Going For Gold

The Stewart family clashes with the shady Weiss family at a local rugby match. However, matters get out of hand and Jim Stewart’s police complaint is mysteriously dismissed...

Rescue Paradox: The 1999 Paradox: Episode 2

The 1999 Paradox — Episode 2: The Rescue Paradox'Always doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.”Albert EinsteinParadoxes, a...

A Clockwork Carol

Clockmaker Karl Nielsen has not been having a good day. He thought he was taking a short Yuletide trip to the city. Now he stands accused of treason, robbery and murder. The...

Under The Knife

What if I die under it? The thought recurred again and again, as I walked home from Haddon’s. It was a purely personal question. I was spared the deep anxieties of a married...

An Alien Affair: Mission Earth Volume 4

What on Earth are the Voltarians up to now? Fast cars ... and fast women. Start your engines! Voltarian Royal Officer Jettero Heller is putting the pedal to the metal—and the...

Death Quest: Mission Earth Volume 6

Kinky killers. Exploding speedboats. $2 billion paternity suits. It’s love Voltarian-style ... and planet Earth is feeling the heat. Voltarian Royal Officer Jettero Heller will...

A Matter Of Matter

When it comes to big dreams and schemes, young Chuck Lambert would give Walter Mitty a run for his money. In fact, Chuck’s biggest dream of all is really out of this world....


Is Greed good? The future of Earth and all of mankind may hang on that one question. And George Marquis Lorrilard—a space age ace-pilot, adventurer and fortune-hunter—is just...

Fortune Of Fear: Mission Earth Volume 5

The Voltarian invaders are getting down and dirty ... in the deadliest of games. The price: Planet Earth. Voltarian Royal Officer Jettero Heller has heart, nerve and a quick mind...

Disaster: Mission Earth Volume 8

Who is the true master of disaster? Earthlings: prepare for the shock of your lives! Global warming ... reversed. The energy crisis ... over. The greatest problem on Earth ......

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