Berkeley’s Three Dialogues Between Hylas And Philonous

Berkeley uses the Socratic mode of inquiry in "Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous" to question fundamental beliefs about knowledge and reality. These dialogues are...

An Introduction To Metaphysics

The basic principles that Bergson articulates, especially his way of thinking about reality as a dynamic process and his view of human beings as creative and evolving, should be...

Plato’s Gorgias

Gorgias of Leontini, a famous teacher of rhetoric, has come to Athens to recruit students, promising to teach them how to become leaders in politics and business. A group has...

Plato’s Greater Hippias

Hippias of Elis travels throughout the Greek world practicing and teaching the art of making beautiful speeches. On a rare visit to Athens, he meets Socrates who questions him...

Plato’s Phaedo

Socrates is in prison, sentenced to die when the sun sets. In this final conversation, he asks what will become of him once he drinks the poison prescribed for his execution....

From regional clusters to global networks

In this new book, instead of a simple opposition to the new Chinese expansionist policy ("One Belt One Road Initiative"), Professor Mauricio Sousa argues that the European Union...

Death Has Very Little Meaning – Ojai 1980

Listen to talks from J. Krishnamurti's Ojai gathering in California, 1980.This talk: Death Has Very Little Meaning – 17 April 1980.• Is there a totally different way of...

Can Human Problems Be Solved? – Brockwood Park 1980

Listen to talks from J. Krishnamurti's Brockwood Park gathering in the United Kingdom, 1980.This talk: Can Human Problems Be Solved? – 27 September 1980.• Why have human...

A Mind In Meditation Is Concerned Only With Meditation, Not With The Meditator – Bombay 1971

Listen to talks from J. Krishnamurti's Mumbai gathering in India, 1971.This talk: A Mind in Meditation is Concerned Only with Meditation, Not with the Meditator – 17 February...

The Roots Of Psychological Conflict – Ojai 1980

Listen to talks from J. Krishnamurti's Ojai gathering in California, 1980.This talk: The Roots of Psychological Conflict – 1 April 1980.• Has humanity taken a wrong turn?•...

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