Soultalk With Kute Blackson

04: Dr. Shefali - The Profound Challenges of Parenting



“Unconsciously we pass on legacies of our own childhood onto our children. Blessed are those rebellious and outlier children, because they wake the parent up." Summary of this episode: Dr. Shefali is a clinical psychologist and author of The Awakened Family, The Conscious Parent, and Out Of Control. In this episode, we discuss the meaning of ‘life’, the complexities of parenting, and how things like ego, co-dependency and our own childhood come into play when parenting our children. If you are a parent, parent-to-be or anyone who wants to know more about the psychology of parenting, you will not want to miss this powerful conversation! Some Questions I Ask: What does “The Conscious Parent” mean? What can someone who isn’t yet a parent do to prepare themselves for having children? What are some of the main mistakes you’ve seen parents make with their kids? How can a parent say "no" to their child without crushing their spirit or being too controlling? Are there specific ways a parent can develop a connection