Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors



These are my thoughts on everything from Spiritual Kung Fu to Sales to Relationships to Recovery and Pop Culture


  • Episode #42: Something embarrassing has come to my attention and I can’t unlearn it!

    22/10/2019 Duration: 15min

    I recently had a conversation with a friend and realized, as much as I intellectually know the phrase, life is a journey. I really don’t want it to apply to me! In other words, I want there to come a time where I figure it all out, I reach the mountain top of self-actualization and I don’t have to do anymore ”self-reflective work”!! Is that too much to ask!? I also know I would be robbing myself of a ton of wonderful life experiences however, I still fantasize about it. In my experience, life is ever-evolving and there's always something new to uncover. I'm not exempt from falling short. Quite frankly, I've come to the humbling realization that, I expect to fall short... And there in lies the real problem. On a side note, I have just discovered that you can ask me a question or leave comment about the podcast by leaving a voicemail. So, if you’d like to comment, ask a question or maybe even be on one of my podcast, leave me a voicemail. Maybe I'll figure out how to use it!

  • Episode #41: Is it resistance, unmanageability or both?

    18/10/2019 Duration: 07min

    It’s been a long time since I’ve had a hangover but I had one yesterday. Unfortunately, it wasn’t from a good night of partying, it was from a damn counseling session... with my wife! As much as I love counseling, personal development, coaching, and therapy, wading through uncomfortable issues are never fun. Especially when it's your issues! The conversation wasn’t new. Even the topics we were covering weren’t new. It was having to, once again, look at another way in which my fear, insecurity, and self-worth are running my life and affecting those closest to me. Until a few months ago, I wouldn’t have been able to understand how these shortcomings were influencing virtually every decision I’ve made. I’d argue, most people are not aware of how much fear, insecurity, and self-worth negatively influence their life because they can’t see it. I would consider myself pretty evolved and I couldn’t see it. That’s because they exist deep down in the subconscious and have been there since their early childhood. Recentl

  • Episode #40: Want to know one of my guilty pleasures? Here’s 1 of them & something I think abt regularly, MONEY

    12/10/2019 Duration: 14min

    Finally, peace and quiet! I’m home alone, in my robe with my favorite beverage... coffee. I read a great article on the medium app called “what really happens when you become an overnight millionaire” by Stephanie Clifford (Sorry Stephanie, I misquoted you on this episode. I gave credit to your photographer for writing your article. My bad). This is a story about the founder of RX bars, Peter Rahal. It shed some light on something I fantasize about often, having a lot of money, and the reality of, having a lot of money. I often think that outside things are going to change the way I feel inside. Logically, I know this is not true however, I do it all the time. I think if I had enough money, all my problems would go away. Yet, I equally fantasize about giving all the money away, spending it on dumb shiz and digging myself into debt! Ultimately, the feelings this drums up for me is what’s at the root of everything, self-worth, insecurity and fear. If I do not address these feelings on a regular basis, nothing I

  • Episode #39: Do you resist the exact thing that will help you most? Uhhhh I do!

    11/10/2019 Duration: 07min

    I know the things that help me feel most grounded, grateful at ease is meditation, prayer and journaling. Yet, many days I do everything in my power not to do it. The challenge is, it’s my subconscious doing all the work! Intellectually, I know what I need to do to rid myself of fear and insecurity but my subconscious is to powerful! Oh the dilemma.

  • Episode #38: What does it mean if fear is present??

    07/10/2019 Duration: 04min

    Here’s a quick one about what it means if fear is present in your life. If you’re anything like me, fear is around me all the freakin time. And if I consider Gabby Bernstein’s perspective on a quote from A Course in Miracles, I’d say she’s 100% accurate. What do you think??

  • Episode #37: Are you thinking your way through life or are you being guided?

    30/09/2019 Duration: 15min

    On this episode, I talk about the difference between using my intellect and thinking to propel my way through life versus using intuition, to respond to life instead of reacting to challenges. Many times I have the ability to make good decisions by doing the next right thing or simply thinking my way through what I view as the “right” way. One of the problems that I face is, I will often become resentful because many of my decisions are being influenced by ego or insecurity. The sneaky thing is, most of the time, I’m totally unaware of it. When I connect spiritually, magically, decisions become easier. I start operating out of intuition instead of fear, insecurity, ego in any of the other defects I’m liable to latch onto.... The other topic I cover is how my interests are evolving into prevention education instead of working in crisis. If there is a topic you’d like me to cover or have questions or comments, drop me an email at . If you like what you hear, tell your friend, like, com

  • Episode #36: New Interview on Shine a Light podcast with Megan Landry

    23/09/2019 Duration: 03min

    What a great experience getting interviewed by someone I didn’t know. It’s was interesting the things that came out I hadn’t talked about before and the additional perspective I got from speaking to someone new. Check the interview out on iTunes or for google ..... Preston has been sober for 18 years. He battled with a drug and alcohol addiction for most of his teenage years. On this episode, Preston talks to me about his addiction, how he finally realized that he had a problem, and how he got help. Plus, learn how Preston has started to help other people who have addiction and mental health issues. Preston also talks about why he chooses to share his story. This is a jam packed episode full of great information and honest conversation.  Check out Preston's podcast right here on Anchor- The High Cost of Anonymity. 

  • Episode #35: Wait... why can’t I feel anything!?

    19/09/2019 Duration: 04min

    On this episode I talk about why I find it difficult to identify my feelings and wondering if I have things that have happened in my past that I’ve suppressed.

  • Episode #34: Fear of Authority... what does that even mean!?

    16/09/2019 Duration: 11min

    Ever wonder why you always seem to think you’ve done something wrong, like “they’re going to find out” or you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop? It could be a fear of authority. Whether it’s a boss, the cops, my wife or my parents, I seem to have a knot in my gut that’s attached to “doing something wrong “. I equally rebel against anyone I think may be “trying to tell me what to do”. Talk about a contradiction! I find that this fear effects most areas in my life; my work, my family, my creativity and my recovery. It shows up in the form of procrastination, finding it almost impossible to finish a project and stepping out to try something new. At this point, I’m hyper aware of the knot in my gut but haven’t been able to “think” my out of it. Seems as though there’s a lot more work to do. As a mentor used to say to me all the damn time, “awareness in itself is not a solution”. And he is right. I’ll keep you posted on the solution piece when I start being able to live it! Please share, comment and subscribe

  • Episode #33: New again, 18 years in...

    11/09/2019 Duration: 20min

    18 years ago today was the last time I used drugs or alcohol in any form... Not having some form of substance in my life, especially alcohol, wasn't even in the realm of possibility of considering. In other words, I couldn't even consider considering it. I thought my life was over and yet, it was just starting. Today, I'm on another path of discovery. I'm experiencing new levels of vulnerability as I explore the beliefs I made up as a child that are still effecting me today. I'm grateful to be on a path of discovery. Seeking... Emotional sobriety and a life beyond my wildest dreams. The funny thing is... I'm already here... When I get out of the way and connect to the supernatural, I don't want to be anywhere else, I don't want anyone else's life and I and don't want anything more than what I have in this moment. On the contrary, when I'm living by self-propulsion, attempting to fix, manage and control everything around me, I want to be anywhere else but here. All the while, looking like I've got it alllll to

  • Episode #32: I retreated to my safe place... how the hell did I get here!?

    05/09/2019 Duration: 17min

    I have had so many a-ha moments in the last couple of weeks. With that has come some high highs and some low lows. I didn’t realize it and probably wouldn’t admit it to you but when I experience a wide range of emotions, my instinct is to retreat to my safe place. The safe place for me is, do whatever I need to do to remain calm and relaxed so I don’t experience emotions that are too intense. By calm and relaxed I mean, like a duck, chill above water and chaos below. That also applies to the good emotions like being happy, joyous, free and the ability to feel excited. By protecting myself against negative emotions like shame, guilt, fear and abandonment I also negate my ability to feel the emotions that I want to feel like being happy and satisfied. The funny thing is I would’ve never told you that I protected my emotions so voraciously... because I just didn’t know it! So what’s the solution? Remember that the recovery process is long. I need to quit acting like a sprinter and act like a marathoner! Please l

  • Episode #31: I get worse before I get better - Change always sounds good... Until you have to do the work!

    27/08/2019 Duration: 12min

    Ever start making changes in you life then, after a while, you're worse off than you were before you started? That's where I am at this exact moment! I've been working on being more kind and compassionate at home with my wife and son and I'll be damned if it doesn't seem to be getting worse. I felt great for about 2 weeks but lately, I feel more on edge, more restless and less compassionate than ever. This is probably an exaggeration but I feels true! I've been in a place in my life for a while now where I'm wondering, "what the hell is missing"? There have been so many good things in my life but something still seems off. So, I've been digging into some of the behavioral traits I've been living in since childhood. Some have served me well over the years and some have been making me miserable. In doing so, I've been having breakthroughs and ah-ha moments almost everyday. These breakthroughs make so much sense and seem like such easy fixes, yet, I'm still acting a fool! I figured emplementing the changes would

  • Episode #30: Spirituality, Religion and the Supernatural... are my views Inclusive or Exclusive?

    23/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    On this episode we cover Spirituality, Religion and the Supernatural. I often wonder how I can be more inclusive when it comes to spirituality. There are so many lines drawn in the sand today where one is forced to choose... to be in or out. The problem I find is, I don’t agree with any one way or one side 100% of the time. This not only happens for me regarding religion and spirituality but also on social and political issues. I actually, backed into a relationship with a Higher Higher, God and the Supernatural. You could even say I was tricked,lol! The “trick” aside, it pains me to think that many people prescribe to the idea that there is only one way to the sunlight of the spirit... and it’s their way, the one they’ve prescribe to. When I have conversations with people about this topic, my goal is to paint a picture of inclusion. I want them to look for reasons to seek the sunlight instead of reasons to stay in the shadows. Seek solutions instead of staying in the problem. Seek, and he will reveal himself

  • Episode #29: Is it possible to be addicted to fear? I AM and didn’t know it!

    20/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    On this episode I share some of the step work that I’m working on. Some of the areas I’ve been struggling with. And, how I have been addicted to fear, authority, perfectionism and low self-worth. I cover a vicious cycle that I have set up in my relationships at home and at work. And how shocked I am that I didn’t know any of this! If you have any questions or would like me to cover something specifically email me at

  • Episode #28: Spoke at a Recovery High School in Columbus Ohio.

    19/08/2019 Duration: 01h19min

    This was the second time I spoke at Heartland Recovery High School. It’s always a pleasure to speak to the youth and ‘attempt’ to make a difference. I made a good connection with one of the seniors there. It was an intimate conversation about masculinity and the propensity to put myself in situations I say I don’t want to be in. There are a few things I covered that are different than the last time I spoke. Hope you find something you can relate to and uses it to change something in your life.

  • Episode #27: Toastmasters Icebreaker: How the hell did I end up in Columbus Ohio!

    15/08/2019 Duration: 06min

    I told myself I was going to share everything, my thoughts, speaking opportunities and things I find interesting. Well, here’s the story about how I ended up in Columbus Ohio... my first Toastmasters speech.

  • Episode #26: The Big Red Book: Talk about a PHD in 12 step recovery!

    13/08/2019 Duration: 09min

    On this episode I cover childhood confusion, shame, guilt, abandonment, generational dysfunction, mental health, strict military families, strict religious families, children raised in foster care and more. I’ve been devouring the Big Red Book of ACA. I’m shocked at how many similarities there are to my childhood. The moment I became a parent, I realized, NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THEY’RE DOING! We are all trying to figure it out. Looking back on my childhood, I realize how deep and generational the behaviors, lessons and emotional baggage that can build up over time. I have so many fond memories from my childhood and yet, there are so many things I stuffed emotionally that has caused me to carry around baggage I didn’t realize I was carrying. I hope sort through some of the stories I made up about myself as a child, based on an experience, conversation or simple comment for someone. This is all new territory for me and after 17 yrs and 11 mos of sobriety, it’s nice to be new again! If you have any questions or would

  • Episode #25: Chiropractic, Mental Health, Fear, A Heavy Heart... It’s Complicated

    05/08/2019 Duration: 11min

    Most mornings I wake up full of fear. It doesn’t always feel like fear but it’s there... more like an uneasiness in my gut, like a low hum. I’m always worried that “they’re” going to find out. You know, find out that I don’t know what I’m doing!!! I also consistently feel like I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. One of the reasons I tell you this is, many times I think everyone else has “it” together and has figured “it” out. Well, I’m in the same group as most of you... trying to figure it out and do my best to not let anyone know I don’t know what I’m doing! One of the reasons I love talking about personal development, recovery and mental health is, it’s the shiz I need to hear myself. When I give people life advice or direction, ultimately, I’m talking to me just as much as I’m talking to them. Speaking of my chiropractors, Eric and Jasmine at Active Edge Chiropractic in Grandview Ohio, the best chiropractors I’ve ever been to! Not to discount my longtime buddy Kevin “Super Duper” Hall in Austin who al

  • Episode #24: Thank Megan with Shine a Light Podcast and Bombing while giving a talk!

    03/08/2019 Duration: 12min

    Shout out to Megan Landry with the Shine a Light Podcast. Just had a great conversation with her and love what she's doing. Megan is opening conversations about topics that many of people are scared to talk about like, foster care, fear, anxiety, infertility, etc. join the conversation and support Megan wherever you get your podcasts! Secondly, hear what happened when I got up to give a speech and wasn't prepared. I underestimated the prep time, I lost my place and crumbled under the pressure. It wasn't all bad. I finished strongly and opened the conversation that they were wanting to which was, how can we effortlessly bring up the topic of mental health and addiction? I posted the 2nd run of this talk on a previous post, The Indirect Sandwich. Thanks again Megan and it's such a pleasure to get to talk about shiz I'm interested in. If you know someone that is struggling with addiction or other mental health issues like anxiety, depression, bipolar, suicidal thoughts or insomnia, hollar at your boy. I would lo

  • Episode #23: Indirect Sandwich: Speaking to a team of instructors abt how to create a safe place to ask for help

    31/07/2019 Duration: 58min

    Mental health, social emotional regulation and addiction seems to be on the top of everyone's list these days and yet, many people do not know how to talk about the subject. I got to speak to a group of instructors at a local community college about how to create a safe environment for students to ask for help. A tool I've been using for years has been, what I call, an indirect sandwich. Instead of using a direct question like "do you have an addiction or mental health issue"? I use indirect statements like "if you know someone struggling with mental health or addiction issues, let them know we have a free list of resources for them". The reason this technique has been so successful is, indirect statements help to keep peoples defenses down so I can get my message to through. I sandwich this statement between a separate topic to disguise my real intention, to give them permission to ask for help. About halfway through this podcast I give some examples of what this could sound like. If you have any direct ques

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