Grit And Grace



Grit and Grace Podcast with Tahverlee is about strong women doing amazing things in business, fitness and crushing life! Tahverlee interviews some of the most remarkable women who have been so helpful in her entrepreneurial journey and shares the trials and triumphs on their success.


  • Never Stop Learning

    17/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    Today, Tahverlee reflects on her journey of being a lifelong student. Learning new things is so important and a big passion of Tahverlee's. Never stop learning! Learning opens us up to so many amazing things. And think about it, by simply learning something every day, you actually become a new person. Even if you learn about something you think you already knew, you might open yourself up to a whole different viewpoint. We all see those positive affirmation posts on social media; Always Grow, Achieve Your Goals, Be Better Than You Were Yesterday. Those are great, but you need more than just words. How will you grow if you don't learn? Read books, listen to podcasts, take a course. And not just because you have to for work or school, but because you want to expand your mind and be a better person.Research proves that lifelong learning significantly reduces how your brain deteriorates as you age. Learn resiliency, learn something that might take you out of your current beliefs. It's always worth looking at new

  • Own Your True Power

    03/05/2021 Duration: 46min

    On this episode of Grit and Grace, Tahverlee is joined by Kelly Dawn. Kelly is a Spiritual Entrepreneur who began practicing witchcraft in her early teens. After putting her craft aside for years, she has now returned to her true calling. Today, Kelly is an intuitive coach for driven, ambitious witches and spiritual CEOs.Tahverlee calls Kelly a “Spiritual Disruptor.” Kelly pushes the edges of not caring about what anyone else says or practices; that is the true heart of sovereignty. In the beginning, Kelly was afraid of being judged by others for her beliefs. But one day, she felt strongly called to open up and truly own her power. Kelly thought, "screw it if I can't be myself in my own business, what the hell am I doing?"To start owning your own truth, Kelly suggests thinking about the conversations you have when you are not online; when you are just talking to friends over coffee. Who are you then, and how can you bring more of that into your online life and business? Kelly's spiritual path has led her down

  • Sink into the Space Between

    19/04/2021 Duration: 20min

    The amount of outside noise we take into our bodies every day is overwhelming. We are bombarded by social media and our constant virtual interactions with people, especially in the past "pandemic" year. With all of the energy that comes at us daily from our smartphones, work, and family, we don't take enough time to be in silence. The golden part of silence comes when we consciously choose to eliminate all outside noise.Build a practice around silence by gifting yourself a silent retreat. Cut out all distractions; no alarms, notices, calendar reminders, just silence. You can still schedule in time to do some work, but for the most part, embrace the silence. Plan your silent retreat by first giving yourself permission, letting go of expectations, and beginning a digital detox. This is an inward journey to build trust and honor with yourself. Listen to your inner knowing, your inner voice, connect more deeply with your truth. You can't do that with a consent flow of noise coming at you. We are always on th

  • Bring Your Vision Into Reality

    22/03/2021 Duration: 12min

    Today, Tahverlee teaches us how to sink deeper into our planning, so our feelings resonate and align with our goals. Earlier this year, Tahverlee joined Michelle Zellner's online vision board event and shared unique ways to bring your vision for 2021 to life. How many times have you made a list of goals only to find a year later that you did not achieve any of them? Your body has to be in alignment with your plans to make them a reality. Think about how you feel in all areas where you are creating vision; work, relationships, home. Create a space to feel what is happening in the moment in your body. Close your eyes, take three deep cleansing breaths in and out, visualize your goal in your mind's eye, hold that vision and think about how your body feels when this goal is realized. Allow that feeling to expand throughout your body; fill yourself with that feeling. Breath deeply and open your eyes. Do this process with everything on your vision board continually throughout the year. Align your body with your goa

  • Healing With The Elements

    08/03/2021 Duration: 21min

    Today, Tahverlee takes us on a journey of embracing the elements as healing portals to keep our bodies in an optimal state of health. Our society’s healthcare system focuses on sickness, rather than health. We are offered treatments, but not given solutions on how to keep our bodies in an optimal state of health. Viruses are nothing new, we have had them since humans came into being. But, if our bodies are strong, we can produce the antibodies needed to fight viruses.As an “experienced” human, Tahverlee has gone through significant health journeys. There is a place for western medicine and medication. But at the simplest level, we need good elements to maintain optimal health; good soil, nutrients, water, clean air, and sun.The fuel we put in our bodies dictates everything. If we fill our diets with bad foods that use so much energy to process, we give up energy that we need for good health. If we don’t prefilter the foods and water we eat, then our body becomes the filter.Using the elements as healing p

  • Reflections on Death

    01/02/2021 Duration: 13min

    Tahverlee challenges your thinking about death. Grab a paper and pen and go deeply inward to reflect about change, cycles and transformation. Both physical death and small deaths of our old selves as we walk the awakening path, is the focus of this show.Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, Temple Keeper, and Founder at Tahverlee's FACEBOOK

  • Less Doing, More Feeling

    27/01/2021 Duration: 35min

    Today I'm talking to my friend, my fellow ritualist, and one of our teachers at the Moon Temple Mystery School, Gina (GG), who teaches Sx Magic class, the ultimate transformation.GG is amazing at being able to hold unconditional loving spaces for people to be truly seen and heard.  A lot of people are confused about what a Sx Magic class is and what type of transformation is involved (no, we are not taking off our clothes). It's about getting out of the doing of daily life and getting into the feeling. Being disconnected from our bodies, especially in Western society is all too common these days.GG explains that during a Sx Magic class people will experience how to get more in touch with their body and become more aware of areas to explore for themselves and their healing. You can find out more about the classes GG runs at www.moontempleschool.comTahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, Temple Keeper and Founder at Tahverlee's Tribe.www.moontempleschool.comwww.corporatecauseagency.comwww.tahv

  • Whose Rules Do You Live By?

    12/01/2021 Duration: 15min

    The impact of fear and the breakdown of patterning is creating ripples across all our lives. In this episode, we explore the topic of rules. And whose you live by and why. When was the last time you actually sat down and looked at your values and if you are really living them or if you are living by someone else’s rules.This is a reflection episode, grab a paper and pen and get ready to go deep! FACEBOOK

  • The Record of Your Soul

    07/12/2020 Duration: 53min

    DD Haeg who has been on the show several times is back and if you’ve heard her speak before, you’ll know that she is the expert in living soulful, sensual, and sovereign. The question, ‘how can pleasure be your guide?’ is the basis of her work with Akashic Records, Sex and Intimacy. DD gives readings to people who are confused about their life purpose or are repeating patterns in their lives in manifestation, alignment, ancestral lineage, relationships, money, and life purpose.In this episode, we dive deep into Akashic records and the question of what is soul. (Akashic records are your ability to tap into a vibrational field to discover where your soul has been in previous lives) We also unpack the benefits of having your own reading with Dee Dee and how you can tap into your own Akashic records using prayer, ritual, and heart & breath.DD believes that the soul is infinite and expansive, truth and essence and that when we’re out of alignment with our soul we can feel like a fish swimming upstream and

  • Sacred Gifts

    23/11/2020 Duration: 42min

    Elowan of Sacred Evolution joins me on this week's show, to discuss the idea of gift exchange as a business model and how we can use the laws of reciprocity in our work to reach the people who need it. Elowan’s journey started by trying to save the world externally with nonprofit work before realizing the internal journey was the work he needed to do.We also discover how plant medicine opened Elowan up to the realization that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience and we are all here to change the world in some way.We dive deep into the plant medicine ceremonies and the powerful positive effects which helps to clear attachments and deeply connect back to our true selves.You can find out more about Elowan and Sacred Evolution at which is a gift based community for change.Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, Temple Keeper and Founder at Tahverlee's FACEBOOK https://www.

  • A Vessel for Lightworkers

    26/10/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Tahverlee is joined by Pedro Garcia, who set out on his spiritual journey seeking to find an answer to his depression and anxiety. Along his journey, he came to understand that he had the power to create a better life for himself. All Pedro needed was to have the skill set necessary to live a new life purpose. He found his skill set within the principles of the Inca Shamans. He trained as an Inca Shaman and learned how to use ancient tools to help create a new purpose and bring light into this world with God's help. Pedro has become the master of his own story through the old principle of self-reliance. Pedro is a geek at heart. His love of metaphors in the stories found in T.V. shows, movies, comics, and books help him explain ancient shamanic principles. Pedro loves gaining an understanding of modern culture through finding connections between different mediums and formats to explain his process and concepts. By doing this, he brings a modern experience to ancient wisdom. Today Pedro has extended his skills

  • Why We Work with the Dark Goddess

    05/10/2020 Duration: 44min

    In this episode of Grit and Grace, Tahverlee speaks with Heather Dawn (Mishi) about the concept of darkness as reflection of light. Mishi ultimately teaches that fearing the darkness within us is denying ourselves half of ourselves. Toward the end of the episode, she advocates for this, saying, “no one wants a 50-percenter.” Moving on, they briefly discuss Mishi’s tattoos of dark goddesses, one of them being Lilith. Mishi loves Lilith for her history of empowering her voice. Do we call on the dark goddesses when we need them? It’s really important to get in touch with the right dark goddesses so that you can understand and make use of the dark goddess’s energy. They also briefly talk about the mythology of Lilith in the Jewish tradition, the rising up of the woman as the snake, and the nourishing nature of destruction — how it heals and empowers.Death and rebirth is a recurring theme. This leads Tahverlee and Mishi to ask: what exactly is destructive? You also need to consider the many paths of witchcraf

  • Working with Tarot

    17/09/2020 Duration: 43min

    On this episode of Grit and Grace, Tahverlee speaks with Shoshanna French about divination and the tarot. Shoshanna briefly discusses how she was introduced to tarot and how it turned on her clairaudience. Though tarot can be an everyday thing, Shoshanna shows that it is also a powerful tool she’s deeply connected to. If you’re just getting into tarot, you need to just choose a deck that’s beautiful to you. The traditional decks are easier for new people because they’re most likely already pretty familiar with them. There are some basics you need to learn, but after you do that, there’s a lot of room to play, Shoshanna says. The tarot is ultimately about the pathway of human beingness. As far as the history of tarot goes, it’s hard to say where it originated. Tarot has a long history of being read across the world. Though it made its way to France as a card game, the rise of “spiritualism” and mysticism in the West really brought tarot to the fore as a mainstay in the occult. Shoshanna explains the difference

  • Remembering Why You Came Here

    01/09/2020 Duration: 53min

    Tahverlee talks all about archetypes with one of the top experts in the field, Ephraim Mallery. Ephraim will be teaching a class at Moon Temple Mystery School. In this episode you’ll learn what it will be like to go through the class and go through the process of owning the different stories we all live. Tahverlee and Ephraim start by defining archetypes. Ephraim says they are universal stories and if you understand the archetypes you came into this life with, you realize that those are the stories you want to live and the lessons you want to learn. Remembering that we chose this lifetime and that we wanted to live it all helps us through times of trial and tribulation. Ephraim then goes on to discuss some of the different archetypes, such as the knight, the damsel, the mother, the trickster, and the eternal child. How does he start people on the journey to discovering their archetypes? First, they must come to know and feel the 12 core archetypes, then understand what their archetype feels like in their body

  • Changes Coming to This Show

    24/08/2020 Duration: 31min

    Tahverlee shares the changes that are coming to this show and why. The highlights include:*The collective awakening taking place*How spirituality weaves into all aspects of our lives*The gift of breath, which is life*Tools to help you navigate all the changes our world is experiencing*How to step out of fear and into alignmentMore info can be found at or on Facebook or Instagram at MoonTempleSchool.

  • Meet the Twin Psychics

    17/08/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    On this episode of Grit and Grace, Tahverlee is joined by world-renowned psychics, mediums, and healers Chinhee and Sunhee Park. After being raised in a Catholic household where they experienced trauma and were not permitted to express their gifts, both twins at age 27 were victims of separate assaults and had out-of-body encounters as they faced death. From this moment on, they committed their lives to growing their gifts and using them to help others. Looking back, they both believe that they were born with their gifts – in fact, they say that everyone in the world has these gifts if they are willing to train and express them – and they knew early on that they were special. When they were 15, they both had visions of their mother passing away and she did shortly after.Chinhee and Sunhee have found that trauma is usually the catalyst for people recognizing and expressing their gifts, and while these traumatic experiences are atrocious, they are blessings in disguise in that they allow the person to tap into

  • #123 Briana Lynn Returns

    15/07/2020 Duration: 47min

    On this episode of Grit and Grace, Tahverlee is joined a second time, with Rev. Briana Lynn. They discuss spirituality, prayer, systematic oppression, and the work we all need to do in ourselves and in the world. Briana outlines a historical description of how and when oppression began and how it has continued to permeate our society, affecting our social, political, spiritual, and economic systems. Much, if not all, of this oppression was orchestrated by Catholicism and Christianity and Briana discusses the many ways that these institutions are responsible for the racism, classism, genderism, and stratification of society.Briana says that when you really start to dig deeper into who is pulling the strings behind the structures and the origins of the world, you will find that there is really no one there. She purports that there is no good vs. evil as so many people have been taught to believe and that ethics cannot be mandated by law, but that the most essential way to live is by honoring the emergent ethics

  • Real Talk with Isah

    06/07/2020 Duration: 46min

    Tahverlee’s guest on this episode of Grit and Grace is Isah Maazing, a fitness coach, Grrrl ambassador, and cultural influencer. Isah was gracious enough to take the time to have this conversation with us to discuss the recent uprising against racial injustice in the U.S. Isah and Tahverlee start out the episode talking about social distancing and the ways in which this quarantine provided the perfect opportunity for people to become aware of the atrocities that have been perpetrated against the Black community for hundreds of years. Although of course we wish this awareness could have come without the loss of life, but the past few weeks have been a wake up call for many groups all over the country, particularly white men and women, who were not previously aware of the plights of minority groups.Isah describes her experience living as a Black woman in the military and explains that while she might not experience blatant racism on a daily basis, she does experience microaggressions very frequently by people w

  • #121 Raw and Passionate Transformation

    29/06/2020 Duration: 55min

    You are in for a treat, Sabrina Lynn joins the show to talk about the feminine reclamation, spiritual awakening and how she transforms the lives of thousands of women around the globe.Sabrina Lynn, founder of ​ReWilding For Women​, has had a profound impact on thousands of women across the globe. She is one of the most provocative, raw and passionate personal development trainers in the world.Known internationally for her unique workshops on spiritual growth, reclamation of the divine feminine and the awakening path that is unique to women, Sabrina has designed and developed remarkably effective transformational practices that address awakening in mind, body, and heart.Sabrina brings 13 years of teaching, speaking, facilitating, and coaching experience to her work, having taught at some of the largest organizations in Australia. She has studied, practiced and taught archetypal psychology, neuroscience, leadership, shamanism, energetic healing, meditation, astrology, tantra, physiology and mind-body connection

  • #120 Why Diversity Training is Failing

    22/06/2020 Duration: 47min

    At a time when critical conversations matter the most, Summer Nettles joins to show to share her expertise on what is working and what is not working when it comes to equality.Note, we had a few technical difficulties near the end, but we still made sure not to miss a single portion for you!Summer is an emmy-award-winning videographer, certified conflict resolution facilitator and adjunct professor of communications. She decided to leave television news after defeating Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma in 2014. Since then she has worked with local and state government agencies on everything from documentary films highlighting the disparities present in Denver's communities of color to developing strategic communications plans for social media outreach. Today Nettles serves as the CEO of her own company, Greater Purpose Media, LLC., and she is the first person ever invited to serve as an Artist in Residence for AMP'd Media's Women of Color podcast incubator program. Look for her new podcast "Say That Sis" a podcast f

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