Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors



These are my thoughts on everything from Spiritual Kung Fu to Sales to Relationships to Recovery and Pop Culture


  • Episode 59: Whether it’s losing weight or cutting back on drinking or using, the answer is...

    16/02/2020 Duration: 07min

    Ever had someone tell you, ”I think I’m ready to lose weight” or ”I think it’s time, I’m going to cut back on my using and drinking”. Sometimes, stopping the thing you’re struggling with isn’t what you should be focusing on. I would argue, both your weight, what you're putting in your mouth and the use of mood and mind altering substances like drugs and alcohol are external issues. In other words, using something externally like food (which is something I struggle with), alcohol and/or drugs is simply an example of using outside substances to change the way you feel internally. Thinking the solution for my internal angst is using something externally is only natural. We do it all the time. On this episode, I make the argument that, going inward first could be the solution for the external challenges you’re having. If we go inward first, like working on our insecurities and self-worth issues with a therapist, counselor or coach, it’s only a matter of time before you start caring about yourself more. Then, you'

  • Episode 58: Here’s what happened in my first EMDR therapy session... it’s kinda crazy how it happens

    27/01/2020 Duration: 13min

    For so long I’ve been saying I want to seek, dig and change that which has been plaguing me. The funny thing is, although I say that, I’ve come face to face with the question, “is it really true?” What I mean is, I have a tendency to make changes in my life, then slowly resort back to the old behavior I say I’m fed up with. In this episode, I share a real life experience from a therapy session where I go through a process with my therapist, it works, then I consciously and subconsciously try to undo the change... and I couldn’t do it. I’ve continued to try over the last week and it won’t work. It’s literally as if my brain has been rewired, which is exactly what they say EMDR therapy does. I still laugh to myself when I think about it. Contradiction, as woke as I think I am, I’m still a contradiction!

  • Episode #57: The individual, the family or the system??

    19/01/2020 Duration: 08min

    So often I find myself confusing the puzzle piece with the puzzle. In other words, I can get caught up focusing on the individual in front of me when it’s really the family, group or system as a whole that needs to change. And even then, its important to ”let it begin with me”. Let me be the change in my family. Let me be the change at work. Let me be the change in my community. If you want true peace if life, it's imperative to focus on what you can control and not the thems, the theys, the hers or the hims. If you know someone that would benefit from hearing this episode, please share it with them or share it with a friend. Hollar at your boy!

  • Episode #56: One of the best tools you can have when you have the opportunity to help someone

    13/01/2020 Duration: 09min

    Meeting someone where they are... One of the best tools you can have when you get to help someone. When this is done right, you're able help while allowing people to have their own life experiences, both good and bad. The last thing you want to so is rob someone of an experience they need to have for themselves. For me, there are times where I fall into the habit of "telling" or ”preaching” at people... And I do mean ”at” people. Usually, this has to do with me not being in a great place spirituality. I can also be feeling out of control and it makes me feel better to ”tell” or attempt to ”be right”. Another thing that can be challenging is when someone is too close to you like a close friend or family member. When you have a vested interest in the outcome with someone, it can muddy the waters really quickly! On this episode, I talk about how to be a resource and how to keep the door open by meeting someone where they’re at.

  • Episode #55: Because I don’t believe ME!

    07/01/2020 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever wanted to do something like, start working out, quit drinking or smoking, sign up for that course you’ve been wanting to take but finding yourself not doing it? Or sometimes even more challenging, you start off strong but end up quitting after you get started? For 2020, I'm seeking to answer the question, ”what is it within me that causes me to quit or not follow through”. On this episode, I talk about how I set some intentions for the new year and am going through the right motions however, I just don't believe them... I don't believe me... So what do you do when this happens? Do you quit? Do you act as if or fake it until you make it? The answer is probably all of them, quite quitting, do it until you believe you. I don't love fake it until you make it but if it works, fake it until you don't have to fake it anymore. As for me, I'm just going to keep doing it until I believe it... Until I believe ME!

  • Episode #54: The Hardest Lessons I Learned in 2019

    02/01/2020 Duration: 29min

    There have been so many times in my life where I thought I "knew it". I wouldn't say ”I knew it all” but I felt confident in the knowledge I used to make decisions. 2019 was one of the best years of my life and yet I still found myself face to face with the realization that "self-knowledge availed [me] nothing”. Knowledge is valuable, Knowledge is power and Knowledge is helpful... But Knowledge isn't everything. Much like awareness, knowledge is but a start. Knowledge in itself isn't a solution, it's what you do with the knowledge that will determine the outcome. On this episode I talk about an interaction I had with a friend regarding social media, the ”them’s” and the ”they’s”, and the uncomfortable fact that most of my problems are created from my own deep-seeded insecurities. I want to thank all my family and friends for being just that, friends and family. Here's to ”Loving what is” in 2020. If you know someone that would benefit from hearing a podcast like this, share it with them and if you know someon

  • Episode #53: We were fighting and this happened... then it alllll changed

    24/12/2019 Duration: 07min

    This weekend, my wife and I were out shopping and ended up in an argument. A common theme in many of our arguments... MY TONE! Before I know it, we are no longer talking about the original situation, we are debating about the meaning behind my tone. I call this ”getting into left field”... As you can imagine, this does nothing to help my case! However, this weekend, mid-argument Sarah says something to me to totally shifted the conversation. It was no longer about me defending my position or Sarah trying to communicate how ”I was doing it wrong”. It became about Sarah sharing something personal and vulnerable with me that shifted me from defense to compassion. On this episode, I tell you what she said and how this could be the shift we've been striving for in our relationship. Let me know what you think with a comment or like... Better yet, share it with someone you care about!

  • Episode #52: They’re going to find out, I did something wrong, I’m not going to make it...

    22/12/2019 Duration: 08min

    I’ve been tracking some of the thoughts I think most often and cause me the most stress... here they are. They’re going to find out, I did something wrong and I’m not going to make it. Now, these thoughts aren’t always conscious. Often, they are deep down in my subconscious, more like a feeling in the gut. I’ve known they were there for a long time but recently, I’ve become so hyper aware of them, I’m shocked at how much power they have over my psyche. No wonder I feel like I’ve had a herd time putting my finger on “it”. On this episode I talk about how those thoughts of been affected me and what I’m doing to address them. If you know someone that could benefit from hearing an episode like this, share a comment and pass it it along.

  • Episode #51: "The Work" in Action- a real life, real time example of inquiry

    17/12/2019 Duration: 14min

    Last night my wife and I had a fight over who was putting Austin to bed. We typically trade nights because bedtime can take a while. I had been on "parenting duty" for a good chunk of the weekend and I made up a grand story in my mind about how much "I" do in that department. The deeper story is, I find it challenging to ask for what I need, ie I needed a bit of a break and some time to myself... Alone. So instead of communicating what I felt in the moment, I made up the story that, I've been doing most of the heavy lifting this weekend so Sarah should put ATX to bed. BIG mistake! In this episode, I share what I was thinking, how I tried to manipulate the situation to get what I wanted and failed to communicate that which I didn't realize I needed. This morning, I used Byron Katie’s worksheets to help me get to the root cause of my dilemma and find my part in the storm I created... In the name of, ”keeping score”... #anotherbigmistake

  • Episode #50: Does it surprise you when it's easy?

    13/12/2019 Duration: 18min

    It seems as though I've been trying to force things to happen for so long, when it's easy, I feel surprised! Many of you have been on this journey with me as I seek to "figure IT out". Unbeknownst to me, my way of trying to "figure IT out" looks a lot like forcing things to happen the way I want them to happen. Right now, something super crazy is happening. Everything seems to be falling into place... and it feels odd!! The other thing I was reminded of today is the importance of "bringing your passion with you". Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs coined that idea. I like it because it reminds me of how long it takes many people to figure out what they are meant to do with their life. I am all for encouraging people to follow their passion however, it can be a disservice when people interpret it as, you need to know what you’re meant to be doing with your life... Like, NOW! The last thing I share is a cool unexpected story about something that happened to Sarah today. If you have any questions, comments or insights, l

  • Episode #49: Why am I just hearing about this!? Ask 4 questions and turn it around.

    11/12/2019 Duration: 16min

    I recently listened to a Short Story Long Podcast where Chris Drama Pfaff interviewed Byron Katie. I was so blown away by Katie’s perspective and what she calls, “the work”, that I’ve been binge watching her interviews and audiobook... “Loving What Is”. Katie sheds light on the fact that suffering is optional. In other words, our stress, anxiety and depression is based on what we believe to be true... even if it not! What she calls “the work,” is a series of 4 questions and a turn around that helps people get to the root of what “is” instead of believe a made-up story that we’ve created from this air. On this episode I share a real life situation in my relationship where I apply Katie's questions to get to the root of my frustration. Spoiler alert: my frustration has nothing to do with my wife and everything to do with my instinct to blame her for my problems. One of the reasons I find Katie's work so attractive is, it feels very similar to the twelve steps. You're basically work steps 4-10 in just a few ques

  • Episode #48: This kept me up until 5 AM last night

    01/12/2019 Duration: 07min

    This doesn’t happen often but when it does, man it’s annoying. Saturday night is the night I stay up late and burn the midnight oil. I don’t do anything productive. I mainly watch UFC fights or play around on YouTube. Saturday night is my night to be a kid, watch whatever I want and sleep in on Sunday morning. Last night, I went to bed listening to a Garyvee podcast. I dozed off around 230am and my son woke me up at 3 AM. After that I couldn’t go back to sleep. I was obsessing about what to do with this podcast. What is going to look like? What if the name is all wrong? Maybe I should start a different podcast? I was worried about a bunch of things that do not matter. I have a ways to go with letting fear and obsession keep me from not doing. In this moment, most of the things I worry about are never going to happen anyway... So why let them stop me from doing what I feel called to do!?

  • Episode #7: How to get someone's budget without asking, what's your budget?

    30/11/2019 Duration: 11min

    This is an example of once you've asked a customer for their business at a certain price and they decline we're say no, what do you ask them to get their budget out of them? These are a couple of soft and strategic ways to get someone's budget without flat out asking what's your budget. The problem with asking, what's your budget? Is most people end up selling down to their budget instead of selling at a number higher then their budget. In other words, if you do your job people should be spending more than what's in their budget.

  • Episode #1: How I Attempt to Keep Perspective and People Talking Behind Your Back

    30/11/2019 Duration: 07min

    Perspective: Does the average American have true perspective? • What are people saying about you behind your back? A #garyvee bold thesis

  • Throwback from my Sells days in Philadelphia: Overcoming customer objections: pulling the venom out

    30/11/2019 Duration: 07min

    If you’re getting objections, you are probably failing to pull the venom out up front. In other words, you need to answer questions and go over topics that you know might come up later in the pitch, in the form of an objection.

  • Episode #47: I've been tricked: My thinking makes me feel like I'm doing

    28/11/2019 Duration: 06min

    I was listening to an interview with Garyvee and Tom Bilyeu (link below) and they were talking about the false impression thinking about doing something gives you vs actually doing it. I have to say, I suffer from that... A thinking problem. I've talked about it before, and it's still true. Thinking, worrying and sometimes obsessing about what may or may not happen in my life makes me feel busy. Yet, 99% of what I worry about never happens! I feel like I get the false impression that I'm so creative and business minded because I think about creative business shiz all the time... And again, most of it I'll never do! It's the same with fear and worry. Thinking about scary things happening to you can be just as real as it actually happening... Yet again, the shiz never happens. Sounds like a waste and it doesn't stop me from doing it all the time. Here's an idea, if you’re going to be thinking all the time anyway, why not think about good things happening in the world and all the positive things you want out of

  • Episode #46 - What does success mean to you? Well... it’s complicated

    22/11/2019 Duration: 13min

    After the episode about Dave Chapelle and a quote of his about success, a friend of mine reached out and asked, “I’m curious, what does success look like for you?” Over the years, my answer has become more complicated. Maybe complicated isn’t the right word. Maybe it’s just, different. There was a time when my view of success was tied to a dollar figure. And a time when it was simply being happy. Today, I’m somewhere in the area of balancing professional and family aspirations, with the ability to remain gratefully in the moment. As for my buddy Chaz, who inspired this episode, here’s his definition. “Success for me is Inner peace and serenity, the ability to calm my thoughts, leading with Love in my relationships, Loving everyone just the way they are.. including myself: free of judgement, awareness of my feelings, willingness to help others anyway I can, respecting and taking care of my energy levels". I like it. It’s simple, meaningful and of service. And there’s still a part of me thinking, but where are

  • Episode #45: Kanye West, Dave Chappelle, Johnny Manziel and Oprah

    18/11/2019 Duration: 11min

    I was watching an interview with Oprah and Dave Chappelle and David dropped some

  • Episode #44: So I was in couples therapy this morning and of course it was her fault. No wait, my fault, no wait... I'm confused!

    15/11/2019 Duration: 10min

    The thing I am coming around to more and more in our counseling sessions are, what are the areas in which I've drawn a hard line in the sand that need to be softened... Especially with regards to my family. In this episode, I talk about few of those areas. And as I'm writing this, I can't remember what they are... but I know they're good, lol! Also, If I can leave you with one thing, it would be, you don’t have to be on the verge of a crisis just find a counselor to talk to. In other words, you don’t need to be on the verge of divorce, quitting your job, hurting yourself or anything else that may cause you to throw your hands up. Finding an opportunity to speak to a counselor, therapist or coach should be as normal as hiring a personal trainer. If you're listening to this on Anchor or Spotify, you can send me a voice message. Either asking a question or simply leaving a comment. Try it out so I can put it on an episode! As always, if you have a question or know someone struggling mental health or addiction, f

  • Episode #43: Have you heard of the Tragedy to Triumph Podcast with Aaron Laine?

    11/11/2019 Duration: 04min

    One of my favorite podcast moments thus far has been a two hour conversation with my friend Aaron Laine, on his podcast, Tragedy to Triumph. On his podcast, he has people on the tell their story of going from a down and out tragedy involving drug and alcohol addiction to the triumph of getting into recovery. Going from hopeless to hopeful. Not only are the stories truly inspirational but they give you some insight into the life of a drug addict but also what can happen when people get the help they need. Aaron and I had a great conversation about recovery, mental health, the state of where were at today and what the future is looking like. If you haven’t already, listen to that podcast episode we did called Moore’s Law. And while you’re at it, listen to some of the stories that Aaron tells from Tragedy to Triumph. Apple podcast: or on iHeart Radio: His website https://from

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