‘As Daniel Lewis elegantly illustrates, trees are basic material and precious resource; refugees and invaders; recorders, victims, and perhaps solvers of the changing...
"Robinson Crusoe" is Daniel Defoe’s best and most popular novel. It is structured like an autobiography of the main character, depicting his castaway adventures on a lonely...
Daniel Defoe (1659 or 1661 - 1731) was an English writer and journalist who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe. In 1665, the bubonic plague swept through London,...
Always Looking Up: The Ultimate Guide to Having a Positive Outlook in Life, Discover Useful Tips on How to Make Positive Changes to Live a Happier and More Fulfilling LifeAlways...
Do you want to know the secret that brought millions of people to success? Would you like to:- cope with stressful situations?- resolve conflicts?- communicate well?- understand...
Do you want to know the secrets of your mind more deeply? Are you interesting in mastering the use of emotional intelligence to live a happier and better life? Then keep...
Do you often feel disturbed by intrusive and stifling thoughts? Would you like to find the best way to manage anxiety and depression? Then you just found the perfect audio book...
Do you want to learn how to lose weight? Then this book will tell you how!The Ketogenic Diet has helped thousands of people to lose fat forever!Being a busy person means to have...
Are you stuck in your life? Do you want to create a sustainable lifestyle and live your Best Life? Then this Book is for You!Thanks to the incredible strategies presented in this...
The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (of York, Mariner Who lived Eight and Twenty Years all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near...