Based on his New York Times bestseller, The Circle Maker, Mark Batterson shows ordinary parents how to become extraordinary influencers in the lives of their children through...
Love Works is a framework for successful leadership. It outlines a counterintuitive but proven path to success through a passionate and motivated workforce. The mainstay of this...
Nothing is quite as special as being a grandmother! In this new unabridged audio download of Day-Votions for Grandmothers, bestselling devotional author Rebecca Barlow Jordan...
Chasing Slow models HGTV star Erin Loechner's journey to help you break out of the faster-better-stronger trap and make small changes to refresh your perspective, renew your...
If you enjoyed The Shack, you’ll love this nonfiction look at faith, suffering, and healing. Weaving comedy, tragedy, and faith together into a tapestry of stories that will...
In The Circle Maker, pastor Mark Batterson shares inspiring stories and insights that will help you uncover your God-given dreams and unleash them through the audacious prayer...
New York Times bestselling author Rachel Macy Stafford shares simple words of daily inspiration in this unique, seasonal devotional to help you find new and more connected...
What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?By popular demand, the author of Sacred Marriage returns to the topic of how God uses marriage to expand...
Kind, encouraging, and humorous, Karen Ehman helps us learn the essential practice of using our words more effectively--alleviating heartache and regret, reducing relational...
Moms today are busier than ever. Taking care of the planet sounds like a great idea—but in the midst of taking care of your kids, it becomes just one more thing to feel guilty...