The Inner Smile: Increasing Chi Through The Cultivation Of Joy

" . . . a positive force that can be used to redirect the inner strife, or dis-ease, within one's body. . . . The Inner Smile is a slim book that covers a lot of ground and should...

The Occult Anatomy Of Man

The first chapter of this essay provides a soundly skeptical, mythicist take on Christian origins, while simultaneously asserting Lemurian and Atlantean sources for esoteric...

Mythology: Celtic Folklore, Myths, Gods And Goddesses From Ireland, Scotland And England

Book 1: In this audiobook, you will find the most important facts about Celtic mythology, a people that is often overlooked or undervalued. Their tales and folklores have their...

Seduction: Learn Body Language Of Love And Dating

Are you a failure when it comes to dating and the art of seduction?Do you struggle with body language, verbal communication or magnetism?Would you like to change the way you...

Mind Control: The Ultimate Guide To Understand How Your Mind Works And Learn To Control Your Thoughts By Thinking Positive

Are you someone who is in control of your mind and thoughts?Do you always think positively, or do you allow negative emotions to take control at times?Would you like to develop...

Intuitive Healing

Ever had a ‘gut feeling’ or acted because ‘my heart told me’ to? This is your intuition speaking to you. Everyone has the capacity for intuition but not everyone accepts...

Tarot For Beginners, The Easiest Way To Learn The Tarot Reading And Cards Meaning

Discover the incredible secrets of Tarot with this powerful beginner’s guide!particularly if you are either new or a fan, searching for more knowledge and understanding? It is...

Mental Health: Mastering Mindset To Improve Happiness And Handle Any Mental Health Crises

How is your mental health at present?Is it all it could be, or could you be happier?Could you handle it if you suddenly faced a mental health crisis?Our mental health can be...

The Pineal Gland - The Eye Of God

Scientists refer to the pineal gland as the atrophied third eye. Indeed, it, along with the pituitary, is the third eye chakra or energy center, but are more dormant than...

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