Inner Truth



Inner Truth looks at the central questions of human life, what does it mean to be human, and how can we be fully alive?Through weekly conversation, Inner Truth brings together leading thinkers, speakers and healers that are at the forefront of these questions. The discussions are aimed to inspire deep internal inquiry and positive change in the lives of listeners.


  • Paul Selig: The Alchemy Of Your Life

    13/10/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Paul Selig is one of the foremost spiritual channels in the world. Born in New York, a spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant with access to spiritual guides.⁠ ⁠ Since 2010 he has channeled a series of truly remarkable and best-selling books. The Book Of Truth, The Book Of Mastery, The Book of Wisdom, have become incredible contributions to the field of self discovery.⁠ His most recent book, Alchemy looks at how we can transform what we see before us into the divine. Alchemy is the second volume in the successful Beyond the Known trilogy. It is composed of the pure, unedited words of the Guides as they share wisdom that will lead to metamorphosis and transfiguration.

  • Hamilton Souther: The Power Of Plant Dietas

    06/10/2020 Duration: 01h48s

    Hamilton Souther is a Master Shaman and the Founder of Blue Morpho Retreat Center in Peru. In 2002, after graduating university as an Anthropologist, at the age of 23, Hamilton opened the first healing center in the Peruvian Amazon focusing on Amazonian natural medicine and the sustainable use of Amazonian Visionary Medicines. He was the first person in this field to be globally covered by western media including National Geographic Adventure, The New York Times, Oprah Magazine and Time. Since COVID, Hamilton is spearheading the movement of wellness and lifestyle retreats from home via the Triniti retreat program  In this conversation we talk about the not-often known discussed topics of plant dietas, that is fasting and consuming only a small selection of herbs to imbue and imbibe their spiritual qualities. The ancient practice can be done from home and is incredibly powerful for renewal.  

  • Back With A Bang...! (Introducing Transcendence)

    30/09/2020 Duration: 42min

    Friends! It's is so good to be back after a 2 month hiatus over the Summer to rest and refresh my weary soul! Much of the downtime was spent finishing the next step of the Sphinx Code archetypal journey that so many of you signed up for in April this year (Destiny)! Today I'm so excited to announced the release of the next step, Transcendence! This brand new course goes from the 6 archetypes of Destiny to all 16 archetypes of your full Sphinx Code Blueprint! Now we explore your full feminine and masculine archetypes looking at how they impact your work and intimate relationships. Over an 8-part journey I teach you how to read your own archetypal blueprint and get some incredible psychological insight into your inner being as well know your soul mission ahead. This week's episode talks about the journey in full. To sign up, go to the Transcendence Course. The program is $395, paid via an accountability deposit scheme so that you can try the course and if aren't sufficiently amazed, contact us for a full refund

  • David Newell: My Summer Holiday + Reading List

    05/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    It's time for a summer break :) Here's what I'm reading: 1) Spirit Hacking - Shaman Durek 2) Tantra: The Supreme Understanding - Osho 3) To Be A Man - Robert Augustus Masters PHD 4) The Law Of One (The Ra Material) Have a beautiful Summer! D x

  • Ainslie Macleod: Why Your Past Matters More Than You Might Think

    21/07/2020 Duration: 59min

    For more than a decade, Ainslie MacLeod has used his talents as a psychic to explore the soul and its effects on human beliefs and behavior. Collaborating with elevated spirit guides, he developed the Instruction as a way to help each of us understand our own personal destiny. Originally from Aberdeen, Scotland, he currently lives in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, where, from his office on a tranquil island, he offers psychic guidance to clients worldwide. 

  • Christina Rasmussen: Journeying To The Other Side

    14/07/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Christina Rasmussen is an internationally recognized grief educator and author of Second Firsts. She is the founder of The Life Reentry Institute, Second Firsts, and Star Letters. Christina has been featured as a “Woman Working to Do Good” in the White House Blog. Her work has also appeared NPR, ABC News, and  Her latest book Where Did You Go?  explores the science and spirituality of connecting with loved ones that have passed away by connecting to their consciousness through the unified quantum field.

  • Ervin László: Quantum Consciousness

    07/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    Ervin László is a Hungarian philosopher of science, systems theorist, integral theorist, originally a classical pianist. Twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, is editor of the international periodical World Futures: The Journal of General Evolution and Chancellor-Designate of the newly formed GlobalShift University. He is the author of 83 books translated into 21 languages. László's most famous work, his 2004 book Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything posits a field of information as the substance of the cosmos. He calls this information field the "Akashic field" or "A-field". He posits that the "quantum vacuum" is the fundamental energy and information-carrying field that informs not just the current universe, but all universes past and present (collectively, the metaverse) László believes that such an informational field can explain why our universe appears to be fine-tuned so as to form galaxies and conscious lifeforms; and why evolution is an informed, not random, process. H

  • Jeff Brown: The Problems Of Modern Spirituality

    30/06/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Jeff Brown is the author of 5 best-selling books: Soulshaping: A Journey of Self-Creation, Ascending with Both Feet on the Ground, Love It Forward, An Uncommon Bond, and Spiritual Graffiti. He is also the producer of the award-winning spiritual documentary, Karmageddon, which starred Ram Dass, Seane Corn, David Life, Deva Premal and Miten. After writing a series of inspirations for ABC'S 'Good Morning America' in early, 2010, and appearing on Fox and dozens of radio shows, Jeff wrote the viral blog 'Apologies to the Divine Feminine (from a warrior in transition)' that autumn, catapulting him to notoriety. His new terms and short writings became a phenomenon some years ago, and continue to be shared by seekers and growers worldwide. His quotes have been shared in social media by songstresses Alanis Morrissette and Fergie, Sophie Gregoire Trudeau (the wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) and many other well-known figures. Most beautifully, they have touched and benefited millions of souls. J

  • Eben Alexander & Karen Newell: A Neurosurgeon's Journey Into The After-Life and Back Again

    23/06/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Eben Alexander III is an American neurosurgeon and New York Times bestselling author. His book Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife describes his 2008 near-death experience (NDE) and explains that science can and will determine that the brain does not create consciousness and that consciousness survives bodily death.  In 2008 Eben fell into a spontaneous a meningitis-induced coma for 8 days which led him into the spirit realm to commune with entities that described the true nature of reality to him. Since the release of the book, he has presented hundreds of lectures around the world in churches, hospitals, medical schools, and academic symposia, besides appearing on TV shows including Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey. Alexander has also expanded on his NDE in the Congress of Neurological Surgeons and the peer-reviewed Journal of the Missouri State Medical Association. He is also the author of the 2014 book The Map of Heaven which builds on the claims in his previous book, and coau

  • Niraj Naik: Supernatural Breathing

    16/06/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Niraj Naik is the founder of the popular breathing modality Soma Breath, a system that combines yogic breathing exercises with modern wellness modalities. He developed the system after an existential crisis that changed him forever. Also known as the Renegade Pharmacist - Niraj is a popular health, wellness, and breathwork teacher. Initially working as a community pharmacist in the UK he quickly realized that instead of helping people actually get better, his role was actually just to medicate. This reality caused him a lot of stress which initially manifested itself into a chronic autoimmune condition called Ulcerative Colitis. After years studying, self-healing and experimenting with different modalities, Niraj combined his vast knowledge of breathwork, yoga, brainwave music and guided meditation techniques to create SOMA Breathwork. In this conversation we discuss the power of the breath to heal the body and guide you to transcendent states of awareness.

  • Alistair Moes: How To Deal With Anger

    09/06/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    Alistair is an International Anger Management Expert and Author, who has been working with people worldwide, and professionally as a counsellor/educator since 1989 and as an anger management specialist in private practice since 1995.  Alistair has worked with those who have enormous challenges in the world: from high performance business leaders, gold medal winning Olympic and professional athletes and people that are close to homeless. As he puts it, anger is an equal opportunity emotion.  Recorded before the tragic death of George Floyd and the global outbreak of civil rights protests in response, this conversation is perhaps more timely than ever.

  • Sophia Rokhlin: What To Know About Ayahuasca

    02/06/2020 Duration: 56min

    Ayahuasca is a psychoactive tea that has a long history of ritual use among indigenous groups of the Upper Amazon. Made from the ayahuasca vine and the leaves of a shrub, ayahuasca is associated with healing in collective ceremonies and in more intimate contexts, generally under the direction of specialist an ayahuasquero, experienced practitioners who guide the ceremony and the drinkers experience. Ayahuasca has gained significant popularity in recent years in cities around the world. Ceremonies happen nightly and Hollywood stars, Wall Street players and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs now drink the brew.  This week Sophia Rokhlin, ethnobotanist, anthropologist, speaker, and co-author of the book When Plants Dream, is on the podcast to explore the economic, social, political, cultural and environmental impact that ayahuasca is having on society. 

  • Stefan Jovanović: How To Uncover Your Family Patterns

    26/05/2020 Duration: 51min

    Stefan Jovanović is an architect, dance-theatre-maker, and trained facilitator in Systemic Family Constellations. Developed by Bert Hellinger, the German psychotherapist, Family Constellations are a way of working with and through issues within human systems (particularly within family). In Systemic Constellations, a model of a family (a system) is set up with volunteer representatives, objects or guided visualizations. Participants are chosen to represent members or elements of the family or organization that is being addressed. In this process hidden and unexpected dynamics operating within the system are revealed and addressed in a way that aims to find a healthy and respectful place for all members of the system in question. A bedrock principle is that each family system has a conscience that requires that all members be connected and remembered in a particular way. If someone in the system is not remembered correctly then younger members, out of love or the need to belong, can become "entangled" with the

  • Rick Hanson Ph.D: 7 Steps To The Highest Happiness

    19/05/2020 Duration: 57min

    Rick Hanson Ph.D. is a neuropsychologist, speaker, meditation teacher, and the NY Times best-selling author of Hardwiring Happiness, Buddha’s Brain, and Resilience. For over 30 years he has been researching neuroplasticity and the impact of meditation and mindfulness practices on the human mind. His work has been featured on the BBC, CBS, and NPR, as well as in talks at NASA, Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard. A recurring theme in his work is the need for mental resources such as mindfulness, self-compassion, and positive emotions. We acquire these resources through learning, but there has been remarkably little attention paid to the actual “how” of growing such inner strengths. His latest book - Neurodharma - distils this wisdom into 7 scientifically proven and anciently practiced ways to gradually transform your mind for long-lasting well being. When I first started Inner Truth, Rick was on my “dream list”. Now, 2 and a bit years later, here we are :)

  • Sanjay Rawal: Achieving The Impossible (Running the 3100)

    12/05/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Sanjay Rawal is a documentary filmmaker, student of the legendary Sri Chinmoy, and a lifelong runner. In this week's conversation, we talk about his latest film 3100: Run and Become, which documents the Self Transcendence run, a 3,100-mile race around the same New York City block. It is the biggest race in the word and has the least fanfare and no prize. The race starts with a 1-minute meditation & ends 52 days/3,100 miles later. Participants must cover at least 50 miles per day. The most decorated winner doesn’t care about nutrition and has completed the 3,100-mile race 14 times. In the conversation we talk about what is possible when you're aligned to a higher power.

  • Traver Boehm: What's The Story With Men These Days?

    05/05/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    Traver Boehm is the founder the Man Uncivilized Movement with the mission to transform how a million men view and express their masculinity by reconnecting them to their inner strength, leadership, and emotional intelligence. He is an ex MMA fighter, a TEDx speaker and published author. “We’re here to show men another way of being. To get them to embrace their innate duality. To own their power and use it responsibly. To express their greatness without apology. To be the men the world so desperately needs right now. We’re here to uncivilize millions of men, then gift them to the world — as heart-centered leaders, an undeniable force to be reckoned with.” In this conversation we dive into how and why men are fucked up in 21st century culture and what tides of change are happening to bring masculinity back into alignment with maturity.

  • Panache Desai: How To Be Transcendent In Turbulent Times

    28/04/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    Panache Desai is a bestselling author, thought leader, and life catalyst whose presence and power of insight have transformed many thousand individuals, organizations, and companies. He has appeared with Oprah on her show Super Soul Sundays and has been praised by numerous spiritual leaders including Deepak Chopra. His latest book You Are Enough launches right into the heart of the human challenge of feeling whole. He argues that the soul--whole, unbroken, at peace, and one with the life source--isn't a destination. It already exists within each of us, just waiting to be revealed. When we are in union with our soul, we experience a personal evolution that not only illuminates our individual cosmic purpose but helps us to engage the sense of purpose and presence necessary to remake the world itself. Returning to Inner Truth for the second time in 2 months, we took the opportunity to talk about the lessons from his latest book and how to apply them to ignite your inner light during this period of turbulence.

  • David Newell: The Privilege Of A Lifetime Is To Be Who You Are (Introducing Destiny)

    21/04/2020 Duration: 57min

    A year in the making and I'm honoured and privileged today to bring to the world one of the most powerful tools I've found in my years of self discovery. In my experience I've seen that as humans we are all programmed with subconscious patterns through childhood that can block our true nature and as a result we can end up living off course, off-purpose or doubting our gifts. So much of our true nature lies in the depths of our subconscious mind and our deepest longing and really the spiritual journey is to unveil that mystery to live in harmony with it. We were each born with a unique purpose and a soul path that can be revealed by the archetypal code of our subconscious. And today we launch The Destiny Course which through the ancient wisdom of the Tarot and Numerology in the Sphinx Code, unveils these precise insights for your persona life. In today's pod I talk about my own experience with it over the last 3 years, including some of the insane insights its given me and how much it has been able to reveal

  • Kute Blackson: Now Is The Time To Fulfil Your True Purpose

    14/04/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Lockdowns have us all indoors contemplating “what next?” and I can’t help feeling let’s not go back to normal please. On some level we all chose this. We chose to be here, at this point in time, dealing with this situation, to search inside for what really matters and to deliver upon what are we supposed to be doing on planet Earth. And so I think the question really is, what was normal for you before and what could be different after this? If there’s a flame of something inside you that can be nurtured, now is the time to do so. If you’ve been sat on a book, a song, a course, a painting, an instrument,  a poem, now is the time to pick that up. To use this period for your cultivation, your awakening, and for your gifting to others. This crisis could be the greatest deliverance of your true gifts. This week, best-selling author and transformational truth-teller, Kute Blackson (@kuteblackson) joined me to share an awe-inspiring call to bring your light to the world right now because it needs it. We talk about t

  • Dr. Miles Neale: Coping With Your Shadow In Isolation

    07/04/2020 Duration: 01h05min

    Week 2 (or 3) of this great global experiment in social isolation has been throwing up all sorts of shadow aspects in our homes and in our lives. I have personally found myself staring into some of my most punitive, frustrating, and angry patterns as a lack of distraction brings little escape! Social isolation, lack of exercise, and financial uncertainty are almost certainly going to lead to deteriorating mental health around the world.  And with this likely to be a medium term feature in our lives, it's important we get real with it and learn how to do with our shadow aspects. This week, fan-favourite and official coiner of the term "McMindfulness" - Dr. Miles Neale - comes back on the show to talk about how the pandemic meets all criteria of trauma, what impact that is having on our nervous systems, and how to navigate this most giant of hero's journeys we have each been initiated into in our own way. Dr. Miles Neale is a contemplative psychotherapist based in New York and one of the leading voices of the c

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