Strange Fire: The Danger Of Offending The Holy Spirit With Counterfeit Worship

In Strange Fire, bestselling author and pastor John MacArthur chronicles the unsavory history behind the modern Charismatic movement.What would God say about those who blatantly...

Blessed Are The Misfits: Great News For Believers Who Are Introverts, Spiritual Strugglers, Or Just Feel Like They're Missing Something

Warning: If modern church culture makes perfect sense to you, and you always fit in seamlessly, don’t read this. As for the rest of us…

Rumors Of Another World: What On Earth Are We Missing?

What on earth are we missing? Philip Yancey believes we are missing the supernatural hidden in everyday life.In Rumors of Another World, Yancey investigates the natural world and...

Your Time-starved Marriage: How To Stay Connected At The Speed Of Life

Feeling overscheduled and underconnected? Les and Leslie Parrott help couples make every moment together count. Practical, accessible, and easy to use, Your Time-Starved Marriage...

Seismic Shifts: The Little Changes That Make A Big Difference In Your Life

Just as seismic shifts in the natural world have radical and far-reaching effects, there are seismic shifts in our personal lives that can transform our hearts, relationships,...

Sacred Parenting: How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls

Explore the spiritual dynamics of parenting, and why caring for children is such an effective discipline in shaping our souls and forming the character of Christ within us.

The Will Of God As A Way Of Life: How To Make Every Decision With Peace And Confidence

Practical help for understanding and following God's will for your life."God has a plan for our lives," but what does that mean in practical terms? How do we know God's will for...

Reaching For The Invisible God: What Can We Expect To Find?

In this abridged audio download edition of his book, author Philip Yancey asks the question ‘How does a relationship with God work?’ and answers it with an investigation that...

A Lifetime Of Wisdom: Embracing The Way God Heals You

It's not what I lost. It's what I've found. I was only seventeen, just a girl, when God asked me for everything I had . . . my health, my hopes, my independence, my dreams,...

Making Room For Life: Trading Chaotic Lifestyles For Connected Relationships

What If You Could . . . •get all your work done by 6:00 p.m.?•eat dinner with your family every night?•form deep, satisfying relationships?•naturally blend the world of...

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