All That Glitters



The real and raw of all things health and fitness.


  • This will either comfort you or confront you

    18/09/2023 Duration: 54min

    Today’s episode will either comfort you or confront you. It’s a lot insights from the last few weeks of my life. I also answer many questions a lot of you have asked me recently, tough conversations I’ve had to have, and life lessons I want to open up about so you know you’re not alone.  We talk about: -nice versus kind -staying stuck in the past -being focused on the problem -choosing to be stuck -identifying with labels -being your own hero -independent women -stop procrastinating Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 1:26 feedback and honestly 9:58 being solution oriented 14:30 hurt people hurt people 19:45 choosing your suffering 22:45 you are your own hero 30:00 a word to women 38:30 understanding your why 44:01 who are you surrounded by CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free FB Community: : TikTok: Email Li

  • Shattered Assumptions with Josh Smith

    13/09/2023 Duration: 01h33min

    Today, I speak with Dr. Joshua Smith, a Psychologist specializing in chronic illness, pain, relationships, boundaries & communication. Josh and I always have insightful conversations, and today we cover topics from shattered assumption in trauma and building new patterns one expectations and beliefs. Towards the end of the episode, we dive deep into dating, expectations, and making the “right” choice. We talk about: -building relationships over Telehealth -picking up on what’s missing from a conversation -shattered assumptions -becoming aware of your filters -awareness to change belief patterns -areas of confidence  -different phases in life -online dating -the “right choice” Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 2:04 communicating virtually 12:42 picking up on the underlying truth 19:47 subjective experiences 29:50 underlying assumptions 40:20 changing patterns of belief 45:40 confidence 50:01 pretenses in dating 62:23 meeting people in different ways 75:00 uneven emotional buy in CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: htt

  • Investigating your Own Worth with David Gibson

    11/09/2023 Duration: 55min

    Today, I speak with David Gibson, leadership speaker, coach, and host of The QuEST. He’s developed a leadership development and personal growth platform that helps individuals tap into their greater abilities and provides the insights, tools, and strategies that ultimately allows them to scale their ideas and impact. Many of the underlying principle of his discussions overlap with what I tell clients. I am so excited for you to hear this conversation.  We talk about: -fixing other people -becoming more while being proud of where you are -when an excuse is an excuse -expressing who you are -navigating fear -doing the inner work -the need to progress -respect the process -investing in yourself Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 2:19 the savior complex 7:45 knowing what to do and doing what you know 12:15 execution and comfort 21:45 investigating your own worth 29:20 refusing to quit 36:35 leveling up your life 44:05 old keys won’t open new doors 47:25 expectations and disappointment 52:03 investing in your perso

  • Pre & Postnatal Coaching with Chelsea Jo

    06/09/2023 Duration: 47min

    Today, I speak with Team LevlUp coach, Chelsea Jo. She helps pre and postnatal moms drop 15lbs and stop the yo-yo dieting to live a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their kiddos. Chelsea was a long-time client of mine and I’m so proud of her journey from unexpected mother to Pre & Postnatal coach.  We talk about: -passion for pre and postnatal coaching -surprises in pregnancy -a mother’s support during pregnancy -pregnancy and fitness -retaining your identity through motherhood -taking each day as it is -terrible maternity clothes -lessons learned through motherhood Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 3:25 finding a passion for coaching 7:05 surprise lessons from training 11:05 lack of education from doctors  12:58 stages of pregnancy 16:30 struggles with nausea and taking care of your body 20:25 first trimester fatigue 23:50 second trimester sweet spot 25:05 third trimester navigation 33:50 positive things about being pregnant 36:20 overcoming motherhood stereotypes 41:20 transitions from pregnancy to

  • From Skeptic to Believer with Nick Luebke

    04/09/2023 Duration: 43min

    Today, I speak with Nick Luebke, a musician, actor, and creator who is always searching for the deeper answers in life. We dive deep into the concepts of God, religion, and investigating the big questions of life.  We talk about: -the search for deeper meaning -the concept of God and religion -finding hope in something bigger -embracing rest -going from skeptic to believer -questioning moments -telling your authentic story Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 4:02 an awakening moment 12:01 God as hope 18:58 buying into cultural norms 21:24 the journey to believer 25:20 tithing and the church 28:53 a pivotal experience 31:30 Jesus is a boss 35:45 your passion doesn't have to be your job 40:02 showing up as yourself 41:30 advice for former self CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free FB Community: : TikTok: Ema

  • Ignite Your Fat Loss Goals

    30/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    Today, we are going to talk about igniting your fat loss goals. I’m going to give you 12 actionable tips, tell you exactly how to start, and where to get started on this journey with realistic expectations, to set you up for success.  We talk about: -avoiding extremes -a plan you can adhere to  -balancing your macros -keep the weight off that you lose -adding instead of restricting -poor compensation patterns -factors outside of the scale -commitment versus interest -calorie deficit is king Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 1:23 track your baseline 6:55 prioritizing protein 10:02 demonization of food 14:15 endurance over speed 21:15 keep it simple 24:50 avoiding overcorrecting 28:40 staying consistent 35:00 study on smokers 39:00 planning ahead CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free FB Community: : TikTok: E

  • Getting Healthy for Yourself with Jessica Gunn

    28/08/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Today, I speak with Jessica Gunn, a fitness trainer and mom who started her fitness journey when she was 37 years old, AFTER having four children. She shares the importance of taking care of yourself first to be a better mom, better wife, and better person. Jessica explains the difference between interested and committed and how she uses that idea to help others moms change their lives. We talk about: -hitter her breaking point -moms being a martyr -building not getting smaller -uninformed optimism  -chasing your own dreams -focusing on the benefits, not body fat -not tracking macros -working in treats -not needing to be perfect Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 7:50 deciding to stay with her change 14:45 pushing through the hard parts 20:25 relationship with herself 25:45 setting the example 36:40 experience with tracking 48:32 food relationship advice 55:55 exercising for health 63:03 working towards sustainability CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: https://www.

  • Supportive versus Unsupportive Partners with Haley Cunningham

    21/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    Today, I speak with Haley Cunningham, assistant coach and functional medicine coach for Team LevlUp. Our conversation focuses on people who are trying to navigate their health and fitness goals with a counterpart that isn’t supportive. Haley shares her personal experience with a partner who wasn’t supportive versus one who is. On her path to becoming a coach, Haley has been on many diets and had bouts with yo-yo dieting. She now is our go-to coach for couples. We talk about: -past struggles with food -stakeholders in your life -reasons for bettering yourself  -projecting insecurities -big changes through finding confidence -paying attention to details Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 4:30 outside pressures on your decisions 7:58 affects of previous partner on her health 15:35 settling for “not that bad” 22:40 meeting her new partner 29:50 being in different seasons from your partner 32:05 factors of weight loss 39:33 letting go of control CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Te

  • Kait does Therapy Part 2 With Joshua Smith

    16/08/2023 Duration: 01h28min

    Today, I speak with Dr. Joshua Smith, a Psychologist specializing in chronic illness, pain, relationships, boundaries & communication. This is Part 2 of our series where we dive into my past. In this episode, we are reflecting on what stuck with me from our last conversation and how we can go even further this time.  We talk about: -business versus personal life -coping and avoidance -using work to avoid social settings -mutually beneficial relationships -projecting the future -anxiety and trauma -productive procrastination Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 7:11 leading with intellect over heart 15:35 control in your business 21:03 donation versus investment 39:01 spiderwebbing 46:01 anxiety character 52:34 the fear of oversharing 65:48 sharing trauma with others 80”22 you’re not responsible for someone else’s feelings CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free FB Community: : https://www.faceb

  • Don’t Call it a Comeback With Korelle Jones

    14/08/2023 Duration: 53min

    Today, I speak with Korelle Jones, a Women’s transformation coach who focuses on mind, body, and spirit. She is a client of mine who has transitioned into our Legacy program. She found her passion for nutrition and fitness back in 2016 when she went through her own health transformation. Korelle shares how her past experiences with alcohol abuse informed her work as a coach.  We talk about: -choosing the right coach -trauma from childhood abuse -being transparent as a coach -explaining the 12 Steps -zooming out to find peace -kind versus nice Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 8:58 Korelle’s backstory 16:30 going through the 12 steps 25:45 moving forward through acceptance 32:30 kind not nice 34:40 lessons from Korelle 40:03 treating yourself with respect 48:15 growth and comfort CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free FB Community: : TikTok: https:/

  • Doing the Inside Work With Jared Hamilton

    07/08/2023 Duration: 44min

    Today, I speak with Jared Hamilton, a coach, dog dad, and host of Dieting From the Inside Out podcast.    Wise beyond his years, he is an entertainer on social media and an absolute joy to interact with. I am so excited he is on the podcast today. Jeremy shares how finding marital arts as a child lead him to finding a love for coaching and working with people. Jared always says butter work without inner work never works. We talk about: -finding a passion for coaching people  -success through mentorship -asking for help -dealing with anxiety -binge eating for different reasons -holding onto stress in your body -building the foundation first Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 2:00 focusing on the inside to change the outside 10:20 the importance of mentorship & therapy 15:12 hiding food issues 19:53 integrating the inner work with clients 26:00 inadequacy syndrome 27:09 honesty with compassion 33:38 therapy along with coaching 35:25 quantum energetics 42:25 message to younger self CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: htt

  • Challenging Your Beliefs With Nick Krantz

    02/08/2023 Duration: 48min

    Today, I speak with Men’s transformation coach who helps dads become become physically fit & mentally unstoppable. He is also the Male Transformation Specialist for Team LevlUp! We welcome Nick back on the podcast to talk about the beliefs and behaviors you have that don’t serve you.  We talk about: -integrity in coaching -it takes longer than you want it to -stability in times of chaos -learning how to adjust -majoring in the minors -the boring stuff works -doing hard things -leading with ego -cheerleaders versus friends -evolving in a relationship  Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 3:20 earning the right to diet 8:45 feeling the need to suffer 13:49 “It’s not the right time” 19:30 being fundamentally sound 25:24 being in a calorie deficit 30:51 pride and ego 32:51 supporting your spouse in change 42:30 you’re never done CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free FB Community: : https://www.f

  • The Danger of Comfort With Jimmy Hallinan (Jimmy Nutrition)

    31/07/2023 Duration: 57min

    Today, I speak with Jimmy Nutrition, host of the Other Side Lifestyle podcast and nutrition coach. He’s also a high school teacher and has written a course in nutrition and kinesiology. Our conversation focuses on the psyche, comfort zones, and intentional action. Jimmy and I have such an insightful conversation how to find success in all facets of life. You don’t want to miss this interview! We talk about: -the danger of comfort -manifestation without action -the intention behind the behavior  -building friendships -setting boundaries -the balance myth -sustainable efforts -trusting your intuition Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 4:27 energy buckets 9:00 comfort zone dangers 12:30 building real confidence 19:35 friendships in adulthood 26:30 knowing what you want 38:30 having the courage to change 47:45 wider life versus longer life CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free FB Community: : http

  • Do your Actions Match your Values? With Mike Millner

    26/07/2023 Duration: 56min

    Today, I speak with Mike Millner, host of the Mind Over Macros podcast and coach, who helps driven individuals align their nutrition w their personality to achieve epic results. If you don’t follow him , you should. He talks about mindset, introspection, and doing the hard stuff. Our conversation in this episode centers around her personal journey and how he found his way into mindset development and coaching.  We talk about: -Peak Optimization Performance (POP) -family history of disordered eating -deciding to get help -dealing with shame -having an obsessive nature -minimum effective does versus maximum recoverable volume -values matching actions -challenging beliefs  Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 5:20 men and eating disorders 11:28 toxicity is in the dosing  13:20 taking the first steps 18:06 using exercise as punishment 21:20 refocusing your obsession 28:30 diversifying your obsessions 32:24 sustainable long-term efforts 41:03 identity crisis  47:36 ego and insecurity 52:00 be kind not nice CONNECT

  • Actionable Metabolic Strategies With Haley Cunningham

    24/07/2023 Duration: 36min

    Today, I speak with Haley Cunningham, assistant coach and functional medicine coach for Team LevlUp. We dive into tactical takeaways that you can use to help resolve any metabolic dysfunction you may be struggling with or hormonal issue you may be trying to overcome.  With these tactics, it’s important that you don’t try to implement everything all at once. Remember, if you can’t do it for a day, you can’t do it for a decade. Once you make the first couple things habit, then you can add in other things.  We talk about: -lifestyle interventions -stress management -journaling, walks, & meditation -being present -getting into a parasympathetic state -bedtime routines -defining good digestion -habit stacking -focusing on protein Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 5:30 stress management 13:20 comparison game & mindless strolling 15:45 health sleep strategies 21:28 improving digestion without supplementation 25:44 nutrition 28:34 appropriate amount of movement  CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: https://www.instagram.c

  • Kait does Therapy With Dr. Joshua Smith

    19/07/2023 Duration: 01h11min

    Today, I speak with Dr. Josh Smith, a Psychologist specializing in chronic illness, pain, relationships, boundaries & communication. This is his third time on the podcast, but this episode is different than anything we’ve done in the past. We deep dive into my past to analyze why I have the traits, coping mechanism, and beliefs I hold today. Let me know what you think about this format! We talk about: -connect with your therapist -experience with therapy in the past -being heart driven  -second guessing people’s intentions -working through trauma responses -trying to find the logical conclusion -valuable relationships Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 5:22 the right response 13:01 coping mechanisms 18:01 being a high achiever 25:00 protecting your heart with intellect 34:36 being in an abusive relationship 47:50 feeling broken 60:00 rating your value CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: Team LevelUp: Email: Free F

  • Life Lessons from D1 Basketball

    17/07/2023 Duration: 31min

    Today’s episode is a little different. I’ve had a lot of questions about my journey and how I got to where I am today. If you’ve been following me for a while, yo know I played Division 1 basketball. My time as a high-level athlete informs so much of who I am today, how I live my life, how I run my business, and how I coach my clients. In this solo episode, I share the frameworks that I use to find success in my own life.  We talk about: -coming up with frameworks -lessons from athletics -the best is yet to come -incongruence with desire and effort -growing up without a father -working past your impulses -speed wins -overplanning is procrastinating Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 4:09 shoot your shot 5:10 the best offense is a good defense 6:24 never peak 13:55 how you do anything is how you do everything 16:10 circumstances don’t change responsibility 19:15 being an example 21:14 nothing is fatal besides death 23:20 success loves speed 24:55 ready is a lie 25:58 happiness is an inside job CONNECT WITH KAI

  • Overcoming Food Fears with Danielle Brenny

    12/07/2023 Duration: 34min

    Today, I speak with Danielle Brenny, a wife and mom of four, who shares her story of where she was when I met here, what she has overcome, some of the things we worked through, and where she is today. We hear how she developed self-image issues from a young age and how that led to an eating disorder. I know so many people can relate to Danielle’s story, because her she is not alone in her struggles. You don’t want to miss this interview! We talk about: -developing self-hatred from a young age -small comments matter -relationship with her father -getting into treatment -you are not your diagnosis -trusting yourself -breaking out of old beliefs Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 2:30 her father’s influence on her body image 6:50 internalizing comments from others 8:20 realizing she had an eating disorder 12:01 her experience working with LevlUp 15:55 continuing work after therapy 17:40 building trust 21:10 eating cake for the first time in 8 years 29:30 message to others working through food issues CONNECT WITH

  • From Victim to Victor with Jesse Neufeld

    10/07/2023 Duration: 01h08min

    Today, I speak with Jesse Neufeld, a certified personal trainer and life coach, who has overcome an immense amount of adversity in his life. When he was 21 years old, he was in a head on collision with a reckless driver where everyone was killed except for him. We hear about his resiliency and the lessons he has learned through this life-changing experience. We talk about: -surviving a serious car accident -finding a new purpose -codependence in relationships -the only way out is through -conversations around shame -destructive coping -getting to the root of the problem -victim mentality -seeing different perspectives   Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 4:20 pursuing his dream at a young age  7:11 the aftermath of the accident 17:25 lessons for relationships 23:40 building a healthy relationship 28:10 working through hard times 36:20 journey to a new life 41:25 solution-based questions 46:12 getting people to believe in themselves 53:04 looking for the quick fix CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG: https://www.instagram.

  • Feats of Strength with Melody Schoenfeld

    05/07/2023 Duration: 54min

    Today, I speak with Melody Schoenfeld, a speaker, author & trainer, and she’s in a band! She’s a competitive strength athlete who enjoys the old school strongman events who has also been vegan for 23 years. We have such a great conversation about all of these topics, you won’t want to miss this! We talk about: -being a long-time vegan -finding your athletic abilities -personal expressions of fitness -sorting through the information available -treating each body as an individual -overcoming upper limits -deciding to write books -competing against yourself -unpredictable human body Time Stamps:  1:00 introduction 2:07 why she went vegan 3:30 early career choices 13:30 performing feats of strength 15:10 competing in strongman and grip sport 19:06 lessons learned through sports 22:18 finding what works for you 24:54 self-publishing a book 28:10 proper nutrition as a vegan 33:18 surprising athletic performances 42:01 setting bog goals 45:05 the power of music CONNECT WITH KAIT: IG:

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