The Scarlet Letter tells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughter through an adulterous affair and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Set in a...
Savka, a lazy and strangely introspective man of great physical force and sexual charm, as well as some bizarre habits, is seen as a despicable outcast by the village's male...
Peregrine is a young country gentleman who is rejected by his cruel mother, ignored by his indifferent father, and hated by his degenerate brother. After their alienation of...
A local investigating magistrate unsuccessfully tries to explain that it is wrong to take nuts off the railroad track to a peasant, Grigoryev, who simply cannot see why he's to be...
Hulda Hansen awaits the return of her betrothed, Ole Kamp, who promised her great fortune after his voyage aboard the fishing boat, Viking. When the Viking fails to return and is...
After his victory at the Battle of Lodi, Napoleon eats his meal, works on his plans and talks with the innkeeper Giuseppe Grandi. A lieutenant arrives with bad news. The...
Whether the ensuing pages were really the dream or vision of some very pious and holy person; or whether they were really written in the other world, and sent back to this, which...
A dialogue between a Young Man and an Old Man regarding the nature of man. It involves ideas of destiny and free will, as well as of psychological egoism. The Old Man asserts that...
The book is unusually divided into four seasons instead of chapters and represents a semi-fictional autobiographical work by George Gissing in which the author casts himself as...
Androcles, a fugitive Christian tailor, accompanied by his nagging wife, is on the run from his Roman persecutors. While hiding in the forest he comes upon a wild lion who...