Inner Truth



Inner Truth looks at the central questions of human life, what does it mean to be human, and how can we be fully alive?Through weekly conversation, Inner Truth brings together leading thinkers, speakers and healers that are at the forefront of these questions. The discussions are aimed to inspire deep internal inquiry and positive change in the lives of listeners.


  • Kute Blackson: The Jedi’s Guide to Surrender

    04/05/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Kute Blackson is author of the national bestselling book You.Are.The.One. and is widely considered the next generation leader in the field of personal development by everyone ranging from Larry King, Jack Canfield, Marianne Williamson and more. He has been featured on Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Dr. Drew and Inc magazine calls him ‘The Mindfulness Guru Billionaires Go To For Advice’. His new book - The Magic of Surrender - talks about the most important and often most misunderstood aspect of spiritual expansion - letting go.

  • Bob Randklev: The Emotion Code

    27/04/2021 Duration: 59min

    Bob Randklev is a Holistic Life Coach, Energy Healer and Certified Emotion Code Practitioner. The Emotion Code is an energy healing technique was developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. The Emotion Code works by identifying and releasing emotional baggage. By using muscle testing, we can quickly identify and release hidden trapped emotions.  They are harmful emotional energies from negative past events you haven't processed. Trapped emotions can lead to depression and anxiety. Some people are blocked from love and happiness. Trapped emotions can make people feel disconnected from others.    In this conversation we discuss my recent 4 week experience clearing my Heart Wall with Bob.

  • Charles Stang: Meeting The Divine Within

    20/04/2021 Duration: 54min

    Charles Stang is a Professor of Early Christian Thought and Director of the Center for the Study of World Religions at Harvard Divinity School. His research and teaching focus on the history of Christianity in the context of the ancient Mediterranean world, especially Eastern varieties of Christianity. His most recent book, Our Divine Double, was published in 2016 by Harvard University Press, the book posits: “What if you were to discover that you were not entirely you, but rather one half of a whole, that you had, in other words, a divine double? In the second and third centuries CE, this idea gripped the religious imagination of the Eastern Mediterranean, providing a distinctive understanding of the self that has survived in various forms throughout the centuries, down to the present. Our Divine Double traces the rise of this ancient idea that each person has a divine counterpart, twin, or alter-ego, and the eventual eclipse of this idea with the rise of Christian conciliar orthodoxy.”

  • Ariya Lorenz: Accessing Oneness

    13/04/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Ariya Lorenz is a master energy practitioner who has been a confidante and healer for other professional master healers of the world including Hawaiian Kahunas, Shamans and Healers. For the past 14 years, Ariya has been performing over 1,000 private energy sessions per year, altogether over 10,000 private sessions with her clients — making her one of the most experienced energy practitioners on the planet today. Through her advanced energy work, she has been helping her clients experience extraordinary breakthroughs and life transformations. Her clients range from high-performance athletes, entrepreneurs and corporate executives to schools, businesses, children, animals and people who have never worked with a healer before. She herself lives a life of abundance, beauty, health, divine purpose, and love with an absolutely beautiful family. In short, Ariya can teach you exactly how to alchemize your dream life, effectively and efficiently across all spheres of your life.

  • Matt Ingram: How The Counter-Culture Invented The Wellness Industry

    06/04/2021 Duration: 54min

    A fanatic record-collector, Matthew Ingram started blogging as WOEBOT in 2003. The cult blog featured in articles in The Guardian, Slate, FACT and The Wire. He ended up writing features and reviews for The Wire and a column for FACT.  In his new book Retreat: How the Counterculture Invented Wellness, Matt explores the cultural history of the relationship between health and the counterculture, connecting the dots between the beats, yoga, meditation, psychedelics, psychoanalysis, Eastern philosophy, sex, and veganism, showing how the hippies still have a lot to teach us about our wellbeing.

  • David Nichtern: Spirituality, Creativity, and Being Successful

    30/03/2021 Duration: 59min

    David Nichtern is a senior Buddhist teacher, an Emmy award winning/Grammy nominated musician, and a successful entrepreneur. He was one of the original students of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche – a renowned Tibetan Buddhist meditation master who combined a contemporary, secular approach to meditation with the ancient practices and philosophies of Tibetan Buddhism. At the apex of a diverse and prolific career, David has become the Founder and CEO of Dharma Moon – an online mindfulness-based education platform and global community. His team offers meditation training and meditation teacher training, life and career coaching, and creative and business incubation based on the principles from his most recent book, “Creativity, Spirituality & Making A Buck,” (published in 2019 by Wisdom Publications). Dharma Moon has been established to help people integrate and balance their creative expression with their spiritual practice and livelihood. David has been the Director of Karme Choling Meditation Center in Vermont, D

  • Suzanne Ross: The Ascension Process

    25/03/2021 Duration: 58min

    Suzanne Ross is an author and spiritual teacher based in Sedona, Arizona. In December of 1995, Suzanne experienced a profound miracle that she describes as a divine intervention. In her first book, Wake Up! Awakening through Reflection, she shares this remarkable blessing and how it awakened her ability to channel higher intelligence and align with the authenticity of her highest self. In this second book in the UP! Trilogy, Rise Up! Awakening trough Revelation, Suzanne shares how 15 years later, during her walking meditations in 2010, she found herself shifting into higher dimensional experiences and moving through them as a crystalline light being. She became a disciple in the Vedantic Tradition after receiving a powerful initiation that propelled her into a profound sense of oneness. In one transcendent moment, she became fully aware of the infinite source illuminating all the realms with divine light of pure love. At the same time, the life force of her own kundalini energy activated her third eye and

  • Elena Brower: Shining Your Light

    16/03/2021 Duration: 52min

    Meditation & yoga teacher, artist, bestselling author and host of the Practice You Podcast, Elena has taught yoga and meditation since 1999. Her first book, Art of Attention, has been translated into seven languages, and her second, Practice You, is a bestseller. Her third book, Being You, was released in early 2021. Elena's yoga and meditation classes are on and her Essential Mentorship is beloved for bringing analog creativity to online coursework. She oversees a global team of teachers as a Double Diamond with doTERRA, and her spoken word work can be heard on Above & Beyond's Flow State albums.

  • David Krantz: The Alchemy of Personal Healing

    09/03/2021 Duration: 57min

    David Krantz is a certified Epigenetic Coach who specializes in boosting cognitive function and helping clients harness their creative and personal power. As a lifelong musician, David sees the various systems of the body as parts of a complex symphony. And, as a coach, he excels at fine-tuning those parts to create resonant harmonious health. The Science of Epigenetics is the study of how DNA dynamically interacts with the environment and the driving force behind how our DNA activates and expresses. Epigenetics assists us to understand the way in which our environmental cues impact not only our genes but also the genes of our prospective descendants. This emerging field of science validates that it is no longer a question about nature vs nurture, rather it is the dynamic interaction between the two that creates the outcome. David specializes in genetic interpretation and explores how a person can maximize their personal potential by studying the nuances of their unique genetic make up. 

  • Dr. Ido Cohen: Embracing Your Unconscious Mind

    23/02/2021 Duration: 40min

    Dr. Ido Cohen is a clinical psychologist who got his doctoral from the California Institute of Integral Studies. He practices relational and depth-oriented psychotherapy with individuals and couples in San Francisco. As his Doctoral research, he conducted a 6-year study on the integration process of ayahuasca ceremonies from a Jungian perspective and has been providing preparation and integration services to individuals/couples/ groups in the bay area. He is also the co-founder of The Integration Circle, a community of practitioners who offer integration circles as well as diverse support to those who are preparing or integrating experiences of expanded states of consciousness. Resources from this Episode:  Course: Psychedelics and The Shadow: The Shadow Side of Psychedelia  On Instagram: @theintegrationcircle Facebook: The Integration Circle 

  • Ravi Freeman: Kirtan, Kora, and the Expression Of Your Spirit

    16/02/2021 Duration: 54min

    Ravi Freeman is a multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, composer and one of the longest established Western players of the kora (West African harp), Ravi’s music is the result of a lifetime exploring the edge, through world music, devotional singing, indigenous cultures, throat singing and a journey that has taken him from India to the Amazon. “I have seen many musicians and performers in the last 20 years or more. Ravi Ji is not a performer or musician, he is greater than that. It is evident that he is deeply connected to something far greater than himself. Through this connection, he creates a sacred space where he, and those that participate with him, access deep meditative states, through heartfelt song, accompanied by Ravi’s delightful playing of musical instruments.” - Bhakti Rasa

  • Dr. Caroline Leaf: The Neuroscience Of The Conscious Life

    09/02/2021 Duration: 01h13min

    Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics from the University of Cape Town and the University of Pretoria in South Africa, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Since the early 1980s, she has researched the mind-brain connection, the nature of mental health and the formation of memory. She was one of the first in her field to study how the brain can change (neuroplasticity) with directed mind input. During her years in clinical practice and her work with thousands of underprivileged teachers and students in her home country of South Africa and in the USA, she developed her theory (called the Geodesic Information Processing theory) of how we think, build memory and learn, creating practical guides and tools that have transformed the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), learning disabilities (ADD, AD

  • Natalie Miles: Connecting To Your Inner Truth

    02/02/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    Natalie Miles is a Channeler for the Collective, Psychic Medium, Writer, Speaker and Host of the top spiritual podcast on iTunes, “So You Think You’re Intuitive?” It’s her mission to make intuition accessible and be the “door opener” for others to connect to their intuition. Intuition is for everyone. We all can connect to our inner truth and power. She believes that everyone is born intuitive, but through societal conditioning and ancestral shame most people have repressed how to use their natural gifts. Natalie guides people to reactivate the gifts that we were all born with. Natalie shares that by connecting to your intuition and experiencing a Spiritual Reactivation the focus isn’t on “love and light intuition”. It’s not to be used as a tool for Spiritual Bypassing. It’s about using your gifts to support you to heal your pain, shadow and limiting beliefs. A journey to become a conscious intuitive for the collective and the world we live in.

  • Edward M. Adams: What The World Needs Now Is More Kind Men

    01/12/2020 Duration: 54min

    Edward M. Adams, PsyD, is a psychologist in private practice for over thirty years. He founded the nonprofit organization Men Mentoring Men and has facilitated over one thousand men's meetings, workshops, and retreats. As president of the American Psychological Association's Division 51, Adams helped usher in the landmark "APA Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Boys and Men" in 2018. He has written or cowritten articles for Fortune, Inc., and Wired and is the coauthor of three books. His latest book, Reinventing Masculinity: The Liberating Power of Compassion and Connection, explores the conventional notion of what it means to be a man. What he calls "Confined Masculinity"--traps men in an emotional straitjacket; steers them toward selfishness, misogyny, and violence; and severely limits their possibilities. As an antidote, he proposes a new paradigm: Liberating Masculinity. It builds on traditional masculine roles like the protector and provider, expanding men's options to include caring, collaborati

  • Dr. W Keith Campbell: Living In The Age of Narcissism

    24/11/2020 Duration: 49min

    William Keith Campbell is an American social psychologist known for his research on narcissism. He is a professor in the Department of Psychology in the University of Georgia's Franklin College of Arts and Sciences.   In The New Science of Narcissism, Dr. W Keith Campbell pulls back the curtain on narcissism, presenting the most recent psychological, personality, and social research into the phenomenon.

  • Matt Licata PhD: The Inner Journey Of Healing

    17/11/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Matt Licata, PhD, is an author and psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado who works with individuals, couples, and groups worldwide. His work focuses on the integration of Western developmental therapy with contemplative, mindfulness-oriented approaches to personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual transformation. He is editor of A Healing Space blog, where he writes about the nature of a somatically-grounded path of intimacy, vulnerability, and healing in the modern world. Matt is author of The Path is Everywhere: Uncovering the Jewels Hidden Within You (Wandering Yogi Press, 2017) and the newly released A Healing Space: Befriending Ourselves in Difficult Times (Sounds True, 2020). This conversation centres around his new book A Healing Space: Befriending Ourselves in Difficult Times and explores the multi-faceted nature of our personal healing journey and all the ways it challenges us to find deeper and deeper realms of self-compassion, self-nature, and self love.

  • Neda Nenadic: The Beat Is A Lover That Never Disappoints

    10/11/2020 Duration: 01h41min

    "The beat is a lover that never disappoints and, like all lovers, it demands 100 percent surrender. We dance to fall in love with the spirit in all things." - Gabrielle Roth   Neda Nenadic is a 5Rhythms dance teacher that has been practicing for 30 years. A dear friend and my own dance teacher, in this conversation she shares what dancing for 30 years has taught her about mind, body, soul, and life.    Credits to the songs go to Robert Ansell at Raven Recordings: 5Rhythms website: Neda's Instagram: Neda's Facebook: The Robert Swan Foundation: Bellicon:

  • Dr. Joan Rosenberg: The Psychology of Feeling

    03/11/2020 Duration: 47min

    Joan I. Rosenberg, PhD is a highly regarded psychologist, master clinician, trainer and consultant with over 35 years experience in the field. Dr Rosenberg has worked as a Staff Psychologist and as a graduate professor at Pepperdine University. She has been recognized for her thought leadership and influence in personal development and has given hugely successful and inspirational TEDx Talks on Emotional Mastery, watched by over 7 million viewers on YouTube. Her most recent book, 90 Seconds to a Life You Love describes a simple formula: 1 choice. 8 feelings. 90 seconds.

  • Jonathan Hammond: The Shaman's Mind

    27/10/2020 Duration: 52min

    Jonathan Hammond is an author, spiritual teacher, energy healer, shamanic practitioner, and spiritual counselor. He is a graduate of Harvard University and The University of Michigan. Jonathan is a certified Master Teacher in Shamanic Reiki, Usui and Karuna Reiki. He is on the Advanced Graduate Studies Advisor for Shamanic Reiki Worldwide and an ordained Alakai (teacher/guide) in the Hawaiian Shamanic tradition through Aloha International. He teaches classes in Shamanism, Energy Healing, Reiki, Huna and Ho’oponopono at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, The One Spirit Learning Alliance and other major venues around the world. He has privately studied shamanism, meditation, energy healing and the chakras with some of the most prominent teachers and healers in North and South America; as well as apprenticeships with shamans of Brazil, Bali, Nicaragua, Mexico and Hawaii. Before moving into his work in holistic health, Jonathan had a successful career as an award-winning actor appearing on Broadway and Tel

  • David Newell: I Just Had My Past Lives Read... Here's What Happened Next

    20/10/2020 Duration: 46min

    Following on from my podcast with renowned past lives psychic Ainslie McLeod, I jumped into a personal reading with the big man himself to reveal some pretty crazy stuff about my past! What happened afterwards was even more unusual. Listen in for the background on past lives, how they can help you remap past experiences and relationships, and are surprisingly beneficial stories for the soul.

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