A classic science fiction novel by Jules Verne (published in the original French as Voyage au centre de la Terre in 1864). The story involves a professor who leads his nephew and...
Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile is the eighth book by American writer Herman Melville, first published in serial form in Putnam's Monthly magazine between July 1854...
“The diamond lens “ is a novel written by Fitz James O’Brien in 1858. The story is about a man who falls in love with a being he sees through a microscope in a...
Around the Moon (French: Autour de la Lune, 1870), Jules Verne's sequel to From the Earth to the Moon, is a science fiction novel which continues the trip to the moon which...
“Dylan Kane leaves James Bond in his dust!”USA TODAY and BARNES & NOBLE #1 BESTSELLING AUTHOR • “A MASTER STORYTELLER” • OVER 800,000 BOOKS...
In a world where nothing is ever as it seems, three separate families are drawn to a great and terrifying truth. After winning the New Hampshire state lottery, Brent Brook treats...
She is a London based relics hunter and Landed in North Africa in search of a magic toad skin hat taken from her by a strange man named Aissawa, in the antic shop of her two...
Charles King was a United States soldier and a distinguished writer. King was the son of Civil War general Rufus King, grandson of Columbia University president Charles King, and...
The Fair Mad of Perth is a novel by Sir Walter Scott. Inspired by the strange story of the Battle of the North Inch, it is set in Perth and other parts of Scotland around 1400....
Dream of John Ball (1888) is a novel by English author William Morris about the Great Revolt of 1381, conventionally, but incorrectly (few of the participants were actual...