Our Deepest Secrets Revealed



Have you ever had a question for the opposite sex in which you seek to be answered authentically? On this podcast that is exactly what we do! I discuss intimate topics with guests, as they share their point of view about dating, sex, love and relationships. We are raw and authentic to reveal the essence of how the opposite sex feels about todays topic we are exploring. If you have a question, please feel free to write to us and ask... it just might inspire our next episode.


  • Men & Anger - how it affects dating and your romantic relationship/s

    21/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    In today's episode, we discuss anger and how it affects dating and romantic relationships…in particular anger that many men feel. Our guest today, Andy, shares his personal experience with anger and how it has affected all of his romantic relationships his whole life as well as his children.  We talk about: how it shows up, what are some of the signs, the effects and how in the end he has learned it results in you being alone. He also shares how he has healed the anger he has felt since a three-year-old boy and shares advice for men feeling angry and women in relationships with these men.

  • Personal growth steps before your next relationship

    14/04/2018 Duration: 43min

    In today's episode, we will be discussing Personal Growth Steps Before Your Next Relationship. I recently read an article Jillian Turecki wrote for Mind, Body Green about this and that is what has inspired this episode as I couldn’t agree more.  Today she is here to help us understand the important growth steps we need to do before our next relationship so we can enter into a new relationship and give it the best chance it has to not only survive but thrive! Jillian Turecki is a relationship expert, yoga teacher, and public speaker. For 18 years, she has been studying the art and science of fulfillment. Under the masterful guidance of Anthony Robbins, Jillian is certified by the Robbins Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention/Coaching, known for employing innovative strategic solutions to the most pervasive difficult problems. She says what she knows with complete certainty: there is no pain like relationship pain. She cares about teaching others how to be proactive in their lives and relationships so t

  • Open Relationships: a couple's perspective - The Husband

    07/04/2018 Duration: 01h41min

    Today's episode we get a real insight into what it's like to be in an open relationship. Tony is very authentic as he opens up about his open relationship with his wife, Scarlett.  They have been together for 17 years, married for 12 years and have a pre-teen daughter and he says they are very happily married.  We talk about how they opened their marriage up, the ups and downs, advice for anyone wanting to open up their relationship, the rules, religion as well as other social pressures, and jealousy as well as other challenges that come up.

  • Open Relationships: a couple's perspective - The Wife

    07/04/2018 Duration: 01h36s

    Today's episode we get a real insight into what it's like to be in an open relationship. Scarlett is very authentic as she opens up about her open relationship with her husband, Tony.  They have been together for 17 years, married for 12 years and have a pre-teen daughter and she says they are very happily married.  We talk about how they opened their marriage up, the ups and downs, advice for anyone wanting to open up their relationship, the rules, social pressures, and jealousy as well as other challenges that come up.

  • Open Relationships - do they work & what are the rules?

    31/03/2018 Duration: 36min

    Open Relationships are becoming popular and today we discuss the dynamic of these relationships with Erik Newton. He is the Founder of Together Magazine and host of the podcast Together. We discuss: what is the definition of an open relationship and what does it mean to live such a lifestyle? What are the rules? How do you deal with jealousy? And general advice for anyone considering an open relationship. Erik is a former family law attorney, and describes himself as someone who’s “been through a thousand divorces and still believes in love.” Ultimately, his calling to help couples build healthy relationships superseded his legal career, and he decided to dedicate himself full-time to creating a place couples could go for information, inspiration, and a big dose of truth. That’s when Together was born. He has interviewed dozens of non-monogamous couples and written several articles on the subject. Make sure you check out Together.   Together Magazine: http://together.guide/magazine/ Together podcast: ht

  • Deep down inside, do you really want to be monogamist? - The Male perspective

    24/03/2018 Duration: 44min

    It feels like many people are now questioning monogamy – I know I definitely am. It feels like most relationships are coming to an end because someone has had either one or multiple infidelities. So the question is - Deep down inside, do we really want to be monogamist? Or is this an old belief and way of life that no longer serves society and humanity?   To share the male’s perspective today I have invited back Roman Wyden, host of the podcast You. Love. Life.   You can listen to his podcast via iTunes and GooglePlay www.youlovelifepodcast.com

  • Deep down inside, do you really want to be monogamist? - The Female perspective

    24/03/2018 Duration: 40min

    It feels like many people are now questioning monogamy – I know I definitely am. It feels like most relationships are coming to an end because someone has had either one or multiple infidelities. So the question is - Deep down inside, do we really want to be monogamist? Or is this an old belief and way of life that no longer serves society and humanity?   To share the female’s perspective my friend Sal joins me.

  • Why do women find it so hard to orgasm?

    17/03/2018 Duration: 30min

    Many women find it hard to orgasm, so this week I have my coach, Cheryne Blom, on the show to discuss why women are finding it so difficult and what we can do about it. How can a man assist "in the moment" to make sure she isn’t in her head and is present in the moment? Can he even help her?    What can women do to be present so they can experience an incredible orgasm? Cheryne is the Founder of Be You Be True. She is a self-empowerment coach, author and speaker. To connect with Cheryne - http://www.beyoubetrue.com.au/  If you have any questions about this topic that you don't feel were answered please email - myquestion@ourdeepestsecretsrevealed.com - and we will do a follow up episode. 

  • Orgasms - The Female perspective

    10/03/2018 Duration: 18min

    This week we are discussing orgasms...how do they feel for the opposite sex, is there such a thing as too many orgasms in one sex session, self-pleasure, different types of orgasms (multiple vs. one big one) and how guys can get a woman to orgasm. My mate, Barrett Perlman, TV and documentary director & producer, was brave enough to join me and talk about her orgasms and shares her point of view for the female perspective this week. Guys, you have to listen to this episode!

  • Orgasms - The Male perspective

    10/03/2018 Duration: 34min

    This week we are discussing orgasms...how do they feel for the opposite sex, is there such a thing as too many orgasms in one sex session, self-pleasure, different types of orgasms and how our sexuality is suppressed within society.   Roman Wyden, host of the podcast You. Love. Life., today shares the male perspective.  You can listen to Roman's podcast, You. Love. Life. via iTunes and GooglePlay www.youlovelifepodcast.com

  • Ghosting, breakups via text, failure to commit – are these love crimes?

    04/03/2018 Duration: 39min

    Ghosting, breakups via text, failure to commit – can you relate to these situations or know someone that can? The dating world can feel overwhelming at times and like a battlefield. The question is, are these love crimes?   The inspiration for this topic has come from a new comedic web series, the Broken Hearts Division.   Creator, Nicole Feenstra tackles the world of modern dating. Whether it is same-sex or heterosexual couples, each episode’s theme is very relatable to anyone currently dating as she tackles texting under the influence, wrongful wooing, serial dating, ghosting, breakups via text, serial dating, failure to commit and of course, the excessive use of a dick pic, just to name a few.   Join us for a laugh as we discuss what defines a love crime, is love black and white, the inspiration behind her show and bad dates.   Watch Episodes of The Broken Hearts Division: https://www.youtube.com/brokenheartsdivision     

  • Friend Zone - how to move someone into this zone or how to move yourself out? The Male perspective

    25/02/2018 Duration: 28min

    Friend Zone – we have all been there when dating...right? We either want to put a guy/girl in this zone or possibly move ourselves out of this zone. To help us navigate the "friend zone" I have called on two of my surf buddies to share their perspectives.   To share the males perspective I have invited my surf buddy, Jaime. We talk about the friend zone but also living in the moment when dating, sexual compatibility, settling and Aplha females and males.

  • Friend Zone - how to move someone into this zone or how to move yourself out? The Female perspective

    25/02/2018 Duration: 31min

    Friend Zone – we have all been there when dating...right? We either want to put a guy/girl in this zone or possibly move ourselves out of this zone. To help us navigate the "friend zone" I have called on two of my surf buddies to share their perspectives.   To share the female's perspective I have invited Trina. She often puts a man in this zone but has also gotten herself out of the "friendship zone" and has great advice for both men and women. 

  • Lessons from an Affair

    23/02/2018 Duration: 31min

    There are important lessons to be learnt from an affair for all parties involved. It's very easy to sit in victimhood and only blame the partner cheating and take no personal accountability. Through my personal journey, I've learnt that the partner in the relationship that is being cheated on also contributes to the affair - we all play a role!   Today I share my learnings and how I contributed to an affair by emasculating my partner due to having an unbalance of feminine and masculine energy. My experience highlights why it is important for all of us (men and women) to have a balance of feminine and masculine energy as well as partnering with someone that is on your same frequency. 

  • Advice from a celebrity stylist about what to wear on your first date

    18/02/2018 Duration: 21min

    With so many types of dates (in Los Angeles hike dates are popular) I know it can be overwhelming to decide what to wear on your first date. Today to share styling advice and help us work out what makes a great first date outfit I have invited celebrity stylist & Founder of Style Station, Melissa Meister.   Melissa is the fashion stylist for season one and two of Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian (airing on E!) and has worked with many A-list celebrities including Serena Williams & Taylor Swift. She dressed an actress for the Globes this year and is often styling celebrities for major red carpets!   Style Station is a comprehensive online and mobile platform where A-list celebrity stylists and beauty experts share their knowledge, tips and tricks, and curate brands you can shop. Style Station will help you find your own style and guide you in the right direction for great treasure finds. http://www.thestylestation.com 

  • My Breakup Story – the darkness and how I started healing

    14/02/2018 Duration: 26min

    Thank you so much for all the feedback and support with my new podcast, I am truly grateful! So many of you are opening up to me and I hear your pain and heartache. I can very much relate to this and I thought to give you some inspiration and hope, I would share my story.   Two and half years ago life was very dark for me and I didn’t see how I would get through it as my whole life crumbled around me. Literally everything was ripped out from under me - my beloved dog, long-term relationship, planned future and home…all within two months.   It took all my effort to get myself out of this dark place and eventually see the beauty in life again and press re-set on a new life.   Now life is beautiful and I am truly happy and feel joy every day. This is something you can feel again. So in this podcast I share with you the darkness but also how I got myself out of this space and healed. I hope you can use some of these strategies to help you get into happy state of mind as well.   It’s time to rise like a ph

  • What is the first thing you notice about a prospective partner? The Female perspective

    10/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    Every two weeks we will explore one topic with the dual perspective from a male and female’s point of view.   To share the females’ perspective I have invited Jing, Founder of Coffee Confessionals. We discuss what is the best way to get a woman’s attention, deal breakers, our advice to men when asking a woman out, role reversals: women hitting on men and what we are attracted to physically and non-physically.   Coffee Confessionals has the mission to encourage real conversations and connections between people and our communities as well as provide inspiration and add a bit of fun in our lives. http://coffeeconfessionals.com/   From listening to this episode, if it evokes further questions that you would love to be answered, please email us - myquestion@ourdeepestsecretsrevealed.com   We will be selecting a “question of the week” each week and together with my coach, Cheryne Bloom, answer it.

  • What is the first thing you notice about a prospective partner? The Male perspective

    10/02/2018 Duration: 26min

    Every two weeks we will explore one topic with the dual perspective from a male and female’s point of view.   In this episode a friend shares his perspective when it comes to dating. We discuss what is the best way to get a woman’s attention as well as a man’s attention, deal breakers, our advice to men when asking a woman out, role reversals: women hitting on men and what we are attracted to physically and non-physically.   From listening to this episode, if it evokes further questions that you would love to be answered, please email us - myquestion@ourdeepestsecretsrevealed.com   We will be selecting a “question of the week” each week and together with my coach, Cheryne Bloom, answer it.

  • What's happening to relationships? Why are so many adults single?

    30/01/2018 Duration: 34min

    Today I have invited my personal life and business coach, Cheryne Blom, founder of Be You Be True. Cheryne is a self-empowerment coach, author, and speaker. Was born in South Africa, raised in the United States and now lives in Australia. When coaching, she uses an intuitive and integrative approach including NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), positive psychology, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), stress management, mindfulness, grounded spiritualism, wellness and her own wisdom to help you create a practical and logical plan to achieve authentic happiness in your life. She literally changes people’s lives for the better.   To connect with Cheryne - http://www.beyoubetrue.com.au/   According to the United States Census Bureau state: The 2016 statistics say: 45% of adults are unmarried and of that 53.2% are women and 46.8% are men.   In this episode we discuss why relationships are crumbling, when do you know when a relationship isn’t working? And when do you know it is time to let go? Why do you thi

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