Tom Langley Sharpe III and Daniel Peters make the perfect couple ever, but someone else comes into their lives, the determined Shania, who had initially been in love with Tom...
An amusing chronicle of the tribulations of the Ghost of Canterville Chase when his ancestral halls became the home of the American Minister to the Court of St. James.
This is a collection of short stories. Includes the following: The Imiteles Space Station The Garbage Cube The Recovery Building Looking Down on People From Atop a Big-Ass...
Mexico 1990: Sister Mariette is a nun in the order of the Religiosas de la Cruz del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, in the state of Yucatan, and during her daily morning...
"Which Was the Murderer?" is a short story by Robert Barr. Robert Barr (16 September 1849 – 21 October 1912) was a Scottish-Canadian short story writer and...
A collection of short stories by the popular and influential Russian author, a founder of the socialist realism literary method and arguably the greatest Russian literary figure...
Tom Langley Sharpe III is a teenager who probably has it all. He is an only child in a wealthy family that owns a ranch that trains race horses. When he was still a teenager, he...
A young man discovers the joy of prostate play. How cool: A new way to orgasm! But if playing with a plastic dildo is fun, what about the real thing? A real cock up his ass,...
Collection of short stories: “Hania”, “Tartar Captivity”, “Let Us Follow Him”, “Be Thou Blessed”, “At the Source”,...
The incredible adventures of Joe and Mark, from the moment they meet in Boston two beautiful sisters, Debbie and Susan, until the epilogue in Venice.Angelo Cosmo Sortino born in...