’t m

  • Sex Talk- How to make your sex life fantastic (NSFW)

    26/09/2017 Duration: 55min

    Do you want a better sex and more connection and intimacy with your partner? Are you also uncomfortable talking about sex and wouldn’t know where to start? If so then this podcast is for you. In today’s episode I interview sexologist Dr. Jenn Gunsaullus, Ph.D. Dr. Jenn travels the world giving presentations about sex and intimacy and is a foremost expert in the field. She’s also one of the coolest people I know and brings a lighthearted, non-judgemental and fun perspective to a traditionally taboo subject. We talk about how to improve your relationship through mindful sex and the right way to start the conversation about sex. Also, since we cover a lot of ‘adult’ topics and there is some swearing I wouldn’t listen to this on speaker:) We talk about: - The most common sex and intimacy problems couples face and how to fix them - The way to start a conversation about sex with your partner and why you should - What healthy happy couples do right and how to copy them - What to do right now to improve your relat

  • Living Intentionally Through Faith, Confidence & the Perfect Cup of Coffee

    19/08/2017 Duration: 49min

    You don’t have to be a Buddhist monk to live intentionally.   And examples of people living intentionally are all around us if we we open our eyes to them. Such is the case with Alex Longoria, a General Manager at Philz Coffee in Encinitas. I’ve know Alex a few months now from going into Philz and getting my green tea (with extra mint) every day.  We’ve always chatted about sports, the weather or whatever and he always seemed in a genuinely good mood. One day I asked him what he liked most about working there.  I was blown away by his response.   He said he loved working at Philz because it gave him a chance to positively impact dozens of people’s lives every single day. He had an opportunity to make someone’s life better with every order based on how he treated them.  It wasn’t just what he said, it was the way he said it.  You could tell he truly meant it and he was 100% focused on making his customers as happy as possible. So I invited him on the podcast to talk about living intentionally. We talk abo

  • The New Modern Day Man- Starting Your Hero Journey

    06/08/2017 Duration: 41min

    The roles of manhood have changed.    Guys all over the world are shattering common definitions of what it means to be a man.  It’s ok to share your feelings, be vulnerable and create your own story.  It takes brave men to re-define the traditional roles of manhood and today we’re lucky to have one on our show. Our guest today, Jared Little, is the perfect embodiment of the new modern day man.    He is:  A two-time NCAA Division One National Champion lacrosse player (Virginia) A former pastor who was called to ministry early in life A man who chooses to stay home raising his kids while his wife pursues a corporate career An entrepreneur, coach, writer, father, and husband   Jared is a true modern day man in the sense that he’s actively creating the life he wants while being a family man and entrepreneur.  He’s chosen to buck convention and not allow society to dictate how he lives and what he believes.     I’ve interviewed tons of people on this podcast and what stands out about Jared is his unwaverin

  • Advice for Entrepreneurs & the Power of Focus- Lessons from Millionaire John Crestani

    26/07/2017 Duration: 47min

    “The world needs to accelerate towards an economy based on passionate self-employment”-  John Crestani John Crestani is an internationally-renowned expert in internet marketing who joins us on the show today to talk about how to create a life of passion & purpose. John helps people to follow their passion & reveal their inner strengths to become successful entrepreneurs. Some of the things we talk about: His view on passion and self-employment. How to recognize and utilize upcoming trends in our world How to take a control of your time The traits every entrepreneur needs to be successful The importance of positivity in business and life The role of energy in every part of your life The magical “yes+ and” positivity formula His top-three lessons every entrepreneur needs to hear Look at your patterns- how do you react to certain scenarios. When you get a lot of money what happens next? Focus – Every business works, people who make a ton of money are the one who focus. They don’t jump around. The

  • Surviving Sexual Abuse: How To Break Through Pain and Hopelessness and Create a Life of Love and Happiness

    22/07/2017 Duration: 01h11min (Statistics state that every 98 seconds someone in the US is sexually assaulted. And every 8 minutes that victim is a child.)   This is my story of sexual abuse and how I overcame what happened to me when I was a kid.    It’s raw, unedited and in many ways still very painful to tell. You’ll probably be able to tell in the audio times when I was having a hard time getting words out. I apologize for the delivery but the message is important.   I choose to record it today because Chester Bennington from the band Linkin Park committed suicide yesterday.  They are a favorite of mine and I’ve been listening to them for a long time. He had often spoken about being sexually abused as a kid and his story was eerily similar to mine. When I heard he passed it really shook me. It spurred me to record this  podcast- one that I’ve wanted to for a very long time but couldn’t bring myself to do until today.   My sincerest hope in recording this podcast is that it helps one person. I hope the

  • Get Empowered - Advice for Women from Nike Master Trainer Betina Gozo

    18/07/2017 Duration: 23min

    “It’s one thing to say you can do something. It’s another to believe that you can. The most important thing is the moment you take the first step. After that, all you need is the will power within you to see it through the end, regardless of your limitations.” – Betina   Betina Gozo is a Nike Master Trainer, musician, and the finalist for Women’s Health Magazine’s Next Fitness Star competition. Vote for her here. She stopped by the podcast today to talk about the emotional benefits of working out, empowering women and what it’s like to work at Nike World Headquarters.  She also talks about being in a cover band and why Billy Jean is one of her favorite songs to play.    Like me, she’s Filipino and was raised by a single Mom who taught her all about hard work and dedication. She was super cool to talk to so I know you’ll dig listening to the podcast.   Some of what you’ll learn listening to Betina:   Common fears she sees in women and how to deal with them The 5 emotional benefits of working out  Advice on

  • Life Lessons From a Rockstar - Interview with Jeff Robbins

    14/07/2017 Duration: 50min

    Jeff Robbins former lead singer of the band Orbit joins us today to talk about life as a rock star and tech CEO.  He talks about being on the Lalapalooza tour, what he learned on the road and what it’s like having a Top 10 Hit. You’ll hear about the similarities between being in a rock band and running a startup and why small vans beat tour buses every time.   You’ll hear about how Jeff was an early tech leader and who he gets his best advice from (hint: his Mom).  You’ll also hear about my band experience and how most of what I learned about concurring fear, creating loyalty and love came from being in my own band.    I will also send a free t-shirt to the 1st person who emails me with the correct answer to this question: What song did my band open with every time we played?   LESSONS   1.Know when you’re being an a**hole (and learn how to stop) 2.Stay true to your vision and question the status quo 3.Be ok with who you are 4.Tell people your faults up front 5.Be ok with failure 6.Be willing to buck conventi

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