According to their friends, Tom and Pippa Drummond have the perfect existence - a great lifestyle, a lively marriage, and a great kid in Tally. In their late thirties, living in a...
Passion, money, and a deliciously devious twist: Greed is the newest novel in award-winning author Victoria Christopher Murray’s Seven Deadly Sins series—“the...
A Pretty Woman tale turns toxic and deadly in this provocative thriller of sex, obsession, and murder from Robyn Harding, the “master of domestic suspense” (Kathleen...
‘Nicely observed, with deft writing that makes it look easy. I think we all know someone like Germaine’ GRAEME SIMSION, bestselling author of The Rosie Project...
"While only a small portion of this audiobook takes place on an airplane, each chapter is named for a 'departing' or 'arriving' airport code. This device--and...
The brand new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author Paige Toon. The perfect summer read for 2019! How do you find where you're going, if you don't know where...
Once a blacksmith, now famous and respected as a newspaperman, Valentine Clark knows everyone who is anyone in the racing world. Aged, confused, blind, and dying, he harbors a...
With brand-new scenes, The New York Times bestseller and sequel you’ve been waiting for—the follow-up to the #1 New York Times bestseller, The Devil Wears Prada!Almost...
Haunting suspense and captivating villains, the hallmark of James Lee Burke's bestselling novels of evil and redemption, are brilliantly evoked in his new Billy Bob Holland opus,...
From 1939-1946 Americans gathered around their radio to listen to The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes -- featuring Basil Rathbone as the high-strung crime solver and Nigel Bruce...