Live Lean Tv With Brad Gouthro



If you love the health and fitness YouTube show, Live Lean TV, you're also going to love the Live Lean TV Podcast. Lets be real, some people just don't have the time to watch the show on YouTube, so we now upload the audio version of the Live Lean TV episodes, as well as new exclusive audio to this podcast. In addition to the episodes covering specific nutrition and fitness tips, you'll also hear our Motivation Minute series, and our #AskLiveLeanTV show. This is the show where husband and wife fitness duo, Brad and Jessica Gouthro, take any questions you ask on social media and answer them in a fun and entertaining way. It's info-tainment at its best! Get ready to learn, laugh, and get in the best shape of your life with the team that Lives Lean 365 days a year!


  • You Don't Have To Give Up Sweets, Too Much Coffee? | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 052

    04/04/2017 Duration: 43min

    You Don't Have To Give Up Sweets, Too Much Coffee? | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 052 by Brad Gouthro


    03/04/2017 Duration: 02min

    One of the biggest issues with our culture today is that we are entitled. We’re entitled to think we just deserve to be healthy, yet our actions don’t back up our words. And, let’s be real, if you’re not happy with what you see in the mirror, you blame it on something or someone else. Screw that. The secret to a total body transformation first starts with the person in the mirror. You have to start your transformation by first making that mindset shift that YOU have take 100% responsibility for that person in the mirror and the choices that you have made to bring you to where you are today. You decided to put that junk food in your mouth. You decided to watch 5 hours of TV a day. If you want to change, take a look at yourself, and make the damn change. It’s not on your partner, it’s not on your parents, it’s not on the government, and it’s not even on your personal trainer. Ultimately your health is no one else’s responsibility, but your own. And I know this sounds harsh and it’s not easy to

  • LIGHTNING ROUND | Protein Snacks, Carb Cycling, Napping | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep 051

    28/03/2017 Duration: 37min

    What are your thoughts on rotisserie chicken? ✔ 1:55 Do you have any medicine ball exercise ideas for abs? ✔ 2:49 Do you have any recommendations of being healthy in a dorm room? ✔ 4:32 What kind of training should I do as a beginner with weights? ✔ 6:46 What is your opinion on Garcinia Cambogia? ✔ 8:27 Should I load up with carbs if I work at nights and workout at the end of my "day"? ✔ 10:32 Any ideas on what to eat for energy during long hikes? ✔ 12:06 What workout splits do you recommend for hypertrophy? ✔ 13:46 Do you have any tips to build muscle stabilizers? ✔ 16:17 What do you think of supplements for performance? ✔ 18:01 How can I incorporate Build a Butt into my current fitness routine? ✔ 20:11 Should I take coffee while consuming creatine? ✔ 21:29 Is there a difference between doing barbell vs dumbbell exercises? ✔ 22:57 What is your biggest training milestone as of now? ✔ 24:37 Can you explain a little bit on fat/water soluble supplements? ✔ 26:10 I wanna lose fat without losing muscle, how can I

  • The Truth About Your Bread

    28/03/2017 Duration: 04min

    The Truth About Your Bread by Brad Gouthro

  • KILL THE QUIT | Motivational Minute Ep. 005

    27/03/2017 Duration: 01min

    During your Live Lean journey, it's inevitable that this will happen along the way. You will feel like quitting. But before I get into why that is... Lets back it up for a moment. Remember when you first started your Live Lean journey? You were probably experiencing a newfound sense of excitement and hope for your future. You thought, this time, it'll be different. But as time goes on, you begin to face challenges with sticking to the plan. You hit plateaus as the weight on the scale doesn't seem to be disappearing as fast as it did in the beginning. The voices in your head begin to tell you that all your progress has stopped and you were just destined to be what you see in the mirror. But here's what sets the high achievers from the rest. Most people quit and give up because the results don't seem to be coming fast enough. But the high achievers take a different approach. They reflect. They take a deep breath and realize that this temporary set back, and yes it is TEMPORARY, is just

  • REPETITION IS KEY | Motivational Minute Ep. 004

    22/03/2017 Duration: 01min

    Just like repetitions in the gym are key to building muscle and losing fat… Repetition is also key to learning and creating the required Live Lean behaviors. The idea of Living Lean is probably new to a lot of you. So it will take repetitions before these Live Lean behaviors become natural to your lifestyle. Every time you watch an episode or read a page from one my books, you’re reminding yourself of what needs to be done. Remember, the Live Lean principles work, only if you work the principles. Real learning only happens when you absorb the information and more importantly, take action by putting in the work. I know you know what to do. So ask yourself, “are you consistently putting the knowledge you’re learning from my videos into consistent action?” If the answer is no, commit to change that and take action today. If you do this, you will transform your body and health beyond your hopes and dreams. As the saying goes, the actions you are most resistant to are the actions you need to embrace


    22/03/2017 Duration: 33min

    If I consume 4-5 cups of vegetables daily, would these "free foods" worthy of counting? ✔ 10:30 What would you recommend as healthy snacks for people in the military? ✔ 16:36 What is the best way to get shredded? ✔ 24:00 I'm a flight attendant, really struggle making healthy food choices what would you recommend?

  • Excessive Cheat Meals, Birth Control, Fitness Trackers | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 049

    15/03/2017 Duration: 35min

    Can you explain how to eat in a deficit for weight loss? ✔ 5:53 Is it ok to eat raw eggs? ✔ 7:42 Any tips to make sweet potatoes more tasty? ✔ 9:23 Are supplements necessary? ✔ 13:13 How can I substitute dairy and oats? ✔ 18:12 How can I stop the unhealthy cravings after a cheat meal? ✔ 23:49 What are your thoughts on activity trackers? ✔ 27:30 How do you feel about contraceptive methods? ✔ 30:04 If I do ab exercises would I lose fat or just tone? ✔ 32:21 Why don't you eat corn?

  • 3 Ingredients Your Nutrition Label Should Never Include

    13/03/2017 Duration: 04min

    Live Lean Nation, on today’s episode I’m sharing 3 ingredients that you never want to see listed on your food’s nutrition label.

  • Recovering From A Binge, Instagram, Love Languages | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 048

    07/03/2017 Duration: 34min

    How do you recover from training everyday? ✔ 7:04 Why you don't keep track of your fiber intake? ✔ 9:43 If I only want to build muscle on my lower body should I only be on a surplus when I train lower body? ✔ 12:15 If my macros require 70 g of protein post-workout, how do I split them? ✔ 16:35 What is your opinion on Kodiak Cakes? ✔ 18:08 What are your thoughts on Ezekiel vs wheat bread? ✔ 19:30 How to recover from a really bad binge? ✔ 22:34 Is it normal for clothes to fit tighter when you first start lifting? ✔ 25:05 How do you keep the romance as parents? ✔ 30:00 What are your celebrity crushes?

  • An Interview on Fitness and Life Goals

    05/03/2017 Duration: 18min

    Interview on The Drive Time show with Kyle Millar on Vaughan Radio. We talk about personal fitness and life goals and some strategies to stay motivated and focused to achieve them. Whether those goals are fitness, learning a new language or professional success, having the right mindset, focus and persistence can make all the difference.

  • Somatype, Booty Building, And Back Training Tips | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 047

    28/02/2017 Duration: 35min

    What is more important, back width or back thickness? ✔ 3:43 What is a good workout to not disturb my downstairs neighbors? ✔ 6:10 What are your thoughts on upper, lower day workout schedule? ✔ 7:28 What are your thought on somatypes? ✔ 11:06 Why does your "break the fast"smoothie has fats if its a post workout shake? ✔ 14:30 Why is soy bad for you? ✔ 17:14 Any vegetarian videos? Thoughts on green tea as a thermogenic? ✔ 22:43 Any tips tome my glutes grow? ✔ 29:34 Can I still have cheat meals if I eat IIFYM? ✔ 32:20 After my HIIT workouts I feel menstrual like pain, is this normal?

  • Repetition Is Key

    24/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    Just like repetitions in the gym are key to building muscle and losing fat… Repetition is also key to learning and creating the required Live Lean behaviors. The idea of Living Lean is probably new to a lot of you So it will take repetitions before these Live Lean behaviors become natural to your lifestyle. Every time you watch an episode or read a page from one my books, you’re reminding yourself of what needs to be done. Remember, the Live Lean principles work, only if you work the principles. Real learning only happens when you absorb the information and more importantly, take action by putting in the work. I know you know what to do. So ask yourself, “are you consistently putting the knowledge you’re learning from my videos into consistent action?” If the answer is no, commit to change that and take action today. If you do this, you will transform your body and health beyond your hopes and dreams. As the saying goes, the actions you are most resistant to are the actions you need to embrace the most. B

  • Training Viewers ON The Show, Too Much Exercise? | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 046

    22/02/2017 Duration: 38min

    Are there any books you've read that you would recommend? ✔ 4:56 What is the best time to workout to optimize weight loss? ✔ 7:25 Will cardio reduce muscle gains? ✔ 9:13 Will you have Kyla vaccinated? ✔ 14:22 Should you eat and train according to your body type? ✔ 18:00 Have you considered inviting a follower to spend some time with you and follow your lifestyle? ✔ 22:06 I'm already have abs but still have cellulite, how can I get rid of it the healthy way? ✔ 26:04 How to get motivated after a long period of not working out due to a sickness? ✔ 29:08 What are you doing to reduce your ecological footprint? ✔ 31:33 I am addicted to work out and not take a day off, is it a bad thing?

  • What Is Reverse Dieting? And Who Needs It?

    16/02/2017 Duration: 07min

    What Is Reverse Dieting? Who Needs It? Learn about what you can do if you have been eating too little yet still seeing no fat loss results

  • Lifting Weights With Proper Form, Pregnancy Training | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 045

    14/02/2017 Duration: 28min

    Jess, when you do push ups, why are your feet apart? ✔ 4:01 Why are some people so strong yet they’re so small and why are some people so weak yet they’re so big? ✔ 5:54 What is a good substitute for Ezekiel bread? ✔ 7:39 Has a family member of yours made the transition to live lean with you all? ✔ 10:12 Why is whey protein good for post workout in a shake? ✔ 12:22 What are your thoughts on running during pregnancy? ✔ 15:02 When performing deadlifts I can’t seem to feel the stretch in my hamstrings and my lower back hurts, is this normal? ✔ 17:44 Can your workouts be adaptable for lower back pain? ✔ 21:22 How many calories should a breasting mama take? ✔ 23:09 Should fruits be eaten alone?

  • Get Out Of Your Own Head

    10/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    So many people ask me… What’s my secret to Live Lean. How do I, even at 36 years old, consistently stay lean and healthy all year round. Guess what. There’s no secret. Be honest with yourself. If you watch my content, you know exactly what to do. So then what’s holding you back? Well if you continuosly find yourself starting and stopping your Live Lean journey, I have 4 words for you… Release the damn brakes. I’m talking about removing the self-defeating beliefs that you’re not good enough, or you don’t deserve it. Getting over the fear that your friends and family will judge and criticize your new lifestyle behaviors. And embrace the fact that, as hard as it may seem now, you will have to change your daily habits. Trust me guys, I’ve personally been there too, and I had to overcome these exact same emotional and mental blocks. But I did it, and I 100% belief that you can do it too. So decide what it is you want, believe you deserve it... And consistently take action on all the Live Lean princ

  • Common Trait Of Success

    09/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    High achievers and anyone that has completely transformed their body and health... Have this consistent habit. They followed a systematic approach that led them to their success. Meaning they had a plan to take them from where they were to where they are today. But it’s not just about investing in a workout and meal plan, then hoping everything will work. Sorry, but that’s not how it works. Programs and systems are designed to give you the step-by-step roadmap to begin your journey to transforming into your dream body. But the most important part is up to you. You have to execute and commit to consistently put in the necessary work. As your fitness coach, I can give you the world’s best workout program and meal plan But without your consistent effort and work, it’s pointless. Unfortunately paying for a workout program doesn’t mean that I complete the physical aspect of your workout for you. So in order for you to get the results that you desire You must put in the work. So be courageous. S

  • Why You're Failing

    09/02/2017 Duration: 01min

    Living Lean is a lifestyle. NOT a short-term moment in your life. So over 4 years ago, I began a mission to teach 1,000,000 people how to sustainably live the lean lifestyle. Over this time, I’ve answered tens of thousands of questions about how to do it. And one of the biggest issues I continuously see with people failing to sustain their health is this… “Before you can permanently change your body, you must first change your way of thinking.” In other words, your mind needs to arrive at your desired result before your body can get there. And this mindset shift begins with belief. A belief in yourself. A belief in your ability. A belief that you can and will commit. And a belief that you will consistently put in the required work to transform and maintain your body forever. I believe you and everyone else CAN Live Lean. But to do that, YOU must first change your thinking and start believing in yourself. Then and only then, can you become healthy, permanently.

  • Jessica's Personal & Tragic Back Story, Fasted Cardio | #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 044

    09/02/2017 Duration: 35min

    What do you think of air fryers? ✔ 4:22 Was there something your swore by but found not to be so good? ✔ 7:21 What is your opinion on fasted cardio? ✔ 11:27 Does your attitude matter to lose weight? ✔ 14:55 Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you plan to have more babies? ✔ 19:20 Jess, have you tried the egg fast? ✔ 22:55 How to avoid having eating disorders, especially for people that look up to you? ✔ 27:51 Is non-GMO soy milk unhealthy? ✔ 29:00 When you travel how do you stay on track? ✔ 31:54 Is this hot cereal Live Lean approved?

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