Beau Brocade is a historical novel set in England during the reign of King George II that centers around the title character who is similar to Robin Hood.The novel centres on the...
Sense and Sensibility was the author’s first novel to be published, although not her first to be written and completed.The plot centres on the Dashwood sisters and their...
A tale of love and blackmail by A.E.W. Mason. David Gordon is engaged to be married to Kate Nugent, but his sinister rival Austen Hawke threatens to wreck everything.
The Will-o’-the-wisp was first published in 1947 during the last year of the author’s life. It is one of Orczy’s lesser known works and it has received very...
Chichikov, a gentleman of middling social class and position arrives in a small town and quickly tries to make a good name for himself by impressing the officials of the town....
Ouida ( 1 January 1839 – 25 January 1908) was the pseudonym of the English novelist Maria Louise Ramé (although she preferred to be known as Marie Louise de la...
I can write but just now a few lines. I cannot tell how to bear the sound of that Mr. Belford for your executor, cogent as your reasons for that measure are: and yet I am firmly...
The Town Traveller is one of Gissing's novels which earned him more income during his lifetime than most of his other novels. The story is full of life and descriptive detail. ...
Lucian of Samosata (125–c.180) was a Greek satirist of Syrian or Assyrian extraction, and True History is perhaps his most well-known tale. In this tale, the protagonist...
In the Grasshopper we find a love triangle. Olga, her rather boring husband preoccupied with his work, and a young artist. Olga craves the excitement of the artistic life and...